Can MCU Spider-Man be redeemed?

Can MCU Spider-Man be redeemed?

What would you think if they made him the new face of the MCU?

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Kill yourself

Make him spider-man and not iron-boy

Based Carol is going to be face of the MCU incel, and you can't stop her.

He's literally nothing like Peter Parker should be to the point the actor calls for making him bisexual. There's no redeeming this version. Even loser jew Peter in Into the Spider-verse is more redeemable than this one.

being different from the comics doesn't mean he's bad
being different from the 2000s movie doesn't mean he's bad
we didn't need to see uncle ben die a third time

MCU's spidey world is very soft compared to the other two spidey franchises, so i don't think he can be "redeemed" because it's too different. i think most people who think this just want a repetition of raimi's trilogy.

He will be, Wait until his 3rd film and college trilogy, He'll be classic spidey soon. Just wait bros, Marvel has big plans for him. Screencap this

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>the actor calls for making him bisexual.

That's bullshit. Tom just say "yeah, yeah" when asked. That's the most basic PR respond. What else did you expected him to say?

He's fine for what he is and I knew he was going to start slow and grow into "Spider-Man" proper anyway.

I want him to have a barebones red and blue non-tech suit without MCU lines

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This, please.

Depends on what fantastic four does with him

Make him older
Stop with the highschool shit

Unironically suffering

He's the best on-screen adaptation of Peter as the everyman with everyday problems who still never gives up, but of course contrarian retards on here fumble over themselves to nit-pick and if he ever had a movie that bombed would be fumbling over themselves to defend him.

Unless God is on Kevin Feige's side I don't know how it's going to go, Sony is kinda in the middle of the whole thing
Looking into the whole legal shit of these movies ruins everything for me, and it's so complex

The Ant-Man suit is the best one in that image and is not even his best suit.

not like he can go school anymore

Ms. Shazam is the NEW face of the MCU, son.

HAHAHAHA what a MCUck. Iron Man Jr gets spoonfed his million dollar suit. WHAT an average joe. THIS MAN. in the pic is the true everyman. Fuck off with your delusions.

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Wrong, we want Raimi to make his version of Spider-Man 4-6 without greedy grubby studio execs breathing down his neck trying to make the movie into a toy commercial.

I always thought the costumes were fairly decent for Thor, et al., in that series, and the costuming for first Cap movie but looking at all this makes me realize that the MCU is just SHITTIER than shit and I blame the Fox Men for conditioning me to this.

Only Snyder's awful choices in BvS (save for Batfleck) keep the MCU from claiming last place.

Just a reminder that when Tom was asked during an interview what his thoughts are a possibly gay Spider-man, he shrugged and said he was fine with it.
Just a reminder that Garfield demanded that Peter Parker be gay so that he could get his boyfriend at the time some work, and when he was told no he phoned in the rest of his performance

Your bait threads will be more effective if you don’t open with a logical fallacy, shitposter-tan. Live and learn.

Acknowledge Uncle Ben.
Have Peter talk to May or Michelle about him.

They can't or else MCU fans will throw a fit.

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*blocks your path*

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Maybe it won't make a billion so Sony can get him back.

Aw fuck, can’t unsee that

They have, twice now in two separate movies, they just did t force the dialogue for brainlets to understand, mainly because they trust that their audience doesn’t need to be spoonfed.

> wanting superhero films to do something new and evolve the medium
> wahhhh muh uncle ben
we've seen him die in TWO movies

we don't need it again

Garfield wanted MJ to be a man played by MBJ. Not even kidding

It's already on its way to make a billion, and btw Pascal already confirmed they are working on the third film so even if it doesn't make a billion it's still not going to be "taken away" right away
Also the deal is not that simple, it's actually quite complex and the only people who really know what's going on are Sony's and Marvel's lawyers, not to mention there's rumors that the deal already got extended

Honestly, if someone counter argument that is so passionate about Spider-Man as this jackass makes a video with a semi-consistent and good edit I can at least hear them out.
Too bad MCU fans are all teens who think Stan Lee created Marvel

*if someone made

And that wasn’t even the answer to a question taken out of context for clickbait articles, he genuinely demanded that this happen.

>MCU's spidey world is very soft compared to the other two spidey franchises

maybe it'll get harder as he grows up

>Captain Midnight loved the movie
>Sal from ComicPOP loved the movie
>one salty Raimifag hates it

The only reason I want MCU Spider Man to stay for years is so I can witness the eternal seething from Raimicucks

>abloo bloo bloo

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I wish people would stop misusing this template

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> Knuckles is in a game where you CAN'T PLAY HIM

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Cry more virgin

I thought I’d hate loser jew Peter, but frankly it’s become my favorite interpretation of the character. Peter should be about that old by now. If they wanted his marriage to go away, that’s how it should have been done. He’s always been so guilt ridden and self defeating and that’s just perfect. I have no doubt he finally got his shit together upon getting back to his world

He was indirectly referenced in Civil War and again in Homecoming.

I prefer the subtle approach so far since we've seen the plotline so much, they can pull it out down the line for a bigger impact instead of crutching on it ever movie.

But we don’t feel the impact of his death. Not a single time. I don’t want it shown necessarily, I want to see how it made this Peter into the man he is and the man he’s becoming. Instead I’m inundated with even more Tony, to the point where they stole his most iconic scene and made it all about saving Tony’s toys instead of his fucking aunt


hey, I like that shape

Because all that wasted time on a mentor figure is still there, it’s just Tony this time. And that’s way less interesting, way less impactful, and it’s actually really distracting when we know damn well it happened but they refuse to bring it up with the gravitas it deserves. It’s like a Superman movie where they never bring up Ma and Pa Kent, but he’s taken in by Bruce Wayne. It fundamentally fucks with the character and the people calling him iron boy are absolutely right to do so, since the emotional base of every single MCU movie he’s been in has revolved exclusively around Tony, with even Aunt May relegated to the background.


Maybe you didn’t, but I did, the first time Peter and Tony talk on his room, when Peter mentions letting bad things happen because he didn’t do anything, leading up to that line Peter was confused and a little excited about meeting the most famous hero in the world, when Stark asks why he’s doing this it’s like Peter suddenly remembers this enormous weight that he’s got on his shoulders and his whole demeanor changes to someone who is filled with regret and loss. It was a very subtle thing that can easily, obviously, be missed, but it’s one of the things that I really enjoy about this version of Peter, ultimately he’s still just a kid who is dealing with stuff so far out of his league and now has to step up as the face of Super Heroes in his world.

Oh he's using all the main Avenger's weapons how did i only just get it

He’s literally filling the gap left by the Avengers

Lmao dickhead have seen how they treat memory of Ben in Far from home?Uncle Ben is fucking forgotten dude get over your not getting an Uncle Ben scene

>to the point the actor calls for making him bisexual
You should know better than this by now. The formula is
1. Reporter asks actor whether their character could be gay
2. Actor says "Yeah sure, he could be gay" to not be portrayed as a homophobe.
3. Media source reports "Actor Believes Role They're Playing 'Could be gay'" to generate page views and get people like you outraged. On the very rare chance the actor says no, they just run the story the opposite way to make the actor look homophobic and generate outrage from the other side of the political spectrum.

>Uncle Ben is forgotten
Only not really because there are been subtle regencies to Ben in Civil War, Homecoming and Far From Home. They just don’t need to devote a ton of screen time to him because the audience is smart enough to know Spidey’s origin story.

I expect him to say he kills fags just like Raimi’s Spiderman

Oh but they need to devote plenty of screen time to iron Man?Fuck off it's clear they don't want anything to do with Uncle Ben you can chalk up all your stupid theory's to Tom being a good and way more character into a lifeless script

>THIS MAN. in the pic is the true everyman
You mean Plagiacci the clown? Why 90s kid dont have any idea of what comic Peter is?

Hmm, it’s almost as if Ironman was the guy who kickstarted whole MCU and had a huge impact on that universe as a whole. How odd that Marvel would have their most popular character take over the MCU’s most popular character as thebface that represents them. Personally I like the continuity rather than them just ignoring it to do their own thing like Captain Marvel did.
Don’t forget, no one is forcing you to watch these movies and they haven’t impacted the ASM comics much, if at all, so you’re complaints just sound like a child screaming because things aren’t exactly as you like them
Must suck having to go through life requiring that you be spoonfed everything, hope that isn’t too big of a burden on your loved ones.

unless the next movie is Aunt May dying and Pete breaking up with MJ to keep her safe(but she somehow remains in danger) then this is not Spider man if the only loss and suffering this character gets is Tony dying hes just fucking Iron boy. But it looks like next movie will be Kraven hunting him, after being employed by Jameson, possibly after he gets a symbiote suit from space.

maybe he teams up with Felicia Hardy because she is the only woman he feels cant be hurt while he is vulnerable.

I agree, it got old when people made the virign the butt of the joke

For what, making bank and being popular?

For what? For Murdering Mysterio and sending a swarm of drones to attack London Spider-Man can never be redeemed!!

What exactly is the problem?

>MCU's spidey world is very soft compared to the other two spidey franchises
Getting beat up and killed by Thanos at the beginning of your superhero career makes the world soft? Or did you mean in it a different way?

Redeemed? What are you talking about, he's great.

>Rewatching Civil War
Wow, they nailed Spidey.
Damn it. Russos had no choice but to follow Peter's characterization that Jon Watts gave him.

I've always respected Spider-Man for his stubborness of keep-on-going through life.
It seems as if trouble is always looking for him and he always tries to deal with it the best way possible.
Seeing MCU Spider-Man hand over EDITH to a guy he barely knew was just... I don't know.
Just think about this: None of this would have happened if Peter wasn't so irresponsible. It seems he creates his own problems by being stupid.
I know he's just a teenager and they make mistakes but it just feels wrong.

>Seeing MCU Spider-Man hand over EDITH to a guy he barely knew was just... I don't know
Bear in mind he's a teenager who really wanted to get back to his school trip and trying to bang MJ

Yes, Peter was very horny, but also a fuckin' moron. Beck said it, how many lemonades did Peter have?!

This is unfair. Mysterio had the full "Nick Fury" (trololo) seal of approval. He himself told him , take off the mask and trust him. Peter is 16-17 and trusted what should be the boss in charge...moreover. In the Thanos war a lot of heroes joined together in full trust. Peter took it for granted that Mysterio was like a Star Lord or a Thor . Also he really want break away from Iron man shadow and role. This is why he got rid of the glasses so quickly. People just hate him for meta reasons and can't follow what is clearly a new lesson of responsibility for him. The dullest Raimi fans have already decided that this Spider-man doesn't deserve any change.

The 2010s truly are the darkest era

>Oh, i'm so smart, as a spectator I have access to every information and lore and I know in advance what will happen. Why are the characters in the movie so stupid?

If you do not know who Mysterio is, I guarantee you that the twist works pretty well. Marvel movies have accustomed the viewer to heroes crossover.

Why do you hate Raimi?

Then why have Stark be the mentor?

Jesus Christ some of these guys don't have any self-respect, or even respect for anything.

No one hates Raimi, he has our eternal gratitude for SM2 but the Raimifags deserve every possible suffering.

I do hope they won't try to chance this shit in comics to pander normalfags who won't be buying comics anyway.

Do normalfags really don't know who Mysterio is?

it won't happen, relax.

You would be incredibly surprised. Don't think that this sewer called Yea Forums is the perfect mirror of the knowledge of the mass. is not.

>hurr the costumes have these extremely vague lines i drew so theyre bad!!!
thats not how it works.
>muted colors
I hope you know you have literally just posted thors bright red cape, hawkeye, ronans, and black panthers black outfits with highlights, captain marvel, Visions and spider-mans very blue and red outfits. oh and not to mention Thanos's skin if that counts lol

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Go the Ultimate/Spectacular route with Eddie, but instead of childhood friends make them anonymous pen pals. Eddies also poor but never got as lucky as Peter, stuck at home witha single father who beats him etc. Peter fell out of touch after he became Spidey, but he knows a lot up until Ben died, so after the Peter/Spider reveal Eddie goes full on journalist mode. Toss in the symbiote at some point, then using Eddies intimate knowledge of Peters pre-Spidey days and the symbiotes knowledge of him as Spidey.

Eddie goes full on Eobard/MCU hating fan boy, breaking Peter down and telling him how lucky he got with everything

>You had 3 dads Pete.I only ever got one and he was piece of shit.
>The second Papa Stark came around where was Ben? Pete? In your heart? Because he was never on your mind and Stark seemed to be sitting in your wallet
>Maybe after I get rid of May Captain Marvel can be your new mommy?
>Grow up Pete. Be your own man, or better yet become something more, like me and my new friend

Make him day with great powers come great responsibility .

Go back to /r/marvelstudios

No need to show his death. Just acknowledge it. Even spiderverse did it in few seconds

No need to be subtle. There isn't even a picture of him in his house.

even andrew garfield's spidey was a better depiction of spiderman. It just wasn't a good movie.

it's literally one of FFH's subtle messages. Peter gets a weapon of immense power and with it also the responsibility, which he does not want. Fury also emphasizes the point when Peter uses the weapon involuntarily against a classmate.

I don't mind him giving the Edith. Just hated the whole unmasking in front of allies thing.

They killed nick fury man.

Fuck subtle. Peter should say it in important moments. Peter should think of this words whenever he faced bug threat. Peter should make decisions based on these words.

user, the white Fury was killed at least 3 times before becoming the new Watcher. try to reed the Peter David story, (pic related), it's hilarious despite being a funeral story of Nick Fury.

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Yeah. But can you actually think white fury will come back in current scenario?

Samuel is strong, but old and White Fury is popular enough. I don't know how, but somehow he will be back.

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There used to be a quote that went around that stated only 3 people in comic books will stay dead. All 3 of those have come back one way or another since.
He'll be back.

Yeah but as long as Sam Jackson is playing him. He won't be. Maybe after some decades.

Sam Jackson is 70 years old

Erasing everything that the original stories powerful and not giving anything in exchange is what made him bad.
It defines itself as safe bootleg Spider-man with disposable supporting cast due to legal reasons.
We didn't need to see high school shit for the third time.
Iron boy Jr cares about the man who blackmailed him into becoming his personal child soldier more than he does about his adoptive parents.

I think the ending is a step in that direction. This Spider-Man is soft because he's never faces the adversity and public backlash like the others have. If everyone hates you and he has to maintain "I'm not Spider-man" it puts him closer to his more common characterization.

Then don't fucking use Peter, use Miles or someone.

Op starts out assuming that Yea Forums is a hivemind and that everyone automatically agrees with his assertion that MCU Spidey needs to be redeemed.

Spiderman wouldn't even exist if he wasn't causing his own problems. This was very much a "with great power comes great responsibility" story.

It can't, only forth reboot would save us at this point.

Raimi Spider-man was loved by the crowd, and no one give a shit about J.J. rants. Even his own colleagues look at him like a joke.

you can't undo the way they handled him thus far

>Miles Morales incoming with gay Peter Parker that later will become the villan because of some stupid reason.

No, man. You DON'T WANT a reboot.

Tom Holland is a gem and makes me love Spider-Man again

They really need to kill the Iron-Man shit with the third MCU Spider-Man movie though. I hated it in 1, it made sense in 2, but now it's over.

I hate JacksonFury more and more with every movie
The only one he was cool in was unironically Captain Marvel
apart from that, he's a loud sarcastic nigger that dresses like a faggot fool, literally bottom of the barrel
he never does anything interesting

everything is on its way to make a billion
doesn't mean it will

In the Mcu Peter is still 16 years old. You have to wait for Collage Peter to start having that independence you want from him.

>Huurr i want that NOW.

The only reason because Endgame and IW work is because there are ten years of films before. I understand that it is not easy to trust Disney and with SW any doubt is legitimate, but in Marvel they have already shown that they know how to plan.
It makes no sense to think that they want to reduce Spider-man, a historically important marvel character, to a shadow of Iron man. As I see it, their strategy is simply to take Tony Stark normie fans by the hand and gradually lead them to cheer on Peter, as the new core of the MCU. Gradually breaking away from the shadow of his mentor. It's patently one of the themes of the hero's journey.

No one who points out that this scene was Kino as fuck and absolutely worthy of classic Spider-man?

>Showing Peters level of inventive thinking and smarts on his own without relying on others.

Well it crashes the soiny narrative so of course it won't get brought up.

because nobody reads comics. and can you blame them?


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I went to the movies last week and heard a bunch of teens saying "who the fuck is that guy" when Mysterio appeared.

>Andrew garfield was a good depiction of spiderman
Now THIS is comedy.

Good one, Anonymous.

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Tom Holland is Catholic. His dismissal "yeah, sure" was the coached response Disney gave him for when he inevitably got asked the question because he's such a twink.

They are stupid questions in first place because those who make them have no interest in the subject. They just want the click bait news. So yeah yeah is the only answer to avoid problems.

I feel like when he leaves high school they could do a soft reboot with him starting at Empire State University and getting a new supporting cast of like Harry and Gwen. At this point there isn’t really much you can do about young Aunt May but other than that it’s still salvageable.

The Thanos armor is gorgeous, faggot.

>Young May is a problem.

She's not.

that was the whole point of both films

>FFH ends with Back in Black and Peter mimicking Tony actions before the final fight
Then I guess they missed their own point.

That's the problem with a lot of Marvel's stuff right now, they try have a thematic trend then walk it back right at the last second

>Gwen becomes the girlfriend of the second trilogy
>Not only she doesn't die, but she becomes the Spider-woman of the mcu

Ok, my Autismo want this, but I don't mind Ned. He's the only supporting chara that works, right now.

why did they do it bros
he was perfect

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Because it was real costume for the most, instead of a CG suit. These damn nanomachines everywhere are annoying.

Because it's bulky as shit for a lean character with a ton of unnecessary detail

I can't see them dropping mj that fast. I think it's more likely they will introduce Gwen as a nonromantic character. Or save her for when Peter inevitably dies at the end of the second or 3rd saga and is replaced with Miles

Agreed. Harry, Gwen, Octavious, etc all should be saved for the college years to replace the current cast.

Maybe keep Flash and Ned in their back pocket for future venom/hodgoblin shenanigans though

Anybody hate the MCUs interpretation of Spiderman trying so so so hard to be subversive?
>Clear attempt to never mention Uncle Ben
>Avoiding to use the term "Spidey sense" among other things
>MJ hates web swinging
>Flash is a little short faggy kid

I could make a list a mile long I noticed when watching FFH. I know a lot of these are very minor or nitpicks, but seeing as the MCU is more or less the "definitive" or at least most popular adaptation of the Marvel franchise, I really feel like they owe it to the character to stick a bit closer to the source material. I'm hoping that it kinda fixes itself in the future a bit, maybe have MJ dye her hair red, or go farther into Spiderman's origin in a future film, but for the time being it's trying way too hard to be different.
I know right now everyone is sick of generic spider Man origin stories, but in 15 years kids are likely going to still be watching these films as they are a staple of the MCU, which will still be going on.

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You won't see a live action Miles within your lifetime, I guarantee it

That is the nature of the uncaring pendulum

Yup. I agree. Even though it was less than a decade ago, I already feel like the spider-bite-fatigue has already completely faded. It's time to show a flashback while Holland is still young enough to record the scene.
If they don't, we will have a whole generation of children who simply don't know Spiderman's origin because it was never covered in the only marvel adaptations still being watched in a decade

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careful not to pull a muscle reaching so hard

Why couldn't we have an accurate Iron Spider bros? The one thing I wanted from MCU Spidey and they fucked it up

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More than that I don't think we'll ever see a Miles Mcu, but Sony will try something by itself.

>I know right now everyone is sick of generic spider Man origin stories, but in 15 years kids are likely going to still be watching these films as they are a staple of the MCU, which will still be going on.

user, when this will happen i hope you are out of here with a wife, children and a job that satisfies you with other worries than the new generations in love with a Spider-man different from the one you like. Excuse me, but it's really autismo at his peek.

Yeah, no.

Marvel has the mutants, AKA all the good non-mantle female characters, back.

Storm will be the female face of the MCU. Or Mystique.

I've been gone so long, Yea Forums doesnt like MCU Spidey? Can anyone give me a bullet pointed explanation as to the general consensus on why he's bad?

They decided to change it for a new look, but it was supposed to be red at first.

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Based and Raimipilled

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he's not. There is just a noisy, desperate minority that opens hate threads daily. I can agree that certain ideas in Homecoming didn't work, but FFH is a step in the right direction and a pretty good movie.

Jesus Christ that somehow looks worse. Why would they make it look like the homecoming suit with some gold shot sprayed on. Make it armored like how Infinity War's is or how it is in PS4.

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I agree, I do like Holland's Spiderman, I was just curious as to their justification for disliking him.

This is how I've felt about it for a while now

Marvel is using the HOME trilogy to tell Spiderm-man's origin in a different and more subtle way.

Instead of using Ben and making him die immediately without creating any link with the viewer, using his dead only as a motivational Twist for Peter, they replace him with Tony, so that not only Peter, but also the audience is in mourning and pain.

In FFH we have the second lesson of responsibility. In the original Peter he refused responsibility by making a thief escape. In this film he throws Tony glasses away, cowardly refusing the reponsibility they represent and prefers to have fun with a girl. furthermore, for the hurry he hands them to a psychopath.
When he realizes he fucked up, he's desperate and destroyed because feels he has
betrayed Tony's spirit and trust. it's literally the same thing that happens with the thief.

The problem is that here is full of people who don't read comics, they pretend to be old readers, but they don't have the basis to understand what marvel is doing

even I don't follow comics and went intrigued by how they introduced Mysterio, since honestly, I don't know him

that's a perfect origins story for 15 years from now

I wouldn't have minded an original take on the Iron-Spider but the one we actually got was just underwhelming. I don't like the new red/black suit either, the Civil War/Homecoming one was the best one so far, although the proportions could've been better.

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I don't get the Iron Boy meme, in no way, shape or form does Peter Parker act like Iron Man, and the constant insistance that that's the case is ridiculous.

There are some things we all have to remember:
>Sony can back out of the deal anytime they see fit. And while they certainly cooperate at times, they still seem pretty finicky about actually staying.
>This would mean that the more traditional characters, such as Harry, Gwen, Mary Jane, would be taken back, and frozen.
>Marvel gets around this by changing these characters in a way that they could be considered, "new characters." This process was applied to MJ, Aunt May, and probably a few more characters.
MCU Spider-Man is the way he is solely because Marvel is getting around Sony's bullshit and incompetence.
Fuck Sony.

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You pic is the IW-EG Iron Spider suit only with black instead of blue and this already makes things better. The suit has grown on me, despite the questionable combination of colors.

>What is artistic direction
>What is design language
>What is cohesive design

Your post is idiotic.

You do realize comics had underwear over pants for 60 years right?

>Sony decides to pull out
>In comes Miles as Spider Monkey
Holy shit, did Sony do that on purpose? Did they name the Italy persona Spider Monkey to prevent Marvel from using Miles as a spinoff character?

Is this what 4D chess looks like?

Because with holland’s body it looked absolutely idiotic.

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It's "Night" Monkey.

Captain Midnight and Sal love everything about the MCU and have never been remotely critical of any of their movies.

Midnight certainly has his share of dislikes, he made two entire videos about why he didn't like Captain Marvel, and he's criticized how Nick Fury has been handled, and probably some other bits I'm missing. He loves the Raimi Trilogy, and still puts the first one as the best Spider-Man movie.
He's never been an overly negative reviewer. And often acknowledges that people have differing points of view.

fuck off bendis

That's still better than gay Peter Parker begging for Iron Daddy's cock. At least Peter will be allowed not to be the main focus of shit writing anymore.

>new generations in love with disposable garbage fueled exclusively on brand recognition that Disney puts out because they might lose the rights to the real Spider-man


>getting happy endings
He has either killed himself or is still loser.

I think they nailed the autist peter perfectly, but I think his financial situation should be worse to make him more faithful and 8nteresting.

HitopFilms explains it well enough

If you think that replacing a humble man who raised and cared for Peter since he was a baby with a celebrity billionaire who blackmailed him into becoming a child soldier and fighting for things he doesn't understand is anything good and subtle, you're a goddamned sociopath.

Also, uncle Ben and iron man. They made him too reliant on tony, despite him never needing to prove himself in the comics in terms of his suit. I think iron man should either be uncle Ben or not, don’t go halfway with references to Ben without incorporating him. Just make their relationship more akin to Ben if you’re going to make tony centered arcs.

I LIKED Peters and Tony's relationship okay!

It's actually my favourite thing in the MCU!

What spic shithole country are you from? You do realize American would NEVER refer to a black person as "monkey" right?

Are you fags aware that Uncle Ben was barely ever mentioned until the 2000s and the era of cheap "feels'" in comics? I'm really not that bothered when both movies have acknowledged he existed

Shh shh, Far From Home is a good movie that’s getting positive reviews and making money, they need something to complain about, just let them have this one

Disney will never achieve success without winning over the hearts and minds of the pirating autistic shut-in tho.

I’m not so sure man, they seem pretty successful right now

Worst timeline

i have to say no
>has no job
>has no real money troubles
>Aunt May is super fine with him being Spidey
>he doesnt go to a normal high school but some school for gifted kids
>seems to be doing fine at this school
>seems to be the quirky nerdy guy that most people want to be friends with in high school
>barely even cares about his dead fatherfigure, to the point where he loses his briefcase he inherited
>doesnt even wear a normal suit but some high tech super advanced suit with an AI
>nobody even sees him as a menace, most people seem fine with Spidey swinging around
they fucked up Spider-man at the very core by doing with away with any real conflict or turmoil Pete might have in his life, hes simply not relatable

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>you're a goddamned sociopath.
Fine fine...
>I am so shocked about BEN's death.

I bet you'll come screaming this in the thread, but it's obviously a lie. Nobody cares about Ben as character. His role is to teach a life lesson to Peter and then disappear like Obi Wan, occasionally returning like Mufasa clouds just to repeat his catchphrase and then disappear again. With the Mcu Marvel wanted the audience to be genuinely sad, but not sad because Peter is suffering, sad for the loss of a character that does not only concern Peter Parker, but all the loyal fans.

Homecoming taught Peter that the costume was not what made him a hero, this from the mouth of Tony Stark. Who, despite much effort, tries to be a mentor. FFH is the second lesson about the importance of not denying or ignoring responsibilities. Peter refuses the responsibility of the glasses entrusted to him and this leads to a potential disaster which will bring him guilt. Exactly as when he refuses to stop the thief in the original story, this then leads to another disaster, Ben's death.
In both cases it is his fault.

I have no idea what the third lesson of responsibility will be in the third film. I suppose perhaps the failure, the death of one or his friends (Ned?, Gwen does not yet exist so they cannot kill her) , the loss of innocence and the transition to adulthood. Maybe something different. Still, these lessons right now are exactly the same as Uncle Ben's. But the fake Spider-man fans are outraged because they focus on the secondary details like Nigger Mj and can't see the big picture.

MCU cucks licking up Disney shit like always kek

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>rebuttals with buzzwords

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>stop accentuating a strong upper body, guys

i've never seen such a pathetic nitpick as this

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>Rebuttals by being a corporate boot licker

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mostly this, he has it all AND superpowers

Nice argument, you sure showed me

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>is more or less the "definitive"
with fucking Ego being Peter Quill's dad? with 90% of characters having one-liners replacing any semblence of personality (Netflix MCU doesn't count obvi) much less one from comics?
>most popular adaptation of the Marvel franchise
more like this yeah

But there is also a thing with Spidey, every new actor they do something new
Raimi movies were all 60's camp and no one died except Ben (they even undone bridge shit with MJ making Tobey much superior compared to 616 as he not only not snapped MJ but also caught car full of people)
then Andrew's movies all will be about kid with powers dorking out in selective happy moments moments while one tragedy replaces another (they even went so far as showing parents, to explain why he doesn't call aunt May and uncle Ben mom and dad)
so all previous movies were about Peter's family, let's just throw it out and make aunt May a background supporting character with Hollander

Raimi movies were about Peter struggling with getting gf and keeping secret identity
Webb movies he just gets girl straight away and reveals her his secret
Watts movies he pretty easily have on gf, then another and kinda keeping his secret identity but not really

Or like when Raimi showed Connors, for only Webb being able to make a Lizard, for only Watts to finally make Mysterio which should have been already in Spider-Man 2.

Even web progressed
from fully organic web, to organic web shot by webshooter, to non-organic web shot by all kinds of gadget stuff

Iron Spider is just shit anyway you make it
Thankfully MCU didn't adapt it, yet, At least some thing they did right

Literally the only problem is that his supporting cast really sucks.

>Hobgoblin will NEVER be in a movie
It hurts

Maybe it has something to do with the tiny, tiny fact that Uncle Ben dying is the entire reason why Spider-Man exists.

we dont even know how Uncle Ben looks like in this universe
what kind of widow and son dont even have ONE picture in their house with their dead family member?

do you also get this autistic when a Batman movie mentions his parents? or how Superman talks with Jor El in the fortress of solitude?
perhaps hes so important because Uncle Ben is Spider-man's driving motivation for his existance? he isnt putting that costume on for fun, especially not in his early years

This. Spider-Man needs to be a blue collar character who struggles. Not able to call on rich buddies to bail him out. This Peter also needs more guilt. They show him having fun as Spider-Man but they need to show him suffer, give him an internal struggle. Show that he's brilliant but show that he is unable to live a normal life or work as a scientist because of his feeling of responsibility and guilt.

Stop spewing bullshit. We have no idea what their contact states and it's incredibly ignorant to just blindly assume such nonsense

It seems to me that these movies are missing Peter choosing to be Spiderman. He chases after Tony's attention, then a spot in the avengers, then tries to fill in the void Iron Man left, and is forced to wear the suit by his superiors and as a way to mend his mistakes and save the day. He's constantly reminded throughout this film that he has to be Spidey because Tony chose him. There was one moment in the first movie where he chose to be Spiderman because that's who he was, but it wasn't that focused on nor is it something touched ever again.

Yeah, I completely forgot how Stark showed up at Peter’s house and showed him footage of someone else dressed up as Spider-Man doing Spidey stuff and convinced Peter that HE should be spider-man. I can’t believe I forgot that scene

And what a hard-hitting 5 seconds of character development that was... Massive growth on Peter's side right there.

Surprisingly that first scene with him in Civil War did have a ton of exposition on who Peter is and why he’s Spider-Man. It just wasn’t spoonfed since, ya know, everyone already knows Spider-man’s origin story so there is no need to devote any screen time to it.

Now if only the rest of the movies were as good as those 15 minutes in Civil War.

Yeah, I'm glad that we can get all that nasty character arc out of the way as soon as possible. Who'd want to see emotional development from humans? Pffft.

Honestly if they spent over five minutes retelling Peter’s origin AGAIN I’d have been pretty annoyed, the same way I was annoyed by who the whole fucking opening credits of BvS was dedicated to showing the origin of Batman, again. I appreciate the fact that the film makers trust their audience to know the character well enough to not NEED anything spoonfed because we’re all already aware of it.

What does an origin story have to do with having a proper character development in a movie? You DO know what a character arc is right? It doesn't involve gaining superpowers or a new suit.

You're the only one talking about the movie re-telling the origin, no one else is asking for that you retard.

>Civil War
Wasn’t a main character and therefore didn’t require an arc
Was overly dependent on Tech and wanted to be a big Time hero, learned in the end the tech is getting in his way and stepped up with his own power to stop Vulture
>infinity War
Wasn’t a main character, but his arc was basically showing his devotion to the hero life right up to his death
Had even less screen time than in IW, no arc
>Far From Home
Wants to just be a kid rather than a hero so badly that he gives up a ton of responsibility left to him, only to realize how big of a mistake he made and once again, step up as a hero because there is literally no one else
So you agree that we don’t need to waste any screen time showing Ben’s death, since most of the time whenever Ben is mentioned it’s a direct reference to Peter’s origin story

>So you agree that we don’t need to waste any screen time showing Ben’s death
Some people wanting Ben to be more than a couple of letters in a suitcase is not the same as wanting to see him die again.

So then you’re just blatantly ignoring Peter explaining his motivations in Civil War? Peter mentioning how Muh May has been through in the last few months and wearing Ben’s suit to The homecoming dance in Homecoming? Hell im surprised you caught the initials on the briefcase

Those are all wrong but alright, I guess if "technology is bad" is what you got from the movies I ain't stopping you...

It doesn't need to and I would like very much.

Wow, a couple of lines and some references in THREE fucking movies, that's a lot of screentime for the man behind Spider-Man.

It’s actually the perfect amount for long time Spidey fans who could recite Spidey’s origin and the importance that Ben had on said origin in their sleep. Step up to the Fork and Knife user, stop using that spoon for everything.

boy you autists still obsess over that huh

He doesn't even have a fucking face and Uncle Tony has had more of an impact on-screen than Ben. But sure, it's just me bitching that Uncle Ben wasn't murdered on the big screen for a third time.

If only there was a movie about Spider-Man that didn't show Ben dying and had an adult version of Peter, while still getting the importance of the character.

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Yea Forums and Yea Forums will constantly undermine what these movies actually did right because it destroys the narrative and makes them seethe

Too bad that whole movie doubles down user making Spider-Man less unique, I find it funny that the same people who complain that there are too many Spider People in Marvel at the moment are the same people who rave about this film.
It was damn good, don’t get me wrong, the world needs more animated films like this, but hot damn if I would t have enjoyed it more if it was just a standalone origin film for Miles, or even just a solo story for Peter instead of a really bad advertisement for some Slott comics.

>I can't relate to him anymore so he's a bad character
You're the exact reason why we have manchild Peter in the comics
Peter hasn't been relatable to you boomers since 2001 and you were cool with it then but now that normies like it suddenly it's a crime? Go cry about it elsewhere

>I find it funny that the same people who complain that there are too many Spider People in Marvel at the moment are the same people who rave about this film.
Good thing that I'm not one of them.
>but hot damn if I would t have enjoyed it more if it was just a standalone origin film for Miles, or even just a solo story for Peter instead of a really bad advertisement for some Slott comics.
And I would enjoy MCU Spider-man more if Iron man wasn't such a huge part of the movies.

>just a standalone origin film for Miles
because everything they did to make Miles a legacy character in the comics was boring as fuck
>or even just a solo story for Peter
one of the complaints of Spider-Verse was not enough interactions with all the Spider-People. If it was a solo movie for either Peter or Miles it would be way more poorly paced
>instead of a really bad advertisement for some Slott comics
good thing that Miles in this is nothing like what he is in the comics now but I'm sure you haven't read any of them since 2012

>>I can't relate to him anymore
He didn't say that.


>And I would enjoy MCU Spider-man more if Iron man wasn't such a huge part of the movies.
boy you're still obsessed over a total of 4 scenes spread across 3 movies over the course of 3 years still huh?

>that was the whole point of both films

>Uhh... We need this movie to be about responsibility or something I guess
>What even is responsibility?
>I dunno, like having the red button that activates all the nukes?
>Wait a moment... That's it!

So in order for modern Spidey to be good he has to be a skinnyfat college dropout?

>boy you're still obsessed
No, I've reached the point of apathy with MCU Spider-Man.
I liked him in Civil War, it gave me hope that they would get the character, and then came HC and just fucked everything up and gave us Iron-boy.

The Elementals were Cyclone (Air), Sandman (Earth), Molten Man (Fire) and Hydro-Man (Water). For years, I have been thinking these villains could actually form an unstoppable force. However, I believe Electro should be added as the Fifth Elemental, and possibly the leader.

He won't. He was fucked from the get go by being related to Stark. He should have been already active and just doing shit in New York/Queens without branching out. He should have been "Fuck off Stark, you are a billionaire and you let people die en masse" character and Stark should have convinced him to engage in Civil War instead of the other way around.

He's leaving the MCU, so I hope Marvel has backup plans.

Feige is a fucking mastermind businessman, and Spidey even appearing on the mcu AT ALL is nothing short of a miracle. He has the power of God and anime on his side, it's going to be fine.

>i have a snapshot of early spider-man he's not allowed to be different from
you're the kind of faggot that caused One More Day

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>Too bad that whole movie doubles down user making Spider-Man less unique
Just like MCU Spider-Man movies.

Yeah, I missed how there are at least six other people with Peter’s exact power set in the MCU, totally not one of a kind at all.

>he needs two films to become spiderman, and thats ok!
like he needed Iron Man in the first place

There is a whole army of superheroes that take the spotlight over Spidey in the MCU, especially Iron Man.

But none that make Peter less unique, unlike Spiderverse where Peter is just one of many with his exact power set

Isn't it going to be pretty easy for S.H.I.E.L.D to clear Spiderman's name?

It would be if Shield was still a thing that the general public trusts, but seeing as how they tried to kill a majority of the population while controlled by Hydra the world probably will refuse to trust them

Sure, but it's the identity reveal that's the big deal.

And it fits because Peter Parker started out as a young loser who lived with his old aunt and uncle and now he's an older loser who lives alone in a filthy apartment.

At the moment there is Talos in charge and is a bit incompetent. When Fury will returns it is likely that the news can no longer be undone.

Still, I don't expect it to be a problem. Fury, CapFalcon, WarMachine, and the rest of the remaining Avengers will all be on his side.
Most likely the news will be debunked pretty soon, but in the internet world, people want to believe in their bubble and personal narrative, so Peter, even if with no criminal record, will have to start managing notoriety with both people who love him and with people who hate him openly.
Furthermore, this will further endanger his friends and Aunt May, I expect a film where, for various reasons, he will be completely alone. Without being able to count on anyone anymore to avoid putting them in danger.

There is where Spider-man without tricks or tech, will be born.

>Just think about this: None of this would have happened if Peter wasn't so irresponsible. It seems he creates his own problems by being stupid.
It's almost as if he has to make mistakes to grow as a character or something I don't know.

>good thing that Miles in this is nothing like what he is in the comics now but I'm sure you haven't read any of them since 2012
He is literally exactly like in the comics

You are aware that Bendis wrote Miles, not Slott, right user? When I said that ITSV is an advertisement for Slott Comics I was referring to Spiderverse, which was a steaming pile of hot garbage beyond the Scarlet Spiders mini and a few of the one shots. Spider-Island would have been a better Slott story to adapt, at least that way Spidey is still somehow unique due to him being one of very few that actually know how to use their powers.


>anything not by Lee, Ditko and OG Romita to prove what character is and isn't

that is maybe true, but Hollander is already commited tranny


where did i say that?

this is literally every Spider-man adaptation
the very core of Peter as a character is that hes a everyman, he goes to a normal school, he has money problems and because of that, he runs a job he doesnt like


Anybody who still cares about the MCU after Endgame needs to take a long look in a mirror

>Let's put arbitrary limits of decency that suits me.

how cute... Why the bar must be at Endgame?
Why not a: Anybody who cares about the MCU in general need to take a long look in a mirror?

>not know about 100+ year old tradition of drag and mistaking them for trannys
Get cultured in theatre you swine

>MCucks arguments all boil down to projection and ''YOU JUST WANT TO SEE UNCLE BEN DIE''
literal fucking children

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The 1 billion needed thing was a fake rumor started by some shitty website.

there's only one way to redeem the MCU as a whole, bub


Anyone think it's possible Doctor Strange could give the mystic mindwipe protection like in the comics?

nothing cultural in it unless you summoning demon or something

yep, all it took was to rip off Ant-Man from Dissembled

In your dreams, Carolfag

Also this>>

Ten years from now, Morgan will become Iron Heart e Peter will be her mentor.