Is there a decent argument for why Miles Morales is a bad character that isn't thinly-veiled racism?
Is there a decent argument for why Miles Morales is a bad character that isn't thinly-veiled racism?
Originality and costume design.
Also he needs a new name.
Plenty, but you just dismiss it as thinly veiled racism.
Sure but you'd probably hand wave it as racism anyway. But to answer your question, Miles is really more of a half-baked idea. When under the pen of Bendis he was just flat out BORING, and given undeserved praise for doing jack shit. People at the time were more concerned with a black Spider-Man than whether or not Miles himself was interesting.
But since then, Miles has slowly started being his own man. Spider-Verse and the Insomniac Spider-Man game are both steps in the right direction for making a likable Miles
Ignore his skin color for a moment. What makes Miles unique among the spider mythos? His extra powers? Is that, in itself, interesting? is it his age? The fact that he's in high school? Has both parents? What is it?
is there a decent argument for why Miles Morales is a good character that isn't because of his race?
The guy is has a bland design, has no personality, occasionally veers into Gary Stu territory with things like random characters kissing his ass for for no reason and defeating established Spider-villains like they are nothing also he doesn't really fill a niche that isn't already filled by a ton of other better heroes.
What I find particularly frustrating is that the Sony movie version is a perfect relatable teen hero character.
>What I find particularly frustrating is that the Sony movie version is a perfect relatable teen hero character.
isn't he just a artsy version of Peter
He can OHKO just about anything with his venom blast so his fights aren't entertaining and he has no reason to be creative about solutions.
No, movie Miles is just a normal teenager. Like totally normal. He's not really a social outcast in any way like early Peter.
Other than run of the mill young adult angst, his only "problem" I could see is that he didn't want to go to a new school that he thought was preppy.
Why does he have extra powers? Are they ever explained?
Almost a decade in and
>no major villains
>no good stories
>no motivation to use the name spiderman
>he’s added nothing to the lore
Can you come up with a good reason why he’s been pushed so heavily as a successor despite the literal no connection to peters life?
I find it funny writers forget Miles can turn invisible
I don't know if there was an explanation given, but it's irrelevant either way. A character's skill and power set should not prevent them from being an interesting character. I'd like to see Miles up against a villain who can completely no sell his venom blast so he has to be creative in how he takes them down. On of Peter's greatest strengths is that he can lose the first round, improve or invent a solution, then win round two.
That's got me thinking that since he has a pretty normal should they make his spider suffering 2x as worse as Peter's?
Literally who
What would your ideal version of miles be?
Mine would be him without a shit haircut
Now that would be interesting. But how would you make Miles' spider suffering unique?
Osborn created a better versions of the spider that bit Peter parker.
In th movie, the spider was fuckup by the machine that kingpin created.
does he even have his own original villain?
does the prowler count?
Lack of an actual personality really, you see snippets here and there but nothing to really shine. On top of that his rise and role as a top hero doesn't seem deserving and feels like it got handed to him on a silver platter compared to what Pete's had to go through. Also I dont like that he's cause Gwen to go from one of Peter's greatest failures of to his love interest in media.
your not wrong. Miles was given so much praise and he never lived up the hype. Like there is a list of greatest Spider-men and HE WAS number 1 it's on i09 if people want to look at it. By the time that came out it he was five years old.
Frost Pharoah
no rogues gallery
no interesting flaws or drama driving the character
product of cuck writer writing characters for his wife's black son
shit, I tried. Almost made it too.
Miles is so boring when Bendis writes him, He has SO much potential it's just marvel writers are too stupid to know how to write him Properly, or give him any personality
you need to go back
I had an idea for arc in my fanfiction where he gets the symbiote and turns into a big asshole towards his friends and they ditch him entirely then he gets rid of the symbiote only to be ambushed and blinded by a flashbang and has his arm sliced down forearm so he can't shoot his (organic) webbing without it hurting alot and then he wakes up at the hospital.Then Matt murduck comes in tells him he brought him in and tells him he can teach him how to still be spiderman/superhero while being blind.So it'll be a nice little training arc along Matt teaching him to be lawyer.Also a new dilemma for him will be that he has only one good arm to fight with along with no backup besides Matt,luke and iron fist.
Came out starting out weak and boring and then people REALLY hated him at the start of Superior Spider-Man because at that point there were no living Peter Parker's
No, though there is the argument that he is a better character when written by someone other than Bendis.
Fuck you, that's a better look than Mile's shitty buzzcut.
There really are good arguments about why he isn't liked. Blame /pol/ and Yea Forums and causals who don't read comics (the majority of the this board) who only look at covers and outrage articles to get mad at for the majority of the "BLACK SPIDERMAN BOO" argument
You've got that reversed. It's reactionaries like you that drown out any critical discussion about Mile's lack of character.
That's what I was trying to say current miles looks like a pinto beans with down syndrome
"He's black" isn't a critical discussion about his lack of character
Ulitmate Honorable mentions. (Dead)
Venom (diffrent guy)
George batroc
The unknown twins.
You want the tin man and a lion to go with that strawman?
He has a very thin personality and supporting cast for someone who's been around for more than 10 years, and his 616 self getting there through multiverse shenanigans is hackneyed and divorces him from his origin.
Not really huge issues in the relativity of cape comics, and nothing that can't be fixed in other itterations, but they're still issues.
He's a privileged wannabe, he has his mom he's in a fancy private school, all the heroes love him even wasp who hates spiders like him, JJJ never once gave him any kind of shit, miles has no money issues or relationships issues with his friends, he's what he is and that is a boring character whose greatest achievement will be to pass off as peter and funny enough the clones have more character than him
He was promised as a fresh take on spiderman when really everything about him is either superficial, a literal cliche, or a watered down aspect of peter.
Of course when he was created he was just "a black spiderman" and thats all people cared about.
Even in spiderverse everything involving miles or his character is things we've seen before, and MCU peter would just be miles (their personalities are the same) except peter has normie appeal.
He doesn't have any potential.
Hes literally just blackface Spider-Man. His entire gimmick is "being black". That is inherently uninteresting.
Maybe not, but it's certainly used as a shield from criticism about his lack of character.
It's true though, are you seriously saying that the majority of the people that read comics don't like him because he's black compared to those that don't?
Because the entire impetus for his character is "Peter Parker is dead, and this new kid doesn't know how to live up to his legacy". Now that Miles is in 616 he's got no thematic arc. None of the writers seem to know what the hell to do with him.
>He has SO much potential
He has been around long enough now where only a full on stupid One More Day style reboot and a run written by someone who isn't a hack could really save him at this point.
They could have done so much with him being a refugee from another dead dimension and they just dropped that and fixed his family like that wasn't the most interesting thing about him.
So the PS4 game makes him a tech nerd with a dead dad as a back story.
The comic from what I remember, his mom is killed by Venom and he kills his uncle who's a bad guy.
In Spider-Verse both his parents are alive, he's said to be smart, but its not shown throughout the movie. His Uncle is evil and dies but not by his hands.
Do they honestly have no idea what to do with this character and can we give him a different name. Come on its fucking dumb.
Even the writers know he's only important because if his skin color
No most comic readers who don't like him do so because of unwarranted praise and meh material after ten years
That's not what I'm saying though
That's what I'm trying to say
he's boring
nearly 10 years later he's yet to have a consistent supporting cast, his own villains, or personal goals
he's kind of in a state of always reverting back to point 1
I do like that you literally listed three previously established villains as Miles. Three that haven’t been seen in 6 years because they were the ultimate versions. Hi bendis
Let’s see if the last two ever come back, neither seemed like characters. Just straw men for Saladin to spout his political opinions. Hence why they were both just ineffectual white guys who were rendered non threats the moment they came in screen
>no major villains
To be fair, that’s a legacy character problem. Writers are too lazy to create new villains for a legacy character so they just have them fight their predecessor’s villains. Everyone loves Wally West but he only had one good villain he could call his own.
You do realize that Barry Allen himself is a legacy character, and that most of The Flash villains are his, right?
It’s been almost a decade. If bendis ever wanted to write original villains he would’ve but you all have just stuck your head in the sand and called calling that fact out racist
when Dick took the mantle of Batman the first thing Morrison did was introduce a bunch of new villains and even new interpretations of older villains
>He has SO much potential
I wish people like you would fuck off. Do you know how long you have been saying that? A years after he was introduced "Don't be so dismissive he has Potential" and Five years later you were still singing that tune and I am sure five years from now after you will still be saying that load of bullshit convincing nobody.
the whole point of wearing a mask is so your identity doesn't matter as the hero and your actions are what's important, and it doesn't matter who's doing it.
>miles is buddies with the avengers and happily accepts his handed position
>being a "spiderman of color(tm)" is important to miles and not just being a hero
>superficial aspects of race matter more to him then being a symbol of hope for all
what a shit page
Barry Allen is The Default flash the template that moth other Flashes are bite off of
I wouldn't count Starling as villain
I hope that the Assessor will be part of his rogue gallery
Nova, Blue Beetle and Gwenpool (If you can count her as a Deadpool legacy) all got new villains right away.
>He's the default Flash
And? What does that matter? He's a legacy character, and he got more than his fair share of villains
>Gwenpool (If you can count her as a Deadpool legacy) all got new villains right away.
I can't remember any besides the Doombot. Who are the others?
I think he works as a young Spider-Man to do young Spider-Man stories. I think they were onto something with him losing his Mom and Uncle Aaron. His Dad hating Superheroes and finding out his son is one. There were some very interesting story beats.
I hate that most writers seem to have forgot that he's a prodigy just like Peter but gets bad grades because he spends time as Spider-Man.
The Bendis did what he does, write like a hack. Brought everyone back to life and used his Venom Blast to solve all his problems. It was terrible. And he kept having Miles Question why he's even Spider-Man when it's been address a ton of time.
What makes him stand out besides being Black? He's young and still trying to figure his way in the world. He's only recently been taken away from Bendis so give it time.
>what makes him unique as spiderman
>he’s a young hero
Can some of you just pretend you read comics?
Conrad Marcus wasn't previously established. He just worn the suit and started killing everybody
Anthony masters didnt appear in the ulitmate universe. Until he was fighting miles and his gang.
Same thing with George batroc. Same codename, diffrent guy.
Lots of them, that's why they changed so much stuff for movie Miles, thus making it the superior version of the character
>Barry Allen is The Default flash
Easiest way to spot a casual. Wally West was the default. Almost everything that's attributed to Barry is shit that Wally was doing for years. The show takes most of its ques from Wally's run as the Flash
There was also future Gwen.
I think there were a couple more one-offs but I am not sure.
Well Peter isn't young anymore so maybe that is what they were getting at?
Either way he doesn't really have any teen problems so the point is moot.
It's important to Luke (which isn't really surprising), Miles doesn't reply to that remark. Still a pretty lame page.
Also movie Peni was bland as shit.
>Well Peter isn't young anymore
That sounds like their just trying to rehash old stories about highschool peter, is that the case?
I remember old peter being kind of an angry nerd in highschool or at least was bitter about being bullied.
>he's kind of in a state of always reverting back to point 1
Why is that. He lost his mom and his dad abandoned him but then a few months later it's all retconned. He hasn't had any lasting changes at all.
Didn't Bendis try to run this back when it was revealed to the public in universe Miles was black and he was like "it doesn't matter what my skin color is".
They really jumped the gun on shoehorning him into 616. He wouldn't be so obnoxiously uninteresting if they just made him into Spider-Verse Miles. It seems like they're trying to do that now but its too little too late.
Clone character derivatives are kinda lame in general. They've been fun/good before though. I read like 30 some issues or so and I thought it was fine, not amazing to me but his existence is fine.
I think you have to understand the reality of any material in general...most of it is bad. Ergo most stuff featuring other ethnicities is gonna be bad...and if there is very few of it...most of it is gonna be bad. Math is simply on point with this. It's rather inescapable. So just be thankful that he's not bottom-barrel festering garbage that makes people want to destroy the world.
I suggest you read the older Black Panther books if you want a really interesting story with a black character. I don't think Miles is it. But I do think his existence is something that won't be raped and shat on like Peter's was for a good while so he has some preserved innocence before in 10 years or so it's revealed he's been smothering babies to relax in his off hours. Y'know, gotta make them dark and moody to be interesting these days.
Yes and Aaron Davis stolecthe prowler name from Hobi doesn’t mean he was wholly original. Bendis is a decent remixer of previous stories and characters but that’s all it is. He just took the iconography of previous villains and edged it up for the ultimate universe. What else is new. List characters that aren’t from a defunct line
Peter's actual clones are more interesting than comic Miles
If they couldn't make Ben Reilly work what makes you think Miles or any other Spider-person will?
Not really. Especially after Spiderverse. My one real issue is he needs his own rogues gallery.
I like how writers keep forgetting Miles is half Hispanic
The FACT of the matter is there is no such thing as a "bad character " only bad writing.
Spider-Verse didn't. I'm going to chalk that up to Bendis not knowing how to write minorities at all. It's painful reading his dialog for black people so I'd save the hispanics the same pain.
Yeah? That is what ulitmate universe is for? Remix and modern version of the 616 universe.
It's like complaining to 2099 series for having similar names to the present day.
Miles morales over all just feels like someones outsider impression of what spiderman is and what would be important to him. Peter is overwelmed with guilt and has had all of his personal heros and father figures all die or go mad to due science and his because own actions. Miles is kind of like peter but without all the struggle and challenge that peter has. It feels like your life would be cool if you were miles morales but suck ass if you were peter parker. Peter struggles(both internally and externally) and is interesting, miles does not and is not.
>Also movie Peni was bland as shit
I agree movie peni, spider-ham, and spider noir I consider all cameos though, they appear half way through the movie and don't do anything to actually service the plot, only in maybe very minor ways (peni making a new key for them to use)
What's "racist" about saying he's boring and has zero personality or anything that defines him as being a unique or interesting character outside fo his skin color?
Comic Miles
>has a seizure when he gets bit by the spider
>Peter's supporting cast has to keep telling him he deserves to be Spider-Man
>his Uncle calls him a bitch before he dies
>no lasting consequences for his actions
>his costume was given to him by SHIELD
>first gf was Hydra
>can't even flirt with bombshell
Spider-Verse Miles
>shrugs off the bite
>told that only he can know when he's ready to be Spider-Man
>Uncle dies protecting him
>has that Parker guilt from being too afraid to help Spider-Man and getting his Uncle killed
>makes his own costume that shows his personality and style
>flirts with a girl from another universe
Comic Miles is a bitch
>that was what the ultimate universe was for
Stop clinging to a line that went under 5 years ago Miles has been in the 616 for longer than he was in the ultimate.
A cameo lasts one minute tops, they're secondary characters who are just kind of useless beyond the artstyle gimmick.
I didn't, I trying to explain why they are miles villians.
zero personality
zero villains
zero interesting stories
being a shit legacy character
being redundant
Bendis is a shit writer.
He’s better other people though.
His dad bailed on him during the middle of a major event. We're talking "World is going to die" and he still found a guy to help him move the couch.
>I’m trying to explain why they were miles villains
Past tense user, even if you’re wrong about it it was half a decade ago
That is why I say honorable mentions, you fucking sperg.
>I wish people like you would fuck off
Wow user, you seem to be hurt about my Opinions on this character. '
kill yourself roastie
who are his villains?
Snatcher, Frost Pharoh, Asessor, and Tombstone. Those are his villains thanks to Saladin
Every time you pay for a book with Miles in it Bendis gets more money and clout
You have no shill this disgusting character everyday?
He is bad because his stole everything from the REAL Spider-Man. He is impoverishing the Spider-Man franchise and people like you are applauding this. He is not even a real character he's just an idea to attract midia and sell DIVERSITY™.
And he is black.
Spider-Man isn't real, user.
I grew up reading and pretending to be the Scarlet Spider on the playground so I agree with that and is one of the ways I know clone characters can be done well.
I'd like to add that I think his mom is pretty hot.
This is true. I am really fond of her look and personality in the movie. I hope in the sequel she gets an arc like his dad did in the first one.
Between making a deal with Mephisto to sacrifice a single girl's life for the lives of everyone killed when the Champions fucked up a mission and being tortured by the Assessor to keep him from going after his friends and family, Miles has had his fair share of suffering lately.
No, this page came afterwards.
Yes, he is, retard.
>You have no life? Why are you shilling this disgusting...
Damn, was too angry to realize.
It’s his have your cake and eat it to existence that annoys me the most
He’s an alternate universe spiderman who lives in the main universe
He’s had several reboots and was created about 90 months ago but keeps all of ultimate spider-mans numbering to boost his issue count
His mom and uncle died because he’s spiderman but he got them back because he’s spiderman
Editorials refusal to quantify him in peters life is the stupidest part. If you’re going to make a legacy hero while the hero is still active and very profitable why not give miles a new hero name and connect him closer to peter for the boost in sales.
I've just found him to be too bland in modern comics
also i think they really need to change his name. there's like 5 people running around with the name spider man
>Editorials refusal to quantify him in peters life is the stupidest part. If you’re going to make a legacy hero while the hero is still active and very profitable why not give miles a new hero name and connect him closer to peter for the boost in sales.
DC did okay-ish with Impulse and New Superman
Anything that’s written by bendis is probably terrible, he’s show me to be decent in a good writer like the spider verse movie
Kenan worked because he was on the other side of the planet as Clark. Miles is a borough away. I think that Peter and Miles should have a relationship where they each try to reinforce the other's non-superhero life by splitting the burden of being Spider-Man.
>>makes his own costume
Just spray paints Spiderman's old costume black? Really?
Designs then. Better than being handed a costume and not having a touch of personality to it at all
He's wasted potential.
The idea of a legacy hero of a funny and trickster hero being a timid and unsure kid sounds good but you can tell Bendis just wanted his pet to be loved and appreciated instead of dealing with the issues of following a legacy he didn't even ask for.
You could have people like Nick Fury wanting him to be Spider-Man not because they believe in him but because they want to cope with the dead of Peter.
You could have several heroes and Peter's family not wanting him to be Spider-Man and finding it as an insult only to later open up and help him.
You could have heroes never accepting him as Spider-Man.
You could have Miles doubting himself and not wanting to follow the path of Peter only to later realize he has a responsibility to fullfill and he must do it on his own, not on Peter's legacy.
Instead everyone in the Ult Universe accepts him and loves him.
Both 616 and Ult Peter gave him his blessings
He fights Peter's villains. His girlfriend is an AU of Gwen Stacy.
He is nothing without Peter. He is nothing without Spider-Man and that's why people consider him a bland character.
Kind of this. More of the problem that for the longest time he was a watered down Peter but that was when he was written by Bendis. Now his comic is better and he's been written much better in other things such as games and movies.
But other than that anons have a hateboner for black people.
This site can't argue in good faith when it comes to Miles, not when half the board is thinly veiled racist shit about Kamala and now we have to deal with "Why is Superman fighting the Klan fucking liberals!" threads three times a day
Could be worse, could be Yea Forums. They have daily Etika threads and shove him into as many other threads as they can. Then you have other threads complaining about all the threads about him. It's best not to take any of it seriously, just recognize that this board is only good for shitposting and the occasional storytime. But at least there's actual discussion here sometimes.
Correction. This board is only good for waifu threads and toonami general.
I keep saying it and I'll say it again. Miles is the greatest thing to happen to Peter Parker. He's a teenage Spider-Man so now Marvel will let Peter grow up.
hes a nigger
Talk about lack of good faith. Your default reply to any discussion of Miles is "ur raysis"
>so now Marvel will let Peter grow up.
>Peter is a high schooler in MCU
>after a 5 year time skip, he's still a high schooler
>Peter is a manchild in the comics
>after almost 10 years of Miles, he's still a manchild
You might be on to something, buddy!
No one care because no one liked Kaine until he was turned into the Angry Blond Spiderman
There is only ONE (1) reason to read Miles Morales books.
>first introduced in mcu
>dead and brought back 5 years later along with half the universe
>peter is in a serious relationship with mj and there's hints of omd being undone even more
>into the spiderverse has miles and an older peter
Obviously baiting for (you) but that just gives me a good enough excuse to list the turnaround Peter has had in the past few years. It also helps that he's not stuck with Slott.
He’s just a bad Peter Parker with brown skin.
Until they stop de-aging Peter Parker back to high school there's basically no point for him to exist since he's the same character as Peter at that point, just black and with a couple of extra powers and the same superhero name with a slightly differently colored costume living in the same city.
Might as well make a second version of all the famous superheroes that are a random minority and have them run around doing the same shit (they already did this a couple years ago with girl Thor and asian Hulk)
Though, I do like Miles and I hope they eventually decide to let Peter go to college/be middle aged and married to MJ and eventually be a Father to Spider Girl, since that's my favorite version of Peter.
Popular solo heroes that are the protagonists of their own franchises with their own little universes inside of the larger company universe tend to have sidekicks or successors or whatever that are just younger versions of them with extra powers.
Miles Morales is just the Spider-Man version of Sonic's sidekick Miles "Tails" Prower, who is Sonic with the addition of flying and a 400 IQ but suffers from confidence issues.
I don’t know who you are, but you muh nigga.
I liked the PS4 version but not a fan of the Spider-Verse one. Neutral about the comics.
>Popular solo heroes that are the protagonists of their own franchises with their own little universes inside of the larger company universe tend to have sidekicks or successors or whatever that are just younger versions of them with extra powers.
This. Do you want to know why Robin works so well?
>Dick Grayson and (pre-Damian) Tim Drake are almost the opposite of him in terms of personality.
>Jason Todd represents Batman's failure and the idea that yes, maybe he should kill the Joker.
>Damian represents the most negative aspects of him.
And in the Teen Titans cartoon before Go!, Robin was literally a mini-Batman that occasionally smiled and had fun when not being super serious and vigilant.
Sidekicks/Successors/Apprentices are defined by the MCs that mentor them.
>It's important to Luke (which isn't really surprising)
Old Luke wouldn't have cared though. I remember an old Power Man and Iron Fist comic where someone in Harlem accused him of "being too good" and "leaving his roots" after doing Heroes for Hire with Danny, and Luke just gruffly ignores it.
>And in the Teen Titans cartoon before Go!, Robin was literally a mini-Batman that occasionally smiled and had fun when not being super serious and vigilant.
Yes but that worked because in the Teen Titans cartoon there was absolutely no Batman, so he wasn't overlapping with him unlike Peter/Miles. In Young Justice (for example), Robin is nothing like Batman aside from his mentality about the missions.
Sidekicks are either just like their mentor with a few differences, or the complete opposite with key similarities in a certain areas. Either way, defined by the mentor.
I never denied Robin was defined by Batman. I was saying they aren't just a younger version of him.
I was just trying to add to what you were saying.
He does it in the must retarded way possible. Using fucking spray paint on a full face mask. That shit is hard on your lungs just spraying a wall, why the fuck do you think gas masks are associated with taggers. He should have dropped unconscious in 5 minutes after getting a face full of it. And we're told he supposed to be smart.
>that isn't thinly-veiled racism?
No, and that's just sad in my opinion.
I love Miles' face, it's like, "we JUST went over the whole mask thing".
Characters are not solely defined by their origin or their circumstances. What makes any spider unique? Ben Reilly and Kaine are both clones of Peter. Silk and Jessica Drew are both women.
Your argument is both reductive and groundless.
For my money, the most unique thing about Miles isn't really his race - that's certainly a piece of his character, but it isn't really influential on the story. But you're onto something concerning his age, the fact that he's in high school. Miles is in many ways a revisiting of the original Spider-Man dynamic from the 60's - a kid who has to balance the problems of teenage life and high school society with being a superhero with a secret identity. This is a *good* thing. Miles has made Spider-Man more relateable to a whole new generation of teens, in a way that 616 Peter Parker hasn't been for decades.
If I remember correctly when Miles stated he didn't want to just be black Spider-Man a bunch of tumblrites and your usual woke twitter users got pissy because they missed the point of what the character was actually saying and thought he should accept actually being black Spider-Man while saying that was the reason whites shouldn't write nonwhite characters . Actual black people who saw where Miles was coming from were promptly ignored or screeched at about internalized racism. That page you came after this.
Gwen and Ben. Both are slowly getting stripped away from Peter in main media.
>Even the writers
You mean writer. And don't you think it is strange that a Bendis OC needed a head pat from another Bendis OC and one of Bendis' pet characters?
There’s always this sinister attempt with writers to make miles sound like the one and only Spider-Man when, one: Peter still exists, and two: the characters live in a universe where it’s not uncommon to have superheroes using the same code name.
Victor Alvarez being Power Man doesn’t mean Luke Cage suddenly doesn’t exist. Hawkeye is not suddenly a white teenage girl, she’s a character with the same code name as Clint.
>Also he needs a new name.
How about Brown Recluse?
>Miles has made Spider-Man more relateable to a whole new generation of teens, in a way that 616 Peter Parker hasn't been for decades.
Why do you lie?
He's bland, directionless and generally not a well conceived character. His faults aren't interesting nor is his supporting cadt, so it's hard to get invested.
I would honestly rather they push Hobie. Fuck, I'd take time shenanigans making Miguel black. Miles is just bereft of substance, and only one adaptation has managed to make him mildly interesting.
>Fuck, I'd take time shenanigans making Miguel black
I do NOT want another Timestorm 2099 and I will burn Marvel down if they try to bring that shit back.
Comic Mile is boring because he is a white guy but with black skin. Middle working class family, sorta nerd-ish, awakward, generally good boy, somewhat smart...etc
That is why people find movie Mile more interesting, because he has all kind of black people stereotypes - retarded clothes / fashion, vandalism / graffiti, rap music...etc
It just that no matter how well put out and reasonable the argument may be, in the end, it gets regarded as "rayciss" for merely criticizing a black character and somehow turned around into another "whuait pipull faolt!" problem.
You come here to this site delusionally expecting some kind of reddit/tumblr/twatter/nsabook/etc level of blind acceptance, support and possitive encouragement like that to a baby who can't have it any other way, ironically knowing full well this place is more sceptic then the places you usually frequent, and you will rage and get upset when met with any form/sort of varied degree opposition, no regard for their points or logic, just plain and simple, "deys don' laik muh shitz? deyz b rayciss yo'! sheeit mahn, shake muh dik hed".
So, it's a locked game with no benefiting outcome. The best thing to do is treat this entire "oy lets blackwash everything & everyone!" as nothing more then an obnoxious passing corporate fad meant to market their products to the so called "minorities" and the gullible bunch that are unable to see through the scheme and be wary of the whole political agenda movement it carries in a silent but observant manner while avoiding its dark & deteriorating effects.
At some point, people get a picture of his exposed skin during a fight, and vloggers go nuts about how important it is that he's black. Miles gets pissed about it because he thinks that shouldn't matter, his actions should.
So there's that.
It would help that people giving these "reasonable arguments" were that but most are just powerlever complaining and some just seem hypocritical "He has no personality yet he is does anything he is copying Peter" Also you forget that there are trolls playing both sides of this namely the ones that act like Peter Parker should not exist in the first place. I feel that people over-analyze Miles to the point that they are making mountains out of anthills.
>Between making a deal with Mephisto to sacrifice a single girl's life for the lives of everyone killed when the Champions fucked up a mission
What is with writers wanting different Spider people dealing with that ass clown ? OMD was not a good story, if you are a writer you keep your heroes the fuck away from deals by the almost literal devil.
It wasn't a deal, it was a wish.
Who wrote this?
I think the biggest thing is
>Spider-Verse and the Insomniac Spider-Man game are both steps in the right direction
Notice how neither of those are comics? Bendis is a hack, but it looks like no one else has made him work in the comics either. Sony and Insomniac just have better writers.
Chris Gage, a comic writer, wrote Insomniac Spider-Man
He's superhuman, he can handle that.
Just saw that into the spiderverse movie and my big problems with Miles
>supposed spiderman fan but tosses all knowledge on how spiderman does stuff once gets powers
>is too emotional and that emotion is freaking out
>constantly just tries to BE spiderman instead of being someone else like spider-women and spider clones did when most obviously has different powers too. Just put a damn asterisk somewhere or Spider-Man Hip Hop or something.
my only other thing is I don't like kid stories. I can't understand why people love to see kids go through puberty, social problems, highschool shit. I personally hated being a kid and don't want to be reminded, but others just want the same kid coming of age story constantly.
He had his powers less than a week why would he risk his health over something he should know is toxic from experience? And what part of a spider makes some one immune to paint fumes anyway?
movie fixed him. comic version was/is garbage and even stereotypically racist.
>literally tons of black heroes
>a black derivative of an already existing white hero is supposed to be the most important
What about decent arguments that are overtly racist?
>Is there a decent argument for why Miles Morales is a bad character that isn't thinly-veiled racism?
Every argument against Miles is extra apt because those who dislike him have to be secure in their data less they be called racist without cause.
Therefore nearly every argument against Miles as a character is better routed in his stories than, say, people against Gwen or Silk (she's asian, but people who dislike her are never called racist)
There's no spider that can turn invisible or discharge electricity either.
Wait, is venom blast electricity? It really looked like electricity in the movie.
just make a new fucking character stop trying to ride the success of already established heroes. What a complete and utter lack of creativity. I'm willing to accept a new hero that exists in the spiderman universe but they just create a clone of spiderman in name and powers.
seriously take a step back and look at what is happening here. they couldn't think of anything unique? or do they have so little faith in their own writing abilities that they know nobody could give a shit about their dumb character unless they blatantly copied an already proven formula? at this point i'm already completely turned off to the idea but then you add in the whole racial thing and now I really want nothing to do with it.
it's laziness and a complete lack of creativity
Latino here, if he want's to be respected, then he must change the name of the hero, why is so needed for him to be spiderman, he could change his name to The Tarantula(which can be spanish or english), but no, the stupid fake latino must keep "spiderman" because reasons...
Besides, we Latinos don't need representation, we already have OUR HEROES: El Santo and Blue Demon being one of the most well known, if it started as white, leave it white.
brownwashing a white character is racism and we don't tolerate those pendejadas!
The only "hombre araña" we want is Peter Parker, PERIOD!
But you will say it's racism, no matter what anyone says...
Pinche pendejo NPC Racista!
New characters crash and burn months after they debut. Too few people are willing to take a risk and invest in buying their comics. Unless their tied to an existing ip they're as good as dead.
Remember Access?
I still remember Gwenpool and hold it up as one of Marvel's stronger titles this decade (not THE strongest, but Hastings did a good job)
I hate her under other authors though
there's just no logical reason other than "to replace a white person because fuck white people"
what is the excuse? to provide a fresh new perspective because we've seen peter parker for 50 years? fine. I accept that, but that falls apart when your new character looks like spiderman, has all of spidermans powers and is named spiderman. we've seen how spiderman interacts with green goblin etc.. spiderman shoots webs on his glider and he crashes or something. you would make a new hero that has a completely different powerset that results in completely new interactions with the established villains and then you can make that guy black or latino or whatever. he can even hang out with peter every now and then for those sweet fanservice points. you're still riding the coattails of an established IP to avoid this and it fulfills the fresh perspective angle without just being "fuck whitey we're taking over"
that's kinda what batman beyond was doing, new look, new powerset, new interactions. same name though but it didn't feel like he was replacing bruce. it was paying homage to bruce and it didn't feel shitty.
So... electricity?
New characters don't fail because they're new, they fail because Marvel is creatively bankrupt.
You NAIL IT!!!
I do kind of wish they went all in in giving Miles completely different powers. Keep the spider theme and give him invisibility and venom blast bullshit, but in exchange for super strength or durability. You gave him invisibility so make him a stealth hero He could even still have spider sense, but model him after a different spider, so that you can have all the different interactions while alluding to spiderman to give him a boost from the IP.
You could even still do all that now with something similar to the secondary mutation xmen powers or something else.
>same name though but it didn't feel like he was replacing bruce. it was paying homage to bruce and it didn't feel shitty.
A spinoff to a animated show. Nobody gets mad at spinoffs.
Or maybe it's long past time we stop making knockoff spider-people.
Silly user, if one spider prints money, then all other spiders must print money too.
The only run of Miles I ever read was terribly boring with no tension in any of his fights and no discernible character growth. His dad came across as a way more interesting character than Miles himself
The current writer seems to be doing well with building up Miles as a character along with his supporting cast.
>they fail because Marvel is creatively bankrupt.
But it is not just a Marvel thing.
>Is there a decent argument for why Miles Morales is a good character that isn't thinly-veiled racism?
The quality of the publisher doesn't matter. If it did, the big two wouldn't hold so much of overall comic book sales.
People like what's familiar. They aren't willing to take risks with new ips unless they've experienced them in another, more digestible media. Such at movies, podcasts, etc.
And even then, those characters are still at high risk of fading away because floppies, the lifeblood of all comic characters, are financially unattractive and are vastly outclassed by trade paperbacks. Only characters with longtime captive audience like Batman and Spider-Man kinda have the luxury to rely on their sales to carry them through every year. And that is why these new characters have to have tied to those books to survive.
Everything about your post is wrong.
What doesn't sell is shitty ideas. Throwing down $5 isnt some massive investment. The reason why comics plummet after #1 is because Marvel has had nothing but shit ideas for a long time now, and it only takes exactly 1 (one) comic to tell that its another series that's only useful for starting fires.
>But it is not just a Marvel thing.
It's not, but this is a Miles Morales thread.
>What doesn't sell is shitty ideas.
Not him but shitty ideas sell extremely well. I have yet to seen any event comic that didn't make it to the top ten.
Shit ideas sell all the time. That's why we get events every summer.
You're also wrong to assume this is a problem exclusive to marvel. DC and pretty much every publisher has this problem unless they're making books with established IPs like "Star Wars" or "Rick and Morty".
Then there's the fact that some writers horde ideas to use with publishers that will grant them 100% creative control.
> Miles has made Spider-Man more relateable to a whole new generation of teens,
How? I don't know any kids that go to magnet schools and stay in dorms. I do know kids that are poor as fuck like Peter and who might be into science.
$5 dollars is a pretty big investment when you can get a tpb with 5-6 issues for little over the price of two. Sometimes even one.
$5 gets to be an even bigger pain if you actually get invested in comic books, and buy several titles. You could be spending $25 for five issues of five different comics that may or may not suck when you could have bought two or three TPBs ,containing at least 10-15 issues in total, that you can research and assess if they are worth your time.
Unless you want to support a particular book, there's no contest
People don't invent inventions on the fly, lose companies, have 20 hot girlfriends, and become the smartest guy in the world while having a car that sticks to walls.
LITERALLY the price of a beer.
All those retarded diversity legacy characters failes becauee they were fucking stupid, not because "people hate everything that's new" or "we can't afford $5".
But people also don’t get bit by a radioactive spider and hop universes with absolutely no apparent changes in their lives. Right now in peters life he’s dealing with restarting a relationship grappling with his mothers cancer and going back to school to finish his degree, Miles is currently being tracked by a multiversal organization attempting to comprehend his atomic structure and its relationship to the universe
Why buy a single beer for $5 when you can get 5 for $15? It doesn't make sense to just keep buying singles when a much cheaper option exists.
You're also assuming the average person is willing to pay for a comic book instead watching a comic book movie; which you can rent for less than $5 and receive about an hour more of entertainment than they would a single floppy, regardless of quality.
so why do DC books also plummet after #1s?
>How? I don't know any kids that go to magnet schools and stay in dorms.
I thought it was a charter school. And he only got in via a lottery.
Also why do you know kids at al should we be calling the feds?