Who would win in a fight between Daffy Duck and Donald Duck?

Who would win in a fight between Daffy Duck and Donald Duck?

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The rule of Looney Tunes is whoever loses their cool first loses. Not sure what Disney’s is.

Classic Donald wins
Modern Donald is a pussy


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Interestingly enough neither of them have any cool.

I could see Daffy being a jerk and just disrespecting Donald, making Donald lose his cool first

If it's screwball Daffy, the Daffy wins.
If it's egotist Daffy, then Donald wins.

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Sometimes he has bad luck, sometimes he doesn't. Really depends how it's played
If you fuck with his family you're done with

is this what daffy used to look like? I like it a lot. It's cute but with daffy's demeanor i could see this shit eating grin duck be really endearing

The viewer


I really like Donald's original design too.

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Donald duck is actually super strong when angry. Plus he has actual military experience. So if the usual "donald duck suffering is funny" magic isn't active, then donald turns daffy into peking duck

Yes, the person in the wrong loses, and both Daffy and Donald tend to be in wrong most.

Probably they both lose and the Nephews\Bugs Bunny wind up winning despite not being in the fight.

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Depends. Does Daffy have prep time? And are we talking normal Donald Duck here, or Dark Donald?

Who starts it? Donald usually only has a hard time with small animals like Chip n Dale.

Basing it on toon logic, the ending is what's funniest. I'd say it would be daffy winding up Donald to super anger with them both losing and that camera panning out to bugs bunny and Oswald the lucky rabbit, at the animator desk laughing and saying ain't we stinkers. Then the ending would the classic merry melody theme on the Disney castle with porky and goofy saying that's all folks

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>Donald has actual military experience.

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Donald takes the more vicious slapstick beating, but actually wins whatever the contest is while something silly and humiliating happens to Daffy. Especially if they require assistance, since Donald would get the nephews or Jose and Panchito while Daffy gets fucking Bugs and Porky to deliberately fuck him over.

>the ending is what's funniest. I'd say it would be daffy winding up Donald to super anger with them both losing and that camera panning out to bugs bunny and Oswald the lucky rabbit, at the animator desk laughing and saying ain't we stinkers. Then the ending would the classic merry melody theme on the Disney castle with porky and goofy saying that's all folks
thats the least funny thing i've ever heard in my life

Is Donald going duck hunting?

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Are we taking Duck Dodgers and Kingdom Hearts into consideration?

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Kingdom Hearts and Wizard Daffy

Wizard Daffy was just a dream

Chip, Dale, and their gay WB counterparts.

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>Modern Donald is a pussy

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Modern Daffy MUST lose. He cannot win ever. Even bland corporate Donald would beat asshole Daffy. Screwball Daffy would beat modern Donald handily, with pretty much no problem. Screwball Daffy vs Peak Donald... that’s areal tough, but I’m gonna give it to screwball Daffy. Donald is fucking hardcore and gets stronger the more angry he is, but Daffy gets stronger the more angry his opponent is. I’d saw Donald’s badassery has a limit, while Daffy is essentially limitless. It would be a fight for the ages though.

So strong he can't even be broadcast outside of some third-world hellhole

If we consider it then this Duck has already won

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Is there even a bland corporate Donald? I always understood the situation as Mickey taking that bullet to spare the other characters from having their personalities bleached away.

Mickey Mouse clubhouse Donald I guess?

Yes. Modern Donald, while nowhere near as bad as modern Mickey, can’t touch comic Donald or theatrical short Donald.

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This is probably the most objective assessment of what would go down between the characters realistically, whereas is what would actually happen in a cartoon made to showcase this.

If it's a "fight" kind of battle, then Daffy definitely gets the upper hand, but Donald wins it at the end by sheer rage.
If it's a singing kind of battle, then it's probably a tie.
If it's a dancing battle, or a "who has the more talents", then Daffy wins this one.

Whatever happens, though, we the viewers are the absolute winners of such loonatical comedy.

It stands to reason he would be completely toned down in a cartoon made for very small children.
Judging him against ancient scrolls made in a world that didn't give a shit also isn't especially fair, but I do see your point.

Okay what about LTS Daffy vs Ducktales 2018 Donald. Daffy has his Parade Float.

File it under “who cares”
Also, modern Daffy must lose.

I thought it already happened

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Then it’s a draw.

Daffy wins by default because Donald wasn't written into the episode despite its premise revolving around him.


I like New Mickey Mouse shorts but their Donald is certainly a lot more subdued in his craziness to the point he's basically just zany.

Donald is a WWII veteran.

And Daffy hit Hitler with a mallet. What’s your point?


Screwball Daffy lost a few times, too. Off the top of my head, there's the Broken Arms Hotel manager, the man from the draft board, the hatched rooster he babysits, the turkey he betrayed for yams, and a couple encounters with Porky that went bad (My Favorite Duck, Boobs in the Woods).

I really like the idea of it starting out as a cartoony battle with cartoony jokes but slowly and consistently escalating in ways that incorporate both of their lores. Like donald would resort to conjuring and spells while Daffy ends up using increasingly more militant technology he aquired during his time as Duck Dodgers. Eventually the whole fight becomes a continent spanning battle that reveals itself to be an allegory for Science vs Mysticism. As far as who would win, I'd honestly give it to Donald.

We need Daffy and Donald vs Bugs and Mickey

>composite characters
Donald's a seasoned adventurer in either of his recent shows while I think Daffy is only a Marine. Donald wins.

Depends if Donald’s family is in danger.
