Be kid

>be kid
>wonder why adults don't like cartoons
>-convince myself that i'll always watch cartoons, even when i'm old

>be 27 now
>haven't watched cartoons in around a decade
>tried to force myself to watch some, but have absolutely no interest anymore

It happened. I became one of them. The magic died.

I'm genuinely jealous of you people.

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Good. All you really need is Spongebob.

That's because you're only watching cartoons instead of watching animation.

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I’m almost as old as you and still love cartoons. You’ve just gotta dig deep. 90% of everything is shit. Don’t just be a current cartoon watcher. Don’t just be an american cartoon watcher.

Interests change.
It is the way of things.

A lot of cartoons are shit now anyway. The only currently running cartoon I actively watch is Steven Universe and I'm probably gonna be done with cartoons by the time that ends. Sad.

Only half of those are even decent.

Adults around you didn't like cartoons?
Those are all cartoons

To clarify, I still watch animated movies and get tons of enjoyment out of those. Some of the best movies of the past few years have been animated. I'm talking about cartoon shows. I'll try to watch one that everyone is raving about, and I can't even get past 5 minutes. It feels like a chore for some reason.

Modern cartoon fans are shit eaters. Don’t feel bad. Keep trying new stuff but if you don’t like it it’s no big deal. Get into more obscure stuff from the past, you ever watch MTV cartoons?

TV animation has been exceptionally bad for about three years so it's not your fault.

Like Liquid Television? I enjoyed stuff like that. Compilations of animated short films are great.

Never really watched Aeon Flux or Daria though.

In terms of other "mature" stuff, nothing from Adult Swim has interested me in a long time. I tried watching the Samurai Jack revival but I just got busy, plus I heard people didn't like it, I guess?

Most people had issues with it, it’s still in the top 5 of the decade. Watch it. Have you tried french stuff? How about anime?

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thar's why i watch "adult" cartoons now :')

>hadn't watched cartoons in years
>watch some anime instead like jojo
>suddenly the amazing world of gumball
>enjoy for a season or two
>gumball and penny get together
>lose interest and haven't watched since

29 here, I still watch the shit out of cartoons.
You have depression, user. Therapy works in some cases.

Maybe I'll try watching it again.

Besides enjoying obvious stuff like Cowboy Bebop, my issue with anime is typically a dislike of the modern character designs and personalities. I can't stand the big eyes and the weak and puny protagonists.

My girlfriend showed me Death Note a few years ago and we watched all of it. I enjoyed that. I know that's like Babby's First Anime, but it was pretty compelling besides the ridiculous exposition.

I really wish there were western animated shows with serious, interesting storylines. Frankly, Justice League Unlimited was the last show that felt like that to me.

For new stuff, ballmasterz is incredible.
For old stuff, the maxx is my favorite cartoon, watch that.

Clearly OP hasn't watched Tangled yet

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I did see it user... almost 10 years ago.

I enjoyed it, and when Frozen came out and was all the rage, I couldn't understand it because Tangled is so much better.

He's talking about Tangled the series. It's pretty good.

the new carmen santiago cartoon seems pretty universally liked on Yea Forums

Give this consideration, OP. If you're happy otherwise and just not feeling cartoons, that's one thing, but if you're losing interest in other things as well you should see a therapist. I've been dealing with something similar for a few months now.

Welp, didn't know this would get so real. Yes, I've lost interest in most things. Up until this year, I was an avid movie watcher on a daily basis. Now, a 90 minute movie feels like an eternity. Shows and games don't interest me, etc. Everything is like a slog to get through.

I also haven't had a computer in 8 months after mine broke and I couldn't afford a new one, so I've just been using an old tablet. I don't even have the distraction of normal internet browsing anymore.

It's a weird thing to be depressed most of your life, but still find enjoyment in entertainment, and then suddenly your mind takes that away from you as well. Being stripped of my own interests is a pretty cruel thing for my brain to do.

The self-motivation to try therapy is barely there, but with the way things are head, I should probably start it soon.

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Stop trying to do any of that then. Pick up outdoor hobbies, go to a gym, do something other than consume media.
If you truly loved it back then, you'll find a spark in the future that brings you back. I burn myself out on video games and have to take a break, then something snaps in me and I'm straight back into them again.

Don't fall for that bullshit. "Depression" and "therapy" are pure lies, a scam to get you to waste money on overpriced chats and/or pills.
What's going on is you've realized that current animation is nothing but horrible "comedy" or leftist propaganda. It's time to leave garbage fiction behind and embrace the superiority of nonfiction.

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There is no magic here; only nitpicking and bemoaning modern times. Like any hobby.

Trust me, cartoons are far more magical for you than they are for any of us.