If Brightburn existed in it?
How fucked would the marvel universe be
Other urls found in this thread:
Not that badly I figure
Lots of minds to figure out countermeasures and other big flying bricks to contend with them
>marvel universe
Might take a small town or two before he's dealt with.
616 or MCU? Because pretty bad in MCU, but nothing that can’t be stopped by Carol domming Brandon, but 616, he’s not really much in the grand scheme.
And his super speed is drastically better than what exists in the marvel universe-- Marvel's always had very weak speedsters compared to DC. So I don't see him being that much of a joke.
As far as flat speedsters they're not up to stuff but they've got several dozen thinly-veiled parodies of Superman flying about. Just send three or four of them to beat him to a pulp.
Try harder, OP.
Marvel has like 4 or 5 ersatz Supermen so... Not very fucked at all, even guys like Spiderman can probably take him
>even guys like Spiderman can probably take him
That is some serious fanwank there; This is a dude who literally doesn't even notice being shot, can fly and has superman level strength and super speed to the point he's virtually teleporting from a normal person's perspective.
Spiderman on the other hand has been beaten up by random thugs.
I wanna see Brightburn fight Donald the Duck in the sequel
Spiderman is fast enough to ambush Brightburn and stab him with a shard of metal from his ship. How do I know this? I watched the movie, OP. He might be super fast, but his reflexes don't always keep up.
So... you're assuming he has part of the ship... which was explicitly destroyed?
I mean, this is kind of like claiming anyone can beat superman because "Kryptonite", except if Superman tossed all the kryptonite into space first.
shut the fuck up
Brights own mother had a better chance just because she was his mother and she ended getting splatted after falling from airplane in the sky height
I like Spiderman too but christ he's focused on street level shit for a reason
Well, I mean that’s NLF right there, you assume nothing can hurt Brandon, but he’s never fought anyone like Spiderman or another of his kind. You can’t assume Brandon can’t be hurt by others on his level.
I'm not saying nothing can hurt him, I'm saying there's no way in hell spiderman specifically would stand a chance.
You'd need someone far stronger than him to stand a chance.
>the government would be unable to put two-and-two together and find a way to replicate the metal
Hell, Lex does this on a daily basis. Also, stay mad that your weird fanwank thread was dead on arrival. But hey, if my Spiderman example isn't satisfactory then Thor. Just Thor. The fight would be over so fucking fast the panel would spin.
Fine, Captain America can kick his ass then
Well, how hard does Peter hit?
Just have him kill Aunt May or something and Peter will put him in the fucking ground
>Goes for an even lower power hero
I mean... dafuq?
A. Lex luthor doesn't exist in this universe, and
B. They can't even recreate Captain america's shield, and you think they can auto-replicate any metal?
>piderman on the other hand has been beaten up by random thugs
this has to be bait
The government can’t, and there’s no Lex. But there is a Reed Richards.
You didn't specify the MCU. You specified Marvel. Like, all of Marvel. And in all of Marvel, Reed Richards, Hank Pym, and Doctor Doom can and have recreated the Super Soldier Serum, among many other scientifically improbable bullshit.
But again, they're not needed. Thor would turn Brightburn into a stain wearing a stupid mask before he could finish his pout.
He has; He's very much vulnerable to just being hit with pipes and whatnot, he's just too fast for that to generally ever happen.
But there's been times when he's been worked over pretty well due to being too tired or weakened due to something else.
Again, you're sending him up against someone who outright doesn't even go "ow" when shot with bullets, chews forks and can blink around with his superspeed, to say nothing of his laser vision or super strength.
Is there a reason you're ignoring Thor, user?
Well Venom > Superman in that one dumb crossover, and Peter > Venom. So therefore Spider-Man > Superman.
*blocks your path*
Brightburn isn't from DC.
There are characters from 616 still much faster then what Brightburn displayed.
I'm not arguing against thor because I stated earlier that heavy hitters might pose a threat.
I've been arguing the past half a thread about spiderman being a threat.
Thor would also pose a threat due to brightburn being a kid and fighting dumb-- with his super speed thor should never be able to even lay a finger on him.
but He's a dumb kid so he's likely to just stand there and get pasted because he doesn't understand its a super strong God hammer coming at him.
Thor's reflexes have gone up and down depending on the writers. He's been given a hard time and even outright beaten by several characters who are far weaker than him, but far quicker (even Wolverine has managed to keep him on the ropes in a few fights).
Characters that can beat him up:
>Dr. Strange
>Charles Xavier (any telepath with long range really)
>Ghost Rider
> Reed, Hank, Tony and T'Challa would figure out a way to stop him within the day
And thats w/o the clearly superman inspired marvel characters
Gets thrown into the Negative Zone by Reed and ANNIHILATED.COM by the bugs inside.
Speed, in this case, is irrelevant. Even if Thor can't keep up with him (which is bullshit, because Thor can travel at sub-relativistic speeds), he would only need to land one good hit to finish the fight.
But again, Thor IS faster than Brightburn. You guys seem to think that he's just a muscle viking with a magic hammer. He's not.
He would fuck over the street level people but either the X-men, Avengers or Fantastic Four would put him in the ground.
Pretty much this. I think even Cyclops could drop Brightburn.
Scott's too slow, but he could stay alive in a fight. He's one of the better people to send if you want to come up with a plan though.
>Also, stay mad that your weird fanwank thread was dead on arrival.
why are you retarded? Why not have just lead with Thor instead of saying someone street level could handle a superman
>Why not have just lead with Thor instead of saying someone street level could handle a superman
Batman kicks Superman's ass all the time
Spider-Man's beaten a herald of Galactus before lmao.
that's one of the most reviled and ignored things in spiderman's history.
its just so absurdly implausible as to be best forgotten.
Marvel's not a pond, it's a big ocean. Brightard is a small predatory fish that would get eaten pretty fast. Repeatedly going up against unknown threats means eventually someone kills you in an unexpected way, or just swallows you whole.
>Sniktbub is taller than Domino
He'd also be a gigantic target, because Brightburn has very little self-control. He'll see something that mildly annoys him and goes on a murder spree, at which point every planet-level threat that lives within a mile of him rushes to see what's up. Face it, he's too sociopathic to be a serious and pervasive threat.
He's standing on some bub he had just snikt'd.
All but the weakest street-level heroes would pretty easily beat BB, and even then, Frank could shoot the kid with a bullet made from the metal he's weak against or something
>Angsty Teenager
>gets completely fucking wrecked by the X-Men
Naw, this jabroni gets fucked pretty quickly, he’ll do some damage to a few b-listers to build him up and get him some heat before he is completely fucking demolished. How many evil versions of Hyperion have been fucking destroyed dicking around in Marvel?
This. By this point the heroes of the Marvel Universe can handle a meta-human chimp out. The only issue would be curbing that sociopathic/homicidal instinct. If the wrong team/hero gets to him first then the kid honestly might not survive long enough to be rehabilitated.
>he might not survive
I don't know anything about this movie but let me guess... Its full of stupid edgy shit, right?
That might explain why there's two sets of bras.
The problem isn't if he'd survive or not, Marvel would eat him up like a pizza roll in front of a five year old. The real danger is if someone manages to gain control of the little shit.
Weapon X managed to turn a midget Canadian with a healing factor into a monster that can only be put down by literally tearing his entire skeleton out or sealing him in liquid metal, I'd hate to see what someone like A.I.M or H.Y.D.R.A. could do with the little cunt.
It's basically "What if Kid Superman was evil instead of good" and it's a horror movie about a boy with Superman powers murdering people in a Midwestern town
I know you were just in that spider man thread so stop talking
He's basically evil teenage Superman.
In fact, he's exactly evil teenage Superman. Same power set, even.
superman if he was evil.
>How many evil versions of Hyperion have been fucking destroyed dicking around in Marvel?
Entirely too many. It's to the point now where Hyperion shows up you just patiently wait for he writer to flip his fucking switch and suddenly he'd Bad Superman again. I have no idea why they do this with him repeatedly. Is it in his character to be a shithead?
Well, I can't help but imagine the heroes would go "Oh no let's give him a chance!" because he's a kid and all that. I'm sorry did the heroes start being alot more pragmatic in recent history? I just can't help feeling that him being a kid saves Brandon from being flat-out executed without the chance for rehabilitation first.
That's what I figured.So its garbage/10 right?
>I just can't help feeling that him being a kid saves Brandon from being flat-out executed without the chance for rehabilitation first.
Maybe if the kid gets lucky and doesn't encounter Frank Castle
If he keeps his head low, he can do some sustained damage. But once he gets the attention of any of the heavier hitters, he’s going down
>That's what I figured.So its garbage/10 right?
It's no worse than any B-list horror movie, good for a watch
>Encounter's the punisher
>Not lucky
no, no I think he'd handle that pretty well.
>Thor can travel at sub-relativistic speeds
Everyone travels at sub-relativistic speeds.
>Well, I can't help but imagine the heroes would go "Oh no let's give him a chance!"
Depends on who he encounters
Anyways, you don’t have to kill someone to disable them. Strange can just throw him in some other dimension or something while they discuss how to deal with him
It's meh.
If you've seen one "what if superman was evil" story anywhere you've basically already seen this one.
At it's best to could be considered an opening for a series of other movies. I think a Wonder Woman expy and an Aquaman are running around in the same setting.
Both "evil" obviously.
Honestly the "mass murdering superhero" setting is rather overdone. Comics have been doing it for so long it got stale before films even tried to touch it.
You and I can't.
>underestimating Frank
That's a good way to get Franked
It's not great but the effects are well done, the gore is entertaining (there's one scene where a guy tries to hold his severed jaw together; pretty fun), and the finale basically implies Brightburn goes on a global rampage because everyone failed to stop him.
Unless frank has access to nukes, he's not going to be doing a whole lot.
Frank will find a way.
Frank has killed far worse than Brightburn. Tenacity goes a long way.
Brightburn could've taken the chance and done something different but it just devolves into power fantasy and gore for the sake of it which is all the comics every really bothered to do with the premise. It's a shame, really. I'd rather a kid try to enforce his will like and go full Miracleman without the patience, understanding or ability to get his message across and fail only to fall back on terror and widespread ruin. But maybe that's too boring, too.
Not at all. He would do some trivial and easily fixed damage to pad the page count and then the heroes would stop being dumb and finish him.
616 MCU would have Thor, Silver Surfer, Hyperion, Blue Marvel, Captain Marvel, maybe Sentry, and a lot of other people near or on Superman's level, and that's not even getting into the Speedsters.
It'd probably be like what said.
The Marvel universes that Brandon would be a major threat in would be like the MAX Universe, which only has Punisher and Fury (and if you count the stuff on the wiki, a version of Wolverine and Foolkiller).
He's going to scowl menacingly, he's going to have an inner monologue about how war changes people, and then he's going to shoot the kid with a bullet made out of the metal that the kid is weak against
>But maybe that's too boring, too.
Maybe not boring, but it'd get tedious. Like I said before, comics have long since plumed the depths of "evil superbeings horror" a long time ago.
From alien fungus gods overtaking the world, to superheroes suddenly turning evil and murdering the populace, or even just your basic "everyone is baseline shitty and giving them powers just makes them shittier" setting.
If someone wants to do something that's not been done to death with the amoral superbeing idea then they've got their work cut out for them.
You guys realize that Brightburn is pretty fucking weak?
Sentry, Blue Marvel, Count Nefaria, Gladiator, Hyperion are 1000x more powerful then Brightburn. They couldn't solo 616 Marvel Earth.
The Fuck makes you think Brightburn could? He is only a threat in MCU
Even in the MCU, Thor and Captain Marvel would probably not have too much trouble.
Hyperion was total bro tier during Hickman’s Avengers saga, and his mini series where he banged Thundra showed him being pretty chill too. Was he the same Hyperion in the Squadron Supreme that followed Secret Wars? I know that Doctor Spectrum was the same one from the Not-Justice League
So, what's the reason he turns bad? Was he always fucked in the head or did someone really messed up with him too far to the point he broke?
According to wikipedia his ship sends out a signal that tells him to take over the world
Him being a threat in MCU depends on when he arrives. Like if he arrived before Carol became Captain Marvel, then maybe he'd be a major threat, who'd be around to fight him, Hank Pym? Anytime after Carol became Captain Marvel, and Fury would just use his pager. At that point he'd give Carol a hard time but she'd prevail. Any more later he arrives and causes trouble, there'd be a growing number of superhumans to deal with. Even after Endgame (with the loss of Iron Man and Black Widow, and Cap being old) there'd still be enough people to contain him.
Basically his ship was pumping out his natural instinct to take over, which really weakened the movie for me personally
Okay, that's lame. And here I expected something along the line of irredeemable, but happening sooner.
yeah, I feel like they were forced to have an outside reason for him becoming evil outside of him being a little shit.
Would it have been any better if he was just a born psychopath? Granted the signal thing was lame but him just going crazy out of nowhere is equally contrite.
Seriously? That's dumb. It'd have more weight if this whole thing was his choice, like if the sheer weight of the power he wielded overrode any morality that his parents tried to instill in him.
The horror wouldn't be "alien baby super soldier" it'd be the fact that unless a person chooses to rise above his instincts the baseline choice of "I must be dominant" would excuse any horror he chose to inflict on those weaker than him.
Thor would slap him down and raise him right. Though he’d never be able to lift the hammer which would puss him off and cause Thor to have to put him down for good
>Would it have been any better if he was just a born psychopath?
Best way to do would have been on how it would have been more and more difficult for him to control his power, accidentally kill a pet animal but be accused to do it purposely, then somehow accidentally killing the one girl who still supported her outside of her familly and degenerating from there.
A bit like Of Mice and Men.
Can Purple Man manipulate this guy a la Max Lord with Superman?
That would require he let him the time to speak in hearing distance.
Apparently all anyone would have to do is destroy his ship and he'd stop acting like a cunt. One smack with the hammer and the kid would just be another superman expy.
I don't know what it is but just the fact that this movie exists pisses me off.Why do I feel like this anons?
Because it's overdone and you're sick of the Evil Superman cliche.
Villains always like to hear the pleas of the doomed so it's ez to act scared
>he'd give Carol a hard time
Carol doesn't know what a "hard time" is. She's powered by an Infinity Stone and Brightburn won't be anywhere near Thanos' level. Also can't forget that Carol can go Super Saiyan.
Hickman. Man, I was not a fan of that guys Fantastic Four despite the praise it got. If Hyperion is being a bro then that's worth checking out. Do you remember who's on art?
Honestly I liked the way he lied and played coy like a regular kid, should've kept that angle and have shit spiral out of control. I mean it kinda did but the ship thing felt like it was added as a "hey it's not REALLY this kids fault he's a killer it's just in his nature" Also felt like the script got cut short to fit 2 hours
It would have been better for them to have shown the kid having an alien way of thinking from the beginning. Everyone's experienced dealing with a kid who clearly has psychological issues but whose parents try to pretend like everything is normal and excuse clearly maladjusted behavior. Less "born a psychopath" and more "something is clearly wrong with your kid and you're just making it worse."
There are dozens more powerful superheroes and villains than Brightburn
when it comes to Marvel. Thor alone would wreck his shit and Drax could solo him with one hand tied behind his back.
Since the answer to the OP is pretty obvious, here’s different questions.
>What non-comic character do you think would fit into Marvel?
>How would you integrate them?
>Who would they interact with the most?
>Hard Mode: Think up a storyline for them
>brightburn in MCU
>shrunk into the quantum realm by Pym/Lang/Van Dyne
gg ez.
That'd be putting to much thought into it really. They only reason they made this is for a "Horror movie style superhero film" box to check off and see if they could make any money out of the idea.
To be blunt this thread is probably putting more thought into the character than the director of the movie ever did.
Pretty sure Brandon would melt their faces off before those chuckle fucks could fire off their shrink ray.
Most horror films are functionally supervillain films.
True, but they use original monsters. This movie is just "what if superman was a mass murder."
If it works then the next one will be "what if Wonder Woman was a mass murderer" or "what if Aquaman worshiped Cthulu."
They're basically trying to create the Crime Syndicate cinematic universe.
Brandon is only evil because he's following his species' orders. He doesn't follow villain tropes like that
Here's hoping they get more creative.
Might as well hope for flying pigs, at least that way you'd get bacon.
what were the other things the conspiracy theorist had at the end, felt like the being/creatures that were shown were possible in universe sequels
He's not DC though
All I remember is the Wonder woman and Aquaman one. I think there might have been an allusion to a flying monster so that could be either Hawkman or Batman.
If I'm remembering correctly, I've only seen the movie once and didn't really bother to remember most of it.
I can’t remember the artists’ names, all I do remember is enjoying the majority of the art (Smasher’s smashing phat ass) and the series as a whole.
Yes, it's stupid
>Ever doing anything of value ever or being able to take out a named villain that wasn't from his comic
Plus there are plenty of of Telepaths and Mind-power users that could hit him since Brightburn's powers appear to be mostly physical and teenage angsty mind shouldn't be much of a threat against a telepath.
Apparently an idea that didn't make it through was that the classmate chick he spied on and maimed was going to go cyborg.
Because it's lazy and boring.
Brightburn >Kill the humans, enslave the survivors, the empire demands it!
Xavier 3000 miles away sipping tea >Sit your ass down before I make you. I've dealt with Erik's bullshit for over 50 years and I'm not about to deal with yours too.
There was also a reference to the Crimson Bolt from Super.
There's also Doctor Strange, who could easily toss the fucker into another dimension.
LOL this thread is shit hilarious, they are comparing Brightcock with fucking Superman. He's not even on Luke Cage's level's of strenght, his speed isn't remotely fast as even any of the Spider-Dudes, he just flies and people wank him on Flash level's of speed.
Unless his species comes with super telepathy, he wouldn't have any knowledge that the person that's going to shrink his ass would be the size of an ant. Enjoy the quantum realm.
Dude we've spent the entire thread pointing out that A. this kid would get his shit kicked in the minute he stepped into any variation of the Marvel universe and B. his backstory and motivations are pretty shit.
The rest of the thread is just speculation on the cinematic universe Hollywood is going to try and form around him like fresh dogshit on a tennis shoe.
You overestimate how much attention Marvel heroes pay to small middle American cities. Carnage took over a whole town and it took like a week for anyone to notice. Ghost Rider frequently pulls up into random places and discovers there have been demons chilling there for years.
You have to remember though, Demons at the very least can be subtle, and Carnage's bullshit, while stupid as all hell, can at least be explained by his past as a Serial Killer and the tricks he's learned by literal decades of doing this shit.
Sonny Jim here is anything but subtle. A symbiote doing his best Alien/Bodysnatchers impression is one thing, a screaming fuckwit throwing cars and tearing people in half while flying through the air in a bright red cape is quite another.
He'd get a day of fun, at most, before the Avengers got called or someone else took notice and kicks his shit in.
>Kid has powers so in a "realistic world" he turns into a villain
Fuck off
Read the thread. He turns villain because his ship tell him to.
Even the freeze breath?
He would be considered a mutant and used as a political talking point for anti-mutant shit for a while. But he would be handled pretty quickly just like any little kid with powers that starts running amok. which happens fairly often in universe.
What Marvel does have in abundance are psychic types that could shut his brain down. Or at least program him back to being a little kid.
When did that happen? Sounds like you not only didn't see the film, but you didn't even read the thread before posting
Lmao that's literally the plot of dragon ball, except Goku bonked his head on a rock and turned into a retard before he could destroy earth.
So these aliens sent a baby to another world, hoped he'd survive long enough to develop powers and murder everyone
To be frank, it was a very though baby.
Only if Sony had the balls to add Bright Burn to there marvel Canon... but after Venom who knows?
Don't forget he can fuck electronics up in his area with pure anger alone. BrightBurns biggest divergence from Superman is his electro interference.
I was disappointed in Bright Burn. I thought it was going to be a piss take against Snyder where poor parenting makes him psycho but it turns out he was a psycho from the beginning so it was just edgy Superman.
Hulk could take him down
hulk, thor could fight him in melee
doc strange or wanda could fuck him up with magic
Brightburn isn't a Marvel Character so he has no shields against Frank and gets Franked by an anti-superpower bullet.
>lets give him a chance
Have you seen the track record of Marvel heroes?
They would indeed straight up kill the kid. They aren't the Justice League.
>Hey Brandon Breyer. Got something for me?
Oh, someone would be fucked all right.
They basically took all the reasons they could find to make him evil and used them all which is why the movie failed.
He's fucked up because his peers and family reject him and dad tries to shoot him in the back of the head.
He's fucked up because he can't control his own strength and accidentally hurts people.
He's fucked up because his ship is sending him psychic messages.
He's fucked up up because he's an autistic retard that thinks its okay to stalk girls he finds pretty into their own houses like he's Michael Myers.
The writers thought "evil Superboy" and that was about the extent of their creative powers.
They teased Wonder Woman and Aquaman?
>being able to take out a named villain that wasn't from his comic
The reason for that is that Franks MO is killing, and since they want to be still using big name villains they don't write frank fighting them and winning that often
he did kill human fly and other villains ressurected by the hood iirc
As always, Death Spells are useless.
Given how he kills people he absolutely does.
>Making an evil Cyborg
>Not an evil Martian Manhunter
Goddamn writers can't do a damn thing right can they?
It was said before, and it's not my idea, but i think that Big Boss would be a good antagonist in a cap america story
Captain Marvel would kill him and put him in her pussy.
Molecule Man
>Marvel comics
Take your pick, there are plenty of characters that would have Superman for a light snack.
Never becomes evil, too busy drowning in Carol pussy to pay attention to his psychic orders.
>Marvel needs to break out the big guns for baby Superman
How pathetic!
>bright burn destroys a store that was owned by a crime syndicate
>the boss goes to find the kid
>he finds him
>its ultraman
what happens?
Ultraman gets his own Chris Kent son.
>he did kill human fly and other villains ressurected by the hood iirc
So literally no one, gotcha
okay what happens if martian manhunter finds him
"Fanwank" when you're the one jerking off Brandon?
Would his burning autism let him act, though?
not anymore my nigga
Are there literally any good "what if Superman, but evil" storyline? I mean I guess the Justice Lords episode was with everything it brought the DCAU, but I can't think of anything else
Why did they think the weird shoelace sock thing would look good, it looks really really stupid
Who also has the Entropy Gun and portals to the negative zone. This may be too low a threat for Reed though, so in his absence Banner can cook up some superscience stuff and solo Brightburn.
The Furons from DAH would be a good enemy species in Guardians of the Galaxy.
The rape causes earth quakes and sends California into the pacific
I can see Reed building a depowering gun from random office supplies he got at home and attempting to rehabilitate him.
To be fair, Hickman erased his Hyperion before anyone else could flip the switch.
He showed up in Squadron Supreme...
If Deadpool gets them I don’t see how Frank cant
I don't think you know what sub-relativistic speeds means user. It means anything slower than light lmao.
That’s nasty
Well he was created by the filmmaker for Guardians of the Galaxy. So they could use him.
>sub-relativistic speeds
>anything slower than light
... this board
They had this post credit thing
I would enjoy it a lot if they actually went and did it, since not doing stuff is lame.
Shame the screen recording is terrible, so you can't really tell
Didn't Brightburn tank? It sounds like evil Wonder Woman and evil Aquaman are off the menu.
Irredeemable is my favorite one, even if it does drag on a bit at certain points. Would be a solid 10/10 if it just condensed some of the later parts or outright omitted them. You'll find most people just straight up reject all "evil Superman" stories though, despite not having read any of them at all, because they see them as too cliche/common.
Irredeemable actually gets points for having the story arc
And actually going trough with it all. Most "Muh evil superman" never goes there. It just stops at evil, and never do fun art stuff with it.
Meanwhile something like JLA Gods and Monsters gets fuck all, and doesn't go anywhere.
It 'underperformend'
But still made back its budget
They should just do the cinematic universe because a Witch and a Martial killing everyone could be a good flick
As always, it depends on if the writer chooses to nerf the mystics and telepaths.
>Lots of minds.
Well in that case he'd have to join a supervillain team.
they got a superman prime level threat in the marvel universe they have stopped multiple times since he showed up shitting the universe.
every day in the marvel universe they deal with insane superman level threats, it always leads to some death, lots of property damage and a new status quo that is ignored in six months
DC universe then
He'd be even less of a thread
Probably gets halfway through a town before being stopped.
More likely, Jon and Damian would've been able to take him down.
If we're talking DCEU Superman and Wonder Woman could each take him down but probably not after he wrecked two towns.
Okay so we all know he's gonna get murked right?
That's basically a given, he's a murderous alien boy and there's no real way to calm his annoying, pathetic autism
Now then, seeing how this is a comic book when will he be cloned and what will his clone do
Its actually what if Goku didn't bang his head when he arrived on Earth.
I actually want to see a film about an evil Wonder Woman who lynches people with her magical ropes.
There's an interesting scene in the movie where he is talking about wasps and how they differ from bees.
He talks about how bees create and wasps take over and destroy. He seemed drawn to the idea. My theory is that Brightburns race lack the imagination to build and maintain a civilisation so they bully others into doing it for them.
Which could hold the key to their defeat.
So why would he fare better in Marvel vs DC
This just makes me want to see an Owlman movie.
And I would fucking kill for a live action Crime Syndicate movie.
Either a Thor-level guy shows up or a super group take on him.
If we don't go by power-levels, Stark would probably find a way to resteain him.
Yeah Dr. Strange locked The Void in a stone room with a wooden door. He can throw this kid in gay baby jail forever.
In this case she wouldn't be evil Cyborg but instead good Metallo.
>most reviled and ignored things in spiderman's[sic] history.
Wow, you clearly weren't alive when this shit was actually published. Firelord vs Spidey was (and likely still is) considered one of the better fights and feats from the character, not quite on If This Be My Destiny but pretty fucking close.
not like they could stop him
its the thing i didn't like about it, most horror movies like 80s shit, the villains die and someone survives.
yeah, they come back, but at least you get a good ending out of it. BB is just "oh, well, since no one knows his weakness, they can never stop him and also, there are more horrible monsters out there not just the flying godchild"
Deathnote + Batman. Explicitly so that when the Kira expy (it wouldn't be Light) finally figures out it's Bruce Wayne and writes the name in Batman can wreck his shit and say 'that's not my real name'.
Kira vs Question, Ralph Dibny, and maybe Constantine would be cool too.
Red Son you pleb.
The long-established universes have a lot of heroes with varying powers and stuff to deal with it.
For Brandon to be a challenge to anyone you'd have to put him in a weaker universe (like the Marvel Zombies universe before it got zombified) or a universe with little to no superpowered people (like Punisher MAX). Something like Raimi Spider-Man universe might be sort of a challenge though since it has Spider-Man and Doctor Strange they could take him down eventually.
>Jon and Damian taking on Brightburn
Man I want to see this now
>Lots of minds to figure out countermeasures
like what
>and other big flying bricks
no Thor
no Fungus
Hulk will never match anyone who can change his placement at ease, esp. not zoom zoom PS2 Hulk
all Iron Man drones and all Hulkbastards are melting pretty easily with heat vision (we don't know what exact source of powers for Brendon, but I bet he has no problem recharging them if it is a sun)
Doctor Strange slower
Spider-Man gets sliced easily
Who left? Hahaha
Also don't forget it is not Supes that almost always holding, this is /r9k/-school shooter version of him
>I thought it was going to be a piss take against Snyder
only idiot would do that, even James Gunn is not that stupid to go against G.O.A.T.
Sentry, Hyperion and the other hundreds of characters who have 'flying brick' as powersets. Difference being they know how to use their shit more effectively since they've combated other flying bricks and things that can hurt them. Teen from Brightburn hasn't so the instant he gets hit by something that can actually feel will be a second of disbelief that any of them can take advantage of to put him down.
Me thought we are talking about MCU here, not comics.
Ofc comics will stop him, but if Brightburn was mountly comics he would be more dangerous too.
That part I get, but we’re saying marvel he can deck about 2 towns, whereas in DC he only gets about half a town.
How do we explain this?
I will stop this boy with my telepat--AHHHHHHAHHHHAHHA MY MIND
Isnt spiderman actually in the same class as the Thing?
>when you are a fan of martian manhunter
His natural instincts would just have him eat candy instead of food and be a lazybone.
Is this if he attacks Metropolis/Smallville or just any town?
>Displays powers similar to Kryptonians
Superman is coming, no matter where he is. Don't be surprised if Supergirl and Powergirl show up too. Boy's going to get beaten.
Actually that’s an excellent point.
Superman, Supergirl, Power Girl, Superboy, and Superwoman all show up? Yeah...no chance there.
>Superman, Supergirl, Power Girl, Superboy, and Superwoman all show up?
I think you just stumbled on Lex's wet dream.
I have no idea what I’m the hell Lex would do if he had them all in one place, but by god, I want to see it
The good Joker analogue they referenced is what really interests me
Granted, he's basically Japanese Venom, but he and his species would be interesting
Red Son Supes isn't evil, though.
Thank you.
Yep! I think X-Force being sent neutralize Brightburn would work swimmingly. They're all loaded with healing factor out the ass anyway, right?
Nah, he blew up the ship himself at the end so nobody could ever use it against him again like his mother tried.
He's just a sociopath by that point so he doesn't give a shit and goes on a killing spree.
How about 1610?
>Lex saves the day but only because he wants to brainwash the little edgelord
Any psychic just make some retarded or Doctor Strange takes his soul or Ghost Rider Penance stare or Thanos just Thanos
>"what if Wonder Woman was a mass murderer"
If we're talking about the MCU:
Brandon goes on a rampage before Carol became Captain Marvel: Likely get pretty far in wrecking the world (like in the movie) unless Pym and Howard Stark come up with something.
Brandon goes on rampage after Carol became Captain Marvel: Fury would use the pager and Brandon would eventually get stopped. He may fuck up a town or three before Carol arrives.
Brandon goes on a rampage after Bruce became the Hulk: Would either be defeated by the Hulk or Captain Marvel.
Brandon goes on a rampage after Thor is around, to Infinity War: Probably stopped by the Avengers (and maybe with other heroes) after wrecking two towns.
Post-Snap: Brandon might fuck up a few towns but be stopped by Captain Marvel and Thor if he's still in shape. If Thor isn't in shape then Captain Marvel stops Brandon after he's leveled several towns.
Post-Endgame: Fury would have to call on Captain Marvel, Even Talos Fury. I'm still not clear about Spider-Man's abilities in the MCU and he seems inexperienced so I don't know how long he'd last against Brandon. I have no idea what Doctor Strange's abilities are now that he no longer has the Time Stone. If he had the Time Stone, he would be able to help stop Brandon. Abomination might get recruited to help, assuming he's still around. Hulk is still trying to heal his arm and while he may be of some help, he wouldn't be as effective as the regular Hulk. Thor could help if he was still on Earth, if he's off with the GOTG then... I dunno, Valkyire might try to stop Brandon.
user please masturbate before posting.
Thor, vision, hulk tank. Wanda, iron man, and strange take him down.
Absolutely not.
I thought that was what Black King did to people?
That's basically the aliens from Independence Day.
>What non-comic character do you think would fit into Marvel?
The entirety of Metal Gear Solid
>How would you integrate them?
Say they've always existed and the events of each game were attributed to another supervillain, like Hydra crashed Arsenal Gear into New York or something. Then have Fury send Cap to meet Snake.
>Who would they interact with the most?
SHIELD, Cap, Widow, Frank, maybe Logan at the outside.
>Hard Mode: Think up a storyline for them
A lockbox belonging to Fury Sr shows up containing a secret code that, when decrypted, reveals some bad guys have The Boss's DNA (skeletons keep for a while) and plan to clone her. Fury's box contains instructions to track down Solid and get him out of retirement. Cap gets involved because he remembers Boss from WWII. Spy shenanigans happen and Solid joins SHIELD as an independent agent to track down and stop humongous mecha and crazy super soldiers.
>: Fury would use the pager and Brandon would eventually get stopped
i wouldn't be sure, and maybe she can do interstellar travel, but I am not sure she have quick perceptions
>after Bruce became the Hulk: Would either be defeated by the Hulk or Captain Marvel.
no, esp not Hulk
Brandon will just fly and Hulk will never reach him, plus Hulk also doesn't have supespeed
>after Thor is around, to Infinity War:
doesn't have superspeed, he done
>I'm still not clear about Spider-Man's abilities in the MCU
he isn't invincible, he is dead
>have no idea what Doctor Strange's abilities are
doesn't have quick perception
Again, no one in MCU can do shit to him, literally no one. They had hardest time in their life with fucking Quicksilver hahaha.
funny how modern DC trying to make Superman and Batman into some pacifist cucks and Wonder Woman into fierce warrior woman, even though it's literally vice versa as they were originally created.
Just shows you how disconnected modern writers are.
you should talk to her like that in order to be heard
It would be cool if there was a meme were Wonder Woman sees Melissa's neck from Supergirl and next frame is big bulge hahaha
Blue Marvel would show up and put the kid on time-out in the Neutral Zone. Or the FF would handle him. He's not moving too fast for Sue Storm to wreck his shit.
Brightburn is Man of Steel, but main character is Moses figure instead of Christ figure
Whoever arrives to check out the missing town is going to be of a higher power level. Thats basically hit.
So in MARVEL a bunch of nobody fooder/shield checks it out, and its only a issue down the road where important heroes get to deal with him.
In DC, whoever shows up is going to be able to deal with it unless we are talking street level.
As long as he doesn’t attack New York.
Not very. Get Xavier, Emma Frost, Jean Grey or Rachel Grey, hook them up to Cerebral and shut his brain down