Is this shaping up to be THE definitive Hulk run?
Other urls found in this thread:
No, because it doesn't want to be what defines the Hulk, it's exploring something different about the character.
>because it doesn't want to be what defines the Hulk
I'm sorry, what? Because it seems like a celebration of decades of Hulk material to me. All it's really doing is reminding people that there's more than just Savage Hulk
Yes. But because it's contemporary and well received, "no." (see above)
Exactly. It's not trying to define the Hulk, it has introduced a different Hulk to explore other portions of Banner and his past. If anything it's the defining run for Brian Banner.
>Still no Leader
>Still no Bi-Beast
>Still no Juggernaut
>Still no Maestro
>Still no U-Foes
>Still no Thing
>Still no Ross
Pretty good run but still not the definitive one.
You forgot Wolverine. Didn't Thing meet current Hulk in a tie-in somewhere?
>Still no Leader
He was in that Crossover with Weapon H and Wolverine
>Still no Bi-Beast
Give it time
>Still no Juggernaut
I'm waiting for this myself.
>Still no Maestro
They've named dropped him a few times and alluded to the Devil Hulk actually being Maestro
>Still no U-Foes
Same as Bi-Beast, give it time
>Still no Thing
Yeah thats kinda weird but I imagine they will have him and maybe the rest of the F4 in order to try and help Bruce.
>Still no Ross
Didn't the last issue end with his empty grave?
Looks like it is getting there, but it depends on what you mean with "definitive".
If it means something that can be read by anyone who doesn't know anything about the Hulk and still getting what you need to know about him while giving out a different take on the character, then yes.
If you mean it quality-wise, it is pretty darn good.
Hulkverines was a rather enjoyable mini. I liked that Leader found himself a waifu.
After what Rosenberg did to Juggy, I'd prefer if he didn't appear anywhere for a few years.
Slott is gonna do Thing vs. Hulk over in his FF run.
I'd say so. I don't want to give into hyperbole, but so far it's matching and exceeding the quality of PAD's first 20 or so issues.
>bi beast
Eh, it's definitely among the best and has already secured a place on the "must-read Hulk recommendations" but I wouldn't really call it the definitive run, largely because it's so contingent on other stuff. Immortal Hulk wouldn't exist without Roy Thomas or PAD, for example. Like, if you were to read ONE Hulk run, I don't think it should be this one. This is a great run for A. getting people interested enough in the character to go back and read other stuff because it shows off what's great about the Hulk beyond the popular conceptions of the character and B. It's a celebration of everything that came before it for the character in a smart way.
It's a fantastic run for people that are either long time fans or new readers, but if I were to go "if you only read one hulk run, what would it be?" I don't think I would pick this one unless the remainder of the run is just so amazing that it blows everything else out, which while possible I wouldn't make such a big claim until after it's all said and done.
Thing vs. Devil Hulk is happening in the next issue of Fantastic Four. Devil Hulk met Wolverine in Hulkverines. Devil Hulk also had his obligatory Defenders team-up in that defenders mini/series of one-shots that Ewing did.
>bi beast
might as well say where is tyrannus or zzaxx
Ross is being used for the Total Carnage tie-in.
Another way that I'd frame it is in comparison to, say, Morrison's Batman. Morrison's Batman is an amazing run, and probably my favorite, but I wouldn't really call it the definitive run.
Yeah but any chance of Thing or Logan meeting Banner in the main Immortal Hulk book? Seems wrong to do this run, which is touching upon the entire history of the character, and not have either character show up.
Don't forget Avengers: No Road Home.
>no Bi-Beast
We got it kinda
Also why you consider Bi-Beast a definitive Hulk's villian? Even Wendigo would be a more appropriate pick.
You guys forgot about Zzax
What is some of the best Hulk stuff anyway?
I don't know much about the Hulk.
Might be one of the best but I don't think it will be definitive.
I wanna know if Ewing's gonna tie Rhino into this, considering how he's a gamma mutate like Hulk AND has his own totem thing for him.
It will probably be considered the best Hulk run when it's all said and done. PAD's run is the "greatest" run, mostly due to its length and scope, but people will consider Immortal to be the "best."
Try this.
It'd be cool, but I'd imagine he's off-limits.
>Whenever Devil Hulk is knocked out of commission, one of the other Hulks emerges as a fail safe
I kinda hope Ewing plays around with this more.
>Mantlo's run
>PAD's run
>Future Imperfect/The End
>Hulk: Grey
>Jenkin's run
>Pak's run
This is a run that is going to be remembered for years. It's not one that's going to be swept under the rug like other runs sometimes are.
With the sales numbers Ewing has, he has the rare opportunity to change the status quo and actually make it stick for at least a few years after he stops writing.
No but that doesn't mean it won't be a memorable one. It's going to be its own thing and when it wraps up I'm going to assume that the next writer will put him back to the way he was. And that'll be for the best, this is something that only Ewing should mess with.
>I'm going to assume that the next writer will put him back to the way he was
Not necessarily. Consider the effect Alan Moore had on Swamp Thing
On the other hand, I can see another writer bringing back Devil Hulk and basing his actions on Ewing's run.
Ewing might not have created Devil Hulk, but he has undeniably defined the character.
Bi-Beast is from the era Ewing has been pulling from
Is it weird to say that The Hulk from Avengers EMH is a lot like Devil Hulk?
More sadistic and less friendly
I recently read all of this and the writing is enjoyable enough to keep me going, but the quality of the art is sometimes hard to ignore. Joe Bennett's style has it's limitations to begin with, but I'd actually put the blame on the inkers.
They just mercilessly emphasize the worst parts of the pencils with this horrible pitch black thin lines and crosshatching, and while it works better on Hulk, everything else looks hideous. And not in a horror-ish kinda way, but just bad.
That's just how dissociative identity disorder works
He basically DID create him. PAD's Devil Hulk was pretty much a different character altogether, even if that was "because perception filter".
Until the current Shadow Base story arc wraps up, which could be soon, I doubt we'll see the Thing or Logan.
What, exactly, are the Joe Bennett's style limitations, eh?
Please tell.
>He was in that Crossover with Weapon H and Wolverine
That still wasn’t part of this run though. Ewing wasn’t really involved.
PAD is necessary Hulk-reading, but not good, not good at all.
Same with Lee/Kirby, not that good.
Len, horrible for the most part.
Things don't start to turn until halfway through Mantlo's run.
Starting @ 288-312 you are coming into important events that have big ramifications on PAD's run, and others.
PAD had a good start, MacFarlane's art was shit, then everything went to hell, and PAD started with the Pantheon: dogshit, dogshit.
Things don't really take a turn for the better until Pak takes over, culminating in WWH,
Which is only really good for a Hulkafile, due to the Hulk-wank factor.
Red Hulk stuff was pretty good.
All that to say: Immortal Hulk is the definitive run.
It incorporates all the above that was necessary for continuity,
And expounds on all the above that was good.
Ewing did his homework, no more, no less.
He is enthusiastic about the project and gives credit to the past teams.
>PAD had a good start, MacFarlane's art was shit, then everything went to hell, and PAD started with the Pantheon: dogshit, dogshit.
What the hell man. It's the opposite. PAD Hulk doesn't find its footing until like 30-40 issues in.
Those comics aged worse than Wein's;
Read 'em again, without nostalgia and group opinion clouding your mind.
Dogshit, bro.
(Jim died of Aids in da butt; Hector like the suckee-suckee)
I read them this year, and for the first time, so nostalgia had nothing to do with it. They're great comics. I mean, you're the guy who's saying Red Hulk was "pretty good," so I'm not putting too much stake into what you think of my taste.
Ewing is borrowing from them heavily;
He obviously like them too:
Fortean, Red She Hulk derivation, ABomb derivation.
Easy now, Jr. Hulkaphile, take it slow.
>Ewing is borrowing from them heavily;
He's borrowing most heavily from PAD and you think he sucks, so what's your argument exactly?
You think it is PAD;
It is really Mantlo.
PAD never had an original thought in his career.
I really want Ewing's Hulk run declared non canon given how much of a shithead he is. The very first issue after Ewing leaves needs to reveal that EVERYTHING in the book is Nightmare fucking with Hulk again, the same way PAD retconned the Casey, Byrne, Jenkins, and Jones runs from 1998-2005 stuck on an island being mindfucked by Nightmare for shits and giggles.
Invalidate EVERYTHING Ewing did and go hard in telling him how much of an asshole he is to comic fans and that Ewing is being explicitly punished with his run being tossed into the dumpster fire with all of the other Hulk runs that are never brought up/declared as being non-canon
Well we've reached the end of our discourse. Have a night night, user.
Why though? Its good
>Invalidate EVERYTHING Ewing did and go hard in telling him how much of an asshole he is to comic fans and that Ewing is being explicitly punished with his run being tossed into the dumpster fire with all of the other Hulk runs that are never brought up/declared as being non-canon
My god. Let me guess, he blocked you on Twitter for being a comicsgater, or you're annoyed by his Brexit retweets, one of the other...
He's never, ever been a jerk to his fans, in on the contrary I've seen people being a jerk to him because he won't validate their headcanon when he basically ignores them and says "I'd rather put that on the page" or "I don't care about power levels". I've asked him questions before and he's always answered, sometimes in full detail, so I don't know what the hell are you on about.
I was at an end before it started;
You never had 'discourse',
Merely the same Group Think.
Good Evening.
Have sex.
...A prime example of PAD wank and nostalgia for the like.
Hello, Peter. You suck.
Jenkins created Devil Hulk.
PAD tried to erase by him saying that he was just an illusion created by Nightmare.
Mantlo created Devil Hulk.
>rad PAD for the first time at age 26, have no nostalgia for it
>enjoy it a lot
>some rando on the internet tells me I only like it because of nostalgia
What the fuck I hate nostalgia now
As you should.
See clearly, now.
red hulk is the best hulk series of the 00s
Are Marvel's trades really as bad as I've heard? I've been waiting for the hardcover for this series but I'm getting impatient.
there's planet hulk but otherwise yeah
no. but you should wait for the omni, because the trades for that run are all OOP and expensive.
You've heard wrong? DC trades and hardcovers are the bad ones, and Marvel has increased the quality of their oversized trades as of lately too. To to any /shelf/ thread and ask by yourself if you don't believe me.
Also I'd still wait for the hardcover even if by the time it comes out, issue #24 would've already come out (a whole hardcover worth of series). Mainly because the trades, while coming out at a steady pace, might be deprecated by an oversized trade later on.
Oh you meant that run, I thought you meant Immortal Hulk. Aren't there Epic Collections of this one?
when's the next /shelf/ thread? I was gonna make one on wednesday if one doesn't pop up
I was referring to Immortal Hulk, I just posted that image because I thought it was funny.
there is no otherwise
and i'm talking about loeb rulk where the grieving father is projecting his power fantasies of rage onto a grieving father with power fantasies of rage as rulk drains the silver surfer and punches uatu
it's so awesome
well, you wait for the hardcovers. or don't. you're a grown man, make up your own mind.
Maybe I'll buy the trades first, the when I get the hardcover I give the trades to a friend so he can enjoy the series and I will have shown Marvel with my wallet that I support them TWICE?
It's good to have a right-thinking Hulkaphile in the thread.
For the others, what is your tak on PAD???
There's no schedule, last week we spent 5 days without one (I counted). Guess we'll have to wait until somebody has the initiative.
Whatever works for you, I wanted to get the trades from IST and CGN months so but they actually ran out of them, no joke. By the time they restocked, the rumors of a hardcover edition cropped out and I decided to wait.
What you should actually do is follow the series in floppies, and then upgrade to hardcover later. The floppies will actually pay for themselves and the hardcovers (speculators are going nuts for this series, the main reason it's doing so well in sales), and this will allow you to follow and support the title in live time.
the same as it always is based boomer
fuck him
>follow the series in floppies
Fuck that though, I've never done that and I never will.
>There's no schedule
I know silly, I was speaking rhetorically (since there hasn't been a thread in ages.) I try to make ones every second Wednesday because that's when I get new stuff from the LCS
Makes a lot more sense than buying the trades just to replace them 6 months later with hardcovers. But do what you want.
Correct Answer.
Fuck PAD.
That feels more like Guilt Hulk, who had that whole thing about impersonating Brian.
Floppies are nothing
Normally. But Immortal Hulk is free money.
Consider the origin of an idea that otherwise has no origin, and then, give respect for the one who thought beyond what he knew.
Get the special variants at least. This is an upcoming Joe Fixit variant that's been getting done attention, and I can't for the life of me understand why....
user, the early issues of this series were selling for $50 each.
IH has a lot of spread pages so the TPB's have a lot of gutter loss. But they're pretty quality as far as PB's go.
But it'll most likely get an omni when it hits around 30 issues or so.
Joe Fixit is cool. He beats people up, fucks pretty girls, and doesn't afraid of anything.
No. You guys think I'm going to ship floppies into my country across the Atlantic? Weirdos.
>gutter loss
Well fuck that then, money saved.
100% chance Immortal gets an omnibus within 3 years.
What are you stupid or something? Every trade ever printed has gutter loss.
>being a foreigner
Why are you even here? Go back to working on your dirt farm.
actually i went out for a smoke and remembered the one thing i will keep throwing props at him for
bringing rick jones back into the hulk fold and reestablishing an intimate relationship with banner and the hulk
bruce banner, used and abused his whole life saves a punk kid who is going to die and makes his life into a living hell
rick jones, an unwanted child who has been kicked around and rejected, drives onto a bomb testing site on a dare for attention and is saved by a total stranger and becomes a hero and a star.
the rick jones character is loyal to bruce banner and the hulk no matter what under PAD and it's remained that way since
I understand your problem because I live in South America and it's ridiculous to ship floppies regularly down here, HOWEVER you should look into, they have subscription plans and you they ship everywhere in the world monthly, weekly, biweekly, etc. So if you don't mind waiting until the end of the month, they'll send your stuff and on top of that, every floppy costs around half (sometimes less) the cover price.
Dude desu.
>Why are you even here?
To discuss American comics.
No, I mean on the planet.
> HOWEVER you should look into, they have subscription plans and you they ship everywhere in the world monthly, weekly, biweekly, etc. So if you don't mind waiting until the end of the month, they'll send your stuff and on top of that, every floppy costs around half (sometimes less) the cover price.
To sit on the floor and eat bugs.
you're one boring motherfucker ain't ya
"Maybe"? Well okay then.
I already said I'd take your advice into consideration, what more do you want from me?
i'm not that guy. but you may as well have not even replied to him
A handy and a pack of smokes would be nice.
>people are just shilling floppies and trades at each other instead of discussing the series itself
How pathetically obvious can Marvel shills get? Jesus Christ at least TRY to be subtle
>DUDE buy these variants covers they're FREE MONEY IN THE BANK
How the fuck do you people live with yourselves?
I can't reach you through the web but my gratitude and pagan prayers go with you.
You better be a proper pagan and not one of those shitty new age wiccan chicks.
>It's not one that's going to be swept under the rug like other runs sometimes are.
Oh please. The fact that's it's so heavily a horror oriented and character focused run guarantees that the run will receive the post-Morrison's New X-men treatment. I.e. they will keep few popular elements and reference those while everything else is either immediately retconned or just ignored in favor of bringing back more recognizable versions of the characters and concepts..
>Consider the effect Alan Moore had on Swamp Thing
Swamp Thing wasn't particularly popular or even that iconic until Moore got his hands on the character. I mean, the only reason he had a comic in the 80s at all was because they did the first movie and DC wanted to see if that would sell comics.
Buying comics you like is bad REEE
But if you don't stop buying Hulk, how will Batman get back on top where it belongs? Please be more considerate.
>Jim died of Aids in da butt; Hector like the suckee-suckee
Those aren't exactly controversial and cutting edge anymore but they're hardly completely out of date either.
Bruce Jones' run deserved to be retconned. It was that fucking awful. Nothing about Ewing's run comes even close to being so objectionable that you'd have to resort to a blatant retcon.
It was better than Ewing's run. Maybe he should've put an extra limb on Hulk or got the Hulk to smile.
Preach it, man. We live in a world where the most ambitious deconstruction of the psyche of a superhero in the style of Miller or Moore, combined with the epic jaunt of Morrison or Claremont is outsold by a crappy gimmick title where every issue you just have the stupid green man smile ominously and zoomers going "oh that's so fucking scary he's about to do something TERRIBLE I'm literally SHAKING rn lol" and it's just not okay
When did we lower our standards like this? When did we abandon all that was good and turn to lowest common denominator schlock? Tom King's Batman run was going to change everything. But you... you chose Hulk. You chose angry green man with his wicked nihilist smile.
It didn't have to be this way! Tom King served his country in the CIA, doing literal Mission Impossible shit in Agrabah, and what was Al Ewing doing then? Playing with his dick and fantasizing about red bird women.
I'm sorry. I'm just... just so tired.
>someone used my pasta
So this is what being a father feels like...
this is tasty pasta
Why are you lying? I wrote that
A comic is really shitty when the only positive thing about it is "At least it isn't as bad as King's Batman".
>It was better than Ewing's run
You're going to need a better bait than that if you want to generate any real (you)s, sonny Jim.
No I recognize my own handiwork, the Agrabah part is especially a spicy little meatball
Thank you, I didn't think people would pick up on it.
I'm sorry, yes my bad, it should definitely be compared to the epic Norse saga of Aaron's Thor with its multifaceted, layered War of The Realms instead, or the gripping tale that Rosenberg is weaving in Uncanny X-Men, and most definitely it should be compared to the outstanding debut of Bendis' story ripe for a movie adaptation that is Event Leviathan. Yes, everything but Batman.
Also stop fighting for copypasta attribution, the moment it was posted anonymously it entered public domain. Be glad I keep it handy whenever someone tries too hard to diss Immortal Hulk.
PAD still is the defining hulk run, but i easily can see this one standing tall alongside it just like how both the spiderman jms run and the stern run are essential for spiderman
>At least it's not as bad as these shitty comics I mentioned, which is why it's the modern day Saga of the Swamp Thing.
Why am I not surprised? A stupid fanbase is always expected of these high selling comics, from Ultimates, Bendis' New Avengers, Johns' GL, Snyder's Batman and Man who laughs, King's Batman, and all those shitty events.
Nothing published by Marvel past 2006 is definitive, except for the Ennis stuff.
That's a cool extrapolation, I'm sure that's the exact reasoning people use and not the fact that it's actually well written and has remained fresh and unpredictable as it goes along, without throwing the audience off but actually enticing people to keep reading.
Instead of acting like a low baiting jerk, I challenge you to name other current series that keep this same engagement with the readers and actually makes people discuss it even outside the release week.
Doomsday Clock
Batman Damned
Action Comics
Oh no you didn't.
Dare I say it lads?
>PAD's Hulk already forgotten
Casuals are killing capes.
Ewing is no Morrison, remember.
Omnibus early next year.
You're right, he's just as good in his own way.
>/judging books by the cover/
Casuals won't buy it because they don't read books that are older than them.
Ewing is a B-lister, user. Like Cates.
Now THAT'S top tier trolling. Holy fucking shit, you got me.
There's a few things about Ewing, I gotta talk about
You notice it if you read a lot of his stuff (though God only knows why someone would)
Look at his main cast in his stories, you have Loki, who is a god, you have the Ultimates who are the strongest heroes this side of the Annihilators and you've got IMMORTAL Hulk (regular Hulk wasn't enough)
So what do you notice? They're all invincible and invulnerable
His Ultimates run even starts with the tag line "Start with the Impossible". Ewing is so creatively bankrupt he can't come up with actual hurdles or challenges for his characters to overcome so he makes them invincible, immortal. They're all power-fantasies for a very weak and very scared little man. Reading a story written by Ewing is like reading Stardust the Super Wizard but without the camp value.
Yeah this is definitely really poor bait, because you've blatantly ignored his stuff with USAvengers, Rocket and even Royals. You're really grasping to make an argument here, user.
Lodger(though it ended just recently)
Stray Bullets
Gideon Falls
Black Hammer
A walk through hell
Wonder Twins
The green lantern
All are much better than Hulk. Popularity means nothing. Even Snyder's Batman and Slott's Spider-man were famous.
Immortal Hulk is predictable as fuck. It'll be Hulk smashing through the latest monster in the next issue. Ewing is Cates tier. Both write the same tropey shit. Just because Ewing retreads from previous creators, he's liked better. PAD wrote actually well rounded and creative stories that were character driven, with a fleshed out supporting cast. Ewing over relies on action, gore and shock value. Not to mention Bennet is one of the most unremarkable artists.
>Wonder Twins
>Ewing is Cates tier
Simply bait, stopped reading there. Way to undermine your own argument, and I know you'll want to double down, but I can assure you it won't work.
fucking when
I really don't know when he will come back, since he literally just fucked off to space
Note: Sentry died on his way to his home planet.
Funny thing: Ewing was asked about him recently and he said he wasn't familiar with the new version of him, but he did like the Age of Sentry mini (not surprising, he often goes for the classic take even in cases like this). He didn't seem to have any plans about him.
However, I remember he was asked about Deadpool shortly after writing him in the Rocket mini, and he said he actually didn't like the character at all, then a few months later he released the You Are Deadpool game, so him playing it vague with Sentry might be just a ruse.
Imma stop you right there
hey, i didn't know that, nice. I mean both are at least true neutral versions of base characters it'd make sense for New Bob and Devil Hulk to meet and interact.
He just showed up last issue.
why you always lyin
Nah, Metatron should be something else entirely. I still think Sentry would be in good hands if Ewing wrote him in, say, Nova + Quasar...
whelp, aura of light yet black text bubble. could be
>I liked that Leader found himself a waifu.
Wait, what?! Who?
lmao imagine the butthurt if Ewing of all people remembered that presumably Sentry mentored Hulk in the beginning
The butthurt? But why?
characterfags man. everything that connects with the retcons Jenkins did in 2000 mini and the "Fallen Sun" gets them fucking SEETHING no joke
Explain further, I never read that stuff.
inthe first mini the general idea was that Bob was this father figure (which everybody forgot due to reasons described in the finale) to all the classic superheroes, and especially to the Hulk, since Sentry's aura calmed down Hulk and let him remember that he's actually Bruce Banner. There was other stuff like him being Rogue's crush since her touch doesn't work on him, mentoring Spiderman about the risks and seriousness of the job, some of the young X-men and so on. People got fucking furious as they thought it took away from character development. I don't really care cause I like the original Sentry story too much to care about stupid shit like that.
>People got fucking furious as they thought it took away from character development
People can't take jokes
I hope they bring him back, I enjoy seeing people seethe.
yeah, also waifufags are fucking disgusting
this, Bob is a butthurt machine
Gotta love how these small dick Hulk writers spend decades trying to emasculate Thor and God like beings with constant guest appearances just to shit on them, Hulk's book must have a record of guests!
Now ever since Pak's planet Hulk they want to push this angle that Hulk is some kind of...God!
Lmao this shit is so fucking bad, so creatively bankrupt!
B-But he beats everyone on his book, he dies and gets ragdolled by nobodies, but he comes back and beats all the guests in the book, so it's good!!!
We live in a world where the most ambitious deconstruction of the psyche of a superhero in the style of Miller or Moore, combined with the epic jaunt of Morrison or Claremont is outsold by a crappy gimmick title where every issue you just have the stupid green man smile ominously and zoomers going "oh that's so fucking scary he's about to do something TERRIBLE I'm literally SHAKING rn lol" and it's just not okay
When did we lower our standards like this? When did we abandon all that was good and turn to lowest common denominator schlock? Tom King's Batman run was going to change everything. But you... you chose Hulk. You chose angry green man with his wicked nihilist smile.
It didn't have to be this way! Tom King served his country in the CIA, doing literal Mission Impossible shit in Agrabah, and what was Al Ewing doing then? Playing with his dick and fantasizing about red bird women.
I'm sorry. I'm just... just so tired.
his will be my final post on Yea Forums.
How can anyone think that this is scary for real ? How can anyone take seriously a horror book with the Hulk as a supposed to be frightening monster ? How can anyone see the Hulk as frightening for real in this book ?
"Ouh, the Hulk is smiling, so unsetlling, this is so scary guys..." why are you lying to yourself like that ?
You guys are just forcing onto yourself the new fade there will be in this hivemind of a board, with the blandest, tamest, most classicly safe comic book there can be, while your selective outrage is shitting on Bendis' Superman for things that would be praised if they were written by someone else, but NOOOOOOOOOOOO you have to shit on it even if it's good because the hivemind dictates you to do so !!!
No wonder you can't get laid, but guess what ? I got a girlfriend now. For the first time of my life after 24 years I finally got a girlfriend, and all that nerd fuss has become so irritating since.
I'm just leaving for good now, I had plenty of fun with that board but I'm done. I wish you to get girlfriends to, maybe it will open your eyes about the hivemind that is destructing your self, but sadly, the hivemind is probably keeping you away from being able to seduce anyone, so you're most likely trapped in a vicious circle, and sadly, there is no Savage Dragon to save you from it. I just hope that this message will maybe help you to think by yourself a bit more and to get a girlfriend to.
Enjoy your book.
can't have a immortal hulk thread without it, can we??
Ewing is the best thing at current marvel, anything the man touches is gold.
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Morrison's Batman added Damian and Pyg and it's otherwise irrelevant
Ewing's Hulk is still early and running, so we'll see what the other authors keep from it
Devil Hulk is Daddy Hulk
EMH Hulk is Edgy Teen Hulk
As above
So below
And PAD's wouldn't exist without Mantlo's and Mantlo's wouldn't exist without plagiarising Windsor-Smith's graphic novel idea. And that idea wouldn't exist without Lee and Kirby creatung the character.
This is all well and good but when is Hulk REAL best friend showing up in this series?
most likely.
Still, Ewing is probably going to wrap it just so they can exactly do that with the minimum damage to the run
Rick? Next issue.
No, Bambi you fool
Not canon
Silence! I kill you!
well rhino did start out as a hulk villain, until hulk kicked his ass to hard one time, then rhino fucked off to fight Spider-Man instead
fuck batman
>People got fucking furious as they thought it took away from character development
Because it does. It's also really fucking lazy way to make a character seem important without doing any actual heavy lifting. And with Rogue it was just gross.
Best comic of the 21st century don't @ me
>And with Rogue it was just gross
Agreed, no reason why Bob of all people would've bothered at all with redneck trash like her.
found one lmao
>I.e. they will keep few popular elements and reference those while everything else is either immediately retconned or just ignored in favor of bringing back more recognizable versions of the characters and concepts..
That's still significantly more that most runs on most books can hope for.
>Hulk and Banner is not binary, Gamma is spectrum.
Yes, the first postmodern Hulk.
>"Gamma is not a particle or a wave, but an emanation"
Yikes, pushing transgender propaganda.
I'm joking, I'm joking retards
oh please, rogue goes onto fuck spree's whenever she loses her power
Dr. Alba, the lady that turned Clay into Weapon H.
Not him but Wonder Twins is actually a good book
Bought the trades, will double-dip with the oversized hardcover.
Yes, yes good. Buy it many times goy.
Thanks for reminding me, I will.
>Immortal Hulk is predictable as fuck.
Lol shut up bitch
>ridiculously evil man does ridiculously evil thing
>Hulk smiles
>there's gore
>rinse and repeat
>my dick
>your mouth
I interpreted it as the savage hulk taking over when he feels a big surge of emotions
Name a single issue that isn't like that. You can't. Take the L.
So your argument is that Immortal Hulk isn't hipster garbage?
It seems like Ewing is trying to imitate Swamp Thing. The One Below All is just too similar to the Great Darkness.
Take this dick since you're enjoying so much.
How are they similar? In Moore's run the thing was just a newborn with no particular malice that just reacted to everyone attacking it while TOBA is actively malicious and has an interest in Bruce.
BatBois are seething today.
So much hurt.
Retard alert.
Imagine being so delusional that writers become sacrosanct.
My bat-boogeymen
the fuck? He's one of the most original and creative writers in all of Marvel's history. His idea that the different Hulk are all fragments of Banner's mind (culminating in their merger into Professor Hulk) is probably the best idea anyone's ever had for the character.
>His idea
I'm not the one who compared him to the mediocre schlock that is Cates, who has barely had a single series that had stood on its own without using Thor lore as a crutch, a consistent use of continuity or hasn't employed one of his ridiculous and forced OCs; he's just a literal intern who's trying to I'll impress Daddy Aaron.
Sorry bout your comic, Bat bro.
Yeah but people who aren't faggot plebs that own funko pops know that Wrightson & Wein shit all over hack Moore
Forgive me, but who the hell is PAD? Are you referring to Peter David?
Think we'll see Hulk of War?
He got alluded too! I thought that was neat.
That stuff is all pretty lame though. I don't need your faggoty OC to come in with AKSHUALLY SENTRY WAS BROS WITH ALL TBESE CLASSIC HEROES. That's shitty writing and lame as fuck
No he didn’t. Ewing said all of the stuff Metatron mentioned was hints at future issues.
Rogue is pure and has only kissed Gambit.
>However, I remember he was asked about Deadpool shortly after writing him in the Rocket mini, and he said he actually didn't like the character at all, then a few months later he released the You Are Deadpool game, so him playing it vague with Sentry might be just a ruse.
That isn’t as contradictory as you think, user. Writing You Are Deadpool doesn’t mean Ewing likes him; it means he just wanted a pay check.
Ewing doesn’t seem to care for the Sentry outside of one particular version that wouldn’t fit in this book. He’s a lot less likely to show up than a ton of other characters.
What are the chances of the Outcasts showing up again?
I guess Gamma Emanation would explain how a sentient rock man can be brought to life
References to previous Hulk stories does not automatically equate to the story being a definitive telling. It can make it a very *encompassing* telling but really, this take on the Hulk is a quite atypical take - which is fine, and its a good story, but do we think these elements are going to stick much past Ewing's leaving?
Guess it depends on your exact definition of "definitive".
But Rhino first appeared in a Spidey comic. haven't read it, but was he shown as a Hulk villain in the Spidey comic or something?
yes, Peter Allen David
No. user’s making things up again.
Pathetic Awful Drivel, but,
Yes, it represents Peter (lil Pete) David.
Normally I'd agree with you because I hate that Cates is doing it right now with Cosmic Ghost Rider, Knull and other shit, BUT in this case I give it a pass because Sentry was written specifically with that purpose in mind and it serves the story, since he was inserted and removed from everyone's memory.
I'm not saying it's contradictory, it's more like he doesn't really have to like a character in order to use them, that was more or less my point. Also, for a pay check, "You Are Deadpool" was a cut above the rest in terms of plotting.
Smoking hot garbage,
Courtesy David and MacFarlane
If called "a joke" you idiot
As a casual Hulk fan I enjoy this comic, but you just know so much of it is going to be retconed the second it ends. The OBA and Below being the real devil/hell is going into the bin as soon as someone wants to hype up their OC devil or revive Mephisto's importance.
I don't think so because TOBA is presented as a cosmological constant, not a new character. There's no specific design for it for that reason, it had appeared as a cloud, as a head with serpents, as Bruce's father...
And Mephisto is actually free and is ruling his old domain (as seen in Doctor Strange), where he also stated TOBA was beyond his influence. There's also that thing about the deepest plane of Hell where the Empty Chair lays, and no Hell Lord can sit on it.
Since TOBA has no real presence beyond being a force that destroys, corrupts and influences, it could be argued that the mere existence of a chair that pits the Hell Lords against each other IS one of TOBA's creations, in a meta way. It's like somebody trying to retcon The Empty Hand in DC.
Allow me to clarify because I reread my own post: TOBA is a character, but also isn't, he's a meta Abstract like The One Above All, who also doesn't have a specific design. He's shown up as Jack Kirby, a blank page, a hobo, golden floating aliens that change from panel to panel, golden female Deadpool, an ominous warning balloon in Gwenpool... Both opposites represent the highest and the lowest, and as such they cannot be retconned.
He wasn't alluding to Hulk of War, he was talking about Fortean in Redeemer armor.
Man, fuck off. I'm tired of people shitting on McFarlane. His art style may have gotten more heavily stylized, but he was still at the top of his game. He's one of the few people to portray the Hulk as a monster, not just a roided out dude. He made him ugly, lumpy, and most importantly the biggest guy in the room even when hunched over. McFarlane's Hulk was a total beast and I fucking love it.
Nope. Still didn't clean up very well.
For some time, I was willing to blame the ink, but, this just proves it.
>old villains need to constantly be reused in order to be considered "definitive"
is this what's wrong with comics?
It might actually, in a sweet spot, be what is right about comics, that is, familiarity.
The other option is to keep creating new, edgier, over-the-top characters (either way) with no background.
Eventually, the Bat, Soup, and Joaker will grow weary (they already have), but, now, just waiting for the fanbase to die off.
Particularly, with bad writing, and, no necessary need to evolve.
My only problem with that list is they forgot MODOK.
It's amazing how nobody can give an actual reason why this mediocre dreck is good, except comparing it to other shitty comics. You guys have a case of bad taste if you think it's the definitive run over PAD's run. Name a story from Ewing's run even half as good as the end, death of Wilson and Ground Zero.
Here, I have your answer:
Sure you proved your point and showed that people who read Immortal Hulk have more than a double digit iq.
Nice thread bump,
>horror story about a guy who turns into a monster at night
When will Hulk make friends with a werewolf?
Thanks, again. See (((below))) for your accolades.
Man, come on.
>The Walking Ghost
>The POV issue
>Hulk in Hell
>Shadowbase Site A mini arc
A good craftsman does not blame his tools;
He will know the outcome.
Todd, obviously, was too green at this time.
The Final Product, indeed, was Shit.
I could say worse, if so influenced.
>Hulk supposedly outsells Batman again
>thread can't even hit bump-limit in three days
No one talks about Batman books here, period. Besides shitty one-shot announcements and memes.
Moore had a total blank slate with regards to Swamp Thing because the book was set to be cancelled. He literally had nothing to lose.
thought you'd be in this thread. sup lad
PAD really did do everything before Ewing, even the "oh no the Hulk is smiling" shtick.
God, that's horrible.
Ewwwing is no Alan Moore.
If this gets people to FINALLY stop jerking off about Planet Hulk/World War Hulk? I'm ok with it being called definitive...
Include PAD wank in that and we have the parameters for whether it is the definitive run.
This, I doubt Ewing is as fascinated with fishdicks.
Still no unJUSTed Shulk
I will praise Ewing and shill everything he ever makes if he fixes Jen in IH.
Ya, don't count on it.
Jen has never been a player in any Hulk comic, doubt that changes.
Besides, you can't un-fetishize another writer's on-going fetish.
That last issue of Hot Tub Avengers...
No words for it.
Particularly, when Avengers are in the limelight due to movie.
I wish he would, it pisses me off that Hulk's probably the most interesting he been in a while whereas Jen has been demoted to being the designated "dumb hulk" hopefully it'll pass since it seems like me Aaron is the only one that likes current Shulk
>Is this shaping up to be THE definitive Hulk run?
Its fantastic but, definitive, its Elseworlds TDR-tier.
Best hope is Aaron gets pulled off that book and fired.
>Aaron goes over to DC
>starts writing Wonder Woman
>doubles down on Diana and the Amazons as manhating lesbians
Don't fantasize, folks. Aaron, like Cates, is a Marvel exclusive now.
With a current movie, close enough to breaking $3 Billion, Marvel needs to ask themselves why the comic is badly under-performing.
Of course, you are right though.
>Jen goes back to her classic look and personality
>Jen stays bulked but gets her classic personality back
Which do we think is going to happen? The design is "controversial" but I don't think anyone except Aaron likes Dumb Jen.
Pretty sure Avengers: No Road Home sold much better even while getting weekly releases than the main Avengers titles. Maybe that should be a hint that current Avengers needs to be returned to its roots.
I think most people are fine with the design aside from the loud minority that wants every single female character to look like a pornstar. The problem is the personality, specially when Aaron is unable to explain how Jen speaks like a dumb brute even though her thoughts are normal. It's a wild disconnect that makes absolutely no sense.
I'm fine with her bulk as long as she gets back her brains and sense of humor. I'm not superficial.
On average, in 2018 old Avengers title and the current one were selling between 70 - 100k.
Writing's on the wall if Hot Tub Avengers sells any less.
Want Shulk back to normal? Encourage people not to buy it.
Forgot pic related.
>Aaron, get in here!
Okay but keep in mind Avengers #675 was the beginning of "No Surrender", so it's understandable it sold much more than the usual. And every other issue of this series sold well above 65K too, because it was treated like an "event" book. No Road Home, in contrast, sold less than No Surrender in its debut (64K vs. 88K) but it was also running concurrently with Aaron's Avengers, so sales were split unlike last year.
I'd have to chart it like I did in the other thread but I do see Aaron's Avengers has been bleeding sales for at least 3 issues already, there's a drop of 10K between #18 and #20, we don't know yet if this is a trend though. It might have something to do with the event but once I get the full data, we can compare.
the design is tied to the personality, though
You cannot really have not-sexy She-Hulk if you keep her classic personality, unless you have her overcome her insecurities but then she becomes more like Doc Samson, a green-haired Base Jen, possibly hotter but not as much as in her Sensational form.
>Jen speaks like a dumb brute even though her thoughts are normal
Any decent writer would make it a plot point of Jen's development in the situation
But she's written by Aaron, so....
So I'm reading Immortal Hulk right now. On the second issue. Is this supposed to be a new take on Half-Life?
No it's a different character.
Its a different character, but its for sure the same idea. Even the flashback issue shows him with green skin and yellow hair.
Yes, Ewing is rehashing old ideas.
Yeah but... It's quite clearly another character altogether, which was introduced in Incredible Hulk #345. Halflife might be in the plans anyway, but it's definitely not the same idea.
She can be bulked and still hot and proud of that. Under McGuinness's pen she basically IS sexy-but-buff, even though she calls herself "ugly".
He's based on Del Frye from the Hulk TV show.
The general idea of "gamma zombie rises from the grave" is present, but I think its written better in Immortal Hulk for sure. Probably paving the way for actual Half-Life to show up.
Hey that's pretty clever word-play.
What was Windsor-Smith's graphic novel idea?
>Employing a battered and disconsolate childhood as the springboard for the modern-day Bruce Banner’s anti-social and violent attitudes, the story explores the damage caused by mismatched parenthood and effects of the Second World War on the heart and mind of the veteran Tom Banner. Bruce Banner, an 11-year-old in 1950, is represented as the full grown, seven foot Hulk throughout this fantasy. The story is called Thanksgiving and details the tensions the Banner household suffers when it becomes apparent that the family dinner, planned with eight relatives in mind, falls apart as one by one, brothers, sisters and in-laws cancel the visit with feeble excuses.
>The truth is that Tom Banner has alienated his family with his explosive, argumentative temper.
New cover for #25. Man, Ross is having a blast with these covers.
4:35, if Tube fucked up again. Also, Ewing gets a new story in Spider-Man oneshot. Also, New Ghost Rider ongoing with Blaze and Ketch.
>Also, New Ghost Rider ongoing with Blaze and Ketch.
goddamn it i wanted robbie taken out of aaron's hands
I am sure Al wants She-Hulk, too. But well... people work with what they have.
>The heat death of our universe has come and gone. The Hulk is finally dead. Now, billions of years later, the Ninth Cosmos cowers...
>You’ve never read a Hulk comic like this before. You’ve never read a Marvel comic like this before.
So it continues his Ultimates. Neat.
>Ninth Cosmos
Wait a minute.
"And the now the cosmos cowers before the Breaker of Worlds."
Bruce's terrible decision shatters the multiverse itself. But nothing ever dies.
>You’ve never read a Marvel comic like this before.
Please don't be one of those comics I'm thinking about
That's what I called at the end of the previous issue, but I don't know how widespread that theory was. I'm relly glad!
>Ninth cosmos
That's literally just Kurt Russell
Lol what a shit sense of humor.
Amazonian Shulk with her old personality
Hulk want snu snu...
Immortal Hulk is going to break 100,000.
Batfags in misery.
Screencap it.
Oh shit! Ewing is doing stealth Ultimates, the madman!
Awww, shit-fuck
I do hope he does pick up the Fourth Cosmos storyline though, I've been intrigued about The Pilgrim since that page.
>>She can be bulked and still hot and proud of that.
While that might be possible, it still would require a change in her personality to justify it.
Not easy.
Either he's going to be Eternity or he's going to be the Super Satan of Multiverse-9
>But nothing ever dies.
actual quote is "Nothing REALLY dies" which is quite fitting with the whole Green Door...
Here an idea: Jen buffes up as Shulkie whenever she feels insecure about something.
Can somebody who has been reading Carnage (or whatever) explain what is going on with Ross...
what's this from?
>Tfw the new cosmos could be one of pure evil because of TOBA
Come to think of it TOBA is the reason why The First firmament was such a dick
Last page of IH#20.
Funny, I hadn't recalled seeing it either until I reread it.
>Either he's going to be Eternity or he's going to be the Super Satan of Multiverse-9
Nah, he’s called the “Breaker of Worlds” rather than just Worldbreaker in the full solicit, just like Galactus being the Devourer of Worlds. He’s the new Galactus.
Its the literal last page. Its even after the gamma-grams
Ross died in Coates' Cap but back in Agent Venom days during an arc called Circle of 4(callback to the New Fatastic 4) Ross used the symbiote (alongside becoming a spirit of vengance). Turns out all symbiote hosts are embedded with something called a codex, a small part of the symbiote mixed in with their spinal fluid or something.
Carnage is trying to collect all of these so he can bring the God of the symbiotes to earth so he's just eating hosts spines with help from a cult.
With the revelations of the Green Door and TOBA the 2 forces have mixed in some way and we're gonna find out in Absolute Carnage: Immortal Hulk which I assume will be written by Ewing. So hopefully we get a new, fucked up Rulk that includes a stache.
If you wanna catch up an user is storytiming it at the moment
Technically it is "Everything Lives", which is also what Lifebringer said when he rescued the Ultimates as they tried to escape the Universe.
This seems like a good possibility. A Galactus kinda entity, or he's about to transcend the flesh into something that helps him realize his goal of destroying humanity (and all life) in the process.
Devil Hulk doesn’t want to destroy humanity or all life, what have you been reading? He wants to destroy the “human world.”
But this will be set in the ninth cosmos, so humanity won’t even be around anymore. Or at least not the same one.
I've been reading exactly the same thing as you, I simply extrapolated the meaning considering he might take the "Breaker of Worlds" moniker in the future. You know, theorizing?
Destroying the human world has more than just one meaning. If he wants to get rid of all the things humanity has built upon, then it will be no longer human and something else entirely.
Everything Lives, therefore nothing really dies
this might be the point though.
He wants to break "the current idea of mankind".
On Cosmic scale, he might end up popping up whenever a civilization starts acting like mankind, and breaks them.
Ewing wanted to use Rhulk ever since his USAvengers, i think he might be just straight up that instead of some "fusion" with the venom codex.
Heck, this tie-in might be happening just so Al could finally get to use Ross, it is the first tie-in of the book ever.
joseph (magneto's younger clone)
all fucked rogue.
oh and lets not forget, the first time she ever lost her powers, the guards that arrested her had their way with her.
i like how they got used in the 90s cartoon
Yes it has more than one meaning, and the book has made it pretty clear it’s more about the “civilized world” rather than the literal world. Which is why I’m wondering where the hell you extrapolated him wanting to destroy all life from. This page makes it clear that’s the exact opposite of his end goal.
I knew he wasn't going to let what he built in Ultimates behind.
And he did it with an Hulk comic without feeling forced, this is fucking crazy. Just imagine what he would do if he was given a proper Defenders ongoing.
Also i'm very courious for this because i have had this theory about Singularity being the future incarnation of the multiverse for a while now, and i want to see if i was right or wrong.
>Which is why I’m wondering where the hell you extrapolated him wanting to destroy all life from
Living things dwell in worlds, right? What happens if you "break" them?
Furthermore, what happens when Galactus "consumes" a world?
>New Ghost Rider ongoing with Blaze and Ketch.
I hope yhe same guy who got the write Donny in one of the recent Marvel Presents will get to write this too, it was pretty good.
It's Ed Brisson and Aaron Kuder. I'm sold with Kuder, I haven't read enough of Brisson to know whether he's good or not.
Like, I get your point ("maybe some of 'em may live"), but that's definitely not the sense he's applying there, it's actually quite nihilistic. Reminds me a lot of Ligotti's Conspiracy Against The Human Race, at least the tone of it.
Pretty good interview just released with Al Ewing, full of spoilers from #21 and back:
This part in particular I really liked:
>Nrama: (...) Betty Ross eating Hulk isn't what I expected. Can you walk us through conceiving that scene as a writer, and following it through editorial and Joe's art to get to what we readers saw in those gruesome pages?
>Ewing: I had to get some pages to Joe fairly quickly - I had a flash of Betty devouring Hulk's heart, like an image of a tarot card, and very quickly saw how the lead-up to that event could seem nightmarish and disturbing. All this was very early in the morning, on not much sleep, and I also saw how it could lead to a cool scene we needed to happen before the big fireworks of the next trade. I don't always work that way, but the deadlines ebb and flow, and right then they were really flowing.
>Joe threw his all into it - making it even more gruesome than I'd originally conceived - and editor Wil Moss and Sarah Brunstad backed us up. I'm not sure it met with any pushback at all - I think the fact that Hulk's blood is green probably helped quite a lot, but also that we went heavy on the weird portent of it rather than just going for a 1990s or 2000s-style big shock. It was crowded with symbolism, down to which hand Betty uses to tear Hulk's heart out.
>Nrama: How long had this issue's story been festering (I think that's a good word for this) in your mind?
>Ewing: That particular idea - as I said, it sprang on me in the night. I think all the pieces were there - I knew I wanted the Hulk to be mostly melted when Betty arrived, and I knew I wanted to give the impression that she was teaming up with Abomination. But the "No, she has to eat his heart to destroy the cage of his body so he can confront his father in Hell" is the kind of non-rational thought that has to come in the night, or the early hours of the morning.
>Oh - and to make it clear, all those events the mysterious Voice reels off at the end of #20 are things yet to happen in Act II and Act III. That's probably plenty to be going on with. And as always - thanks for reading!
>mfw this is barely act I and there might be at least 50 more issues left
This book could get some big momentum.
I have no doubt that Ewing intends to climb to the top of the heap or crash and burn in the attempt.
>Furthermore, what happens when Galactus "consumes" a world?
Basically the plant, or at least a big part of it, gets converted into energy.
>What happens if you "break" them?
I'm thinking either Civilization Reset or the dominant species gets dinosaurs'd
Again, this stuff isn’t always literal. Either way, his goal at the moment still isn’t to gain cosmic power and end all life, even if he becomes Galactus in the next universe. And by then, who knows what the hell his thought process will be. Billions upon billions of years will have passed and he’ll be an abstract being.
It is more than that. Maybe this whole TOBA overall subplot will come to an end fairly soon-ish, but he already said that he had the story for the cornerstone issue already in mind, and with those sales, he can stay on the book for as long as he wants.
i wonder if umar will show up.
and what she will think of this new (devil) hulk
>Ewing: I need to find a free afternoon sometime soon to read America: a Prophecy by William Blake.
So, I'm assuming Hulk is going to be Blake's Orc...
>Orc is a force of revolution, revival, and of passion who is the polar opposite to Urizen, the cruel and tyrannous god. Orc is the force of new life in the cycle and Urizen represents the older version of Orc that dies at the end of the cycle. As such, Orc and Urizen appear in their evolution from one to the other in the "Seven Eyes of God", or the seven historical cycles of Blake's myth. Each cycle is divided into three phases, which begins with Orc's birth and then describes Orc's binding, which is connected to the time in a human's life where they are at their imaginative greatness. This is followed by the creation of abstract religion and a view of the universe as mechanical. This is then followed by rationalism, which led to Aristotle, Bacon, Locke and other empirical-based scientists. The second phase is where Urizen takes over the fallen world, which is represented by the Enlightenment in the seventh cycle. This leads to materialism, the death of the soul, and warfare. This phase ends with prophets declaring that Orc will appear. The third phase describes an Orc's crucifixion and a return of human life to nature.
Waid and Ewing have a great opportunity to do some synergy with their books because he's working with Umar at the moment. I definitely gotta read this one.
>yfw Immortal Hulk #25 is like one of these pop-up books and Hulk raises to stare right into the audience's soul
>Ultra Comics starring the Hulk and the one below all
Definitely gotta read more Blake:
>The plagues creep on the burning winds, driven by flames of Orc,
>And by the fierce Americans rushing together in the night,
>Driven o'er the Guardians of Ireland, and Scotland and Wales.
>They, spotted with plagues, forsook the frontiers; and their banners, sear'd
>With fires of hell, deform their ancient Heavens with shame and woe.
>Hid in his caves the Bard of Albion felt the enormous plagues,
>And a cowl of flesh grew o'er his head, and scales on his back and ribs;
>And, rough with black scales, all his Angels fright their ancient heavens.
>The doors of marriage are open, and the Priests, in rustling scales,
>Rush into reptile coverts, hiding from the fires of Orc,
>That play around the golden roofs in wreaths of fierce desire,
>Leaving the Females naked and glowing with the lusts of youth.
>For the Female Spirits of the dead, pining in bonds of religion,
>Run from their fetters; reddening, and in long−drawn arches sitting,
>They feel the nerves of youth renew, and desires of ancient times
>Over their pale limbs, as a vine when the tender grape appears.
Sounds like a right, proper Hulk-book, eh?
Also, if one understands the cycle of the orc,
Once he overthrows the old guard,
He becomes the thing he despised.
Ewing really let the cat out of the bag, here.
We will be seeing the Maestro.
I stopped paying attention to Bruce and Betty's relationship around the time she died of cancer. Why is she so hostile towards Bruce?
He's a massive pity party of a man that drags down everyone around him into his pit of hurt and misery.
>Omega Force
Any connection to the Enigma Force?
>Lifebringer One, the first hero
That has to be a reference to something, right?
>Maker of Magic
Moridun's cosmos
>Inventor of science
Drawing on the Scientist Supreme as counterpart to the Sorcerer Supreme? Armor might be based on Galactus as it merged with Galan to form him
>Builder of the junction to everywhere
Another name for the Nexus of All Realities?
>The pilgrim, the true believer who journeys into mystery
Stan will return from death to save us all
Did I miss anything?
>While that might be possible, it still would require a change in her personality to justify it.
I mean frankly at this point it'd just be her reconciling her previous love of being She-Hulk with Aaron's shitty characterisation of her (specifically revelling in being intimidating and powerful).
>Devil Hulk doesn’t want to destroy humanity or all life, what have you been reading?
He did in No Surrender.
>That has to be a reference to something, right?
Yes, the Lifebringer as a recurring role in the cosmos and one Galactus assumed once to restore the balance after devouring so much energy. Reminds me as well of Eon, who appointed Quasars for millennia and they served as Avatars of Life, such is their role as their Champion.
>Another name for the Nexus of All Realities?
>Drawing on the Scientist Supreme as counterpart to the Sorcerer Supreme?
Correct, in fact remember Galactus is the survivor of the Sixth Multiverse's collapse into the next (the Seventh before Secret Wars), so effectively that was the Multiverse that resulted in the dawn of science as the universe knows it.
>things yet to happen in Act II and Act III
I have to assume that the battle with Fortean will be the end of Act I, right?
>Devil Hulk kills Umar for molesting his kid brother
Look, they explicitly call Savage the "child Hulk" in this series
That, and she believes possibly correctly that his wimpy pathetic oh-poor-me attitude is at least partly a calculated front.
The Battle should take place on #23, right before the end in #24 (Hulk breaking the world), so I'd say that's the end of this Act I and #25 serves as an epilogue of sorts.
>This is one upcoming book I'm not breathing a word about. Seriously, I am a sealed tomb on this one, except to say - you cannot predict what's coming.
>(I don't know what I'm going to do when it comes time for interviews on websites. I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.)
I think, no joke, he's about to go full hypercrisis with it.
>Second: Multiverse of creation
>Third: Multiverse of life
>Fourth: Multiverse of mystery
>Fifth: Multiverse of magic
>Sixth: Multiverse of science
What are we thinking is going to define the Seventh/Eighth cosmos? The Multiverse of Stories?
I mean even in this series he can get pretty fucking nasty when people don't buy in to his pity-parade show. How he accuses Jen of 'betraying' her when they first meet each other again comes to mind. Hate to make anime references but he reminds me a lot of Shinji from NGE in that regard.
Yeah, and in Best Defense he beat the shit out of a scared redneck because he wanted information. Bruce is kind of a shithead.
>Try to understand, dear prophets, that it is neither perfidy nor cunning nor vice that forces us to rage like vengeful animals; it is our inborn feelings of humanity and justice: without nobility of the soul we should never know righteous indignation. And try to understand that our souls work like swings: the stronger the push up towards the nobility of the soul, the stronger the swoop down towards the fury of the beast...
There's also when he spazzed out at Walter when they were in college
>reeee, you can't be athletic and smart
>I mean even in this series he can get pretty fucking nasty when people don't buy in to his pity-parade show
What Bruce has always had is a severe case of nerd rage.
>>And a cowl of flesh grew o'er his head, and scales on his back and ribs;
Quixotic Comics
Another last page reveal that will leave you gagging! Immortal Hulk 21 by
@Al_Ewing @paulmounts @corypetit @AlannaWrites @TomBrevoort @JoeBenn33636019 @marvel
#Hulk #ImmortalHulk #QOTC Out tomorrow on #NCBD
There's a lot in there;
Ewing really spilled the beans thinking (rightfully so),
That no one would actually read it, or, more probably, understand it.
I am now, 100%, guaranteeing the return of Maestro.
If the Hulk is to be successful in his mission,
You will see Maestro crucified.
Ewing is riding this one all the way to the top.
Could Juggernaut, Rhino, Wolverine, or Thing show up in this? I know the last two Banner met recently in other books, but they should still appear in this series given the history.
Maestro was nearly mentioned by name a couple issues ago, when Bruce was considering an alternative name for devil Hulk
So if we use this, is the current story in the second or third phase?
Also, Urizen might be future Banner. The one that sees the end of creation.
Still first phase.
I'm actually feeling bad about letting this loose now.
Imagine that final scene, hitting you with no preparation.
Let's not allude to either of those posts anymore.
Orc becomes Urizen, That is the cycle that has to be broken.
Ewing put it out there, he knew what he was doing. But yeah, if we theorize further with this, some media folks may get the word of it and spoil it for everyone (as they have in the past), specially considering I doubt many of they would've actually read Blake.
I wish I could erase it.
It's going to be a beautiful reveal.
Just wanted to say you guys speculating and analyzing the book is something I look forward to every week.
Don't feel bad about posting, if anything it'll be nice to have it broken down for everyone to digest once the issue hits.
Let us now speculate on more important things.
Puffball Collective when?
I mean, it's kinda like this, he put it himself in there, along with the caption, the reveal is always great but his fans can pick up on the themes and concepts beforehand and enjoy them just the same.
Agreed! It takes me back not only to when I used to do this in certain TV shows (like True Detective) but also Ewing's own Ultimates. I remember we had threads like these theorizing stuff and seeing where the story took them. In fact, this was one of the panels that sparked the most discussion back then.
It won't be THE definitive run but it will be a run that will be recommended to people years from now.
I can see it.
Nope, feeling bad, it was wild speculation, don't want it out there, and screen-capturing in case some asshole plagiarizes.
That's a good idea. Don't want Jude Terror taking attribution for it.
Pak is a better Hulk writer than Ewing
What about the Triad, any chance we will see them?
>In fact, this was one of the panels that sparked the most discussion back then.
Like what discussion?I'm late to the party so what comic are these panels from? Ultimates
Sure, kid; Go on.
Do you think now that we're seeing Ewing continue storylines started in Ultimates that it worth looking into other stories?
Specifically, Contest of Champions, where Ewing started with Iso-8 and explaining the origins of the universe and later had the Ultimates appear..
And a godlike Maestro wanted to accomplish HUGE goals like bringing back Battleworld and doing away with the current reality.
His New Avengers deals with some of the previous cosmos incarnations, so that might be worth reading
>Like what discussion?I'm late to the party so what comic are these panels from? Ultimates?
Yeah, those are from Ultimates. And I can't link you because that happened years ago! We used to have threads beyond the storytimes discussing all sort of hypercrisis nonsense, and the concept of the "Far Shore" was still new and unrevealed for the readers. This panel also brought A LOT of speculation, the entirety of Ultimates2 was balls to the wall cosmic greatness.
>Do you think now that we're seeing Ewing continue storylines started in Ultimates that it worth looking into other stories?
He has referenced some stuff he has worked with in Royals and even USAvengers (where Jim Tensen tries to explain Toni Ho about the 8th Eternity and the Lifebringer, and she's like yeah whatever), but back then his books barely sold so it's not like he had the good faith of editorial to keep getting a safety net to do as he wished, even though he was the one stuck doing continuity cleanup in his own books.
At this point though, given what he's doing in Marvel Comics #1000 and this, I'm sure he had card blanche to do whatever he wants.
Fucking rad.
If a couple years ago you'd told me that Ewing would be helming Marvel's biggest books I wouldn't believe you. I'm happy for the guy.
The discussion around ultimates was a lot of fun. The theories on the identity of the cosmic jailer and then it turned out no one got it right
Ewing seems to be doing more cosmic stuff again between this, whatever’s going on with Hercules, and the Eternity Mask stuff in Marvel #1000.
Oh, and his apparently having plans for Nova and Quasar.
>we're still in Act 1 of a three act story
Life don't seem so bad no more.
I love both of these people.
What day? Why, today is the 5th of May...
The reveal at the end of #21. Guess we were close?
The definitive hulk run was 30 years ago
Get ready folks...
No, don't click, DON'T CLICK, go unspoiled.
But I don't understand
Are you gay
As the guy who posted spoiler - it's just for the people that want spoilers now. If you'd like to experience it first hand? Yeah, don't click. Also, it's a pretty big one.
Abomination body they left at the end of last issue is not a body. It's more of a bio armor. Fortean touches it and it absorbs him. Also, Alpha Flight knows he is behind everything now
Are you?
It's cool, actually. But I just know it'll lead to some discussion, specially since last time the guy who posted the scans literally named the spoiling page "Metatron", so it doesn't matter it was hidden because you could see the name there.
Wait, without looking at it, I'm guessing
Fortean doesn't become the cobalt man but the abomination, since the solicits for issue 23 set up a final confrontation between hulk and abomination and Rickbomination has already been destroyed
I did not see that coming.
I had a gut feeling this afternoon when I was looking at the solicits and they were so open about Rick Jones being free and Hulk fighting Abo in an issue that had Banner and Fortean facing each other in the cover.
The "we were close" confirmed my suspicions so thank you for that, user
Why does Fortean have one face, while Rick had two?
I stopped when they got to Hell or whatever. Does the quality still stay good. I liked the run up until then but I dropped off for no particular reason, maybe because I felt the arc was going to be slow. Also wasn't a fan of Hulk's new sidekick who is jealous of Bruce. Kinda rubbed me the wrong way.
Aw shit, new issue is coming soon too!
Written by AL EWING
Cover by ALEX ROSS
- You’ve never read a Hulk comic like this before. You’ve never read a Marvel comic like this before.
- The heat death of our universe has come and gone. The Hulk is finally dead. Now, billions of years later, the Ninth Cosmos cowers...
- ...before the BREAKER OF WORLDS.
Shit's getting hype, son.
user, this had already been posted hours ago
But does it being double-sized mean the series is going to be ending now?
user, in this very thread is interview with Ewing where he says that he is maybe 1/3 through his run.
Nope, we are merely on act 1 and Ewing confirmed Ross is making covers for issues 26-28
Is there anyone who can beat Hulk now?
>25 = 1/3
>3 = 75
IH will be the length of something like Sandman?
Yes. Yes good.
Planet Hulk is the definitive modern Hulk story
Rune King Thor?
Rune King Thor can't do SHIT to him. This is a level far beyond that shitter.
Plenty of stuff, if you've actually read the series. All you need is a cyborg Abomination with acid vomit powers and solar-powered laser array mounted on the creature's shoulders, with red skin that absorbs gamma like a sponge. Hulk would be toast in the manner of minutes.
Of course, he'd be back, just with a headache and irritated by his father, but at least the setback would be out of this world.
Gamma Base was merely a setback!
So is Ultimates good?
What can you tell me about this lad?
I don't care if I sound like a pleb, but before reading it, I thought comic books were silly and campy, even deep in the 00's. It's one of my top favorite series for that reason, because I didn't imagine a comic series would have so much deep lore and continuity intervowen along with cosmology; plus its deep dives made me look into plenty of classic runs from Marvel that I couldn't imagine ever reading before.
For taste reference, my other favorites are Starlin's Thanos, Eternals, Quasar, Squadron Supreme, Annihilation/Conquest/WoK and New Universe stuff, among others.
Based off of what you listed, I think I'll trust your judgement.
>He is the Pilgrim, the True Believer who Journeys into Mystery
Best wordplay or best wordplay?
New Universe was vastly underrated. Kinda interested in the upcoming merging of Squadron Supreme and New Universe that's coming up written by Ewing and others. (Arachknight Annual)
Want to see Jarella's hulk again..
Squadron Supreme you say?
Me too! I remember being disappointed while checking the solicitations that month because there was absolutely nothing too exciting or appealing to me beyond three series at most, then suddenly I look at this cover (which first showed up at some convention) and I was like... "Hold on... Is that Justice and Doctor Spectrum? Wizzer and Tyrone Jessup? Starbrand and Hyperion?" I flipped my shit.
I kinda want to as well, because Ewing can also do some less serious/humorous stuff and make it work (look no further than USAvengers and Rocket). Too bad this is a horror book, at least for that reason.
Comedy and horror mix well, Abbot and Costello proved this.
Immortal hulk has become the gold standard for capeshit and for years people will point to this series as what other series should be or could have been.
also the defenders run this year was pretty kickass.
Shame this run is only getting 25 issues, but im sure marvel has goals of jamming them all together in some sort of 3-book hardcover library edition set.
This is only the first act lad.
user... this is just the end of act 1.
I don't blame you for thinking it's the end because Bleeding Cool ran that stupid ass article saying Marvel was "killing off Immortal Hulk at #25" which I'm sure lots of other places will replicate, but no, it's still going and it ain't stopping.
Why would you do this? Delete your post right now.
The image is spoilered and the post clearly states what it contains, you only have yourself to blame.
Yeah i really hope he'll get to have a book about those two in the near future.
This is really good to hear. I think this book has quickly and rightfully become marvels current flagship ongoing series and it's success will probably allow Ewing more license to play around with new and existing characters.
My favorite thing about Newuniverse was Starbrand's starbrand looks cool
good symbol
We've only just begun, friend.
Soon Leader will become the physical concept of thought and the mind throughout the multiverse or some shit.
The thoughtful man?
Thoughtful man's definitely Leader. Maybe Del will be his Half-Life too or some shit.
Kinda, since Infinity and Eternity are time (history) and space (form)
>Starlin's Thanos
You mean the solo series or you mean every single issue about Thanos written by Starlin? Also great list.
Can Thanos save us from Devil Hulk or will bearded Thanos and Maestro chill at the end of the world?
Every single solo series plus most of his cosmic stories (specially Warlock's). And I say "most" because there's a few holes in list.
Would be sweet to see Ewing do an issue with Stallior and the rest of the Inhumans from Incredible Hulk Annual Special just to see Ewing tie in his Royals mythos and actually do a proper ending for them.
What would Ewing's meta-narrative reading order be like?
Mighty Avengers > Captain America & the Mighty Avengers > Ultron Forever > Contest of Champions > New Avengers > Ultimates > U.S. Avengers > Royals > Ultimates 2 > The Immortal Hulk
Don't know what to do with stuff like Iron Man: Fatal Frontier or Loki: Agent of Asgard... or his Original Sin, Civil War II and Secret Wars tie-ins.
>The green lantern
Has the gamma ray references by Grant on last issue's Green Lantern been discussed before on some previous thread?
>been discussed before on some previous thread?
It was discussed a lot in the GL storytime and quite a bit in the IH storytime since both issues came out the same week.
One user later even pointed out that during the same week of those release Ewing posted an old Incredible Hulk cover his tumblr with the title of "crisis on counter earth", a pretty neat coincidence.
>inb4 at the end of Immortal Hulk we get to see future Eternity Hulk fight a shadowed figure heavily implied to be the Anti-Monitor or some shit
savage hulk had such a good time with umar, that bruce could not hulk out for a long ass time because of how happy he was.
(savage hulk lasted 6 minutes, green scar lasted 3 hours multiple days in a row. how long would devil hulk last?)
>Umar... just getting started
Why does my dick twitch at this type of thing?
Y'know what I find real funny and hypercrisis-esque?
Ewing and Morrison are the big multiverse heads, both from Britain which in Marvel is the central point of multiverse shenanigans.
I'd pay a good amount of money to see Ewing tackle Captain Britain
Captain Britain has best girl in it, yes please.
Could Devil Hulk smash The Fury?
Nope, still belong to Peter David.
He had so much longer to make an impact.
Why did Immortal Hulk revert to Savage Hulk??
Id hurds :(
Failsafe. Devil Hulk was knocked out, personality shifted to Savage at the wheel
Is this what Blonsky has been reduced to?
fail safe, when devil hulk becomes too emotional (be it rage, sadness or pain) he reverts to savage hulk.
It's from a splice of Blonsky's DNA
I think depends on how he gets knocked out. Apparently him being forced to revert to Banner brings Joe out.
ny character above cucked Thor-level, so regular Thor-tier and up
Storytime where?
It's shaping up to be discount Stephen King.
And that's cheaper than OP's mom.
Overrated as fuck.
First 6-8 issues were very good (not excellent, but very good). It's been mediocre ever since.
Is this Baby's First Hulk Run or something? WTF is wrong with people? Have they never read any of the Peter David stuff? His run was like five sagas long and every single PAD Hulk era was better than Immortal.
I like Immortal. It's probably been Marvel's best book for the last year, but that's not saying much.
We're waiting for the 21st issue scans coming out and, as of now, no one was bothered to get them and make a thread for them
>t. assblasted Didio kingfag
Why spending time replying to them? Let them blow out some steam. No one cares.
Joe alluded to "coach" putting him in charge, so it seems like him being allowed out was Devil's decision.
Does Ewing dislike Greg Pak's buffs to Banner and the Hulk?
It was stupid to begin with. Sure Banner is there to help rein in his other selves but the idea that he’s doing mad math to prevent ANY casualties is silly. It was just done to try and make Hulk less monstrous
everybody with half a brain dislike it. It's as shit as Zarathos not yeeting on WWH