People on THIS BOARD believed him

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this isn't. Yea Forums fuck off no one cares

People on this board are fucking dumb, and even think he's dead. I don't know how many times this needs to be said; ITS FUCKING MYSTERIO!
Fuck off, Policefag

based promptly drown in semen op

fuck you bitch

also drown in semen which is ironically the same as going back to Yea Forums

some semem for this one to who else wants semen

Hey, I liked the potential prospect of alternate universes.

I'll tell you what I told you before:
We understand that he's going to be a fraud in some general way and we aren't impressed by you pointing it out.

Go fucking whine on /qa/ again, faggot.

People on this board are dumb as shit

You should know that from all the retards that will believe the "my dad works for WB" threads no matter how obviously bullshit they are

Literally every mcu movie we go through the "there's no way they can do this" cycle

>thinking what could happen in the movie next while watching said movie.
I seriously hope you guys dont do this

based. Yea Forums is full of retards that'll believe anything. no wonder their board is so shit. they also have to come here and ruin this board as well.

The only reason people in this board believed it was because of stuff like the Mandarin twist.

The MCU is not afraid of missing the whole point with villains for the sake of being "unique". So having a Mysterio that was actually not bullshitting could have easily been them going "We want to surprise people and subverse expectations!"

As such the fact they DID play it straight was the twist.

i don't think we have enough semen for this one guys but give him all that you've got

I love how the movie verbally rubs it in the face of anyone who believed him

>The MCU is not afraid of missing the whole point with villains for the sake of being "unique". So having a Mysterio that was actually not bullshitting could have easily been them going "We want to surprise people and subverse expectations!"
They literally only ever did this once then backed off and retconned it once they realized people hated it.

>The MCU is not afraid of missing the whole point with villains for the sake of being "unique".

hot take when the point of a villain is that they're a shitty Yellow Peril stereotype that was outdated upon creation than it's cool to miss the whole point

Don't fucking talk about drowning in semen as if it was a bad thing, imbecile.

You're forgetting what they did to the Skrulls too because "muh refugees"and now we missed on having Secret Invasion.

Umm would having a space port near Earth be good for invasion?

Secret Invasion can still happen

>Mysterios first ever appearance had him pretending to be a hero and framing spider-man
like Jesus Christ guys, what the fuck?

He's okay I guess, but he's no Spider-Man

>now we missed on having Secret Invasion.
Considering a long time has happened between Captain Marvel and the end of Far From Home (specially seeing as they came back to Earth and that hasn't been explained), we don't know if they already became a space empire in the course of two decades to rival the Kree. And on top of that we don't know if other Skrull start getting ideas after what happened in FFH, where two Skrulls successfully pretended to be high SHIELD operatives without anyone noticing.

Clearly they are skrulls then

>mysterio is all about illusions
>no reference to the spiderman pointing meme

Is it any wonder the super hero bubble has burst and the sea of cash has ebbed?

Yeah and I liked the potential of Spiderman actually committing crimes.

Secret Invasion wasn't good

We sort of got that with the mirror illusion

>people think we aren't going to get skull villains when Marvel just got the F4

Uhhhh so May confirmed the snap brought everyone back where they died right? How exactly did Peni and Star Lord get to the final battle in Endgame then?

I also remember that a lot of people went full apeshit when he said "this is the universe 616"

you guys are pretty funny

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Doctor Strange was there, remember? He knew where Titan was, so it's likely they were the first heroes to be brought back along the ride to get everyone through the portals.

They where with Dr. Strange, so no big deal.
But wow, portal are just so fucking op.

Well, this board is full of casualgaters and people who only care about shit cartoons like Ladybug.

Multiverse fags got blown the fuck out

it was a good day

Or, get this: the Multiverse still exists (confirmed by Thor The Dark World where 616 is mentioned, and Doctor Strange), but Mysterio was still lying.
The mind boggles!

Peter giving him the Edith classes despite hardly even knowing him was pretty damn contrived.

>character who has been a liar and attention whore for 50 years turns out to be a liar and attention whore
You should never have entertained the possibility of a twist

You know what Beck put on the glasses and looked just like Tony Stark? I choked up a little. Literally. Choked.

I'm gonna miss him

>weaponizing school and the paris plan

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Teenagers are stupid.

But you know Beck couldn't pay fill Tony Stark's shoes. Hell, not even Tony himself could.
because he's fucking tiny

Possibly, not pay, goddamn it.

Sure, but there's regular stupid and there's giving a super weapon to a guy you just met the other day stupid.

I do think it was stupid, but he was backed by SHIELD after all so in Peter's mind, the guy was trustworthy.

That wasn't SHIELD. SHIELD is busy with the Shrike

Yea Forums doesn't read comics, what else is new?

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Personally I thought he'd be a villain from a different world posing as a Hero. After having seen the trailer it made no sense for some fucking nobody to read Erik Something's work and know what E-616 means (seen in the background of that scene), but in retrospect it makes sense for a Stark Engineer to be into that kind of stuff.

It wasn't really out of line for MCU Peter, Mysterio's goal being the glasses was more contrived, I'd say.

Technically that SHIELD is clandestine just as much as Fury's cell, so they're both valid.

>They literally only ever did this once then backed off and retconned it once they realized people hated it.
No they didn't. They just pushed a short film to appease the three autists who kept reeeing all the time. No one else cared.
Hell, Tony Stark died and they never brought this supposed "real Mandarin".

Yea Forums believes the stupidest shit like the "HAWKEYE GONNA MAKE A USB ARROW AND SJOOTS IT AT ULTRON BUT IT DOESNT GO IN CAUSE OF LE EPIC USB JOKE" when age of Ultron came out or that BW was gonna lift Thor's hammer

What are you, teenage girl?

>this supposed "real Mandarin"
I lost this thing. wtf?

>there have been 7 (seven) spider-man films
>not one has had scorpion as an antagonist

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They teased Scorpion in Homecoming. Considering they're unlikely to do the Green Goblin so soon and can't really do Venom, I could see them using Scorpion as the anti-Spider-man bad guy for the third movie.

Attached: Scorpion 1.png (526x561, 589K)

The "real" mandarian is supposly suppose to come into play in Falcon and the Winter Soldier

They would be talking about the "All Hail the King" one-shot short film. Nothing came of it though, so you're not missing much.

Or I stand corrected.


People actually believe he is dead? Oh no, mysterio died again

People also called me stupid for saying flash is gonna get powered up next movie, so fucking obvious.

Nick fury is a fucking dick and his replacement incompetent and now Peter is paying off the price of it.

It's Kraven's turn though.

What does sony technically own? I fucking hope they lose everything.

That guy got really angry.

I thought the elementals were bullshit, but i thought the multiverse was real. He might be mixing a bit of truth in there, is what i thought

You see him and the rest of the people on Titan step through a portal together. A portal made my Dr. Strange who was with them on the planet.

Did you see the movie?

>hot take when the point of a villain is that they're a shitty Yellow Peril stereotype that was outdated upon creation than it's cool to miss the whole point

the Osama Bin Mandarin terrorist they were selling in the trailers was a perfectly good update of the villain and most people were looking forward too and expecting that

I remember seeing a longer version of this

Sony is shitting out a Kraven movie though

I mean, we're at the point where they're eventually going to bring every Marvel asset to the MCU.

So you're saying this board is J. Johan Jameson? Pretty based.

it was an easter egg on a background chalk board

AoS has to be taking place near the snap, not the return because of how long characters have been in space n shit

>there are people that didn't know mysterio is a villain

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well hits not a villain for the first half

To Peter, he was an experienced adult who knew what he was doing and was working with 'Fury'.Seemed like a better option than a traumatized teenager who didn't want and shouldn't have had the responsibility of owning those glasses.

The more I think about it, the more bonkers Tony was for handing Edith down to him. He knew Peter would never want to kill a human target, let alone be given the power to murder hundreds, even thousands. Tony knew his whole thing was wanting to 'Stand up for the little guy' and be a 'friendly neighbourhood Spider-man" not fucking Tony Stark.02 with mass surveillance AI glasses that control weapons of mass destruction.

I’d trust Gyllenhaal with my life

I liked the fact that Tony would rather trust a 16 year old kid he met a few years ago with his big-brother drone army tech, than his own wife and partner for 10+ years who also used to run his company

Peter was there.

He could actually check if it's a corpse or not.

Why do people have a hard time with that concept?

Ehh, thought it was obvious they were going to do it like the comics, I figured the 'twist' was just for the kids or people who don't know Mysterio. But what the fuck, my friend was initially buttmad before seeing the movie, because he legit though Mysterio was going to be a hero.

And yes, Tony was an irresponsable, reckless individual in life and also in death. You know how people say it's bullshit that Reed Richards refuses to just give away complex tech to the public in fear they'll use it for wrong purposes? Well, that's STILL bullshit in some senses, but Stark in the MCU basically serves as his strawman for that theory. Imagine how easy it is to simply drone strike somebody with a pair of glasses by mistake (!).

seethe on, mousekeeter