The Green Goblin isn’t practica-

>The Green Goblin isn’t practica-

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There's literally no reason to have that human on top of that drone. If you're in it for recreation just use the water variation.

Its not as cool as literally flying

>gets shot down

The comments are full of people pointing out why it’s stupid and useless and the one Frenchman who uploaded it is defending it as best a she can lol

>Dodges your bullets with a spin

Your move, coppers!

>throws skeleton bombs

Useless as a military vehicle yes. Stupid, no. This'd be great as a recreational vehicle. If people go parasailing and hanggliding they'll love zipping around on one of these fuckers.

What a time to be alive.

drone better

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>using an AR

They're big on using domestically produced hardware, yet they couldn't get him to hold onto a FAMAS or something?

Also very dangerous since airspace needs to be tightly regulated to avoid horrible accidents.

Those glide suits look more cool, honestly. This is killing my knees just looking at it. I guess for the spectator this looks pretty cool.

1. The end of the Cold War killed the industry that made the FAMAS.

2. The replacement, possibly just interim, rifle is the 416, which is more or less an AR but with different internals.

3. It’s likely a prop/replica

Do you know how much training and physical effort this production is? Do you know how few people would ever be qualified to operate these? Just do those water ones. It feels like a jetpack only when you fall it's 10 feet into water rather than terminal velocity onto concrete.

It’s a very super-villain thing to be like, ‘well - I don’t need to stand on top of this drone and fly around killing people, but I’ll be damned if I don’t’.

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A fair point. A super villains job is not to be practical.

We'll meet again French-Man!

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You really can’t hate their passion for what they believe in.

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And then as you come in for a landing you accidentally flip over and speed up and then you're spread all over the ground

I wonder if there's a practical way to combine it with this?

>Green goblin is now British.

>Useless as a military vehicle yes.
Damn user, you should've taken this great insight to the french military who spent 1 million euro making sure the tech would stay in France, they probably would've rewarded you for saving them an useless purchase.

Nous retrouvons Spider-Man!

if this skinny dude can make, so can I

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Militaries make useless purchases all the time

>saving people is stupid, just nuke everything LMAO

>took 17 years to make Goblin's Glider
Super Soldier Serum confirmed for 2028


the pilot is not even a military, just a civilian.

why are the french such weebs?

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1 Million Euros for a news-worthy stage piece in a parade that gets ignorant people talking about the French Army is pretty cheap, especially for the military.

>ywn read a comic about Green Goblin oppressing the Irish

A drone would save people better. A pilot would never be able to compensate for all the erratic motions a rescuee makes; just look at all the helicopter rescues.

But an algorithm could theoretically do it.

It's fucking cool

Why can't weebs be french?
Why can't weebs be french?

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>having troops able to reach windows and other high position wihtout ladders or grappling hooks
>can still be used at ground level to move troops at 100km/h without vehicles
The stupid thing is to give the pilot a fucking gun for the show, that shit is precious for tactical operations or just saving civilians.

Take the same hover technology and just mount a gun on it. Now there's no big squishy target four times the size of the drone to shoot at and make the whole thing useless.

Why couldn't the board also use algorithm to stabilize itself ?

>A drone would save people better
you are retarded
>A pilot would never be able to compensate for all the erratic motions
double retard confirmed at that

it already does but people are going all out against it because it's French and not American.

>There's literally no reason to have that human on top of that drone.
it's cool user, are you even human?

>40 replies
>Not even one
Shit this place is casual as fuck now.

Do you actually thing they're just going to send soldiers flying in the middle of a city in hostile territory ? They've talked about using it for rescue operations and delivering supplies.

>But a drone would be better!
Maybe but not everytime. If you need to rescue a soldier alone and passed out somewhere do you expect him to wire himself to a drone so it can be evacuated ?

Yeah because that would make the green goblin the hero

First of all, we're now starting to talk about a device that is so completely outside of the realm of anything which we have yet developed and when some sort of point-spot aerial transportation and recovery device exists it will look nothing like OP's meme hoverglider.

The thing you see in OP's image is just a drone with a human put on it for show and extremely advanced re-balancing algorithms put in to compensate for how erratically this extremely specially trained human is behaving. It has no practical applications.

You know middle-class drones already are more than capable of stabilizing themselves in heavy winds, right ? I'm currently working in a company that use them, DJI Phantom drones are extremely stables even with winds, and even at relatively high altitude. It's a developing technology.

>put in to compensate for how erratically this extremely specially trained human is behaving.

How is he moving erratically ?

Not that guy, I'm not against it, I think there are applications for it. I think people jump the gun and think that they will use it to replace foot infantry rather than just being a supporting element.

Also, this isn't a new concept, there were airborne platforms for infantry like this way like decades ago built as prototypes, they were just obviously far less sophisticated and practical in use with the technology available at the time.

>How is he moving erratically ?
Because he is human and the only way humans can stop moving erratically is by being dead. That's the whole point. Stabilizing a human being who is merely trying to stay upright and take a very smooth movement arc is a thousand times more difficult a task than compensating for the wind. It's certainly possible (I mean we see it here and if you told me yesterday I was going to see it today I would have believed you). But if you put a human being that wasn't specially trained and trying to do nothing but stand upright then it'd fall right out of the air because conservation of rotational momentum is a thing.

This is now a futuristic technology thread. Post cool shit that used to only exist in comics.

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>stabilization algorithms don't exists because I REFUSE it

Damn that's good.

Besides that, with op pic that's actually really impressive.

>But if you put a human being that wasn't specially trained and trying to do nothing but stand upright then it'd fall right out of the air because conservation of rotational momentum is a thing.

You don't complain about fighter pilots being exceptionally trained to stay focused on pretty much a million things at once in their super advanced aerodynamically unstable whizz jets that are only kept balanced by advanced flight computers do you?

>France has their own spiderman
>And now their own Goblin
French Spiderman comic when?

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probably use it for greater stability

this you gotta be a no fun fag if you don't at least see the fun with this imagine arming a bunch of soldiers with theses things giving them night vision goggles attacking a base for shits and giggles


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Now Japan just needs to hurry up finishing their gundam and we will live in real anime world

I mean we already have Italian Spider-Man, Japanese Spider-Man, Turkish Spider-Man, I think it's time for a French Spider-Man to appear.

Nous nous retrouvons homme-araignée!!

They're not going to just give the board to random soldiers and tell them to fly over places like that.

the thing is already heavily stabilized, in a couple of years the training to ride it will barely be above using a segway

Yeah, apart from, you know, the ability to go over basically any obstacle you might encounter.

1 million is literally nothing to modern militaries, sometimes they have to spend money just to justify getting the same or more money next term. Plus, good PR for them means the government is less likely to cut back their budget, nobody wants to be the government that killed flying soldiers.

They spend more on updating the aesthetics of uniforms.

>We're born just in time to witness the Franco-Japanese conflict
>hordes of flying frenchmen fire sci-fi rifles at giant robots to settle the matter of who is bestest waifu after Macron joked it was Makoto at the G20 summit

Truly the greatest timeline

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I saw this military wingpack at the Paris Air Show in 2007: a guy was being demoed (for fit, not for flight). from wiki:
> The Gryphon is a military wingpack that currently allows paratroopers to exit an aircraft at an altitude of 10 kilometres, then fly 40 kilometres while carrying up to 100 pounds of equipment. The system is still in development and the goal, according to Elektroniksystem- und Logistik-GmbH (Electronic System and Logistics Group or ESG), is to allow paratroopers to fly up to 200 kilometres per hour, thus enabling them to penetrate enemy airspace without compromising the safety of the aircraft or being detected by radar.
Of course there's also the famous Swiss Jetman, - who managed to fly circles around an Airbus

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>I don't know anything about modern tech, I win
education doesn't work that way

>We're born just in time to witness the Franco-Japanese conflict
France and Japan love each other too much, I bet they will combine forces and make flying robots instead

It's cool as fuck and that's all you really need.

reality is fake looking somehow

How many of you are in as good of shape as Defoe is right here or better?

So this is the future of suicide bombing.
Allahu akbar!

>logic core for relating what the pilot wants to do

Unironically the future of BTI brain tech and AI will be what makes a goblin glider feasible.

>armed soldiers in the middle of Paris with an ultra-futuristic armed special forces guy flying around an iconic landmark
>Wow so cool!
>first military parade in dc in decades on independence day in the US
it just doesn't stop, does it?

>you lived long enough to see hover boards

>fires gun
>recoil sends him spinning into the ground

t. Garth Ennis

That’s because the French do it every year while the US reserved parades for victories in offical wars. Not for just average 4th of July celebrations, and not as many see it for the benefit of stoking the president’s ego. The use of tanks was also a sticking point because that’s what the Soviets did. The tanks ended up not moving because they damage the road too much which is why the French use armoured cars and the Russian have a damaged Red Square.


Does he have a handheld 20mm we're not aware of?

shit man. thanks user

I hate faggots like you. You probably think Apple aesthetic is the height of design too.

i want a pitbull

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