This is really good. I thought Johns was supposed to be a bad?

This is really good. I thought Johns was supposed to be a bad?

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Your first mistake was listening to Yea Forums's opinions on anything.

He’s always kinda teetered the line, but I’ve always enjoyed his GL run.

That's why he is a hack. He is bad, but not entirely, that's where the hack part comes in.

Johns is bad is a meme said by the same autists that buy Donny Cates' merch.

Which is funny considering how Johns obviously influenced Cates.

Did him?

I don't think Cates has ever read comic books not written by Aaron or Bendis.

Yea Forums LOVES to pretend Geoff Johns never wrote anything good

Cates is more influenced by Jason Aaron.

he made GL an A list hero

Rebirth, Recharge, Sinestro Corps War and its follow-up, The Blackest Night, are some of Johns' best work, imo. It's around Brightest Day when things started to take a turn and the whole rainbow corps thing started to wear out its welcome. I really enjoy Johns' take on the Green Lantern cosmology, and I think the ideas he introduced, particularly the emotional spectrum, present some interesting possibilities... But those possibilities simply do not get explored very often, or very well.

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I agree, you can definitely see the Aaron influence. Much more so than Johns. I don't really see much Bendis influence, other than the shameless self promotion of his dumb not-OCs.

This is how Yea Forums operates for all creators. They're all the best thing ever and totally based until they write one mediocre book, then suddenly all of their work is retroactively bad.

True but I do like some of the final issues on his run.

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how do you pronounce "geoff"

>tiny brain: "jeff"
>big brain: "gee-off"
>cosmic brain: "GOFF"

I have always ALWAYS said "jee-off" until a few months ago when a comic book store rando ultraretard got butthurt about it when I mentioned it to a different friend

now I kind of think I might be wrong but I still want to continue to say jee-off to spite that dude

>that corps member creating an image of each dead lantern and taking a shot for each

Tfw you’ll never bro out with your GL boys

after the war the Sinestro crops become jobbers
it pissed me off because they were built up as a serious threat

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I definitely see some Johns influences in his Venom run.

That was always a little forced


Such is the fate of all comic book characters unfortunately

It is bad, you just have shit tastes.

Nice meme

Not him, and I didn't read every single green lantern issue, but I never saw them have a friendly moment.

I remember Yea Forums saying Johns hates Wally West even though he wrote so much Wally West Flash.

johns is alright but he has quirks that i can understand why people wouldn't like. my biggest one is that he let's his fanboyism get in the way of his writing from time to time and you can see it in green lantern & especially.

Pretty meh.

It made sense in context, in my opinion. The reason the Sinestro Corps was a threat was that they had all the power of wielding a lantern ring with none of the moral guidelines, along with an energy source that only became more powerful in the vicinity of fear. They were feared because they had the ability to kill indiscriminately, and that fear made their rings more powerful, and with their more powerful rings they were able to kill more and create even more fear, ad infinitum, in a feedback loop of rising terror that the Green Lanterns simply could not fight back against because of the guidelines coded into their own rings.

Once those guidelines were modified and the Green Lantern Corps was allowed to respond with deadly force, however, the balance of power shifted. The GLC is peacekeeping military force that has existed almost as long as there has been sentient life in the universe- it's a given that without any kind of restrictions on their rings, the average trained Green Lantern is going to be more effective than the average Sinestro Corpsman, because the Sinestro Corps recruits based solely on how well a prospective ringbearer can sow terror. They're effective killers, but there's a difference between wanton killing and waging a war, and the only one among them who can actually do that is Sinestro himself, which is probably why he remained a consistent threat while the rest of his corps diminished.

Because Yea Forums doesn’t read comics. Read his first Flash run and tell me he doesn’t like Wally.