>After Anne helps Sprig break up with Maddie, strange things start happening to them. >During a talent competition, Hop Pop goes a little overboard in training Sprig to win.
2 solid episodes. Really enjoying this show not ready for it to enter the hiatus zone.
Carson Turner
I think some anons put it perfectly fuck-knows how many threads back. She's that type of bully that doesn't know she's a bully, plus she's got a messed up concept of what "friend" really is.
Are you retarded? Perhaps the same guy who was complaining about the colors of the human world in the last thread? Because nothing you say ever makes sense.
Angel Roberts
>we want the furry audience ononononono
Zachary Sullivan
The Maddie episode was ok, nice to see actual Maddie's characterization.
Now, the talent episode was pure kino.
Carson Baker
Am I the only one that's glad they can still fit that "Anne is a weird looking creature" bit? Because after the Tax episodes, and the Bazaar episode, I sort of missed it.
Also, is that a Nicki Minaj newt?
Bentley James
Haven’t seen the eps yet, clarify please. What am I in for
Benjamin Adams
so Anne was transformed into Mordecai's cousin. I like that
Grayson Roberts
Good episodes, that's all i'm gonna say.
John Wood
maddie's ep wasnt what I expected from the synopsis, but when I saw barry I instantly knew what was going on, so that's more predictable than usual for this show
Jayden Thompson
Foreshadowing that the Plantars were expecting a bread order.
Jordan Fisher
>we want the regular show audience ooooooooooooooooh
>Hop Pop still sees Anne in his future I think that's kinda sweet in some sorta fashion. Even if it might possibly mean that Anne never makes it back home.
it seems more likely they'll grow close on their own terms, like sprig said "maybe they'll learn to love each other" hopefully post hiatus episodes show more development, plus i doubt the creators don't even notice how popular maddie and by extension the ship seems to be with the viewers in which she's becoming the fan favorite "Ensemble Dark Horse" of the series.
Josiah Cook
>I used to do it for my friends all the time Christ, Anne. More fucked up insight on your social life.
That dream sequence was a slice of fried gold.
Aiden Cruz
>talent show episode >character performs theme song of show Based trope
Charles Lopez
Yeah, to me it's the weakest episode so far. It makes sense, it was hyped by fans too much. Still a good episode, if this is the weakest Amphibia can offer, i'm ok with that.
John Rodriguez
>nurse anne hot
Charles Howard
>be me >watch the episode on my phone >i have Toad from Super Mario saying "BUP!" as the notification sound >The part where Anne and Sprig discovered their curses >"You two are BUP! >mfw
Anne confirmed for not being in a relationship before.
Nathan Flores
I can see Sasha and Maddie just using Anne to breack insecure kids with a crush on them publickly at school, and because Anne is 2 int build she doesn't really gets it, she just think it's fine because everybody laugh afterward
Jose Evans
So is she like, Philippino?
Oliver Butler
its charming, good laughter ,great story, loving characters , i was skeptical about it myself and put if off till just binging it yesterday, practically adored every second of it.
Camden Allen
So Matt's been mentioning episode production codes on twitter: >102: Cane Crazy >103: Anne or Beast >104: Flood, Sweat, & Tears >110: Best Fronds
Cooper Stewart
We need a edit where Hop Pop shows the middle finger
Henry Reed
Bentley Gray
Maddie ep was like a bunch of tasty little morsels, but the Talent ep was a whole delicious meal.
We got another one, lads.
Daniel Allen
maddie confirmed for good girl
Joseph Perry
>toad saying bup as notification That’s cringe, even for someone who watches and discusses children’s cartoons
James Evans
Cooper Gomez
canonically thai apparently her mom's va is the creator's actual mother
Oliver Campbell
sasha isnt bad enough to be an interesting villain. right now shes arguably in the right. thats not what makes a good villain.
>right now shes arguably in the right In relation to what, exactly? That's like saying that Anne's perpetually in the right because she's also trying to find a way home.
Sebastian Morales
Maddie was mostly showed to have a creepy side but not crazy side, I'm a bit disapointed, hopefully this was just for the "appearance" lesson, and when she starts to hang out we'll see her be a bit more entertaining
Jack Scott
Are you serious? This episode was mid tier if not top tier
Andrew Gutierrez
What's the matter, user? you can't circumcise penises?
Maddie truly is best girl. Also, it's cool that they've established magic as a thing outside of Anne's isekai music box. I'm crossing my fingers for all our established fighters showing up in Reunion. hulk frog assassin Croaker fighter Ivy spellcaster Maddie
Also, I have a hunch that this screencap is gonna be Anne calling out Sasha. "I'm always getting hurt whenever I go along with your ideas!" after Sasha tries to convince her to join Toad tower. But then she joins them when they reveal Hop Pop burried the music box.
>What am I in for Anne deep-throating a live giant earthworm.
if i have an animated series, the most probably its that the episodes codes are just curse words
Wyatt Cruz
>I'm a bit disapointed Better than being 100% the masturbatory trope character you all wanted her to be. Just saying.
Joshua Campbell
>Killed Maddie's character already
Oh fuck off. I hate this show now.
Charles Carter
Calling the Maddie's episode the weakest doesn't mean it's a bad one, in fact, it's a good episode. That's what makes me happy, even in its worst Amphibia is a great show (so far).
Shes a magic kid character, idk about her being killed off
Isaiah Ramirez
Finally. Literally like me and us, a free soul. Fuck shipping and no shipping for ANNE.
Ayden Jones
>you all wanted her to be. Are you mentally retarded? Stop telling people who they are and what they think, you are always wrong shitbag.
Dylan Cook
They wanted a crazy ass goth girl who could step in their scrotums. They got a weird yet nice cute girl who care about others. Yeah, those losers have shit taste...
Josiah Sullivan
Found the worm, you guys.
Michael Cooper
I'm making thai crab omelettes in honor of this show's season finale, but I had to order fish sauce online cuz I couldn't find it anywhere in my area
Jackson Morales
So basically confirmed Marcy is with the Newts
Elijah Lewis
as long as she doesn't turn into another Janna im happy
This episode revealed a) she's not that creepy and b) she's totally cool with not being Sprig's wife. She's just a background frog now.
Josiah Jackson
Daniel Jackson
Not confirmed yet it seems to be the case...
Levi Ward
They gave her character more depth which could very well mean that she appears more in future episodes
Dylan Brown
she'll show up in later eps as a recurring character, i think they handled her really well and i like the va for her so i want to see more dialogue from her
also the bat swooping in to eat sprigg in the talent show episode made me laugh
sasha is trying to find her friend after being imprisoned for only superstition. she is in the right.
Christian Mitchell
I'm not the one being this upset on Yea Forums, buddy.
Easton Hall
>first episode was super predictable but still fun >second episode I didn't see the fucking bat coming but it was still heavily hinted at with a perfect resolution, even for Anne's seemingly throwaway mortgage gag I liked them a lot, I think the talent show episode is my second favorite after the moss monster.
Todavía no lo veo, mañana lo hago, ahora estoy cansado.
Levi Baker
They literally set up a reason why she might appear alongside sprig and anne in future episodes at the end. She definitely feels more like a recurring character than a one off. Could be wrong, but that's not what the evidence is pointing toward, you know?
Robert Reed
lol that cool down, though
Grayson Taylor
guess Hop Pop dream is dying, and I tought he couldnt be more /our/ guy
Not only does she have to endure getting zapped to another world, but now she's the first human to get cursed. At least the change didn't seemed painful. And she could talk to birds for a while.
Justin Peterson
Now we are talking about crying, I cried in this scene, cause it reminded me when I used to get comfy with my grandfather in his bed when my parents went out when I was a child.
You all guys keep looking for reasons for Maddie to appear in future episodes, when the only good enough reason you need is the fact Maddie appears in the intro alongside all relevant characters in the Town
i still need to know what the fuck with those polliwogs at Felicia's side...
Bet having a bird stomach acclimate her to eating bugs more. I guess live ones, since she still didn't liked those in past episodes.
Isaac Sullivan
Sooooo, she lured those ants inside, right?
Owen James
my dumb theory is that they are maddie's sisters, since the bread shop is named flour and daughters, which implies she has siblings, being all blue helps to.
Brody Barnes
Dammit, I haven't heard that song since middle school. Fuckin' Family Guy.
Landon Williams
Honestly, I think Grimes actions are reasonable >be military leader in murderworld >everyday animals can not only kill and eat your soldiers >apex predators can wreck your best stone fortifications >find ayyylmao >it's clearly not a frog, toad, newt, or any amphibian known >yet it speaks with intelligence Yeah I'd lock it up and interrogate it too.
Also, were there any other times that the characters specifically called the world they live in Amphibia? It's nice to have that confirmed as the in-universe world name.
>Favorite animals are squids, sharks, and frogs Get Splatoon that caters to.my Jet Set Radio niche taste Get Amphibia that caters to my weird intrest in amphibians and they're weird magic swamp culture Now all I need to do is willpower a cool Shark show with Cassete futurism with Samurai undertones and my triangle is complete
Easton Cook
>made post twice, and still fucked it up >nothing wrong lol
I'm surprised old folks like HP and Croaker are still kicking around in Super Australia. You'd think some kaiju sized animal would've done them in by now.
I guess she got the high luck stat of the three. Makes sense, if she's the easy-going type.
Benjamin Sanchez
>Wait, is there an amphibia booru? Man, where were you when Archive-fetishist started popping up everywhere? Honestly, it was around when /trash/ was first made, that I started noticing them all over the site.
Mason Bailey
another connection will be the candy maddie took from Barry, Polly seems to adore the stuff and i feel its a little polliwog thing rather than a Polly thing. so maybe maddie specifically wanted the loads of candies for her sisters, just my theory tho, hopefully future episodes may reveal them and who they are.
Gavin Hughes
She's Sucy/Dendy/Velma/all the quirky little girl geniuses in past media. She'll certainly be useful in future plot if they utilize her well.
Nathan Wilson
>926 images Fug
William Walker
The removal of that 's makes the name lame.
Isaac Gomez
>Funny that amphibia is a place of 22,000 citizens Go back to that episode. They literally say that the Valley has that number, not Amphibia as a whole.
If that city is where Marcy is, she's pretty much been kicking it back. As her friends have been wasting away in dungeons and roughing it in the wilderness.
Michael Gomez
You can clearly make out only 3 coastal areas with cities/towns in them. Plus that cute little pair of island to the left.
Jace Cruz
>right now shes arguably in the right. She's not, really.
Christian Morgan
mad you wanted a mean gothfu but a got a kind well intentioned character instead?
Call me dumb as all fuck but, where is the Valley in that image?
Nicholas Fisher
>Man, where were you when Archive-fetishist started popping up everywhere? University exams, bro. I was fucking absent from internet for like two weeks.
>He's content with letting Anne spend the rest of her life searching for a way back home. Everyone in the plantar family has a dark side to them.
Ethan Richardson
considering we already saw many travelers from all over the place in the village, how important is that path in the mountain hop pop want them to use? Is there a special place behind it (some ruins or something) where they can find answers for Anne, or is it just a plot hole/mac guffin?
Gavin Bailey
spamming, you mean? you like spamming for free drawings?
reading the thread before watching had me worried maddie would be ruined.
i love her even more now
Connor Howard
That fantasy sequence where Hop Pop dreams of passing away in peace had me rolling, but also set me up for some mild tears when he had to break it to Sprig about his fear of not providing enough for his (grand)kids. I love Hop Pop's delivery, but I wish the scene had Sprig tearing up a little, too. Something about this fucking hits me at the core.
Nathan Thomas
oh yeah, this please
Nicholas Ward
Eli White
>wanting to go home isnt in the right authoritarian bootlicker detected
Jayden Fisher
I disagree.
Jacob Hernandez
This is the first time I asked for that specific drawing.
Aiden Perry
Damn, my shipping gears were turning when thinking about how Hop Pop fantasized about Anne being his caretaker for the rest of his life, but this is also quite dark. I worry for the inevitable schism when Anne breaks off from the family and Wartwood when she discovers Hop Pop's secret.
Jason Nguyen
really enjoyed both episodes. I really liked Maddie, she was pretty nice. twist was predictable but it was a fun episode. the talent show episode was great. Sprig's performance was pretty cool, and the ending with Hop Pop and Sprig was really sweet.
Blake Perry
told yah frugh, Maddie is now an even better character and the fact it got waifufags in suicidio reloj makes this episode even more based.
Robert Brooks
Why would you do that? Do you love shitposting that much that you would put anything, even watching a show, before it?
>lol YOU MAD YOU MAD YOU MAD I KNEW EVERYTHING YOY MAD Not sure what you want to achieve there, you will never pull a hunterfag on Yea Forums, not the same mods and posters
Brayden Kelly
thanks for proving my point.
Isaac Powell
which is??
Nathaniel Cooper
Subtle. Real smooth, hombre.
Jackson Morgan
The waifufags who were lurking for Maddie in the Amphibia threads are mad as hell right now. i mean, read yourself, man.
Blake Lopez
So what exactly do you think Sasha and Marcy have made Anne do? Off the top of my head: >Shoving leftover food into the weird kid's locker >Blowing off class and smoking behind school >Swiping the artsy girl's sketchbook and tossing it in the garbage >Making fun of other girls behind their backs >Letting the two of them fool around with her during sleepovers, "practicing" making out for when they get boyfriends >Stealing cash from her mom's purse so they can buy stuff
Tbh, It was kinda obviously that Spraddie wasn't going to happen
John Smith
i dunno, those guys are more mad about Maddie's characterization (a weird yet nice girls instead of a crazy goth sociopath bitch).
Daniel Kelly
murdering their enemies in the silence of night under the posing as a vigilante known as Angel of Death, assassinating small criminls to hide the real motives behind the killings, or putting gun in the hair of a girl they dont like
Actually, the series has been more about the Plantars getting the reputation they deserve more than Anne trying to go home. It's like the Plantars really were blessed with that weird scarecrow looking carbon based being...
>thats his idea of a nice corner theres trash and bugs and a huge jar of GRP
Thomas Howard
I mean, a baby didn't die because of ol' dandelion head, so yes.
Anthony Cook
The GRP makes it a good corner.
Nathan Foster
>without Anne Hop Pop and Sprig would've lost Polly
Grayson Reed
Hop Pop is clearly terrified of what could happen if that box is ever activated again. He's too cowardly to tell Anne to her face that the magic item that brought her there could also unleash some unfathomable horror on Amphibia. Better she just give up on ever going home than risk annihilation... is what I'm sure he convinced himself was the right call to make.
He's clearly grown fond of her as well, so that may have played a part in his decision.
Newtopia definitely seems a bit more... elite than the frogs and toads living in The Valley. Touring talent competitions and scholastic opportunities are probably just the tip of the iceberg.
Well check out this hotshot with a silver spoon in his butt. WE all can't have fancy corners made of gold and adorned with emeralds like you, user. We have to die in the corners we were given.
after ivy killed that bird i thought she was the strong one.
but maddie is the one i want with me when i go extreme camping
Joshua Reyes
does sylvia make HP wear the wrecker costume during
Eli Hall
any pic of Anne eating the giant gummy worm?
Wyatt Fisher
Ivy IS the strong one, Maddie is the skilled one. They could be a great duo desu.
Nicholas Allen
I download them to watch but I dont keep the episodes
Jason Cook
HP personally killed user before they ended that question...
Luke Lopez
So was Hop-Pop that huge when he was younger? Is that the take-away here?
Hunter Cox
Much obliged m8, Not a fan of life lessons episodes, but entertaining just thew same. >Twist where ether Ivy lets Sperg down softly or has a boyfriend or potential mate already and he's left all alone.
>Anne will never harshly tell you that Sasha wants nothing to do with you anymore and leave you a broken shell of a man
Gabriel Torres
I would ask Sasha for the Anne prices
Camden Nguyen
>Anne will never give you a swirly repeatingly telling you people like you shouldn't even think about addressing her friends >Anne will never rub your dick with her knee then start pointing at it and make the wall all laugh at your boner >Anne will never falsely pretend to love in you so she can take pictures of you naked and share them all over the city feels bad man
I wonder how popular this will be over in Japan since it seems Isekai is the hot thing over there right now.
Joseph Gray
>frog isekai It's gonna be a hit in Japan...
Jordan Johnson
It's not isekai though, they'd need to die in the opening, and be reincarnated as amphibians with their human memories to be isekai. Those shows are called "isekai" because they imitate the formula of an anime that has isekai in it's name, it's not about the meaning of the word "isekai" itself
Gabriel Ward
I think there will be two main parties. Those who love it and those who think, now that the Americans are doing it, Isekai is played out and needs to die. Amphibia won't break the base of Isekai fans. But it'll be another log on the fire.
Charles Barnes
man is there going to be a flood of fanart when this hits moonrune land
Isekai just means another world. Anime culture is hugely cannibalistic, so I get where the confusion comes in. But MK Rayearth is also considered Isekai.
no, isekai is short for "clone of that show with isekai in the name". not all shows with balls and dragons are dragon balls clones. you are acting silly.
Thomas Gonzalez
i am going to punch sprigg
Brody Reed
Sprig's gonna die alone, now that best girl even dumped him..
I'm very intrigued by this show and plan to watch it soon, but answer me one thing. Are the frogs in this show able to change their sex like real frogs?
Thomas Miller
>Sasha flashing her tits >Sasha taking a selfie of a crying Anne >Sasha getting fingered in the dungeon >All censored with no sauce FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK
>she's totally cool with not being Sprig's wife Even though she was down with it, It's not like she was the one who forced him to be engaged to her, it was her dad's idea. Would Maddie be cool with being YOUR wife?
They look like Zoolander characters.
Grime mentioned that he didn't want Sasha to leave because she'd be "too dangerous" out on her own. What do you think he was worried she'd do if she left? Maybe he was worried she'd find the frogs and encourage them to rebel against him? Or maybe there is a group out there already trying to overthrow him or the Amphibian government in general?
Maybe some weeaboo will revive Street Sharks.
Can I have a Maddie dressed as a sexy filipino witch?
maybe, who knows, there is no evidence that proves nor deny said fenomena so far...
Jace Garcia
>Maddie as Sucy
bruh that's a great idea.
Lincoln Cruz
(cont) i really wanna draw that (i'm the one who drew ) but it's 4:30 AM and i need to rest... Maybe tomorrow night i'll try to draw that idea...
Caleb Taylor
that you should really stop second hand "knowledge" by parotting redittor imbeciles that just happen to have more karma than you
Benjamin Anderson
The shoe certainly fits.
Ryder Jackson
Ran the description of the show through google translate:
>The story of the mysterious adventure of 13-year-old girl Ann. One day Ann was dazzled by the dazzling light the moment she opened the frog-patterned music box. When I realized, the frog was talking and I was in a mysterious world where a huge insect attacked. There is a frog country Amphibia. Ann wants to get back to the original world as soon as possible, but it seems that it can not go over two months to reach the exit of this country. So I decided to live for a while at the house of the frog boy Sprig, my first friend in Amphibia.
Aiden Ramirez
>they focused the show's description in the SoL instead of the Isekai aspect of the show
even in japanese this show is based
Lucas Robinson
How does Japan feel about Thai people? That answer determines how much fanfare it will receive there.
They did invade. During ww2, japanese imperial forces invaded thailand. Thai fought back for like 5 hours and surrendered. Since japan was way more advanced and ahead of thai.
Josiah Perry
>Salamanders/Newts = Elite/High Society >Toads = Warriors >Frogs = Peasantry
Benjamin Garcia
>Sprig broke off with Mr. Flour's daughter to pursue some random slut Why did Anne allow it. TV junkie like her should've seen seen Game of Thrones?
Logan Mitchell
I can't believe Maddie is fucking bread
Andrew Hernandez
It's just how she deals with rejection, don't judge her too hard.
>introduce Maddie >make her seem creepy in the brief scene she appears >have her and Sprig engaged against their will >decide to kill it off >break up episode is the first episode where Maddie gets any significant screentime >episode makes her likable and misunderstood >friendzone them because....... ??????? 5d chess
I mean I guess they didn't want to tangle Sprig up in a love triangle, but the sequence seems a bit fucked up and made Anne+Sprig look douchey. They needed more time to show us why Sprig even disliked Maddie in the first place.
Robert Smith
>Isn't attracted to Anne >Isn't attracted to Maddie Sprig just has bad taste in waifus.
Noah Perez
I hope Maddie gouges Anne's stupid ting tong eyes out!
I would be mildly disappointed if this was really the end of Maddie and Sprig's romantic entanglement. A little bit of tension or rivalry with Ivy could have been fun, and Maddie's surprising maturity is a great counterpoint to Ivy's frivolous and carefree attitude. That said, I'm not worried about Maddie as a character. She's a working girl, adventurous in her own way, and knows magic. This gives her a lot more to do in the story than being an object of amorous admiration. It's better to be a Helga than a Lila. I'll continue to root for her.
Sebastian Johnson
No thanks. Love triangle is pretty toxic to the fandom and we saw how it ruined Star vs. I would rather the show emphasize pure friendships and explore the mystery behind the frog world.
Colton Reed
Love triangles are only a problem when the shittier angle wins or they run on for too long/get left unresolved.
Love triangles are no more ruined than magical girls or fish out of water stories. Star Vs just did them poorly, and used them as crutches in lieu of having a real plot.
Adam Cooper
>I would rather the show emphasize pure friendships and explore the mystery behind the frog world. >very next episode after shipping killed in the cradle is Dated American Idol Episode #6000000000goy
>>very next episode after shipping killed in the cradle is Dated American Idol Episode #6000000000goy it was surprisingly good though
Kayden Cooper
Anne is not a generic black haired protagonist with no personality surrounded by beautiful but ultimately bidimensional women though.
Robert Hill
What if the show goes with the unreliable narrator plot? Would be kino
>what Annelet thinks happened: "Sasha and Marcy made me steal the magic box" >what actually happened: "Lol those stupid farang think I'm actually in here to buy the box, I'm going to steal it blame them and get all the credit from Professor Sixtrillionstein"
this is so furiously well drawn maddie doesn't deserve this level of worship
Aaron Peterson
Then expect the Japs not to like it. We'll still get westaboo art. But they're outsiders to begin with.
Kayden Harris
this gag left me in tears
Logan Jackson
It's not fucking fair, /spee/!!!! Everyone loves Maddie more than Ivy! I can't fucking take it! WHY WON'T THE DRAW/b/ROS THROW US A BONE HERE? FFFFUUUCCCKK!!! I should've became a Madlad when I had the chance...
i really like how amphibia makes the characters not get away with certain things. each episode ends with them being accountable for what they did wrong and often own up to it and confess. getting predictable though.
Zachary Hill
>How does Japan feel about Thai people?
The Japanese hate all other Asian people, typically viewing all non-Japanese as backward hicks.
Matthew Carter
This was fucking gold.
William Lewis
Other than one or two comments on appearances She hasn't really shown any attraction to either sex.
Adam Gomez
>Erma At least you have good taste, posted-in-wrong-thread user.
Aaron Young
She's like Smitters, Sashsexual.
Blake Martin
I was under the impression that Asians hated all other Asians.
Hudson Long
They do. It's pretty great
Nicholas Diaz
What can I say? People love their creepy goils, bruddah.
Austin Lee
The Japanese regard people from Southeast Asian countries like Thailand, the Philippines, Indonesia, etc. with the sort of contempt that Americans have for Mexicans/Central Americans/South Americans, etc. The Japanese view any nation south of their island as being basically a war zone full of stupid, less-evolved "brown people". But then, the Japanese feel that way toward their own natives who have darker skin and are either the true indigenous people of Japan (Ainu) or live in the southern Japanese islands (Okinawan).
The contempt the Japanese have for Chinese and Koreans is a bit different. They view them as bother backward and stupid, but also a military threat to themselves. They don't see the Thai or Filipino people as threats, they just think they're all stupid brown apes.
Jordan King
>Anne never makes it back home Of course she won't without the calamity box.
Nathaniel Garcia
this show is so good
I'm glad so many other people think so too
Samuel Russell
Hopefully stays that way. Anne is for friendship.
Noah Wright
Anne is for lewd friendship. Why else would Sasha keep her around?
John Smith
I love bird Anne
Lincoln Cook
>ywn get all your clothes stolen by Anne while in the locker room >ywn get Kisses by Anne so she can knee you in the balls >ywn have Anne trick you into giving nudes so she can laugh at your dick
Logan Richardson
POLLY: If this is the future, why don't I have legs?! ANNE: Why a I still here?! HOP POP: Quiet! Can't you see I'm trying to pass away in peace?!
Ayden Barnes
Please, don't ruin my show with that headcannon. The more people pushing this AnnexSasha, the more will happen, we'll see how it goes in the final episode.
Benjamin Young
the japanese people avoid everything that is not your japanese bussines man face.
Caleb Jackson
Do you think Bird Anne ever lays eggs? You think she'd get embarrassed if she layed an egg in front of Sprig? Sorry if this offends anyone but I thought it was a funny thing haha And I would like to know if any of you have any pics of Bird Anne laying an egg while she looks nervous or embarrassed I just want to see it for a few laughs haha Another thing I am wondering is what do you think the eggs smell like haha I'm just curious for laughs haha I would like to smell them haha
If it makes you feel any better, all other Asian nations hate Japan right back (though they have more legitimate reasons to detest them, considering how imperial Japan treated them during their centuries of invasion and expansion).
Cooper Young
Cute kid
Adam Bell
>centuries More like a few decades... less even outside of Korea/Manchuria.
The Japanese really maximized their rape and carnage during those decades of imperialism, then. Truly, they are an efficient people.
Daniel Collins
Shame Ivy will likely have next to no real character development
Benjamin James
>They don't see the Thai or Filipino people as threats, they just think they're all stupid brown apes. Doesnt Vietnam have asian street cred for beating America though?
Caleb Murphy
Nah, it's mostly just Chink and Zip butthurt and autism. >muh comfort women >muh """"""""""""""""""rape"""""""""""""" of nanjing
Vietnam has also beaten (more convincingly and humiliatingly) China and Japan, so no.
Chase Garcia
>Vietnam beat China, Japan, and US based swamp rats
Luis Gomez
>Doesnt Vietnam have asian street cred for beating America though?
Among other Asian nations? No. The Vietnamese are proud of it for sure, but to Japan and China and Korea, etc. the Vietnamese are always going to be a bunch of brown swamp-drinking tree-people.
Jace Ramirez
So would genderbend Anne (Andy I guess?) be considered a basedboy for being a pathetic cocksucker whose desperate for any form of friendship?
Zachary Lewis
*soiboi* fucking Yea Forums
Benjamin Hill
Sometimes I feel like I'm the only Feliciafag there is.
Maddie stole the thunder from all the Sundews. I'm sorry.
Camden Baker
Just noticed something. >All the characters have different colored skirts but the same logo and same style, so they are probably go to the same school but in different profiles. >And the logo even tells us in which ones, as there is a red one with a J (Sasha), purple with an S (Anne) and green one with an M (Marcy) >But that also means there is another profile, a yellow one with an S. >Now I don’t know what the letters stand for, could be the name of the school but also the names of their profiles. Who knows? Will there be a secret fourth girl who gets revealed in Season 3?
Alexander Jenkins
Felicia has some art, it just hasn't been properly tagged yet.
They tried. Got turned into some build 'em up car game. I think they'll be a playable character in that Kim possible fighting game "Super Booyah Sisters"
Kayden Lee
Oh shit they actually put them in? They were my never-evers for as long as I can remember. Thank you Disney.
once maddie grows out of her edgy dA phase she will be perfect
Easton Johnson
She's really quite popular with the viewers and the creators noticed too, hopefully unlike Pacifica who's character development was mostly thrown out the window, Maddie's sticks and grows in future episodes.
Ian Martin
>GRP Its probably full of golden retriever puppies.
Evan Evans
Everything is Gravity Falls if you squint hard enough.
Food 200 copper snail wax 150 copper farm 800 ascots 3,600 copper Utility 150 someone who is good at the economy please help me budget this. my family is dying
Angel Russell
Stupid question, who's misha? The only misha i know is the loud booru mod.
I guess it’s good she’s not literally exactly the same as Charlene from V&V but at the same time I thought she’d more mysterious than she turned out to be, she acted pretty dang normal in the back half of the episode. Would still gladly watch more of her, but not quite what I expected
Hunter Reed
Polly: "Damn you Sasha." (walks towards Sasha)
Sasha: "Oh you want to fight? Instead of running you're coming closer. How ungrateful. After Hop Pop gave his life to tell you the power of 'The Music Box'... He was so desperate. Like a student taking a final exam with only seconds left on the clock..." [M E N A C I N G] Polly: "But I can't kick your ass unless I come closer." Sasha: "Oh, really... Then get as close as you need to."
>But then, the Japanese feel that way toward their own natives who have darker skin and are either the true indigenous people So just like America then?
Gabriel Hernandez
Rebellion? What rebellion are they talking about?
John Collins
>Will there be a secret fourth girl who gets revealed in Season 3?
The Fourth Child? Probably some dude from their school who was stalking... er, observing the girls when they got ISEKAI'ED and was close enough to be sucked in.
Yeah, that sounds fanfiction-y enough.
Honestly though the "M" and "S" must stand for Middle School. You MIGHT be on to something with the color thing, but that just might be a character design issue and not something informed by plot.
Also, I didn't even know school uniforms for the same school could vary in color. Is that really a thing? I thought the whole point of uniforms is to make everyone... y'know, the same?
Haven't been there since Savino got sacked and i'm to scared to return
Dylan Wilson
The Marcy Rebellion of course.
Eli Kelly
>Flashing homeless men outside the liquor store to get a gallon of pre-mixed margarita
Jeremiah Robinson
S is for Sprig
Carson Young
Well we did get a taste of Maddie's normal side in the episode with Mrs. Croaker. She was one of the people Anne and Sprig asked for facts about Croaker and see seemed fine there. Granted she said she liked how Croaker smelled like rotten leaves and fungus, but she wasn't in 100% creep mode like she was in her first appearance.
Agreed, hopefully they won't favor Ivy for the tired old boy falls for the tom-boy route again, but at least she's near same age and NOT older than him this time. Crushes are fine and need to be short lived, but if their not going to be fair with young girl crushing on older guy...then why add crushes at all?
Caleb Brown
Based jojofag. Now i want an edit of that one panel with Sasha and Polly.
James Ramirez
I was actually hoping that a draw-friend would do an out of context with
Henry James
>"Wonderland Amphibia"
Guess they had to put their own spin on the show title.
I've just realized newtopia looks like Paradis from Attack on titan. Excepting some neat references in later episodes.
Justin Morales
Ivy's following is practically nonexistent in comparison to Maddie's, she's probably tied with anne and sprig on fan favorites and the creators want people to stick with the show, so unless all episodes are finished its highly possible we'll be seeing more of her, reoccurring side character at least.
Grayson Lee
I think they didn't know what to do with her at first, I hope to see her participate in more adventures, having a sensible magic caster in the party is always handy. >And thanks for the pic user.
Parker Perry
I was actually hoping you would terminate yourself, my man.
Elijah James
You didn't see the Toad Tower episode?
Anthony Roberts
Except and expect are two different words.
Gabriel Rivera
Mind you, it's now been revealed that there's actual magic/curse users in Amphibia, and Maddie is one of them. She'll be relevant in some case.
Colton Rogers
>Well, hello there. Seems like someone likes little boy frogs in tight bodysuits.
Aaron Allen
it also looks like a lily pad, which are universally associated with frogs. Not everything is a reference
Normally I cringe at life lessons, but I found Maddie's mature nature enduring, especially when I was under the impression that she had some type of crush on Spirg for her father to be adamant about the engagement. I'll give the same response here too :
Leo Harris
The worst I've done was frequently post the entirety of the bee movie script in the comment section, in comparison to the shitposting there, that shit is mild.
These people literally can't enjoy a new show without connecting it to some other show. They are incapable. Just go look at any official tweet from any of the Amphibia people, and look at the replies.
Zachary Flores
Oooh, a five year old who can type, Shouldn't you be outside playing ball or something child?
How hard is the switch on veggies to fruits for the soil? Just plant some fruits Hop Pop.
Benjamin Garcia
Eh, only now did I see that the island of Amphibia looks like a giant lily pad.
Ryder Davis
Wow. You're just desperate for attention right now, huh? Like really thirsty for it. Looking at the last part of the thread, you're just going for it full on, huh? Real vulnerable.
Hudson Torres
>he Lady judge said that line.
Ryan Edwards
even better
Jack Sanchez
Hardly any lewds of the non-frogs, yeah? I did see one of that one-armed salamander, though. But it was more skimpy, than outright lewd.
Bentley Barnes
It's about the principle of it, user.
Dylan Edwards
someone make new bread
William Evans
Why? All the non-episode threads suck donkey shit.
Jose Thomas
But how hard would it be? What's the toll on the land itself?
Evan Ward
Wernt' you the first asking for a reply? I simply responded for manners sake, after all you were the one who initiated the start of this conversation with something as immature of a five year old on youtube would produce. But please proceed show that your still too young for this site, while I normal conversations with other anons on the matter of the thread.
You have to use an underscore when looking up names. >Anne_Boonchuy >Sprig_Plantar >Etc That aside, I don't think I've come across any fanart of those two.
>Grime convinced Sasha to stay with him because he was afraid of her joining the rebellion. That's why it was "too dangerous" for her to go off on her own.
*drum beat* Fell in love with a frog Fell in love once and she was really creepy She's in love with the bog But sometimes those grins make me feel uneasy She turns, says "hubby you alright?" I just nod, try not to make her freaky Do some dark arts by the riverside And if she slips some tongue tell her try not to choke me now
Colton Harris
Or, the Moss man might be a missing male student form another school who survived on his own till now. And the moss may be a type of suite?
Brody Wood
No shit. You really are completely useless, because that's totally not the first place I looked.
Josiah Wood
i was surprise they had the salamander judges get catapulted at the end
it sounds like the (((newts))) are the actual smart ones who run the world, not the toads
David Parker
I don't think the urge to breed has kicked in so she's not that desperate, once she starts feeling stirrings and realizing Sprig is the only eligible male in the village she'll start feeling the need for more aggressive tactics