why didn't tootie have fairy god parents? she was miserable enough
Why didn't tootie have fairy god parents? she was miserable enough
they explain that she's a snitch who isn't capable of keeping her fairies a secret
Literally who the fuck is tootie? I've watched every episode of Danny Phantom and I've never seen or heard of this character. Are you high on meth?
This pretty much. It's the episode where Timmy loans her his fairies for her birthday, it's even stated he could only do that because she's at least twice as miserable as him
As soon as she wishes up the best birthday party ever she goes of too publicly thank them as the ones responsible and Timmy has to keep that from happening.
I will never understand this american concept of evil sibling in cartoon shows and movies.
(yes ,From FOP to Ferris Buller)
I have two older sisters and we love each other since we were little kids ,
it's just a gag, most people think their older sibling is "evil" or their younger sibling is a conniving little shit growing up. Then they get older and realize how ridiculous they were.
are you both retarded? there were no siblings on this show. NO ONE HAD A SIBLING
don't feed it (you)'s, probably the same guy that was shitposting in a crash thread a few days back or loosely affiliated
>why didn't tootie have fairy god parents? she was miserable enough
besides what & state about her not being able to keep secrets, her close proximity to someone like Vicky is probably also considered a reason why Fairy World never assigned her Fairies of her own, it'd be too big of a security risk
personally I've always thought there being a rule requiring Fairies to be kept secret under risk of losing them to be kinda a dumb and nonsensical rule considering how easy it is for Fairy Magic to erase memories, it shouldn't ever be even remotely considered an issue
I liked Tootie when she was in Oh Yeah Cartoons but when she showed up in the show it was a sign it was starting to decline.
Why do you make this thread every once while just to answer your own question incorrectly?
Tootie didn't get fairies because shit writing and because trixietards would have bitched. Simple as.
Like everything related to Fairy Oddparents, it became flanderized and sloppy. In the first seasons there was a genuine even if small attempt at Timmy trying to hide his fairies or keeping them hidden. But then the writers stop giving a crap.
The first movie itself made a big deal about Timmy being able to held on to them for an entire year and Jurgen clearly stating that msot kdis don't even last that long before their secret spills actually made it sound like keeping one's Fairies secret was a tougher thing that it looks, and probably explained why we never saw many kids with Fairies besides Remmy on the first few seasons.
She only showed up in a handful of episodes from seasons 1-5 and most of them were great, Kung Timmy, Homewrecker, Channel Chasers, Birthday Wish
As soon as she disappeared from the show then its decline began
If your main character has multiple love interests, you shouldn't give one of them such a major advantage.
the thing is having to hide them in the first place is silly at best, and outright stupid at worst, it'd be one thing if fucking with people's heads wasn't incredibly easy to do with Fairy Magic(unless it involves True Love), but since it is, there's no real reason for Da Rules to make a big deal out of it
but then the whole Fairy Godparent system makes no goddamn sense at all if you analyze it with even the smallest amount of logic
The thing about that birthday episode was that
a) Cosmo and Wanda weren't able to tell her any of Da Rules because she immediately on a wishing spree when she got them
b) Crocker was there(because of course he was), and he kept trying to goad her into revealing the fairies
Tootie a shit
>a shit
Is this 2015
Forgive my outdated posting.
I'm drunk.
Timmy was interested in Trixie who wasn't interested in Timmy, and Tootie was interested in Timmy, but Timmy wasn't interested in Tootie until sometime in the show's future because at the end of Channel Chasers they show Timmy and Tootie eventually end up together.
Stop remaking this thread.
>they explain
They never once explained it on the show, that's why it's even a question.
Who made you meme police?
>be Timmy
>get your fairies because Vicky ordered the wrong toppings on pizza
>use them to inflict numerous body horrors on Vicky
>selfish as fuck
>outright reveal them several times and get away with it
>be Tootie
>get loaned fairies because autistic bitch sister has a tard rage and ruins your birthday party and destroys your stuff
>use them to throw a kick ass party for the whole town
>revenge on Vicky doesn't even cross Tootie's mind once
>almost tricked into revealing them by Mr. Crocker
>tOoTiE sHoUlDnT gEt FaIrIeS
How come Tootie makes Vicky and Trixie waifufags seethe so much?
This topic is meaningless because the series ended in a wet, whimpering diarrhea fart
she can't keep secrets
and the faeries don't want to be anywhere near vicky
>bitchy girl redeemers
Two of the most aggressive shipper subgroups. Plus Tootie had the strongest endgame making her the primary target.
it depends a lot on the age gap
anyway vicky would be evil regardless of how many siblings she had
I did.
she wanted to fuck timmy, he kept her happy
It's possible that Tootie had a fairy at one point and the secret got out, so she lost them and had her memories wiped.
That would have prevented her from getting loaned them or getting them in the live movies for that matter.
Non-brainlet answer coming through.
First, Tootie was a fan popular character, but aside from Butch some of the other writers didn't seem to care for her. Kikeivan in particular wrote her very unflattering and was trying to tip the scales in Trixie's favor in the post-Poof episodes when he was head writer.
And even with Butch, he didn't seem to grasp her potential and literally and unironically at one point forgot she and Vicky were even sisters.
Two, Tootie was added (or at least named so) as a reference to Butch Hartman's youngest daughter. Essentially a gag role that took off like Dark Laser did. The reason she became fan popular is because the other options for shipping Timmy with (Vicky, Trixie) were either repulsive or unlikable to the point where it made Tootie the best "fine whatever" option for people who didn't want those other thots to earn something unjustly.
Basically, the Butch Man and his staff never recognized her potential, or pushed back against any attempts at such, and even the executives overlooked her and her "get a fairy" plot in favor of Chloe, who had normies screaming in the comments section of every YouTube video she was featured in "WHY DIDN'T THEY JUST HAVE TIMMY SHARE WITH TOOTIE!?". Would it have improved the show? Probably, I mean, even Chloe had some interesting plots in her season despite sharing little chemistry with Timmy.
Also, anyone bringing up Birthday Wish as a canon answer is retarded, it was written by Cynthia True during the period where Hartman wasn't even working on the show. It was a good episide mind you, but it doesn't explain the plothole anymore than Fairy Idol explains a similar plothole with Chester.
I always imagined that behind the cute poor face of tootie theres someone who will become even more evil than Vickie and thats why Fairy god parents avoid her.
>we never got to see Tootie without her glasses or her bare feet
In the first movie they explained most kids with fairy godparents lose them within a year because they can't keep it a secret.
Tootie was given Cosmo and Wanda for 24hours and almost blabbed within the first few hours.
It's not hard to put two and two together.
> Facebook Frog
Neck yourself
Girls aren’t allowed to be happy in Butch Hartman’s universe.
don't be silly user girls don't get fairy god parents because they don't ever experience genuine struggle particularly as children
not him, but imagine being triggered by a picture of a cartoon frog
these are truly the Yea Forumsmblr times
She was only loaned them, so it didn't violate any rules. By the time of the live action movies, Fairy World has just come to accept that Da Rulez don't really apply to Timmy Turner and just lets him get away with whatever as long as he's not starting shit.
This, I've watched every episode of Tuff Puppy and never once heard of this Vicki or Timmy character either, Are there episodes I've missed?
Imagine defending the shitty Facebook Frog
You must be a zoomerfaggot
See last part.
Who gives a shit about canonicity in Fairly Odd fucking Parents? Seriously, I'm pretty sure that show has like five different futures/endings at this point, it's like trying to explain the canonicity of the Simpsons.
"This character used to have fairies" seems a pretty important plot point to gloss over or leave up for fan speculation.
Its just an idea to have improved a now dead show anyway. I don't see why you need to keep going "nuh uh, can't do that!". Doesn't even change the fact Tootie was endgame either, lol
>Now that I've been proven wrong, canon DOESN'T matter!
looking at confirmed past god children like crocker, I always felt that having a crap sack childhood wasn't enough. lots of people have crappy childhoods and bounce back. I feel like god children are handed out to those who will never have a good life so they can have some semblance of joy in an otherwise bleak life.
Not even that guy, I'm just questioning the idea of focusing on canon in an episodic show that prioritizes sticking to the status quo and adding new characters above all else, admittedly to its detriment
>>they explain
>They never once explained it on the show, that's why it's even a question.
Literally watch the episode or read the description
>Literally watch the episode or read the description
Ok. I have a recording of Birthday Wish on my computer. Please point me to the line where they say "Tootie has never gotten a fairy because she might spill the beans on them".
Nice job rewording me dude
She can't have fairies because the episode was spent trying to keep her from telling everyone
That's because she didn't even know there were any rules involved.
You said "they explain". They didn't explain anything about why Tootie never had a fairy up until that point.
Because Timmy made her happy enough to not need any. Also, her parents seemed nice enough - they weren't borderline abusive like Timmy's were, they were just terrified of Vicky.
Not to mention Vicky probably doesn't spend THAT much time at home due to her babysitting job.
I just found it strange that a few hours after I make this post, , suddenly not long after there is a retread thread attempting to dispel what i said
"Pure coincidence goy" im sure
Yeah, other than Tootie's shitty birthday, she doesn't really seem too sad that often, and her parents come off as more supportive of her than Timmy's do since they attend her school play in one episode and such.
I always thought do to Timmy's luck one child was Tootie's and another one was Trixie's.
Damn. I must watch the show again.
>Tootie gets a fairy
>immediately says "I wish Timmy was in love with me"
>"uhh sorry kiddo that's against Da Rules, fairies can't interfere with true love"
>"I'm probably not allowed to tell you this, but if you can keep me secret for a year, you'll get a magic muffin that can grant you one rule-free wish"
Makes you wonder why she didn't do that when she was loaned them, or at least got back at Vicky.
I suppose she was just focused on improving her own situation.
Apparently she was too miserable and they don't help kids that are suffering too much.
Well if you lose your fairies your money of them is wiped and a big deal is made of Timmy managing to hold onto his for a whole year.
Trixie could have very easily have lost her fairies after a short period of time.
>this show lasted 18 years while Invader Zim only got 2
Jhonen shouldnt have let Hartman knock his punk ass out in the Nick studios parking lot then
timmy and vicky best otp
FOP has way better characters and both kids and adults loved it
reminder that the truest ship is Timmy with both Vicky and Tootie
forgot my pic
FoP really needed a timeskip episode
agreed, also got a source for that pic?
Any good fanfictions with this threesom dynamic?
From the mad lad toonbabifier I cut out the gross parts
>Any good fanfictions with this threesom dynamic?
only one I can recollect is a story called Submissive over on Adult FanFiction, we definitely need more though
What if Fairly OddParents as an anime? How would all the characters, lore, story, all of Timmy's love interests, be like if that were the format and Butch Hartman was not at the wheel?
>butch hartman
>making female characters you can sympathize with
yeah right
Sympathy is pretty much the whole reason Tootie has a fanbase though.
>What if Fairly OddParents as an anime? How would all the characters, lore, story, all of Timmy's love interests, be like if that were the format and Butch Hartman was not at the wheel?
well it'd probably be a Harem Anime for one thing
Well yeah, but how would that go? Would it be only a harem? I feel like Fairly OddParents always had potential for a lot more than basic slice of life stuff.
>Well yeah, but how would that go? Would it be only a harem? I feel like Fairly OddParents always had potential for a lot more than basic slice of life stuff.
I did have some ideas for a more Shonen type concept(albeit still definitely a Harem Anime as well), but that was a while ago so I'll have to see if I've still got them lying around somewhere
FOP as a Shonen would be so epic.
In Channel Chasers they had Timmy forget about his fairies in High School right?
>In Channel Chasers they had Timmy forget about his fairies in High School right?
according to Channel Chasers Timmy doesn't lose Cosmo & Wanda till he's 18
She was happy in her misery.
>Why do you make this thread every once while just to answer your own question incorrectly?
why are you accusing me of this shit? ive just been rewatching the show and got to this point when i made the thread
>no tooth fairy
what the hell?
she's the only fuckable character on this show besides mandie
she's married
>she's the only fuckable character on this show
Trixie possibly is/would be interested in Timmy, but she still values her popularity and status in Dimmesdale a lot.
>channel chasers
Implied to be either Trixie’s or Tootie’s. And the love action movies aren’t channel chaser canon since Timmy is forever a fairy at the end of A Fairly Odd Summer
Not this coping shit again....
The most dynamic kid's pairing in all of Nicktoons.
at least Zim was able to last that long, my favorite (pic related) didn't even last a fucking MONTH and wasn't even on the main Nick channel
i appreciate it but if the threads gonna archive maybe we should let it be
>Implied to be either Trixie’s
>i appreciate it but if the threads gonna archive maybe we should let it be
not like we have a good reason to let it die
I never realized how huge Tootie's feet were.
But then they forget about it all after they lose their fairies, and it's as if they never experienced that joy in the first place.
She wears boots
She probably had one but fucked up and lost the right and memory
They never told he she couldn't tell anyone about them
And never ever mentioned again
FoP actually got good ratings and it still nearly got sacrificed to the altar of the Sponge.
Tootie was the original cinnamon roll.
Too pure for fairies and the destruction they cause.
False, Tootiefag. You got the Drake Bell timeline, the real timeline is ambiguous.
>No goldilocks
One and a half wins is better than no wins, Trixiecel.
You’d give the drake bellverse an entire point? Either way the only thing that matters is the show itself and it’s comfortably up for interpretation.
>Goldilocks instead of Hair Razor
Why do you have such a bad taste user?
Those live action flicks really made the Timmy/Trixie crowd salty huh?
No they were no better or worse than the rest of the series at that point
So literally not worth anything, just like FoP post Poof? I couldn’t be less mad. I find it embarrassing you’re coping with the terrible Drake Bell movie, they didn’t even get the appeal of Tootie in the first place and made her into a hot normal girl.
How was Tootie related to Vicky when she was clearly asian
>So literally not worth anything, just like FoP post Poof?
I just find the whole thing funny, because I posted here long before those movies came out, and after Wishology the diehard Trixie shippers were all like "Nothing before Poof matters, Channel Chasers ending isn't even canon because Poof wasn't there", then those Drake Bell movies come out and suddenly canon matters and Channel Chasers became the hill they die on.
Half sister duh They clearly hated each other.
This meme didnt work the first 5 times you forces it.. back to ED
Different people say different shit, all i’ll say is the show ended at Poof because it went to complete shit after that. Channel Chasers is the “Ego Trip” of FoP. Even if you want to be a stickler about canon and include the rest, channel chasers is still endgame, aside from the drake bell timeline. The real show is ambiguous, and the shitty spinoff gave you a tootie end, except tootie was barely tootie and timmy was barely timmy. Obviously show canon supersedes live action canon for the show.
The fuck are you going on about
We have a resident tootiefag that is VERY territorial and autistic. Best to not make any sudden movements as you exit the thread.
Literally no one was metaposting until you entered the thread
>no girl will ever love you like Tootie does
Girls aren't as pure as her these days... she's a relic of the pre1970s world and Butch's childhood.
What do you call this:
What do you call this
The jew cries out in pain as it strikes you...
>calling you a tootiefag means i’m referring to THE tootiefag
I accept your concession. The /pol/ meme isn’t a good look either.
You are literally the only one trying to disrupt the thread. Maybe THE Trixiefag is a lot worse
I simply pointed out that your comment was inaccurate, everything else has been your own sperging.
>come into thread about Tootie
>"Oh my god why are there fans of Tootie in here"
You're just projecting your own sperginess on other people.
That was never the issue, read the reply chain, dummy:
The conversation was clarifying that the ending of Channel Chasers was ambiguous, nothing more.
Hey, be happy Zim has more good episodes. Try to name any good FOP episodes you still rewatch now and again.
Zim was never good
And what good FOP episodes are there?
All of seasons 0-4
If Zim was so good why did it get canned so quick... friggin Uncle Grandpa outlasted it for gods sake!
But what specific FOP episodes are your all time favorites?
>he didn’t like Uncle Grandpa
Top yikes
Tiny Timmy
The Big Problem
Power Mad
Boy Toy
Boys in the Band
Information Stupor Highway
Scary Godparents
Switch Glitch
Odd West
All of the oyc shorts can't remember their names
Thats just the first two seasons
When I think of Fairly Odd Parents fans, I think of kids who celebrated their birthdays at McDonalds.
When I think of Zim fans, I think of a black kid's relationship with his father
Never met 'em
>Never met a Zim fan
You live under a rock?
>that feel when no bullied nerd gf
No, but I never shopped at Hot Topic either.
the writers never gave a damn about Trixie
Tootie unironically, unequivocally, literally, not even meme'ing here, did nothing wrong.
She probably had a fairy at one point but somehow lost it - iirc Timmy keeping his fairies for over a year was treated as an extremely rare occurrence, most kids end up spilling the beans after a few weeks at most
Also the second most miserable kid in Dimmsdale is apparently Chester
Whatever happened to dlt anyway?
It's due to the age of the writers I assume. Every gen-X and xernnial I've talked to always describes the same thing growing up: parents are always working and never home or don't give a shit, so older siblings turn out shit and have free reign of the house and all the power, which they then abuse to bully and boss around the younger siblings.
I thought only single kids got fairies to keep the secret safer and due to single kids usually being more miserable.
I'm the eldest of three brothers, and, at least, from my experience, the youngest was the biggest shithead, he was, and still is, a lazy NEET with no respect for other's belongings nor privacy, and apparently still regularly damages shit in childish tantrums, despite him being fucking 18.
Channel Chasers shows Timmy's two kids having fairies
I'll never not be impressed there are people out there, much like me, who can remember useless things like this.
the real question is why hasn't timmy fucked wanda yet
...or has he?
Pretty sure he still exists, just doesn't do much anymore
I think the point was to just be responsible. They didn't have to give you fairies, the best you can do is keep them a secret.
The problem is most of the time kids get penalized for it (see Crocker) it wasn't even the godkid's fault/them saying it themselves.
>no glasses
take the shit taste elsewhere
If it counts, we got to see her eye color.
I think that's just the spyglass magnifying her frames and pupil together.
Tootie had blue eyes in her first appearance.
>Non-shit siblings
Is that a real thing that can happen?
Too naggy.
I have five older siblings so it varies. A few were like best friends, a few were cool but distant, and one or two just didn't particularly get along but generally leave each other alone.
The amount of hate that siblings have in so many shows seems weirdly overblown though. One of the reasons that Gravity Falls seemed so refreshing is that people were surprised that Mabel and Dipper actually liked each other.
She probably had, but she only wished for illegal shit so they cleaned her memory and the rest is history.
>illegal shit
What was she slangin' rock
these "had them but lost them" keep geeting dumber and dumber
They did, they just couldn't figure out how to write her well or interesting.
Vicky was even more evil yet gets tons more attention than Trixie does because Delisle nailed the role.
I wish this guy did more art, his FOP girls series were some of the best takes on them grown up.
I'm actually lurking in the thread right now, believe it or not.
Do you have somewhere you post all your art?
Eh I use twitter sometimes. yotomoe.
Alright, thanks