I shitpost all the time and I don't act cheery like Gerald. What the hell?

I shitpost all the time and I don't act cheery like Gerald. What the hell?

Attached: south-park2003the-damnedgerald1.jpg (522x348, 20K)

Jews enjoy suffering

Well he’s a successful lawyer, with a wife and children. You got anything like that?

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I got nothing, that's why I shitpost.

it's because he's circumcised retard

Majority of American men are, too.

i will throw you into the sun

He enjoys it, you need to find the enjoyment in it to be like him.

What? It's true.

Modern South Park is for the slightly smarter portion of the ignorant masses. To them trolling is either nerds getting their chuckles and angst out in the only place they can or someone whos acting like a chaotic elemental force doing it for the satisfaction of watching others sink their teeth into each other. In actuality theres a a whole slew of reasons why people troll including things like there being no body language or tone of voice, no creed or nationality and gender being unimportant, as a form of irony, etc. To go ahead and touch upon all the reasons why trolling exists in a non generalized way would confuse and upset the average viewer who more than likely has trolled in online games or video comments because they had a stupid or easy target and didn’t consider it trolling.

that just means you just need to shitpost harder

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand modern South Park. The humor is extremely obvious, and without a solid grasp of theoretical Marxism most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Mr. Garrison's drumpfistic outlook, which is poorly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from John Oliver 'parodies' of the orange cheetoh, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of this political satire, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike modern South Park truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humor in Drumpf- I mean Mr. Garrison's existential strawman "Fuck them all to death", which is itself a cryptic reference to how Ronald Glumpf is a racist who wants to kill brown people. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated idiots scratching their their heads in confusion as Matt Stone's love of Marxism unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a modern South Park tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' (and that includes trans* ladies too you bigot) eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably higher, because female empowerment) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid.

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Because your shitposting when you're supposed to be trolling, you eeediot.

I do. I'm the nicest person you'll ever meet if you met me in person. But I'll be a savage fucking asshole on 4channel.

When will he get his comeuppance? And from whom?

>pic related

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Hopefully never, because I want them to pretend seasons 18-22 never happened.

Was Hitler really wrong?

Up your medication.

Gerald admitted that he was a school bully and he got same type of pleasure from trolling. His wife is a bitch, his son is a bitch, his other son is not even his and he just wants to get it all out.


that's because your approach isn't as thorough and refined

I shitpost as a vent too, but at times it just drags me down instead of making me more happy towards rl

>nods educated

Attached: high iq.png (637x569, 296K)

Clearly something's wrong with you.

There is a risk vs reward aspect that you're missing out on, the adrenaline, the lingering fear of what would happen should you one day end up getting caught, like stealing for the sake of stealing, not because of need.

He was happy all the way till the moment when he realized that the possibility of getting caught had become a reality to him, immediately attempting to get rid and bury/sink all the evidences, immediately adopting the "IT WAS JUST A P R A N K, BRO!" and the "I did it because I could, and because I could, I had to, would've gotten away with it too if it weren't for you pesky white nordic europeans! -err, I-I mean, I am a VICTIM! A victim of my own degeneracy and immorality, please forgive me! It's in my cursed blood to act like this whenever possible, d-don't be racist!"

>... of others
That and
>theres a a whole slew of reasons why people troll including things like there being no body language or tone of voice, no creed or nationality
Plus schadenfreude, the jews favorite germanic word, honestly I'm surprised that's not the most common of the surname they hijacked off the germans along with stein and berg /etc.
It should be their middle name by default.

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this but uronically

Gerald is just a horrible person who wants to talk shit and hide like a bitch. Hence why when that lady killed herself he was afraid of getting in trouble with the law more so than her killing herself because of what he said/did.

He's always been a horrible person like in that episode where he made the town sue itself. He deserved to get his jew ass beat, but doesn't and keeps getting away with it because he's a fucking dirty jew.

Didn't Gerald also cause South Park to get polluted with smug? And I think he might've gotten some UPS people beaten up or killed. He also kind of led to the town being lost to a casino.