the path to atheism begins
Dumbing of Age
...You can just get ice cream after church.
you'll probably only get one scoop tho
>I'm not going to church, mom and dad fffffffffuck youuuuuuuu
Can't you still accept Jesus as your saviour without actually going to church every week?
depends which christianity you follow
But where in the Bible does it say you must go to church constantly or you're a heathen?
depends which translation
They'll give it to you in whatever way you order it.
>Dave left church because gluttony is a sin
It all makes sense now.
It the argument over the commandment of keep the sabbath holy and Jesus saying it's better to pray at home in silence than to go to church just to pay lipservice.
The dogmatic expectation is still to go since you can't typically take communion at home.
>dogmatic expectation
what if i'm a cat person?
Ice cream before lunch? It's like Joyce wants diabetes by 45.
Willis is 40 now
Just get a 2nd scoop. Then ask for forgiveness.
>have crisis of faith
>skip church one time in her whole life
>bad thing happens
>oh noes, this is all my fault for being a wicked naughty sinner.
The circle is compete
all of it is gone at that point
Checkmate, atheists.
>Not going to IHOP after church for a nice family brunch
might as well go to applebee's if you're gonna stoop that low