What was his problem?

Attached: xana.jpg (1032x774, 26K)

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no higher purpose

Xana is Skynet's AI wife and sister of GLaDOS. I ship them


Sometime a nigga just wanna destroy the world yknow?

Some of the ways he went about gets hilariously extreme, like that one time he sent a meteor to the school.



Attached: Barney.png (932x931, 809K)

this thing has a gender?

Cousin of Hal

An I.A way too intelligent trapped in a computer on an abandoned factory. Doesn't give a shit about human loss and would do anything to get out.

Is referred as Female in the show.

she just wanted shota/teen cock, okay?

Not really, but they refer to him as "il" (he)
It may be because there is no neutral pronoun in french and we use the masculine by default.

or because Xana is a program and it's a masculine word in french

French Theme Song > English Theme Song

That's a vagina.


Even just thinking about this show makes me incredibly nostalgic.
Should I watch it, or would that just taint the memories?

It’s nkt as good as you remember but still worth watching
Don’t be a nostalgia sucker you big gay

>nkt as good

You had one job.