Oof, yikes, this aint it chief

oof, yikes, this aint it chief

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There are moments in here where I get what johns was going for and are half decent but the majority of it sucks so hard

It's terrible but your headline makes me suddenly like it

It'd probably read a lot better if we didn't have to wait months in between each issue.

Issues 1-9 were kinda boring but issue 10 was great

go away Alan Moore

It wasn't. In any sense. It's just somehow you're impressed that Manhattan and Superman are actually finally meeting and whoaa Manhattan fucked around with DC continuity bravo.

Hey man I enjoyed it

Fair enough, I don't mean to single you out. Just as a Moore fan ur rubs me the wrong way.


>Moore fan ur rubs me the wrong way.
What did you mean by this?
I'm a Geoff Johns and Grant Morrison fan

Johns is trying to be clever but he's too low IQ. The only thing im looking forwards to is Superman btfoing Manhattan. Unlike faggots talking about some idealistic bullshit debate pretending this shit is deep i just want a brawl.

>every single issue has been the best selling issue by a landslide
>even with the delays it's been going strong
>even jaded anons have said the last issue was better than most

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Cant wait for Superman to one shot Manhattan and make all powerlevel fags seeth until kingdome come

>even jaded anons have said the last issue was better than most

>Buzzword, buzzword, buzzword



Red Hulk was the best seller for like 2 years....until it got good then it dropped off the face of the earth.

You're point?

>he says, answering with a buzzword

The creativity of Johnsfags everyone, really living up to their idol.

The leddit losers who claim this is good are retards who want pseudointellectual bullshit. Johns is no Moore, no Morrison, he's a faggot fanboy. The only good thing out of Doomsday cock is Superman slapping around Dr manhattan and making Gokufags seeth

Why Silk Spectre and Nite Owl are not even showinv their faces when even fucking Comedian comes back.

>even jaded anons have said the last issue was better than most
Why have you to be a liar?

I think it's still just too decompressed.

forget the months, it would read better with half the pages

Johns is a bad writer and all of his fans are actual retards

>The leddit losers who claim this is good are retards who want pseudointellectual bullshit
It's the other way around, the people shitting on the series seem to hold it to much higher expectatons. I blame DC for propping up the series to be a full-blown Watchmen sequel when it was originally meant to just wrap up the Rebirth storyline.

This. This story could've been told in about 6-8 issues

True. But the same could be said of almost any cape comic nowadays.

not to this level, though.

*timidly raises paw*

But I liked Blackest Night

so could Watchmen's

just bring the JSA back already, we know that is the entire reason the event was made in the first place.

What fucking story? We STILL barely know shit about Manhattan's motivation for coming to fucking around with the DC universe with most of the issues released. It's the comic book crossover equivalent of slamming action figures together in a sandbox. There is no story worth being told in Doomsday Clock at all.

>even jaded anons have said the last issue was better than most
Maybe by capeshitter standards which are already astronomically low.

> It's the comic book crossover equivalent of slamming action figures together in a sandbox
That would be infinite crisis, blackest night, and sinestro corps war, all of which are much better crossover comics that Johns wrote previously.
Doomsday clock doesn’t have nearly enough action to be an action-figures-being-knocked-together comic

lotta butt hurt Watchmen fags here

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>please bring back one of the few untainted properties so it can be corrupted by current year cuck sensibilities
How bout no

Johns already ruined them

Scott Snyder's bringing them back after he confirmed Doomsday Clock to be non-canon, lmfao.

Does the stuff they mention on the news in doomsday clock happen in other comics? Like, Firestorm getting in trouble with the government or Hawk and Dove fucking up in russia?

>Two years

Could Goku defeat Dr Manhattan and Superman if it was a triple threat fight

Confirmed: Even after all these months, I'm still seeing Manhattan's eye as a mouth and that watch and his symbol as eyes.

Issue 10 was as good as Johns is ever going to get; including all his previous work.

And it's still miles below any random issue of Watchmen.

It's nowhere near the highs of Watchmen, but I have been enjoying it, especially recently.

Canonically Doomsday Clock is taking place in the future of DC

wait did supes actually kill blue dick?

Nice try, anti-Moore fag.