Remember the time when the Ultra-Humanite had his brain transplanted into a big tiddy actress GF? And it was played off as totally normal and all part of a plan?
Post times when mainstream comics and cartoons delve into fetish territory.
should have done an issue where Ultra is in the body of some actor/actress and Lois gets assigned to do a celebrity interview (which she is annoyed by) and Ultra transfers "his" brain into Lois's body. then superman and Lois's brain in a jar have to team up to get her body back (Ultra knows Lois has an interview with the president and plans on using her press pass to transfer brains with the pres)
Liam Edwards
That's kinda what they did in the 2000s when parasite took over Lois' life and used her form to shag Lex.
Cooper Parker
user most people don't even remember Ultra Humanite, nor do they remember his gimmick was body hopping. Most only remember his one body, being in a white gorilla
Jayden Diaz
Marston's golden age Wonder Woman come to think of it, why did Claremont never write Diana?
Easton Hall
>not remembering Superman's first big tiddy villain
Gabriel Gray
dang they retro-stole my idea. have they ever explained how Ultra switches brains? I know in Golden Age (the comic not the time period) Ultra physically replaced brains in someone else's skull.
Benjamin Martinez
it's varied between surgery to some kind of weird mental transplant. I would consider surgery to be the most popular version, it was even used in the Power Girl arc with the totally changed Ultra
Thomas Powell
Blame JL/JLU, that's all I've ever seen him in
John Taylor
>Remember the time when the Ultra-Humanite had his brain transplanted into a big tiddy actress GF? And it was played off as totally normal and all part of a plan? Yeah, back in the early 40's. Ultra Humanite is creepy and the Justice Society Golden Age comic by James Robinson shows this pretty well..
Liam Fisher
Man, is she going to be disappointed when she sees that gorilla dick.
Carter Taylor
Oh I know he's Superman's first foe, means jack shit. Just look at Doctor Death. Blame the DCAU for being the only press he's gotten?
>come to think of it, why did Claremont never write Diana?
He did. In an Elseworld where Diana is a Nazi (in this world, the Greek Gods intervened on behalf of the Nazis, and they control only Europe, or something like that). In that Elseworld, Lois Lane becomes the new Wonder Woman, Lana Lang becomes the Oracle (as in Greek mythology, not Barbara Gordon). Also Gotham was destroyed in a nuclear explosion during a conflict and Bruce Wayne was the only survivor since he in Washington DC at the time.
Superman gets turned into a Centaur later in the story and after turning back is told he needs to atone for the crimes he did as a Centaur even though he wasn't himself at the time, so he gets turned into a human woman for a chapter.
Liam Hall
>Superman gets turned into a Centaur later in the story and after turning back is told he needs to atone for the crimes he did as a Centaur even though he wasn't himself at the time, so he gets turned into a human woman for a chapter.
I'm not on my home computer right now, but there's that Ultron comic where he takes over Tony's suit and transforms into a female avenger in the nude, and then people on here made a bunch of edits of him transforming other avengers into the same girl.
Charles Carter
Shame they got rid of the kid
Jonathan Bennett
Eh can you skip the boring parts and go ahead to Clarks transformations?
Ayden Watson
It was the Wasp The fetish content is still pretty thick there
it's Byrne fault for not introducing Ultra-Humanite in Man of Steel. They decided to keep him on Earth Two and after Crisis to be a purely 40's eta super villain. Now that I'm thinking it, Ultra-Humanite is connected to Ultra Comics of Multiversity. In it the word Ultra can be connected to Ultra-Humanite maybe because the comic is doing a brain swipe with the reader. I'm rambling now about Hypercrisis.
Except this is something that happened in one of the early issues of Action Comics, and there was nothing fetishy about it there. In fact, they stopped using him because of concern about promoting the queers.
Connor Ross
>Louise Simonson was Claremont's editor on x-men for years >She writes this in the 1990s Who rubbed off on who?
She was being corrupted by the monster of the week. Look at the top panel. That's Plastic Man hiding a woman by letting her wear him like a skin. Which is a bonus I guess
Nothing, he's just being raised off panel by Jessica's live-in boyfriend the Porcupine. Though let's wait and see what happens in the new team book that Jessica is going to be in.
Home, the cartoon based of that DreamWorks movie nobody remembers. In one Episode the main kid and her Mom changed their ages to be both 18 so they could go clubbing, date and get "desserts"(Alcohol). They where ready to forget their Mother/Daughter relationship and stay 18 forever if shenanigans didn't stop them.
I read enough fetish fics to know this probably started as one of them. It plays all the beats except for the part where they fuck
No, She has the mind of Original Peter up to the moment where they took the genetic sample. From her perspective Peter was swinging in his web on day and the next second he is bursting out of a glass tube in the body of a girl.
Henry Phillips
You will have to explain the Swiss part. I don't get the joke, was a Swiss the inventor of Gender Reassignment?
Colton Butler
You'd be surprised how true this was for many villains. Black Adam, Deadshot, Riddler, Clayface, Scarecrow, Mist, Ragdoll and many others only appeared one or two times before being revived decades later.
Hunter Scott
She also made out with Ultimate Human Torch. Who later told Ultimate Peter about it without knowing that Jess was a clone of Peter with all his memories.
Asher Foster
Not really, but the first highly publicized American case (Christine Jorgensen) underwent surgery by a Swiss doctor.
Brody Cox
>Mom was fatter when she was 18 This never happens.
Nathan Collins
I think is just the angle, she is Thicc in her character sheet.
>His brother cucks him by taking his wife >runs off and goes outside to yell into deep space about it. >When Johnny Storm does this he threats him that brother pass is far too strong for it's own good. t.b.f Silent War was all about that fall of a great king and the end of his time and ruler. Him getting cucked was on that list of things to do.
I know Black Adam and Deadshot were, I'm surprised at the rest. But I think it usually means some characters that get disregarded might have a second chance down the line.
we can only hope that the netflix show has more of this
Jeremiah Robinson
Sorry user, that character was removed from the full series. Now 12 best friend is a Latino lookalike but everything he turns to is purple.
Ayden Fisher
Reminder that there was a FoP episode where Chloe becomes an actual Milf, she swaps places with her parents and all the male characters from the show try to date her.