Rank them by cuteness, Yea Forums
Rank them by cuteness, Yea Forums
Its amazing how considering all the reasons Yea Forums shits all over Captain Marvel not because of the movie but because of Brie Larson as a person no one on Yea Forums talks about the true elephant in the room
and its the fact that Ronan is a literal embarrassment to all Marvel villains everywhere. Like people talked shit about the Dance Off sequence at the end of Guardians 1 but at the very least Yea Forums had the implication lingering in the back of their mind "Ronan just had a really bad day. baring that one bad day i'm sure off screen Ronan really was as fearsome as the Kree portray him to be."
Then in Captain Marvel he has his entire fleet destroyed and Ronan just has this look of disappointment on his face as if he's thinking "Thanos is going to have my ass"
Ronan is literally the worst Marvel villain of all time and its thanks to this movie. They somehow made an ending for Ronan worse then in Guardians 1
Dance off was kino
Ultron was sexy
What're you talking about, Ronan going off on his rant about ONE THOUSAND YEARS OF KREE JUSTICE just to be completely stunned by Starlord dancing like an idiot is kino.
I seriously thought Ronan would fight Carol to a standstill and then Yon-Rogg would pull rank on him or something and tell him to stand down, planting the first seed of contempt for Kree hierarchy that would make him become an extremist terrorist in the future. What a dumdum I was.
Thanos' design is ugly and looks like shit in the actual movie. They recreated the features of the actor, a normal persons face, instead of creating a uniquely designed face artistically. big mistake.
>Ultron was sexy
You quiptronfags are fucking delusional
Ultron canonically modelled himself after a male porn star he saw during his internet trip
Why Spiderverse Kingpin mixed with MCU villains?
Anyway Ultron is the cutest, the others need not apply. Though Ronan isn't a total uggo either.
>Ugly as sin
Ultron (his 2nd body)
Ultron (his 1st body)
>There are no strings on me
Thanos' design is ugly in general. MCU and comic books.
ITT: Virgin, butthurt user can't handle the fact that a robot oozes more big dick energy than he does
well i hope you know everyone disagrees with you. so maybe you should question your taste
pic related
all joking aside, I don't think it's as unanimous as you say, there where a lot of anons saying thanos looks down syndrome stricken or mentally retarded when he was first revealed. a lot of other people made fun of his looks online as well. the thanos in the AoU stinger looked a million times better.
It’s pretty unanimous user... lol
Not him but seeing big purple Josh Brolin didn't really stick with me, I would had def prefered a more unique look.
Cutest to Least Cute:
Ultron is really cute. 10/10 i'd slam his robopussy.
Thanos huge purple ass is nice
Look buddy, I just want Spader to insult me while murdering me