Would it be incest if Superman and Powergirl got together?
Would it be incest if Superman and Powergirl got together?
Yes. /thread.
Why? They aren't genetically related, they weren't raised together and they don't even have the same family.
Isn't she Super Girl form a different earth?
Yeah, different reality.
But if I recall they aren't actually genetically related.
>Why? They aren't genetically related
Power Girl is Super Girl from another universe. If she wasn't Super Girl from another universe then she'd be someone else from another universe, but she isn't. Therefore she is also Clark's cousin. I.E, genetically related, thus it is incestuous.
She was *the* Supergirl from another universe, and she was related to the Clark in her universe. But that's not the same as her being related to our Superman.
Yes it is. If it's you from a different universe, then that also means they're genetically the same as you. Otherwise they wouldn't be you at all, they'd be someone else. Peej is related to whatever the fuck Superman of the universe she now inhabits. The fact that they came from separate universes means absolutely nothing.
It's incest.
>If it's you from a different universe, then that also means they're genetically the same as you
Then explain Earth 2 Superman.
why there are no villain use Superman and Powergirl dna to create superbaby , do villain also care about incest thing ?
nah, I ship Supes and Supergirl
Wasn't there an issue of Power Girl & Huntress/World's Finest that touched on Huntress from Earth-2 still being genetically linked to Batman on the different Earth?
What if? Superman fucked his cousin?
I wish...
They're from different universes and aren't actually related.
If I fuck an alternate universe female version of myself it's not incest.
Kinda? She has the same history and relationship to her Supes as Kara does to ours, but her turning out so...different...kinda implies alternate universe versions aren't genetically identical and thus she might not actually be related to our Supes on that level.
Didn't Superman fuck his daughters from the future once? I remember seeing a DC-Universe family tree once but I'm not sure if I could find it again.
god damn those super kids are adorable
When your species is near extinction, you need to stop being so picky.
Superman should be fucking every female krypton he finds
All two of them.
Power Girl seems to not have any problems with it. She's also mentioned how attractive she finds Superman and just so happened to be listening. IIRC that happened in a JSA comic since she was with them at the time.
If it's from another dimension that means even the atoms that make them are so completely alien to one another that it's not incest. In fact, having sex with an alien from your own dimension/universe is more incest than having sex with your "cousin" from a different one.
what is going on with her hair in that comic? And her face for that matter
The last thing this planet needs is more kryptonians flying around.
Aren't Kandorians still around?
Why haven't we just had some downtime of Power Girl and Superman doing some family bonding? They seem to have more in common than the Kara of Clark's Earth considering the age difference, so let them hang out and have super-adventures.
Not in DC. The canonical difference between universes is not an atomic makeup, but the harmonic rate at which they vibrate. Power Girl is genetically identical to Supergirl, the only difference is that if you have omni-hearing you might pick up that she's buzzing at a slightly higher pitch than her counterpart.
This. If Clark A and Clark B are genetically the same, and PG is *A* cousin to Clark A, even if she isn't Kara/the same Kara, she is cousins with Clark B through genetics.