Yea Forums characters that are most likely incels

Yea Forums characters that are most likely incels.

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Nah, he's banged his mom.

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Women aren't even on his radar, unless he thinks they're connected to fairies somehow. Can't be an incel if you're not obsessed with hatefucking.

>doesn't care about sex, only fairies
I don't think you understand the word you're using OP, rr are we now at the point the meaning of incel is worthless like cuck and faggot.

The books show his descent into becoming one, too.

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Crocker's just autistic mane.
But then again, doesn't he have other interests as well?

>are we now at the point the meaning of incel is worthless like cuck and faggot.
we've been at that point for a while dude

Since mass-shooters identify with the word, no, it hasn’t become worthless.

The meaning has.

I got that feeling, but still the odd person says it properly here.
Mass shooters have also identified with video games, Korn, skullcaps and trench coats, and abrahamic religions. Come the fuck on, user.

Greg is just a sociopath, any reason he chases women is to inflate his ego nothing more.

that's volcel REEEEEEEE

Just say celibate, not volcel. Volcel, like incel is such as stupid fucking word.

Arguably clay from moral orel, cobsidering his rant from "sacrifice"


The difference here is that you mentioned commonly-held hobbies, spiritual beliefs, and clothing. What I mentioned was an identity created and followed by a group of people with the same mentality, as incels never condemn these actions and usually cheer them on, even participating in streams of massacres.
So you’re suggesting he’s an incel, right? Because incels also chase after women for their own ego, even believing that it’s their right to have girlfriends, not because they care about love and having a significant other, they’re just possessive sociopaths who want to hide their insecurities.

>Because incels also chase after women for their own ego
The difference is the delusions of gradure, common thing with incels is they think less of themselves, unlike Greg.

> Tfw Crocker is Carlos Alazraqui's most famous role
Good for him

Either way, they both think they deserve girlfriends just because and don’t take the thoughts of the woman they’re after into consideration.
Granted, Greg has the arrogance to think that she’s playing a game if she says no or the ignorance to not take the hint, because the average incel would yell derogatory names at her and then cower back to his mother’s basement to plan which public place to shoot up.

reminder that early Spider-man was an incel

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>because the average incel would yell derogatory names at her and then cower back to his mother’s basement to plan which public place to shoot up
>implying incels actually ask women out


They have to ask them out. Otherwise their celibacy is voluntary.