Best Disney movie is Pocahontas

Watch that scene and tell me I'm wrong. The inaccuracies were not unintentional; Disney had fully planned to rewrite history with this film. Lion King won out but in the box office but only for being a revival of the Shakespearean plots that dominated opera in the previous century, but with animals. Pocahontas was just too fresh, and the culmination of the themes of global-unity by which we define the 1990s.

J. Smith is such an alpha that he gets the girl despite calling her people a savage, gets her to speak the Queens English without even having to teach it to her, and damn near overpowers an indian after we've clearly been shown that the indians are physically stronger than Ratcliffe's men. He instructs his red-haired sidekick to stand up for himself, to keep both eyes open. By the end of the movie the young man is in command, and being called "sir" by the crew. (Put him in chains! And gag him as well!)

Is white supremacy no longer the faux-fashion here? Disney had the audacity to make John Smith shout "But this is their land!" And I've been coming to this site for years. But enough of that, let's talk about the animation: It's minimalist, yet all the characters are in proportion. Pocahontas is a 6 foot 2 bombshell despite being Powhatan. The song Savages is so well drawn that it almost makes me want to party with the Indians instead, for they seem much more brutal and committed to their cause. But, I this is what you get when the races are diverse.

What is that instrument that comes on in Colors of the Wind right at the lyric "can you paint with all the colors-" It sounds like a flute, but not quite. I find the song melodically beautiful, my second and third (female sung) favorites in all of Disney are God Help The Outcast, and Part of Your World. It doesn't matter.

I'm sure Disney has produced better animated films than this. Can't think of any right now, but. . .

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The best Disney princess is the one that's determined to gleefully throw away their individuality and now live their lives in luxury as an extremely wealthy pretty princess sandwich making house cleaner

IE the sole reason why Heinous took over St. Olga to help demonstrate to people that Princesses aren't people they're property that have their emotions removed. They're like Stepford Wives but underaged


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Moana takes what Pocahonatas was but did it better.

They don't have anything in common besides being about brown people

but it's boring though. disney's best film is either emperor's new groove or aladdin.

not an argument

Go home, Jeffrey Katzenberg. You're drunk and Pocahontas still isn't Best Picture.

im not trying to argue

>Moana takes what Pocahonatas was but did it better.
lindsay ellis pls go

can... can disney stepford wives be a thing? i kind of want it to be a thing.

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I'm sure you can find this somewhere. The most blatant examples would be Cinderella and Snow White since they love cleaning.

Maybe that black princess too

A few sexy moments and some great music but god is it dull, slow paced and boring. Pocahontas herself is so dull. She never fucking even smiles.

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>AU where Belle reluctantly accepts Gaston's marriage proposal
>Dreads it at first, but discovers she quite likes the 'provincial life'
>Cooking and keeping house leaves her with lots of time to read and tend to her father
>Manages to refine Gaston a bit over the years, but also gradually finds herself attracted to his confidence and bravado
>Gets great satisfaction out of reading bedtime stories to their children and eventually teaching them to read.

This is literally the opposite of Stepfordization/Bimboification

Its suppose to end with the Bimbette's accepting Belle as one of them but in order to complete the process they dye her hair and help he destroy all her books

Then comes a lavishly detailed scene of Belle and the Bimbette's absolutely ripping Belle's library to shreds then destroying the house itself.

That user is right and so is Lindsey. Moana looks better, takes less liberties with the history of the people (and is arguably better for it), has a better OST and likable characters.

The original pitch had Pocahontas as more of a precocious, rebellious younger girl, with the story less focused on a shitty Romeo and Juliet romance ripoff and instead more focused on her befriending the settlers, learning about their culture and teaching them about her own, and mediating the conflict between the settlers and her tribe.

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Moan sucked ass, and you know it!

1. Boring characters. Both of them look disgusting. Moana has mother fucking cankles while her face looks generic at best.

2. Entire boring plotline on a fucking boat

3. Rehashed backstories. Moana is basically an Ariel rip off

4. Jokes are flat or they are trying to be meta

5. Songs were horrible, so forgetable, and not catchy at all. They were mostly spewing exposition in most cases.

6. The forced chicken, and little tatoo guy tried too hard as typical Disney mascots

7. The cute lovable pig was false advertising, and didn't actually go on the quest as the trailers implied he would

8. That fucking ending, good to know the main hero is responsible for the death of everyone who ever dies, and not only goes scott free, but also gets rewarded

Seriously fuck this movie. A typical production made by black suits and created out of every Disney archetype. Seriously making a main character a woman or black will automatically have critics rate this as

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Stepford/50s wife stuff is a spectrum - a character like Belle or Merida, etc can find contentment in a simpler life of home and family without going full bimbo.

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...95% on rotten tomatoes. Fucking brainless sjws.

Nah. Fuck your spectrum. Once you use the word "Stepford Wife" in the conversation that means you want it cranked past 100%

We're talking about women who speak thru the minds and instructions of their husbands and have so little freewill that even the way they walk to their locations is properly graded upon by their husbands.

Besides the mere thought of that happening to the 1st Feminist Princess Belle would work Tumblr into a seethe so hard I think they'd spontaneously combust from their rage at the mere thought of it alone.

Moana is an Ariel rip off , user. Both wanted to go somewhere they weren't supposed to go because they were after something more than their home had to offer. Father says "No you can't go." They go on their quest anyways in hopes of getting what they were after while sing Disney songs, and accompanied by their cute side kick pet. In the end they are rewarded, and get what they were after while making their fathers eat humble pie.

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Lion King is an Aristocats rip off because they have both cats in and songs happen.

Also in the climax of both films they have to battle a larger than life sea monster

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>thinking Gaston would let her keep books in the house

Dude, Disney even stated that the rooster was going to be the grumpy jerk aka the Sebastian type character who would try to convince Ariel....I mean Moana to go back home where she belonged, and that the pig was going to be the lovable supportive sidekick aka Flounder.

They even released artwork of the grumpy uptight rooster, and lovable pig duo
>image very relate

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Disney started to fear that Moana was starting to appear way to similar to The Little Mermaid formula, and people would notice so they ended up redesigning the Rooster as an idiot that worked for comic relief, and they decided to leave the pig off the adventure all together to avoid the Flounder/ Sebastian comparisons.

However, because Disney is greedy they still decide to use the pig heavily in promo materials because pigs are cute, and people like cute things so they say "let's pretend the pig is still a sidekick, (even though hes not) and sucker more money out of fans who enjoy classic Disney cute sidekick characters."

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I still feel cheated though. I wanted to see more of that little pig. I was going to drop $50 on a bigplush of the pig , but when I found out that his character is basically non-existent in the film I didn't . He could have been the next Flounder or Olaf. He could have been one of the greats. This Princess movie is already lacking a prince. It really could have used a cute side kick character. Would it have killed Disney to just throw old school Disney fans a bone.

Even during tv ads the pig is shown interacting with Maui, and the ocean, yet in the film the pig never even meets those characters.

It's false advertising at its lowest. They are trying to sucker people into the theaters with the promise of Disney's next cute , adorable princess sidekick, but the pig is nothing more than a false flag.

It's like going to see Frozen after viewing all the tv ads, and seeing all the artwork of the talking snow man Olaf only to find out after you've paid for your ticket that the Snow man doesn't go on the adventure with Anna, and is only in the film for 29 seconds.

Video got taken down, but here's just another of many examples of this false advertising
>image very related.

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When I saw that your link was two minutes long, I expected it to skip to the fight after Mother Willow does the ripples in the pond. But no. How did they cram all of this into two minutes? In live action, this would have been a 7 minute scene.

Pocahontas? I once saw a Giantess/Shrink story with Disney's Pocahontas using that dust the shaman uses to shrink and enslave the white men. But the writer screwed up and had her shrink Sora from Kingdom Hearts and that's who she mostly interacts with.

>Compromising on standards
>Doing a thing that happens every day
Is this even fetish material?

>Women setting low expectations and accepting a shitty lot in life passes for fetish material now
Have sex.

They drew her really beautiful

Ocean looked cool and the chicken was funny

Best is Cinderella