Trying to make a comic about two little girls befriending a lonely man who never had any friends

>Trying to make a comic about two little girls befriending a lonely man who never had any friends
>The little girls are like witches that use a spell to make others believe that they're adult women
>Don't know how to write how little girls act

Any advice?

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Okay, it's NOT like what you're thinking about. It's going to be a children comic

I was going to switch it where the girls make a spell to make an illusion of the man looking like a little boy but since the man wanted ADULT friends, I thought the girls using a spell to fool others into thinking they're adults would be better.

Indulge me. How old are these girls.

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Make him a lolicon for laughs

I thought about 10 years old, so as they use their spell, they appear as 20 years old to everyone, yet the man still sees them as children

Dude no

go to a park and watch kids play. wear sunglasses and a coat if you're too ashamed to be seen

Watch how other mediums write kids. You might have to make them advanced geniuses or something along those lines.

Just read Kodomo no Jikan and lolita for accurate source material.

ask Yea Forums for advise on kids. they seem to know a lot about them

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Yeah, none of this sounds weird or creepy at all.

I'm not following this advice, guys come on

I just want to be accurate, a bit goofy but very likable


spend a lot of time around little girls?

I mean that in the non-pervy sense of course.

Just go on Tiktok, it will give you a VERY clear picture.

>I just want to be accurate
Don't, real kids are annoying and/or boring, just do what other cartoons do.

>I just want to be accurate, a bit goofy but very likable
read Yotsuba&! it displays young kids in an accurate way
another way could be watching videos of kids doing random stuff in youtube

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Have the man sing a song about getting into the girl's soul.

Going to tell you now, user. This concept is bad with very few redeeming qualities to it, and the redeeming qualities it does have would be too hard to change without it not making sense or having it come off twice as creepy as it already does.

You may need to go back to the drawing board on this one.

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>another way could be watching videos of kids doing random stuff in youtube
yeah those videos always have the obligatory "This video is mostly popular with 35 to 70 year old men" comment on them

If you're actually serious, from personal experience volunteering with elementary school children, ten year olds act like they're in a crappy college comedy from the 80's. Girls specifically acted like primadonnas. They hate authority, they don't listen, and will gang up on you. There was even that group that was the archetype that Anne and friends fell into.

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Alright, let me forget about the "realistic" part because you're right. Real children are annoying.

I should've said "What makes a good little girl character", I just want to make the girl characters really likable and not irritating

Where is this comic gonna be posted?

maybe in an alternate universe where our innocence still exists and predatory behavior is not existent, this idea could work
so instead of figuring out how to make believable children characters, build a machine that teleports you to different universes


Bold decision but ok I guess.

ATF is dead

i'm feeling deja vu from this thread

On a scale of 1-10, how pornographic will this be, 1 being G rated, and 10 being Sasha Grey style gangbang with licking toilet seats?

Start taking pills. Preferably cyanide.

Elementary school kids can be hilarious sometimes, too. People forget just how much grade school matters. They spend the majority of their waking lives on grade school shit. Learning presidents and how to add double digit numbers. That makes for some hilarious mindsets when you're on the outside looking in.

Like, if you can multiply by twelve without writing something down or looking at your phone, you're a fuckin genius you a schoolkid.

Watch Mitsuboshi Colors.

Still in development but I'm still not sure

Dude stop

No it's not

It won't be porn at all, maybe some adult humor here and there

I feel like you've posted this idea before, with the same insistence that it's non-sexual and then inadvertently revealing that it's actually sexual.

I have some fun stories during those times, but I'm just so glad that I don't have to volunteer there again. It's awkward when I have to pick up my little brother however.

>It won't be porn at all, maybe some adult humor here and there
So you're just writing teasing porn for lolicons, gotcha.

You wouldn't be so casual about it if you knew the amount of money stuff like that brings in.

Glad I'm not the only one who thought this.

>Okay, it's NOT like what you're thinking about. It's going to be a children comic
So, it's exactly like what we are thinking?

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Any particular anecdotes?

Wait, this thread seems eerily familiar...

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Just an FYI, if you publicly solicit advice for your work no publisher will touch it with a 10 foot pole. Should've just asked for advice for writing younger girls, no need to go into specifics about your story.

This is exactly what I was reminded of with OP

I don't know what that is but that's not even similar to my story

Huh? That can't be true plus my idea isn't exactly original.

About that one were the cat had boobs?

>tfw could do that
>everybody shunned me for being miles better than them
There was no fucking winning with them.

Even though this is probably pedoshit, I’ll bite, OP. I’ll give some generalities, because I don’t know what their personalities are like.

Ten is a weird age. Because you’re still obviously a little kid, and, while, you’ll definitely still have girls that age who are still into imaginative play, that’s around the age girls will start to say that they’re too old for most toys. Girls will, generally, start to form smaller cliques around this age, and are more aware of social standing/popularity. Kids are typically opinionated, but around this age depending on their intelligent, you realize they’re actual humans and can form logical opinions and conclusions, with more complex reasoning behind it.

You said that they are witches. Were they raised like that or is it something that they discovered more recently? Is magic commonplace? Is there a witch society that must be kept secret?

Because I feel like realistically kids around ten can still say random shit like, I’m a witch, to adults and no one will really believe them, so it doesn’t matter if the magic must be kept secret. Kids do like to show off skills, though, so depending on if they were told to keep it secret they might reveal spellwork for fun. If it’s a secret from EVERYONE, however, girls tend to be ride or die for their best friends, and will keep that shit under lock and key at that age, out of loyalty.

Kids struggling at pretending to be adults? That reminds me of Octodad. I see some humorous potential in this.
Maybe you could derive something from the dynamic between Cricket and Gloria. The former is an energetic and optimistic kid (who happens to get hired at a coffee place somehow) while the latter is a disillusioned failure with a worthless college degree and no friends. For what reason would your witches want to hang out with a random loser though?

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Take a child psychology class? Take a summer job as a camp counselor? If all else fails, you'll just have to make your own little girl, good luck with that.

Just watch a shit ton of videos on YouTube with girls interviewing for something. Those "shit kids say" or "Kids react to Animaniacs!" or whatever. There are so many stories out there of things like, "Brilliant 10-year old talks about his science project to the news", you should be able to find videos of a kid matching any age and personality you want.

Also keep in mind, pure child personality is almost HORRIBLE for a story. There is a reason why writers tweak kids to be a bit more "mature" or "exaggerated". No child acts like Lilo or Arnold, but people still love them as kid characters.

Also, just think about your own personality as a kid. Kids don't really develop those huge gender differences until maybe teenager years, and that's:
1. Because of puberty that THRUSTS differences between the two
2. Kids aren't old enough to have been submerged in a male or female-dominated world.

Just because a boy often gravitates towards cars or dinosaurs doesn't mean you can't write your little girl with the same mindset, and they'll act pretty similar.

20 something's are children, fucking generation x people

Site was shit and full of a lot of people who don't know how to have good relationships with people if you know what I mean (not talking about the art there)

What a wonderful idea! Why don't you sit down and explain it better?

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About the one in which the 25 yo neet befriended the elementary school girl next door who wanted to tounge kiss him

My first thought is that he has tons of money, and with their magic they manipulate him into giving it to them only to find out they can't rush things, and eventually they do feel remorseful about it.

Kids are just stupid adults

*Adults are just big kids who can now make more kids.

No one gives a shit if fictional kids act like adults. Calvin and Hobbes is the most praised media involving kids in the history of the world and Calvin acts like a smug 23 year old.

You seem to imply that intelligence automatically comes with age and that’s just not true

ANOOOON!!!! Drop the fucking pencil or i'm calling the FBI on your ass!

important question, are the little girls sexy

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Make the man a little boy or do something make it less creepy. Little girls aren't going to befriend some creepy old guy with no friends, there's a reason he never had any.

This has a lot of red flags, user. You aren’t going to be able to convince anyone this is a good idea

Think of a man, and take away reason and accountability.

They would if they were starving street urchins and he gave them food. Use your imagination.

you know what why don't you just scrap the whole idea

Burn in all down and start over.
Some ideas are just legit bad.

I was mostly stuck with the kindergarten class. My favorite moment was when some girl wouldn't tell me her name so I made up a name for her and the next day, she demanded that everyone call her by the name I gave her. During a rainy day, I taught those kids how to play the card gave speed.

This would only work as a fetish thing.