Other urls found in this thread:
Tom Fonder? more like, Tom's Fonder my nuts
The racist woman is hot.
This is the best interaction ive seen on Yea Forums all day.
LOL cmon guys lets please make this thread not die
My sides!
This isn't a cursed image thread.
Based supermega
how wholesome.
I like this a lot.
So, Stonetoss is basically saying you should only ever date Virgin women?
Do you not?
I do not date anyone.
Joke on Stonetoss.No one date him
Also double standard.Why does one guy can stick his dick in whatever woman he want, i dont want to use a dick that's laready been tasted
He makes a good point
No, he's saying you should accept stuff even if someone skeeted on it.
Piss off.
People buy used furniture all the time. Just fucking clean it, Jesus Christ.
No, females are man's property like mattress, couch, and computer.
So that mean Stonetoss gonna feel a lot of little stings like bullets piercing his flesh when he'll die ?
or that people are retards who should get over others skeeting on things
I mean id still take the laptop
benefit of the doubt, the comic is just showing that pussies dont want to buy furniture that got jacked on but will be non picky when it comes to women or whatever
That's a way of interpretating the comic ,i guess.Though it's still RockYeet,the worst interetation is generally the one he had in mind
>lmfao stonetoss is a virgin CUQQ coward!
>omg stonetoss is a MURDERER :(
Make up your mind, retard.
I'm pretty sure it's
>why is skeeting on a woman different than skeeting on anything else
and letting you do the rest. If one is bad, the other is bad; if one isn't, the other isn't.
Funny comic thread?
Only poor people do that. If you had to choose between new or used furniture for the same price, every would pick the new one 100%.
He's both.Fuck him and fuck you
Also keep youtr cum tribute fetish to yourself,violent incel
Somebody should add one extra panel with Charlie saying "dilate"
>now kiss
this pretty much. It's a multi-viewable thing about doublestandards
>>lmfao stonetoss is a virgin CUQQ coward!
>>omg stonetoss is a MURDERER :(
>Make up your mind, retard.
You seems to think that one prevnt to be the other, user. Trust me, it does not.
pretty sure its this
MAybe Mr. villain shouldn't have exerced his revenge on pople who never wronged them.
It's fairly common in stories for the hero to have been subjected to similar wrongness as the villain, but he still chose the path of justice over vengeance.
user says go fuck yourself.
difficult and obnoxious to fully clean, fibrous, even if he hadn't skeeted on it I probably wouldn't take it, supports are probably worn from repeated use
similar to the mattress but to a lesser degree, has probably seen less use and skeet overall, assuming they were gotten at the same time. If I needed a couch, I'd probably take it
Made of non-porous materials, relatively easy to clean, even if I didn't need a computer I could probably sell it. Would take.
If she's a decent human being she's already showering regularly and cleaning herself, periods flush out old tissue and shit, though I might get hung up on whether I'm as good in bed as my friend. If I'm interested in her though I'd at least take her on a date.
its more like explained
Hah! Omnichan has a loading progress bar
Micro&soft virgins 0
Dumb phoneposters 1
The self-cleaning aspect of the girlfriend alone already made her the superior item.
Oh dear
I'd post "The Secret" but it's too long and I want to jerk off before work
You don't have to be a courageous Chad Thundercock to be a murderer, retard, those statements aren't mutually exclusive.
Ah forgot about intro
>though I might get hung up on whether I'm as good in bed as my friend
do people really do this?
Depnd if it's a close friend. It always make things awkward and you can't help the comparison.
where's the school shooter fanart?
There was a comic posted one about a girl being bullied at school, having to switch school where someone else was bullied and being peer-pressurised into bullying him too and then coming back to her hold school. It was posted once on Yea Forums, but then I never saw it again. anyone have it?
John K would say yes.
Is this loss?
HAH! Using a fucking browser shows the filename so we're not even dumb enough to click on it the first time.
Don't keep me waiting user
Stone, you can at least try to make it less obvious that you're trying to shill your comics.
That's the default name when you save the comic from his site, retard.
Hey hey hey;. Keep it to co images. thx.
What compels a man to draw a comic about terrible things happening to a cute furry student?
What has to go wrong with your life that you spend that much time making something so terrible.
cope furfag
why is this negro still going on about bitcoin.
we've been to biz
we've seen the pink wojaks
>antifa edits
>Is it an edit, the value of the bitcoins don't correspond to the reaction and article description.
How did she open the window?
Fuck off with the pity money comic.
>saving from the site
Nice try stone, you're not fooling anyone.
I don't really get it. Right now Bernie is among the runner ups so what is he trying to say?
That is just one step above those strips about those fluffy ponies.
>If you had to choose between new or used furniture for the same price, every would pick the new one 100%.
Just realized nigger is called "Night"
Thats raycis
>furry is bullied because she looks different from everyone else
>while the black girl is the popular one
you can't make this shit up
Back at you, smelly nigger
Atleast fluffy abuse is upfront and genuine about it. This is just shitty injustice porn for neckbeards who want to comfort the furry trash, much like Prequel
She's asian. :)
Are her parents ever shown. Are they just a human dad an a normal female dog?
You're supposed to make the filename end with a hyphen to trick people into thinking there's more to it and mousing over it, you retard. That's the entire point of the twice part! That you tricked them twice!
>Top 100 richest people in the world.
>Majority of them aren't jew
Why do racists only focus on the one who are Jew?
Why do they ballpark with those all of the other Jew who have shitty jobs.
>not hating both
and people call stonetoss based and redpilled
Lol dumb furfag she deserves it for being such a furfag
>decent human being
>sage goes in all files
Well, it's not like furries exist in the real world either.
>shouldn't have exerced his revenge on pople who never wronged them.
You mean hero guy and his friends? No, they don't. that's why they are the heroes.
Did this become a series, where Garfield is turned out by various ethnic groups while Jon tries to save him?
Edgelords like you will remain incels for the rest of their lives. Nobody wants to fuck somebody who gets upset over a subgroup of people online. It's like /pol/tards blaming "MUH JOOS" on everything. Furries are liked because they don't spend their time on Taiwanese Cooking Forums complaining about people they've never met. In other words, have sex incel.
Dunno lol
>Furries are liked
the bait, it ain't even well seasoned.
Public opinion has shifted since your retarded Yea Forums raids from over a decade ago. Mainly because people got to know them instead of being fat neckbeards who automatically judge them for what they like. I've met plenty of furries who have jobs, families and even make more money than your sorry ass mother who feeds you tendies every single hour. The truth is, nobody is sexually attractive to a "MUH DEUS VAULT" virgin who larps as some retarded crusader on image boards. You'll die alone while that furfag you constantly bitch about will have his family look after him.
a group that fucks animals aye, just because you fuck your pet, doesn't mean you are not a virgin
Post the next page
Every once in a while the Tosser of Rocks just throws a real curveball. I don't even know what he's trying to get at here.
you gotta try harder than that slim, either way here's the (you)
More likely the furbashing trends somehow died out after 2008,though it remain active enough so Yea Forums get butthurt enough when a certain cartoon became too popular for their likings
Nursing homes are filled with neglected men and women who have families.
>Villains don't have friends.
Actually about that mate, if you are a villain without a people you consider comrades, then you really aren't a villain, you're just some moody fellow.
A true villain has comrades, and relationships with those comrades that rivals or outshines the friendship of the heroes.
>B-but evil can't have nice things!
Fuck you, and fuck your preconcieved viewpoints in evil and friendship, a group of friends can be united for evil purposes such as summoning demons, stealing things,turning people into vegetables, dabbing on the ecosystem, ruling the world, influcing global economic things, becoming Gods etc.
The most important thing about villainy groups is there must be Soul, and a Leader should embody the collective idea, or you just have a gaggle of folks working towards a goal that'll get flimsy. You must be respected, fear, but most importantly, beloved. This is how you be a successful villain. Anything else and you're just a moody weirdo.
Tooo bad you dont fit either category
Is nobody gonna post the rest
seeing these stonetoss comics makes me think of a guy spending so much time and effort into eat a big pile of feces (culture war trolling), I wonder why someone would willingly do this to themselves but ultimately I have no sympathy for him
>Durr they fuck animals
By your logic, Yea Forums users masturbate on body pillows and watch trap porn on a daily basis. That's a stupid stereotype that barley exists within their group. Unlike 4channers, most furries have jobs and actually contribute to their communities. Meanwhile people such as yourself blame all of their insecurities on nonexistent boogiemen while you can't even talk to a girl without spreging out. I rather be friends with a furry than some neckbeard who still lives with their parents.
Furbashing threads died because people making fun of the same group constantly got old. It's the same reason why the "SJW GETS OWNED" trend died out. Because it's fucking boring. Yea Forums itself is filled with furries, and I bet even the most autistic cesspools like /pol/ also has them. Family members, friends and even co-workers of yours could be apart of the fandom. It's a hobby, no different from coin collecting or painting. Because furries take the time to be respect by society than be fat losers who spend their whole lives bitching about things they hate for no reason other than edgelord purposes. I bet most of the people who shit on furries don't even give an explanation to why they hate them other than generic buzzwords.
Based Stonetoss triggers Yea Forumsmblr once again
it was the group to hate during the time because all the cringey shit they were doing, but then other groups took that throne for a good while until people forget.
now am starting too see an influx of general disgust in regards to furries in communities outside their bubble with all the zoophiles popping into the LGBTQ train, and them identifying as a furry and such
(zoosadist, kurothewolf, snakething, etc.)
too tired to care about hating them, they're all filthy and I rather not be around a person that tolerates or encourages those sort of animal fucking/torture in their community. but to say that the normal general populace accepts them is wrong, at most they have no clue how they're really like and only see the "haha they dress up in costumes" and not the rampant STD orgy's they have on cons
Are you saying I'm not a man or a woman?
>watch trap porn on a daily basis
not gonna lie that's definitely me right there
>Waifufag bitches about people who are more successful than him
While you're masturbating to your various screenshots of some obscure bitch nobody outside of you and few other autists care about. People apart of the furry community are entering into the job market and could possibly cure diseases someday. You want to know why? because they aren't hateful retards who constantly blame every problem of theirs on others and never admit to their own faults.
>defends furries
>defends SJWs
it checks out
maybe try crying "fursecution" too, its amazing how you drama queens still dont get it, 15 years down the line that people dont hate you for your fetishes. look at them BDSM motherfuckers, there are MILLIONS of them and no one gives a shit because they are not trying to inject their shit into everything, have gimpsonas and claim they are an oppressed minority
This, there was an user in a dobson thread who haven't talked to his parents in over 6 months because a few furries were so triggered that he only drew porn for money that they sent death threats to his family.
I feel the same way towards a website that radicalize people to shoot places of worship and yell memes at the corpses.Strangely,people are incredibly tolerant of them and it's very hard to find dissent or opposition to the culture they spread for 17 years.THose same assholes i'm describing even have the gals to parade around and judge people as if their choices of website to browse during their idle hours imbue them with a special signifiance,blissfuly unaware that a circlejerk,even if it yell "we're not a circlejerk" in unisson still qualify as one
>Muh SJWs are the reason nobody has sex with me!
Grow up, kid. Fursection was a dumb meme posted by 14 year olds who were often bullied in school and wanted to take back at society by being an edgy little shit. Where did those people end up? As failures who live with their parents while they post about what anime loli they want to fuck. Meanwhile Furries are more popular than ever and more people have expressed interest in them. Edgelords are a dying breed that's only kept alive by retarded high schoolers who have no friends.
People on Yea Forums make up shit all the time, what makes this different? Maybe he shouldn't have retarded his stupid memes.
This, Yea Forums's community have caused more damage to innocent people than Furries or SJWs have. Oh no! your favorite celebrity was called out for being a shit person? Tough luck kid.
People complain about BDSM all the time. It's one of the things which created pushback against the popularity of that terrible 50 Shades book series. And every time someone criticizes a gay pride parade, they always mention the possibility of leather daddies walking around on the street. The whole community is probably only tolerated because it seems like a weird joke.
You fags yell bloody murder everytime someone post a Tiny Toons or some shit,no one is more fragile than you.You're so paranoid you all sperged out in 2011
>Based Chad wins again
I literally don't see anything wrong here. It's just nature taking its natural course.
>muslims constantly kill innocent people
>it's okay
>someone kills a bunch of "innocent" muslims
Normally, I'd call everything that starts with "grow up" a lazy shitpost but because its a furry whining it might be genuine assmad. No (You) given in any case.
Yet they failed every time, you want to know why? Because nobody cares about what incels think. These are the same people who believe in shit like Pizzagate. They're schizophrenic and need to be removed from society. The neo-nazi shit wouldn't be as popular if these retards actually had sex for once.
Waaaah! Somebody called me out for being a butthurt moron who blames his problems on others! I need my mommy!!!!
I'm that user.I'll be honest,i dont give that much of a shit about furries,for me it's a subculture lost in their own little world.Sure ,there is a lot of drama but i dont give a shit because i have yet to see how shitty porn actively harm my daily life.People still "furbashing" after 2008, for me are cunts who are clinging to the Golden era of shit site like Encyclopedia Dramatica which is just a tantrum hole for teens struggling with their hormones and impotent child rage
Have you tried living in not deep south shitholistan?
>And every time someone criticizes a gay pride parade, they always mention the possibility of leather daddies walking around on the street.
Thats the point, dipshit. The only ones who would make their fetish public are narcissistic, mentally ill faggots and trannies.
I honestly would prefer stonetoss over everybody bitching about furries, plz post more.
Hilariously enough, he made that comic like a week before the bubble burst and it crashed
>This justify the murder
I dont get why channers are so pissed off at Islamist,you're basically following in their footsteps,going full "dindu nuffin,it's the other that started"
>non-SJW using the word 'doggo'
No respect for the lore, this guy.
Protip: "furbashing" is a furry word they came up with, much like "fursecution", and anyone using them in any seriousness are furries, much like how your average SJW can be easily identified from xer vocabulary too.
I would do D.
They're a bunch of lonely gaybos.
girls don't actually care about who's next to them when they sit down on the train unless the person next to them smells or something
Also I'd rather sit next to a nerd since he won't manspread
NPC meme in a nutshell
>>muslims constantly kill innocent people
>>it's okay
No it's not and it never was. Stop spewing false narrative.
It's funny to see conservatives pretend to care about the welfare of children when their hero Donald Trump literally raped children with Jeffrey Epstein.
>much like how your average SJW can be easily identified from xer vocabulary too.
Literally nobody calls themselves "xer" other than neckbeard trolls. It's usually just "she/he/them".
My friend who've I know for over a decade is a furry and has a loving family who accepts him for who he is. I also know several people online who are apart of the fandom and are in relationships. Whether it's straight or gay, they're probably the most carefree people out there. Because they don't take buzzwords from teenage trolls seriously.
You sure prove a point by posting a joke video.
why are you so obsessed with the thought of sex.
why are you so obsessed over a group of people who do nothing but share their interests over anthropomorphic characters?
But I'm a neo-nazi, and I've had sex a bunch of times.
3/10 for effort
God it was hilarious that this guy got domed by a rent a cop without shooting a single person. I hope the /pol/ uprising really does happen so we get one of these every week
Why? She's offering him sex for just 5 cents.
Combating this with the cute ones
>muh anecdotes
Yeah, and I have a friend who got to be a part of the community due to being an artist. The infighting and drama he shares with me about the community is insane. People working at McDonald's paying for commissions to try to fit in, only to be blacklisted by an artist for bs. I don't even want to start talking about the convention scene. You and your friends do not represent the entire furry "community", and you're being disingenuous for trying to say so.
You're going to regret your words after /pol/ storms Area 51 and then arms themselves with laser guns and plasma rifles.
am not obsessed, I just think you have an odd fascination with fucking a bit too much.
why is this sort of behavior prevalent in the furry community
Even if they had access to all the automatic rifles they desired they would be destroyed by modern military tech. Even small town police stations in quiet areas have tanks now. There will be no quiet revolution.
Reminder that being a furry is, inheriently, a fetish.
But unlike most other fetishes, they don't adopt the ethos of the rest of kink culture, and force their shit upon people who have not consented to it.
*disintegrates your tank with an Area 51 particle cannon*
"Psssh, nothing personnel, NPC."
>Furries are liked
You're insane, thanks for proving you're obsessed with sex. I think you should go out and have some. It's not hard to do a one night stand.
/pol/ wouldn't back a Facebook meme, silly.
>Leather daddies.
A very revealing term he used there, isn't it?
Only bitter virgins are mad about this.
>Yea Forums mods are furry trannies
My county sheriff has gone on notice saying he will never enforce any gun control and will support any actions taken against such measures.
/pol/ IS Facebook memes at this point.
Yep, it makes sense. Infiltrate and destroy, the left wing way and furries are weirdly left wing.
Reminder that if it was really only "10 of 20% of us goys are creepy! We look down upon the weird ones!!!1!!", then a lot more people would call this person out in the replies for publically enforcing her fetish onto other people.
So what's the sauce? I'm curious.
Bruh, I'm a filthy furfag who frequents the drawthreads, just stop user. This is not helping yoj or anyone else
>publically enforcing her fetish
How so?
This looks like a bootleg Ben Garrison image
Also who bitched about this stuff besides maybe one or two outrage sites
Is that why Yea Forums bans any remotely anthro-looking thread?
women are people, like us, anons
a mattress is not a person, it is an object
I await your confused replies
where can i find all of these?
I like being forced to wear sweaty underwear on my head as a mask so I'm forced to breath in the musk, but I don't try to pass it off as an "art statement" so that I can wave my fetish around in public.
One of them was unlocked
>no 'schlop'
Can't wait for the circus that will be the 2020 election
The circus is now, wit the Democrat primaries. Unless it's Biden that is elected, things might get a bit more serious for presidential campaign.
It's called Fur just wanna be friends or something like that
I like how he has to write both Dean MArtin on the badge AND the "baby it's cold outside" title on the music sheet he is carrying.
Did you already forget about those times when Trump and Epstein raped children together?
I want to kick a dog girl in the belly.
Gotta label otherwise the point is lost on the poor reader
>why is skeeting on a woman different than skeeting on anything else
Because a woman’s a person, not a personal possession? Who likely washes herself and wanted to get “skeeted” on. And skin replaces itself, while no matter how hard you clean an armchair, there will always be particles of whatever body fluids that once got spilled on it deep in it’s fabric, getting feasted on by mites. I don’t give much of a fuck because we’re always surrounded by and living in bodily waste, that’s life - but I wouldn’t want to be aware that somebody came on something I owned
I take it skeet is the new slang for cum? Sounds like something a teen skater would say
This is even better with the borf star voices.
>Because a woman’s a person, not a personal possession?
Skeet is ancient slang by now lol
He jerks off while making these doesn't he?
>I take it skeet is the new slang for cum?
Skeet is older than Yea Forums.
heh not all furries, btw all Yea Forums users
Why are people so butthurt about Stone Toss and Wormwood? Their comics are redpilled as hell.
I'll bite, sauce
>so butthurt about Stone Toss and Wormwood?
It's not really butthurt. It's simply pointing out the flaw in their logic.
The janny then at least, considering most posts are dead.
Yea Forums loves Stonetoss, only the tranny janny hates it.
Yea Forums loves Pebbleflick the same way it loves shad. This is the place you go to pull up a lawn chair and bucket of popcorn instead of just rubbernecking as you drive past the horrifying traffic accident to watch someone with Down's try to push their intestines back into their body.
Colleges tend to be mostly white, though.
Hahaha, if only that were the end
The suffering just continues
Most of the people muslims kill are other muslims
Speaking of shadbase, his latest comic gave me a sensible chuckle.
_ ____ __ ____ ____ _______
>even Pikachu gets a thicc ass
won't anyone stop him
Furry drawings: good
Furry “””lifestyle”””: cringe
Is that easy you fucking cubfucker
This is the lowest IQ post ever, i’m somewhat thankful for being alive to see this new low of the human race
>that pickachu ass
I can't stop laughing
Should've had some water
Relevant. Dreams vs reality.
So punks are the only ones actually living the dream?
It's moreso accepting reality than living the dream. Or both? I don't know, but real punks have always seemed grounded and loyal to their roots to me.
Me in the fourth panel (right)
Not as hot as you might be hoping for.
I want to see it to the end.
I unironically like Stonetoss, but this guy is trash.
Very good.
explain your image, little fella
He has his moments.
it's not that anyone won't stop him
it's that he CANNOT be stopped
I'd hang out with the punks. They seem like good people who just like having fun.
Why would someone just go on the internet and tell lies
I'm friends with two unironic punks (while I'm the most bourgeois, white collar person imaginable) and they're pretty chill.
It's not a Pikachu, it's a Ditto that he regularly fucks.
>katana and AK-74M
The basic premise of your post is pretty retarded, mate.
what even do punks do these days
I assume the same thing they've done always, listen to very loud music and speak truth to power
They tuned their instruments and now they're industrial metal
based punks
I will fuck your anus with me and my crew of friends.
Colleges actually tend to be disproportionately Asian. Whites are a minority in most top colleges.
there is nothing unironically wrong with censoring people though especially those at both far ends of the political spectrum
>Reading this while the author comments things like "The toys all watch with big eyes, just observing, but not helping"
Was this written by an actual rape victim? Holy fuck
look at all these cartoon young people having fun while I am working a dead-end job on a sunday
Most punk shows I've been too were 99% pasty nerds in jeans and t-shirts and maybe one or two giant green mohawk, face full of piercings guys who look visibly uncomfortable.
the comedy comes from the fact that people thing this is accurate
I am not convinced, white anons, explain to me why you think women are people.
Buttblasted libtard lmao
>Was this written by an actual rape victim?
>"I based the story in part on some of my own experiences"
Survey says most likely.
you can make babies with them? i mean, they arent vegitable or mineral
>It's fairly common in stories for the hero to have been subjected to similar wrongness as the villain, but he still chose the path of justice over vengeance.
It's fairly common for stories to be fictional too.
The real problem isn't that this happens in cartoons but that people misapply creative fiction to real-life social ills and people.
Real people cannot be summarized simply as the evil villain from your favorite anime.
They're human beings just like you are and you are not fundamentally different from them.
Everyone knows this but it's extremely hard to put this into practice.
You really would be pretty much like Elliot Rodger, or Jeffrey Dahmer or you know Vasily Blokhin if you were in their place.
It's just the mind rebels at this and you immediately want to make excuses.
>ben garrison posters getting banned
now THIS is the power of "lol" threads
>My supervisor made me and the team stay an additional hour on the fucking beach just to do these terrible scripted photo and video segments
Holy shit I hate office team outings
? Your employer made you and your co-workers go to the beach? And you had to go? Was it during a normal workday? Were you paid regular rates to be there? American corporate culture mystifies me.
there is a practical limit to human empathy, if someone is acting deliberately violent and ignorant and harming themselves and others, sure you could try to understand them and find out why, but at some point you stop caring why and just try to defeat them to limit the realworld harm
Not to mention it's an obvious falacy to excuse harmful behavior, conveniently demanding respect and tolerance for wickedness when the wicked people never once consider respect or tolerance for their victims.
Have Love.
>It's fairly common for stories to be fictional too.
>People who have faced hardships turning out ok is fiction
Starting to think you're just looking for excuses to be a sociopath, user.
Well i'm sorry what word do you want me to use,"Yea Forums letting furry live rent free in their head faggotry syndrome"roll less on the tongue
Agreed, I 100% support the censorship of white retards.
>People in this thread actually getting triggered by stonetoss comics
First day, huh?
Yeah, yeah we still need some sort of protection against physical violence of course.
But you still agree that you really would be like this people in those situations right?
Hey, I've faced a lot of hardships and turned out moderately okay too.
But I don't think meditating and putting my life back together has made me less angry.
After this I'm more angry about all the excuses we make up not to help others.
No one is "triggered", it's that altrightouts cream themselves with validation if even a single person replies to their posts
if I was God i would snap my finger and make everyone a well-adjusted self-actualized human being at peak physical mental and psychological health so that we didn't have any of the insanity that plagues our society
but that's impossible so instead all we can do is try to practice individual mental discipline to reject wickedness and self-destructive poisonous thoughts and influences in our personal lives. as far as random strangers, there is no way to go back in time and prevent whatever traumas caused them to become a bad person, to the only thing we can do is either avoid them or condemn their wicked acts if possible
She sat on the seat requiring her to walk the least distance
It would only be telling if she went out of her way to sit away from you
>comics that don't align with you politically
>instant delete
>blatant shitpost threads
>stay for hours if deleted at all
Ahh, classic jannies and mods.
If you were God couldn't you make a society where people didn't need to have peak physical mental and psychological health to be happy?
No. That'll just ruin the punchline
Dahmer was just a weird gay nerd obsessed with the paradoxical nature of human contact. That's over half the people on this site, and it's been that way since the start. I haven't heard any news about a cannibal necrophile with a 30 person body count in the US over the past 15 years.
just for the sake of familiarly lets stick to the homosapeins species
I'm sure everyone here daydreams about becoming a living cartoon superhero or anime catgirl or whatever escapism coping mechanism
You sound triggered.
enjoy your ban
Took me a while.
Now explain why you have this image.
Shut up incel
have love
die early tranny
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.
Shut the fuck up you retarded incel
Kill yourself incel
will u go out w/ me
>janny doesn't like comics he doesn't agree with
Either prune the thread or lurk moar.
and thus we reach the ultimate conclusion
Have sex
Why are LOL threads always shit?
Is this an edit? No way rockthrow could come up with a good comic like this?
Newfags trying too hard in a vain attempt to fit in, as always.
Because in their misguided crusade to turn Yea Forums into a humorless liberal shithole, all the tranny janny has accomplished is pushing people further right.
Why can't I shake feeling that there's something sinister going on?
Talk about specific complains
They're specifically designed from the outset to foster off topic shitposting and have been for years now.
The other chapters are even more fucked up.
Frankly I find the story genuinely kind of interesting since I rarely see female-on-male rape stories that don't devolve into maledom or shitty cringeworthy fetish garbage made for morons.
Shame people give him so much shit for it.
porn has greater appeal than the 'lifestyle' fursuitting shit
But dilating is no fun.
Ugojesse is a fucking treasure
Remember when it was possible to comprehend when it's actual Ben Garrison and when it's a /pol/ edit?
Not that I'm complaining.
Humor is a bannable offense
Wouldn't that be considered sexual harassment? Do they do sensitivity training courses for that or are you just fired?
/v LOL threads sometimes have actually funny loss edits, videogame related webcomics, fresh Whomp and shitting on Dobson. But somehow /co threads about funny comics instantly turn into rockfling dump.
Still REALLY hot
People wouldn't dump Stonetoss if the janitor wasn't such a tranny about it.
Humor is based on novel interpretation of known reality. Key word - novel. A joke told 100 times ceases to be funny.
its just a silly twist on the fact that no one will use a computer that got jacked on but girls will be taken with no second thought. As he said if one isnt bad the other isnt as well, so buy the damn computer
I remain unconvinced.
Why do people always draw trump like hes 30 and in shape?
>already read it before
>remembered dat cliffhanger
>checked the artist
on one hand, they waste time posting bullshit for reactions so it's a good thing to report them
on the other, you're also wasting your incredibly precious time reporting them in a thread that's reportedly been used to spam these "comics" and bans aren't forever, they usually last less than 5 minutes
my advice would be to completely ignore LOL threads and /pol/posts
anyway here's your funny, have a nice day
It's an edit. The original punchline was actually way better.
At least post Junji Ito
It's continuing on August 5th.
Isn't it inking of sketches posted in archived thread?
There's no worldly reason to praise that shit unless you are getting paid
Wouldn't "non-interacting, non-bizare" mean the cigar would stay it's ordinary size relative to the piano?
...Zuko and Katara?
I don't like most of his comics, I just think the original punchline in that one is funny.
>Ben Garrison
>>Furbashing threads died because people making fun of the same group constantly got old.
No it ended because they were driven off Yea Forums by shitposting
It is, with a little bit of extra content, like hidden messages.
Thumbnailing for issue 4 has already started, so it should come up not too long after these inked pages are posted.
Choose 2.
Go back to fucking your dog, dogfucker.
He didn't even draw a black cat holding the BLM sign