YooHoo and Friends meet the creator of I Am Weasel/Cow & Chicken

This is the greatest idea since Ghost Stories.
Once upon a time there were 5 executives who destroyed the earth for money,
Mother Nature got mad so she said "Hey Father Time you better stop them or you're sleeping on the couch tonight, honey"
So he turned them into sweet cuddly fluffy sweetie pies sent them to places where gems they must recover.


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I watched it all and it was really well written

I saw this on tv and the nonsense jokes had me rollin, specifically that one where there's three animals with numbers as names and they go all like "I'm booby 1" "I'm booby 2" "I'm booby 520"

The only problem with parodies is that you can't change the source material, you can't deviate from the story unless you're really forcing it.

What sucks about YooHoo is that the fluffy animals don't keep their parody personalities. The grey raccoon thing is slightly meaner with a backbone in him because he was like that in the original show.

I want to see a drawing from the creator of Cow & Chicken where Yoohoo and Friends are sitting at a table eating pork butts

What exactly is this?

I watched all of this, great stuff. Father Time is a phenomenal character.

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Feiss' artstyle is shit

I'm 100% certain that at 2:45 they edited out the couch part.

Hi, I. M. Burger here, I can't seem to load the video.

I am dishesrtened that the netflix version is based off the original and not the flavaflayv version.

>That feel when you ur dog get the super munchies and ate some of the greenseeds with tabasco and now Yoohoo & the gang will never see home again.

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The idea is really good, they should make a show out of it from scratch rather than just an abridged series.

A Korean show brought to the US, the distribution company decided to pull a Robotech/Samurai Pizza Cats, and re-edit the show to change the story from random cute animals saving nature to a group of Businessmen being turn into animals by Father Time to fix the destruction they caused.

The US version added new scenes in the Cow and Chicken artstyle that completely clashes with the original flash animation.

Personally I enjoy the clash in art styles. I'd love this time to be an original show than just a dub parody.

What is David Feiss even doing these days?

Wasn't the creators of YooHoo and Friends livid at him for perverting their show into what he wanted? I'd never hire him again if he fucked me over like that.

My mom worked on the show and she said the show couldn’t be produced anymore due to a lawsuit with the owners of the toys. They wanted to make a show for themselves rather than toonzone studios and made it crapier.

It was poochie

Masterpiece, 10/10.

It’s really good lmfao.

Also “Nasty Corp instant water, just add water”

In my country I got the Feiss version on Boomerang, and the original on a local educational channel.

I feel like this and Commander Clark are what should have gathered a fandom instead of friendship is magic.

Mexico? Right? And the weirdest thing is that they share the exact same voice actors!