Thundercats REBOOT Again

Transformers,Scooby Doo and TMNT get reboots every few year but Thundercats barely gotten any,let's say you were chosen by WB to reboot Thundercats as a tv series or movie. What do you do? What artstyle do you choose? Will you create new characters and villains? Mumm Ra will stay as main villain or get replaced?

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I would make a different show and stop relying on old properties. However, I'd still have tits and muscles and lots of fighting and shooting.

Something that doesn't need toy sales to live.

The kids kissing.

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Then just make it user,you were chosen to reboot thundercats not make a new original show. Fuck off with your bullshit

like these designs more,anyone else? The suits could be changed though,I do like Lion O having a black suit

Forgot pic :))

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I'm the only one who is excited for Roar! and wants to give it a chance?

what happened to that thundercats go

It went to ground after they realized everyone hated it.

Thunderats will have a panel at SDCC this week,we should know the future of the franchise there. Thundercats has so much potential,it's just WB being complete idiots not knowing what to do with the IP. Hasbro would've do a better job than them.

>thundercats go
Is it good?

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I'll just gotta watch it to piss of Yea Forums

Still happening. Though it'll probably get dumped in the app like most of CN's third-party shows.

But Thundercats is a CN/WB property user

>Thundercats Roar is a success
>get 8 seasons
>get a movie
>Yea Forums eternally btfo with all the boomers

I think the artstyle is cute

It's hard not to be a success when your show costs $5 to produce and get run for the entirety of the channel's broadcast time.
Kids just want noise and colors in the background while they play on their phones.

Would've OPs pic be more welcomed as a reboot?

I wanna see Thundercats done in She Ra Netflix style,can any drawanon do it? Please

It's not an in-house show, so it's considered third-party and treated like shit anyways. Unless it's TTGo.

THAT is way better, even if it looks like 6teen

They look like a dance studio troupe in this pic

This style
adult cartoon + tms studio

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>Spends time watching show he doesn’t like so anonymous users on the internet tell you you have no taste
>Time he could spend on things he actually enjoys instead

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>tms studio
oh fuck off

at least WB/CN had the decency to listen to the extreme backlash and cancel ROAR!.

unless its hidden in some WB ondemand service and no one has an idea.

There might be a couple of things I'd be interested in changing up a touch. Firstly, I'd make Mumm-Ra and the Beast Men the main focus. Explore their lore, focus on what's driving them and why, revel in their successes and failures. The ThunderCats would become the antagonists that appear, wreck shit and trot off laughing or something. Second, I'd let a French studio like Les Armateurs or Mikros Animation on board and let them go nuts with it.

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I wouldn’t. Somethings should just die out in the era they were created. Thundercats is one of them.

The cartoon was fun, the marvel comics were exciting and the toys were awesome and the overall lore/context was very imaginative. We can put IP’s to rest and enjoy the original versions. We don’t have to keep reincarnate them.

I have no hope for it other than the hope that it fails because I don't like the trend it could inspire in reboots. But if it turns out to be good and succeeds, cool I guess.

I’ve seen various people’s twitter accounts recently who’s profiles were like ‘Working on Thundercats Roar at WB!!’ ‘Storyboard artist at WB for Thundercats roar’ etc... so I think the show is still going to happen. Wether WB banishes it to Boomerang like you said, or actually airs it on Cn is to be seen.

Either Genndy's style for Samurai Jack/Clone Wars or Bruce Timm's style for BTAS

>simplistic enough to allow dynamic action to be easily animated
>has enough sharp edges so it doesn't look too kiddie

This,get Gendy do a Thundercats series

But new generations need their own version of Thundercats,stop being selfish

Get the team behind Mistery Inc. do it

>that Wilykit
So,does Lion O bang her?

This, or actually give a third season to 2011.


Live action movie from Michael Bay if you want sexy Cheetara

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A thundercats videogame

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Post Roar fan art

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No, Mumm-Ra does but he prefers her brother.

I hope Victor Courtright ends up cutting his bun out of shame like a retired sumo wrestler

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No way,is mumm ra gender fluid?

My Thundercats reboot involves all of the characters being really hot and me being in the show and them letting me have sex with them


He doesn't question whether or not he is a man or a woman. He just likes fucking his slaves

Comic name?

Thundercats needs a new villain instead of Mumm Ra. Create a new Thundercats villain Yea Forums

Should I bother watching the original show? Is it good? Which episodes should I watch?

Thundercats: The Return

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The comics is just edgy garbage and Lion-O is a retard in it


I offer to trade Thundercats for Silverhawks.

I don't care about the Thundercats property, I think it's kinda shit. But if I were to reboot it, I would just make it more cartoony than 2011. Something similar to DCSHG or the OP image or DCAU. I genuinely hate the 2011 style because it's just a shitty boring anime clone.

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Combine elements of the original and the new series with a few other things.

>Series begins with Thundera being destroyed and the Thundercats evacuating and landing on 3rd Earth. Some generic Thunderans also survive to create a little settlement. Other Thunderans fled to different planets and incorporating them back into New Thundera will be a late-term goal in the series and lead to crossovers with the Silver Hawks and god willing MOTU. Some Thunderan ships were captured by Plun-Dar and the Luantaks that live on Plun-Dar's moon to be used as slave labor. Liberating them is another long-term goal.

>Lion-O isn't a kid, but is young and not ready for the throne and the responsibilities of being king and has to sink or swim. Jaga is alive, and stays alive until he dies during the season 1 finale. His passing marks Lion-O fully embracing being king.

>Snarf is just a short, pudgy old Thundercat and major domo to Cat's Lair. He's known Lion-O since he was a kid and functions as his Falstaff.

>As in the pic, the Kits are older. While still younger than anyone else, they're old enough to hand with the adults. As in the recent cartoon, they aren't blue bloods but are thieves and treasure hunters made honorary Thundercats for putting their skills to use in Lion-O's Thundercat strike team. Their inclusion causes controversy among the Thunderans.

>Lion-O has a 3 way triagle with Wilykit, Cheetara, and Pumyra.

>Third Earth is the abandoned, ancestral home of the Thundercats where Cat's Lair is. Cat's Lair is like the Helms Deep for the entire Thunderan Race and the exiled Thunderans create a settlement around it. Cat's Lair is important because it projects a planetary shield that blocks the pursuing Plun-Darrian fleet.

>The inability of the fleet to pierce the shield causes their leaders (the traditional mutants team) trapped on 3rd Earth to unearth Mumm-Ra in desperation. Mumm-Ra is an ancient lich who the ancient Thunderians defeated and sealed away.

I shit you not, i would buy a Thundercats Roar toy, but just because Snarf its cute

>Got giant gay black man. Shouldnt been born a bearman and not a cat because this man is a fucking bear.
>Slut, just what everyone calls her.
>Spazzy has not taken his medication in days
>Tiny slut formerly girl kid lacks a personality.
>Guy Cool look at him. He's a cool guy
>Little Faggot, not his actual name but has yet to earn any modicum of respect for any other nickname.

Let sleeping dogs, or in this case cats, lie user.