we are on our last legs boys
June Comic Sales: Overall Market, Batman Declines Continue
Comics and graphic novel sales to comic stores were up a thin 0.36% over the year-ago period in June, according to information released by Diamond Comic Distributors, with comics up 3.56% and graphic novels continuing a soft spell with a 7.11% decline.
For the first half of 2019, comics and graphic novel sales were down 0.49% vs. the first half of 2018, with a 0.21% increase in comic sales unable to offset the 2.25% decline in graphic novel sales.
Higher cover prices were clearly masking worse news for both the month and first half, based on unit sale changes reported by Diamond Comic Distributors. Comics and graphic novel unit sales were down 5.27% in June, with comics down 4.63% and graphic novels down 13.13%. For the first half of the year, comics and graphic novel unit sales were down 5.19%, with graphic novels down 7.19% and comics down 5.03%.
Marvel Comics had a massive share lead over #2 publisher DC Comics, behind a title count for Marvel that is now twice as large as DC’s (147 to 71). Marvel’s share lead was over 16% based on dollars, and over 22% based on units.
Marvel Comics published more than twice the number of new comic book and graphic novels in June 2019 than DC, whose publishing volume more closely resembled Image Comics and IDW Publishing than its historic rival - but those numbers come with a caveat, according to figures released by Diamond Comic Distributors Friday morning.
>Make Batman take on an evil doctor who misgenders patients
>sales decline
Hm, how odd
>Tom King and Bendis killed an entire comic company
what is worse is that neither of them will be punished for their sins.
Bendis and King will just go back to Marvel if DC dies and blame the death on others.
>shilling your channel
That was Batgirl and that was years ago
>Event Leviathan selling out
>Naomi hype building, finally a poc to look up to
>Wonder Comics expanded to 12 issues
>YJ is back!
muh Bendis speak. admit it, he is saving DC
I really want your scapegoat to die, then maybe you can address the REAL problems of the industry, like the stupid monopoly of Diamond
I hate to admit it, but Bendis really is the only thing DC has going for it right now beyond stuff like The Green Lantern, which isn't exactly setting the sales charts on fire. It's King and Snyder that are dragging things down, not to mention Johns' inability to finish Doomsday Clock.
>needing a Batman event to save your Superman book because you crashed it
>Naomi. A low selling book of a OC no one cares about. Implying.
>More low selling books.
>YJ is now shit.
Bendis is the second worst thing to happen to DC. The first is Tom King.
Snyder is the only one selling at DC. His Batman Who Laughs and Justice League are selling more than most others.
Meanwhile Bendis and King are getting raped by the Immortal Hulk.
Brava, King. Brava, Bendis.
Snyder writes a really good popcorn Batman. King writes about how terrible and weak men are because even his dad didn't want him and Bendis writes about POC because he adopted one.
How long til Disney buys out DC?
Why would Disney want DC?
So what is Didio’s master plan to save DC and his job? It is obvious that sooner or later that AT&T/WB are going to question having a company that is losing money and not just close the comics division and only reprint comics. So what is the plan?
1. less comics
2. more batman and joker
>Event Leviathan selling out
It debuted outside of the top 10.
I thought Bendis, Fraction, and DeConnick were suppose to save DC?!!
DCeased, which isn't even an in-continuity book is one of DC's top books right now.
>not even Batman can save Bendis Superman
what DC needs is more ptsd and suicide
Cute bait.
Remember to not buy any comics this week to contribute to the industry’s slow death.
>and only reprint comics.
lol, they don't even want to do that.
The trade department in the last few months has been a shitshow (even more than usual)
Batman literally ends up in the top 10 of comics almost every fucking month for the past couple of years. His decline shows how hard king’s run has raped him
So you mean to tell me, Bendis is both killing and saving DC. How the fuck. DC is clearly doomed.
>bringing back Dial H
>Pearl extended
He really is doing some good stuff at DC. Even if people don't care about Superman
Time for another reboot!
New 52 2.0!
Yes...keep arguing about politics and ignoring actual issues. You help us very much!
>the same people from the 70's & 80's don't understand modern distribution or what their audience wants, so they keep churning out the same shit they have been for 40 years now.
Color me shocked. The comic industry is an absolute fucking joke with no real attempts at story telling or progressing. It's the same plots we've all read for years with a new twist. Graphic novels are the future, but these fucks refuse to understand that, so they'll keep pushing out there $5.00 singles and wonder why sales have declined. These dumb bastards have went from calling a book that shipped 400,000 a month to 83,000 a good seller.
He still in the top 10 moron.
I know Yea Forums loves this fake narrative that Batman is a total bomb now, but how butthurt do you have to be to deny the fact Batman has been, and still is, consistently one of DC's best selling titles under King and to this day it still regularly is in the top ten?
OGN's are expensive to produce without cutting them into singles.
The publisher takes on the risk for paying the writer, penciller, inker, letterer, and colorist the full cost of producing an OGN, and then hope that they make their money back.
It's why the indie ones are frequently black and white, to save on not having to pay for a colorist.
They're OGN's of existing characters. Fucking, these assholes need to use some logic. It's why they're being dominated by manga here in the states.
Daaaaamn. It's like, people still buy comics with Batman and Superman, thinking they will retire when they sell it in 20 years.
Because unfortunately there are still diehard collectors who need EVERY issue of certain titles, that and stupid characterfags. King's run on Batman is objectively bad. Immortal Hulk has outsold it 3 times already.
DC as a whole has been tanking ever since Dan Didio started making fucking decisions. Christ one of few things left reading at DC right now is the goddamn Wonder Twins
Existing characters doesn't mean they will sell.
Green Lantern Earth One vol 1 had such terrible sales in hardcover that the softcover reprints were cancelled.
That had a pretty good story and excellent art, and still couldn't justify further printings
Pathetic deflection.
No? Go look at the numbers, Immortal Hulk has been on the rise with Batman on the slope. That's concerning. I WANT Batman to do well, but that won't happen unless King steps down.
>Immortal Hulk has been on the rise
Because of variants.
>I WANT Batman to do well
Well good thing it is, then.
It's sad how nobody fucking cares about anything other than Batman. Gone are the times where GL was the hot shit.
It couldn't justify the printings because they do everything ass backwards. Why pay $50 for the hardcover and same page quality when it'll be released down the road for $17.99? Seriously, reserve hardcovers for omnis.
Yeaaaah. Huge deflection. I work in a shop, bro. People come in that absolutely despise Batman, yet everything he is in is on their pull, because these people honestly believe they're going to sell these "9.5 MINT!!!!111!" issues for millions of dollars years later.
King is stepping down and getting his own Batman/Catwoman book. This was announced ages ago.
>One of the most iconic characters in the world of comics can only sell roughly 160,000 issues a month with the help of two books per month.
To be fair, the Earth-1 line went to shit with.
>One of the most iconic characters in the world of comics can only sell roughly 160,000 issues a month with the help of two books per month.
Yes? You do know that the Snyder run onwards was the first time Batman sold over in the 100k range in literally decades, right?
Batman is up to 70+ issues with the same writer. And it's still one of the best ongoing comics on the market. You're acting like it's on the verge of cancellation when it isn't. And King is already leaving the title. So fucking what if Immortal Hulk is selling better? Good for Ewing. Now let's see if it still sells as much fifty issues from now when the hype has died. And anyway, according to Yea Forums IM is SJW trash as well, so the entire "GO WOKE GO BROKE!" narrative makes no sense. So it doesn't sell except it does when it fits my narrative to bitch and whine about a different comic? Jesus fucking Christ.
they won't shut down DC Comics. That would be like canceling Simpsons or Days of Our Lives, if the merch still makes money they will be take the loss.
What I can see happening is DC becoming more of a digital thing. Maybe getting rid of floppies all together
>Why pay $50 for the hardcover and same page quality when it'll be released down the road for $17.99?
Because some people like HC versions. They look better on the wall.
>One of the most iconic characters in the world of comics can only sell roughly 160,000 issues a month with the help of two books per month.
Now explain why Avengers don't sell as much. Or Spider-man. Or Wolverine. Or Thor.
Quit being a (You) hungry whore, damn.
I'm actually sick of Batman. Everything else is either gone or circling the drain. Superman's fucked thanks to Bendis, Red Hood and the Outlaws got sunk thanks to shipping autism and the kneejerk countermeasure, and the new shit like Sideways and Silencer got canned.
>verge of cancellation
I never said it was you colossal fucking shill.
>anyway, according to Yea Forums
Oh good to know you don't read fucking shit
King is fucking trash wasting everyone's time with a decompressed story that could have taken 30 issues and he keeps projecting his own fucked mental issues onto the page. Muh Batman can't be happy? Fuck off
>Everything else is either gone or circling the drain
fuck you GL is doing great right now
Apologies, a majority of DC is suffering, not all of it.
>And anyway, according to Yea Forums IM is SJW trash as well, so the entire "GO WOKE GO BROKE!" narrative makes no sense.
That was more shitposters posting the same page over and over again out of context and outragefags biting every time. It honestly feels like even Ewing knows about it since last issue had a scene which basically spells out that the reporter was wrong.
Silencer ended pretty neat, no lose ends and didn't felt rushed or anything.
Yeah, no, fuck off with your shilling, don't think you're getting a pass.
thank you
I agree most of DC is currently suffering
>Quit being a (You) hungry whore, damn.
Are you seriously arguing that Immortal Hulk literally doubling in sales in less than a month month is solely due to audience interest and not because speculators are buying up all the issues and variants due to older issues now selling for crazy amounts of money?
>Batman 611 - 129,377
>Batman 608 - 120,945
this was 2008.
Simple. Movies and television success doesn't equate to comic books suddenly being sold. Yes, the movies are making absolute bank; but the people watching them enjoy the movies, games, cartoons, not the comics. And when normies stroll into a shop, they want GNs, not floppies. They're not wanting to pay high dollar for a single issue when they can get the same story in a collection for $14. Thor has never been iconic and Spider-Man and Wolverine/X-Men used to lead Marvel in sales, but when the movies became a thing, they seriously shit all over those franchises so Hollywood couldn't get new ideas for them. There were tons of articles discussing this.
When a new writer comes on Batman to replace King are they going a new number one? It wouldn’t be the first time they did something like that just for a writer change and not for part of a line wide relaunch recently because they did it for Benis on Superman. I feel like they might need to because King has made so many people stop paying attention to the series. However, unlike Superman which was relaunched several times Batman just had the original run until New 52 and Rebirth.
>a majority of DC is suffering
Is it though? Wonder twins and Dial H got extended from 6 issues to 12 based purely on performance. Doom patrol is back and that collapser looks promising plus you got DC ink expanding into the YA market.
Two random issues, great, how long did they keep those numbers, user?
>Why pay $50 for the hardcover and same page quality when it'll be released down the road for $17.99? Seriously, reserve hardcovers for omnis.
It was $24.99USD at full price.
>Wonder twins and Dial H
That's fine, but a lot of the main books are fucked. Flash for example is in a holding pattern doing a Year One origin because they have zero idea what to do
Last post in this shill thread because I don't want to give attention to this dumbass YouTuber:
>Immortal Hulk #13: 40,496
>Immortal Hulk #14: 45,708
>Immortal Hulk #15: 53,120
>Immortal Hulk #16: 90,305 (the "special variant" issue)
>Immortal Hulk #17: 87,444
>Immortal Hulk #18: 75,983
>Immortal Hulk #19: likely around the 70K mark (numbers tomorrow)
It might have had a push due to variants, but every other month has settled in a lower but comfortably sales number, which STILL is superior to what Batman ongoing is selling. So no it's not just "variants", it really is selling well on its own.
So you agree then, being iconic means fuck all.
I'm curious if Marvel sales are up since he left.
Hulk and Amazing Spider-Man have been doing alright. Not sure what degree Bendis has in that, but I'm sure the workplace is nicer. Miles is slowly becoming his own character, as is Riri (slowly)
Batman is still selling 80k per issue without needing cover gimmicks.
>which STILL is superior to what Batman ongoing is selling
At its 74th issue.
You seem to imply King's length on the run has anything to do with quality. Slot spent ten fucking years on ASM
So what? Batman is supposed to be the benchmark of the industry so its sales are a reference, if it goes lower for a consistent amount of time and it's replaced by something else, the paradigm is shifted. King allowed this.
>without needing cover gimmicks
And the only way for DC to remain in the top is by releasing other Batman miniseries #1s, since the ongoing cannot sustain it by itself. Also the "cover gimmicks" still count as sales, sorry if this bothers you so much but it's not overshipping, which Marvel drastically cut, btw.
The fact that it's still in the top 10 by #70 is an indicative of quality.
>Batman is supposed to be the benchmark of the industry
No it's not you stupid fuck. Grant Morrison's Batman was selling way less than King's Batman.
Well, first, you should have called me out, because 608 is the start of an event (Hush). So it's not just a random issue. Further, I'm not going to scour the internet for sources and compile them, get a median, etc. for your moving goalposts. Batman sales are shit, but not as bad as the other user is claiming; he's selling pretty much the same as he does when a shit writer is on him.
Regardless, it would have been cheaper as a softcover. And no one pays full price unless they go to a shop or bookstore. Shit, I work in a shop and still buy off IST because it's so much cheaper.
Iconic is still iconic, just things have changed due to the medium. Wolverine isn't defined by his comics, but by Hugh Jackman. Batman isn't defined by his comics, but by people like Kevin Conroy or Bale. Iron Man is only popular from what Kevin and RDJ did, not because of Marvel. These characters are all iconic. Shit, people still argue for Reeves Superman and that was literally 40 years ago. Face it, comics are dead. DC, Marvel, etc, will become full fledged production companies soon as this point.
>You seem to imply King's length on the run has anything to do with quality.
No, I'm saying you're comparing a series that's been running for 50+ issues and only started losing readers in the last 5 to one that's been selling for 19 issues, only just leaped up in readers two issues ago, and is now bleeding those readers to a more reasonable level.
>Batman is supposed to be the benchmark of the industry so its sales are a reference
It sold consistently in the 60-70k range until Snyder's monthly run brought it back up.
>Batman sales are shit
You understand what top 10 means right?
>only started losing readers in the last 5
I was done with Batman 40 issues ago
>he's selling pretty much the same as he does when a shit writer is on him.
Grant Morrison wrote one of the most critically acclaimed Batman runs ever and King's sales still utterly blows his out of the water, even in the decline period.
>and is now bleeding those readers to a more reasonable level.
Fucking delusional.
It's still in the top 10 like what part of that are you not getting?
>because 608 is the start of an event (Hush)
Wow, events sell well? Who knew.
Meanwhile, less than a year after Hush ended...
>Batman #627 - 76,848
>since the ongoing cannot sustain it by itself
How the fuck is 80k per month not sustaining itself? It literally outsells majority of the market every single month!
>batman is unpopular
So are we gonna start pretending we love Kings batman like the contrarians we are???
Will happen the minute the freshness of the replacement writer wanes off.
Batman isn't unpopular, fans are just severely fucking frustrated with him, his recent stories, and overall importance
Will DC finally start pushing characters other than Batman and Batman characters?
they pushed GL for a while but the movie killed that momentum
I was totally going to crop this and make a reaction image out of it. Glad someone beat me to it.
They do but it's just that the fans only recognize Batman.
Really wished more characters that don’t bow down before Batman would get more animated movies, cartoons, live action films and video games. Hell, when WB has Arrow made they just turned him into tv budget Batman
>Batman is supposed to be the benchmark of the industry
Morrison sold less, although that does make it a decent benchmark
King’s Batman sale will rise again after Catwoman returns in #75.
You can just wait.
The Bane heavy next storyarc will get all the "muh filler!" brainlets back on board
to be fair, you need an extreamly high iq to understand King's Batman
Next one is the final ark of Kings run. It can’t be filler.
I enjoyed seeing people getting BTFO when the Russian fable that everyone bitched about being pointless filler came back in a meaningful way.
>>Event Leviathan selling out
It debuted outside of the top 20.
>>Naomi hype building, finally a poc to look up to
>>Wonder Comics expanded to 12 issues
>>YJ is back!
>muh Bendis speak. admit it, he is saving DC
Benids sells likes shit..
DC is Dead.
Bury it. Consider it mercy.
>So you mean to tell me, Bendis is both killing
Bneids kills DC.
- Bendis sells like shit DC Will kick him out too. -
Fuck Bendis for aging up Jon.
he's going to destroy the Legion of Superheroes
it's going to sell like shit and be shelved for another decade
Shove a dick up your mouth, Bendis.
>This will sell like dogshit and DC won't use the Legion again for ten years with another complete near reimagining
Nobody buys nigger bitch comics desu.
Catwoman is Cancer.