OK Yea Forums what are the best fan comics ever made, I nominate "Scoob and Shag"

OK Yea Forums what are the best fan comics ever made, I nominate "Scoob and Shag".

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I only read porn comics but if that counts I have several.

Wait until the Yea Forums awards

oh ok

This is a good comic. Thanks, OP

If you want to read the comic for it's plot and not only it's porn features, then it would be a good fan comic.

I would say both matter. Some comics have bad porn and good plot, some have good porn and bad plot. Some are good in both and some are so bad they are good. There is a lot to enjoy in the porn comic scene. The ability to make quality sexual encounters in a porn comic is a skill that can be appreciated.

The answer is Tails Gets Trolled. Nothing else can even compete.

I’m more of a Night of the Were-Ed kind of guy. The earnestness makes it better.

Judy Is Dead by TGweaver is great.

"The Secret" by Swain

i read this and it fucking sucks man. wow cartoon characters fighting and acting like anime. it's not funny it's retarded it's fucking retarded monumentally so. it's tails gets trolled but it's just shit it completely misses the point hooooooly shit you are dumb you are so dumb you stupid bitch i can't believe anyone could be so stupid

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"The Bible" by Jesus Christ

Eh, I liked Bible 2: The Quest for more Money

Jesus didn't write the bible? I think he was just a character in it


You've never seen a Norman Mailer KINO I presume?

I'm not saying the porn part of a comic doesn't matter, all I'm saying is that a great porn comic isn't automatically a great fan comic. In a good fan comic you should want to read more of it and see what happens next while for a good porn comic it's possible for you to have no interest in continuing after you've done your business.

Good shit, it got me hooked.

Not a fan comic tho.

>Not a fan comic tho.
They're loud house characters

>Only reads porn comics

Are you kidding me mate

You should message the artist and tell him that. Cause I don't think the message has been received.

Fucking Re-Take.

I would only agree if he actually finishes the comic

Woah! Edgy!

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Surprised no one's mentioned Let's Make a Comic yet

I can still appreciate the artistry of a good sex scene even after fapping. Conveying intimacy is an art of its own. For example, FiXXXer likes to play with the power dynamics of the characters in sex. They play with manipulation or the emotions of the submissive. A comic like ‘Cheer’ on the other hand is delicate, sensual, focusing on a conveyance of touch and weight. You really get a sense of the “exploration” aspect of the sex.

No, i’m not. I don’t even read regular comics. I just love porn comics for some reason, i’ve read hundreds, maybe thousands if you count doujin.


We get it user, you believe in fairy tales.

this isn't the place for this.

We've already had this conversation

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Why don't you do a storytime if you love it so much Mr. I Post The Same Thread Everyday

This Romantic World and its prequel

Actually I'm a completely different person surprisingly enough

Post it.

Nothing will ever beat Tails Gets Trolled

Let's just take the list from the last time you made this thread.

-Camp Sherwood
-World of Light (PPG)
-Night of the Were-Ed
-Tails Gets Trolled
-NoEnd House
-Fist of the b0rf Star
-Between Friends
-Of Mice and Mayhem
-Boy's Night Out
-Scoob and Shag

What else is getting add to the list?

According to this thread, Judy Is Dead by TGweaver, The Secret by Swain, and This Romantic World.