>Got snapped and nobody missed him.
>Texted his parents on the bus and got ignored.
>Admitted he was instagraming everything so people would like him.
>Got knocked out by Peter and not even the teachers cared.
>Mother didn't go to pick him up at the airport even after he almost died three times during the trip.

Was that supposed to be for laughs? 'Cause damn.

Attached: Flash.jpg (1200x901, 86K)

>Stan Lee calls Flash a dothead and tells him to get lost
W-what did Marvel mean by this?

Damn, I could see him going into the military just like 616 just to get away from that shit/face his fear of mortality.

It means you need glasses, because his actor is Guatemalan, not Indian.

flash being a bully doesn't really work since everyone seems to agree that he's a loser and a tryhard. i'm kind of confused why his character is even in the movies considering he leaves such little impact in every scene he's in

Who gives a fuck about this ugly pajeet hopefully he dies and the real flash shows up in college

Attached: 1562883928248.jpg (600x834, 185K)

Brad was closer to comics' Flash than Flash himself.

Attached: Brad Davis.png (354x593, 291K)

His parents could be dead tho

They were pretty clearly alive.

>acts like a dick towards Peter in the previous movie
>audiences felt he never got his comeuppance
>writers decide to give the people what they want

I mean, I’m not really good seeing details and all that, but that thing about him asking for his parents, why they won’t answer, or where are they, could be that they are awful parents that blatantly ignore him, or that they just went missing/dead and that’s why they are not around right now

Attached: 4717A0ED-71D7-41F6-A8A0-FBD36FAF621C.jpg (600x600, 38K)

His comeuppance was getting his car trashed in the first movie and getting K.O'd on this one.

Has there been a single person who complained about him not suffering more? I seriously doubt it.

>It means you need glasses
*Stan needs glasses

>wah, you described the particular shade of shit inaccurately!

Who the hell can identify a Guatemalan on sight? Other Guatemalans, I guess?


Considering the ending of FFH what do you think would be his new opinion on Spider-Man?

I find MCU Flash strangely endearing, I like him.

He'll be in the minority who still believes in him.

I hope he becomes Agent Venom just to hurt your butt.

that would be beautiful

you can still be a bully even if no one likes you. it's usually a motive to bully in the first place.

It's funny because he's got everything except loving family members so he takes his anger out on the poor kid who only has an Aunt to look after him

He's rather pathetic and everyone just ignores him, even Peter makes attempts to ignore his insults and actually feels bad that he knocked him out

these are the bullies zoomers deal with. Pretty accurate desu

Sometimes in Yea Forums it’s just so easy to tell the nationality of the posters.

him finding out spider-man is Peter has be the biggest mindfuck for him

Columbus was right

>hurt your butt
this is fag

And yet still the absolute farthest from accurate casting.

If only.