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Attack on Titan Season 3 Eyecatches (Part 2)

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Other urls found in this thread:


>filler episode movie shilling

I want Kycilia to peg me

Tonight is a special episode!
It takes place before the event of the My Hero Academia Movie: Two Heroes
It takes place before the training camp arc!
Be sure to watch it afterwards for the full experience!

Attached: My Hero Academia - Two Heroes.mkv_snapshot_00.02.05_[2019.07.14_02.31.08].jpg (1920x1080, 244K)

>this AM and deku thing
what the fuck was that

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Is Deku supposed to be cute or ugly?

Stings even more knowing we'll never see it on Toonami

Best girl

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Oh my zero lackademia fans, why so late?

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Best girl

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wait a minute this isn't one of those "very special" episodes is it


good night


>All Might with eyes
it's still jarring

Attached: My Hero Academia - Two Heroes.mkv_snapshot_00.01.19_[2019.07.14_02.33.17].jpg (1920x1080, 260K)

>airing filler
>airing an ad for a movie

I don't remember this episode when I watched the series on Funimation

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oh yes

>little kid
So just how old is the cement guy?

Well, another show down, and the closest to what I'm looking for is this

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>manage to stay up for MHA this week
>it's filler bullshit

It is indeed.


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>CHIMfags REEing in the distance

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>there is no good Kycilia porn

breasts are better than ass

Attached: Ryuko_Matoi.png (869x720, 708K)

Could someone answer

Also Hori made 2 special chapter for the movie that are canon as well.

Attached: My Hero Academia - Two Heroes.mkv_snapshot_00.03.32_[2019.07.14_02.34.24].jpg (1920x1080, 203K)


>on Funimation
Get out of here, you traitor.

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Old as dirt.

/our queen/

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>villains commit many different types of crime
Are there tax evasion villains and tax accountant heroes?

Wtf I already have this.

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Is this an actual episode?

It was like a year ago
I cancelled it a long time ago

These are the best girls.

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Okay I guess.

What's the movie this is promoting about?

what a slut

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I'm totally down with space exploration

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I want to breed the bunny


It's funny how you can just tell how certain episodes are filler just by listening to them.

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God I love boobies

No, you're having a fever dream.


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But All Might isn't that old, and he's been active at most for what, 15 years?

So how old is All Might in present day?

Aw yeah, I'm gonna make me some slimegirls.

God I hope Melissa comes back

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Just for Deku

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Two heroes

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Boku no Hero Academia - 58 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_06.38_[2019.07.14_02.37.17].jpg (1920x1080, 320K)

luckily they have a man on the team to tell the girl how to use her power effectively

>All Might is wearing his fake villain costume from the first ova
Neat little touch

Can't be a slut if she's doing it for her man.

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The new Fast & Furious.

oink oink

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A villain attack on a gadget island

even they realize its dumb



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When is Season 4 coming to Toonami?

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>watch it afterward
And not that it would change my mind, but is it even canonical or relevant to the actual show, or is it like the Cowboy Bebop movie where it doesn't matter, but if you care you can just watch it to experience it?
Dirty lies!
So do I. In person at least, I'm not sure how well it transfers into digital.

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Dont forget NEW Season 4 teaser is out.

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American women love all might

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Jesus Christ, Bakugo is such a cunt.

In my headcanon, she found those pics in Tsu's room.


There is, you just have to dive deep.

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I thought that Bakugo was supposed to be smart. Like, underneath all that anger he's a genius.

wtf I can't believe All Might is fucking dead

Breasts are pretty great

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After Fighter Z was a bust,I'm done with fighting games.

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I can't believe All Might is dead.


Based Bakugo doesn't have time for filler and promos

I want to fuck the frog

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It's 100% canon

Teases Deku but lets Bakugo have the real thing

It's iffy,
The chapters added for the movie from the manga are canon since they lead up to all might going to the state and the events of the movie set in motion but the events of the movie really aren't mentioned again

Also Melissa is 17

Attached: My Hero Academia - Two Heroes.mkv_snapshot_00.12.07_[2019.07.14_02.40.06].jpg (1920x1080, 335K)

At this point, who knows? MHA might not even get reruns.

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oh fug

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He's a gigantic aryan that's also somehow Japanese
That's quite exotic

It's a joke.

Have you not watched any of the previous episodes?

Can't wait to watch it with you guys on Toonami?

He's smart but still a hothead and doesn't have a lot of patience outside of the classroom

My wife Pitou is so cute.

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why does she look like such a bulldyke in Origins?

>Fighter Z was a bust
Get good, scrub. Don't call the game bad just because you are.
fuck being a hero or villain I'm rich

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is adult swim promoting reverse racism now?

this lazer wulf show looks really afrocentric. everyone's a nigger, there's a one white guy and they made him the goofball that nobody likes for no good reason. i don't even think a white person voices him, either.

Yeah Godzilla is in the MHA universe

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So small that even after I saw it, it took me forever to tell what it was.

>mfw i realize suicide anons haven't posted in at least a year

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What type and color pantsu does Jiro wear?

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Wait, so are we not going to get to see nudist Tintin style all over everyone?

Probably will, next year

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stop with this volkswagon ad please

I wanna cook her dinner and listen to her hard day of saving people.

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Because all the characters look ugly as fuck for some reason

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Because it makes my penis the large penis

user, I...

Attached: My Hero Academia - Two Heroes.mkv_snapshot_00.22.55_[2019.07.14_02.42.32].jpg (1920x1080, 344K)

at 3:30 am

That's obviously Dr. House.

>reverse racism
Don't do that, don't validate them.
It's just plain racism.

We're watching Toonami, /pol/. Go to bed.

Don't know how you got that idea.

I'll see you in meme hell.

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It's canon but at the same time it doesn't have a lot of impact on the storyline besides expaling All Might's time in America.

Their suffering is over

frog butt

The words of a sage

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>Tsu's hair tickling All Might


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i'm buying it for my wife

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Git gud

>at 3:30 am
Wait, what?

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>its a detective conan episode with 3 suspects

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>Openly talking with their masks off
Don't these kids have secret identities?

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Real shit

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I guess I'm a male version of Yomiko Readman now.

>to resist him
Midnight into rapeplay?

I plan on it

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Is it ever going to be relevant to the anime and not just the manga? Because some people might decide based on that.
Okay. So it isn't important for people who care about the series plot then?

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Midnight look sexy in that outfit.

Wait, nevermind, I forgot time zones are a thing.

>survive villain robber
>get robbed by responding heroes

After looking at the left tiddy i looked away because i thought this was actually jumpscare .gif

well at least on of them openly had a plan, the question is if they had the drive to end it when they didn't have the drive to not wind up talking suicide with strangers while watching dubbed animu

Wrong image

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Villain was killed in self defense? What am I missing

we all know she was wearing a moisture absorbent pad all day teaching kids coming into their prime before they come into the market.

assuming she would let you fuck her, she would have her head to the side thinking of the cocks she wish she had instead of your mid 30s ass

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Japanese are cucks

Melissa much like Deku, is Quirkless but wasn't bullied for it

This episode makes it some what relevent but other than that not really.

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These kids advertised themselves on live tv

fucking Law Frog

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If the manga maker says it's canon, can't really argue with that. Might be shoddy if it doesn't ever play a role beyond some mentions, but that's just how it is with these things sometimes.


they're training to be professional heroes so no

but then the kidnapped people are as bad as the kidnapper :^/

I'll wait for reviews first and wait for reviews I'll wait for my friend who buys every anime game to play it first

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I wasn't expecting a whodunnit this episode, but I'm loving it.

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Formal outfits during the movie

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Purple for her boyfriend's favorite color


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Why the fuck do people like Bakugo anyways? He's just a dickwad.

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Child is born quirkless, gets bullied by peers. Many such cases!

Now we're doing some real Ace Attorney shit.

Holy fuck source?

>Forgot image

Melissa wasn't builled though.
Her friend were nice and still let her play

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Does he ever actually show up at the crime or is he always in the courtroom?

Deku is just pulling this all out of his ass

Thats a lot of conjecture

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>all those theatrics in the flashback

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Adam West Batman would be proud.

I think the only hero who's had a real secret identity was All-Might

But All Might isn't dead, there''s been no crime committed. Guys, he's literally breathing there.


C'mon there's no way anyone could have figured all this out from the info that was available

this is some scooby do tier shit going on right here

Is Midoriya unironically a galaxy brain?
Literally all he has to go off of was that she called the police and entered the store.
This is some Batman-tier deductions here.

Movie villain btw

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>killing yourself during a bank robbery
just fuck my life into pieces


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Is part of being a hero taking classes on making up dramas like you see on a superhero show or movie?

Suicide by stabbing yourself in the chest with a knife is the most hardcore shit.

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Deku do you have ANY evidence of this

All these exposition lines and flashbacks are really hyping to go see a movie.

this is total bullshit deku what are you smoking

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does this episode actually have anything to do with the movie?

A bondage slave?

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They learned from the best.

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just ask Eliot smith

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Holy Nancy Drew, Batman.

And yet anime characters do not understand other stuff that should be common sense

Only the beginning and end

Son of a Bitch


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That joke is the only good thing from this episode

What an interesting case

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Yes actually.
This situation their doing right now happens in the movie

Attached: I AM HERE...All Might Arrives.webm (480x200, 2.97M)


"i am fleeing the scene and running towards freedom"

>let the villain get away

Rookies lol

>always handcuff a corpse
woah, MHA...

HA, glorious that...

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This is fuckin terrible I can't believe people unironicly think this is good

>The villain got away

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But can Deku solve a Murder on the Orient Express?

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Ok, good ending

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For once i'm on Bakugo's side on all this

Villain All-Might is so based.

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Attached: 9Anime - Watch Boku no Hero Academia 3rd Season (Dub) Episode 13 Online Free 9Anime.webm (1280x720, 185K)

I hate to admit it but I agree with Bakugo, what a bullshit test.

fucking Gon

Wait Deku was wrong?

>you fail for not tying up the corpse
I'm out.

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I intensely want to know if he actually stabbed himself.

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>the cops or any passing hero never catch this man

Climax of the movie so spoilers

Attached: 100% OfA All Might and Deku (the Flash).webm (950x540, 2.96M)


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So the other two guys on that helicopter are dead, right?
I thought heroes didn't kill people.

Was this a great joke or have you seen the episode before?

That was some real "Jigglypuff from above" level bullshit

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He was right, but let the villain escape.

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shleep shnuuuug shmuuuuug

why are they fighting


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In the teacher's defense, someone may have a corpse-based quirk power

Welp, its been a blast watching toonami with you all! Looking forward to next saturday! See you all next week and keep your waifu close till then!

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hey it's that guy from onepiece

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>I Island...

sleep snug, smug.

Literally the most cash moment in the movie

Attached: All Might and Deku DOUBLE DETROIT SMASH.webm (950x540, 2.9M)

Actually yeah, what about the fucking 200 cops standing right outside the front door?
And how did none of the heroes in the room notice All Might getting up and leaving?

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>aye aye-land

Attached: Good Sleep Popuko.png (704x690, 692K)

>tfw Toonami won't air the movie

Villain All Might is basically Megamind and I love it.


Night anons of /tg/ see you all next week!

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Still a legendary anime troll

G'night fellas

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Was a joke because I figured maybe one of them would have brought up the possibility

Does mineva zabi appear in the origin?

Good night

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Tomorrow, you!

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Goodnight Toonami General, I hope to post with you again! REMEMBER THAT TITS AND ASS BELONG TOGETHER!

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So this all takes place after the AfO fight? How does All Might even fight in his buff form.


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Ironically, this episode has convinced me I should actually watch this show. Sometimes filler is okay.

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Well, until next week. Good night and good hunting.
And may your best girl give you what you need.


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>fucking posing-flying

Thanks user!

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Why aren't there any cheerful large ham villains like All Might?

>Toonami's over already

yuuuu 2uuuuuuuuu

Attached: DxyBFz4V4AAwSYT.gif (240x240, 111K)

Between season 2 and 3

The entire event of I-island was to help get a device to boost All Might Quirk, that the villain in pic related is wearing.
After putting it on he gets a huge fucking boost and only 100% of both Deku and All Might can beat him
Watch the movie honestly

Attached: My Hero Academia - Two Heroes.mkv_snapshot_01.20.07_[2019.07.14_02.55.37].jpg (1920x1080, 250K)

Man, I can't wait for the movie next week! Based DeMarco!

And draws another /tg/ to a close. I had fun as always but always remember, may the ass of an older woman be your guide

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I want Ragyo to molest me

G'night mate.


Sleep tight, Popper

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You as well.

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bye bye TG!!!

well they certainly didn't deserve many points at all anyways, since Deku carried them through the entire test
Ochako helped a tiny bit, though she had to be told what to do. Everyone else just kept being wrong and second guessing Deku

Mine eyes have seen the glory
Of the desu of the board
She is spamming out the desu
Where the maidens of wrath are stored
She has loosed the fateful desu
Of her terrible desu sword
Desu is marching on

I have seen her in the replies
Of a hundred thousand breads
They have builded her a garden
Laced with ribbons and with threads
I can tell apart her visage
From those two eyes, green and red!
Desu is marching on

I have read a fiery desu
Writ in polished rows of jade
For all who would condemn her
Of Suiseiseki, be afraid!
Let our heros, Desu Legion
Come swiftly to her aid!
Since desu is marching on

Glory, glory, to DESU! Glory, glory, to DESU! Glory, glory, to DESU! Desu is marching on!

She has sounded forth the desu
That shall never call retreat
She is sifting out the dreams of men
Before her desu-seat
Oh, be swift, my heart
To march for her, be jubilant, my feet!
Our Desu is marching on

In the beauty of sakuras
Desu was born across the sea
With a spirit in her bosom
That transfixes you and me
As she tended to the soul trees
Let us keep our boards strong and free!
While Desu is marching on

She is coming like the desu of the morning on the waves,
She is desu to the mighty, she is desu to the brave,
So the world shall be her desu, and the desu of time her slave,
Desu is marching on.

Glory, glory, to DESU! Glory, glory, to DESU! Glory, glory, to DESU! Desu is marching on!

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>movie plug
>kinda got excite with Plus Ultra
>mite pirate


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>go watch our movie thats never going to air on TV

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All Might fucked Deku's mom and Ochako at the same time. Deku started seething so All Might had to trash his ass.

It takes place before it

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He wasn't dead though. They checked if he was alive and he responded. For wounded suspects, you can still handcuff them in an attempt to secure the area. They just went jumping to conclusions instead though.

Is Midoriya using 100% there? Is it because of that special gauntlet or something?

Night dudes, lets fap again next time

Attached: Bye~.webm (640x360, 320K)

>Why aren't there any cheerful large ham villains like All Might?
Just wait

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Keep posting anons,this thread is dying right here tonight

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And that's game

Lot of death tonight for whatever reason, but still a fun one. And thank god SAO is dead, at least for the time being. I may or may not be here next week, but I'll try to make it if I can.

In any case, I had fun as always, and I'll see you all next time


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Goodnight all, see you next week. I'm still not sure how I'll go through the night with gen lock in August.

This premiering right now on Toonami is wrong, thanks end credits scene for highlighting it. It was a fun episode though.

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>spoken like a true hero of marketing!

Attached: D3xmP5kWwAAQBTM.jpeg.jpg (1485x1649, 399K)

Well, that was a long, fun night of asskicking (and laughs), but now the last show is over. Time to go to bed. Remember that every true warrior craves not more war, but peace and a chance to rest. There are no treasures greater than those close to you, like you, my good toonami general friends.

Attached: jk goku's in space.jpg (1000x1300, 868K)

Buy it
or Torrent it
the latter took me 30 minutes

Attached: My Hero Academia - Two Heroes.mkv_snapshot_01.27.47_[2019.07.14_02.59.00].jpg (1920x1080, 200K)

Later y'all

Attached: bonk.webm (896x504, 369K)

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praised be thine desu forever and always

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Attached: ryuki final form ride.webm (848x480, 2.97M)

How tall is Captain Mizuki?

Attached: 1547619622867.jpg (1365x2048, 210K)

It's 4 o'clock in the morning and I'm watching Japanese cartoons. I've lost control of my life.

Attached: chocolate pudding.jpg (500x375, 28K)

you too

That's hilarious.

yes and yes

Attached: 1563078907507.jpg (298x927, 136K)

To be fair, the teachers were being a bit inconsistent with them acting and then responding like teachers. Though you'd think Aizawa would have caught them on that shit for breaking the illusion of the exercise.

Alive somehow.

Attached: My Hero Academia - Two Heroes.mkv_snapshot_01.28.25_[2019.07.14_02.59.30].jpg (1920x1080, 250K)

The former would've taken less than a minute, pirating scum.

Will you still post this once Zi-O is over?


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Join the club.

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>mfw that doujin series

Attached: oh baby.gif (200x180, 2.97M)

Do they have the newer heroes have stat sheets yet?

Attached: IMG_20190702_101045.jpg (544x1002, 59K)

I already bought a ticket when it aired int he states.
I'm free one pirating.
Though I do have to buy Your Name someday

Also Melissa dad was arrested or at least put under custody after the events of the movie

Attached: My Hero Academia - Two Heroes.mkv_snapshot_01.34.33_[2019.07.14_03.00.27].jpg (1920x1080, 191K)

Rest well.

Attached: hahum.jpg (380x536, 59K)

Is there at least a good reason why he can't just get a replacement, or even two more and boots to match, so he can just go 100% or even 80% if the glove can't take that, all the time?
Like, it seems like it's the same thing as the long gloves he has in the show now, except better in every way. Do they just never bring it up again after it breaks?

That was fun as hell, made me want to play some Ace Attorney. Hope you guys had as much fun as I did tonight. I'll be sad to see MHA go so soon, it still feels like it just got here. See you guys around next week. Until then, sweet dreams and happy waifus.

Sleep snug, smug.

Damn straight.

Attached: 1463853257384.png (567x605, 695K)

Night all. Was a good night and I can stay up since someone covered my early morning shift on Sunday
Will stick around and post more Two Heroes screenshots but after that .

Attached: Therapy reminder.jpg (500x379, 34K)

I really hope the guys that got saddled with making Bobobo work in English got paid shitloads.

Attached: 1440281785394.gif (320x256, 2.76M)

Sleep snug, smug

Good luck little duck

Sleep tight popper


I know what I'm fapping to tonight

>explode, fall 200 feet inside a burning hunk of metal, and explode again
>it's fine, just tore my clothes a little

It's a prototype Melissa made. Plus, if he just relied on tools all of the time to cut loose with his powers, he'd never learn to master it and really make it his own.

>Is there at least a good reason why he can't just get a replacement
Her father is arrested and I doubt she would have the access to the materials and money to make it again.

reminder that [as] spent 4 million dollars worth of family guy ad revenue on this

What the ACTUAL fuck is on right now?
Goddammit AS why are you literally the shovelware of TV

Anime, nigga.

Honestly middle guy is less fine than the others.
he's clearly gotten skinnier

Attached: My Hero Academia - Two Heroes.mkv_snapshot_01.34.00_[2019.07.14_03.04.33].jpg (1920x1080, 212K)

Only 5 more years till Toonami gets another April fool's day

Attached: IMG_20190616_174231.jpg (1665x2480, 324K)

I am... surprised, and yet not surprised.
[as] seems incredibly bad with money.

High people really like to watch this kind of stuff late at night.


Attached: Goodnight tg.gif (750x550, 897K)

We await your return, warrior.

Attached: 1539044910122.jpg (635x960, 122K)

Literally everyone else in Class A was on I-Island during the events of the movie but didn't get a moment
Maybe in Movie 2

Attached: My Hero Academia - Two Heroes.mkv_snapshot_01.34.02_[2019.07.14_03.06.13].jpg (1920x1080, 207K)

Yeah, Hora is my favorite girl in Zi-O.
but Another Kiva is a close second

Attached: 1557680226528.jpg (848x1199, 132K)

>4 million dollars
Holy fuck, WHAT?
Do you mean in terms of the lost time slot, or are you saying this show cost that much to produce?

Doubt toonami will be around in 5 years

Attached: 1558506070002.jpg (1200x1200, 1.6M)

I wish I was there at this moment holding up a mirror so misaka can see her self AND being post-realization that she got mind fucked/rewritten to let her know how beautiful she really is in this moment.

It is not often I think highly of my dick but when I was at full mass at 6'5'' american heights when bedhead version of her came up tonight but this was the moment where I would confess my lust to her while she knew she was brainwashed into liking Eren from someone elses 4d chess to let her know that she is breeding material, and not illuminati breeding material.

Plus, being enhanced by All-For-One surely had a drawback to it, even if he wasn't pumped to the brim like a Nomu.

Attached: My Hero Academia - Two Heroes.mkv_snapshot_01.34.05_[2019.07.14_03.07.12].jpg (1920x1080, 184K)

They spent 4 million on this entire April Fools anime parody. the tennis thing that is on post block eastern time zone thing.

Never know. We've somehow lasted 7 years so far, and the block wasn't exactly pulling in nearly as much ratings as it did way back when it rebooted.

good morning anons, how was your week and what are your plans for next week?

Attached: 2FcVWN6r.jpg (2591x3889, 236K)

Sleep Snug, Smug!
Good Luck, Little Duck!
Sleep Tight, Popper!

Goodnight /tg/, see you all next week!

I have faith in a Mob 2/OPM 2 power user.

Attached: IMG_20190606_203714.jpg (1600x1095, 235K)

Uh, user, 2024 is a leap year. That means we have wait 10 years until Toonmai gets another April Fool's Day.

I forgot AfO was involved in the movies events actually as well

Attached: My Hero Academia - Two Heroes.mkv_snapshot_01.34.06_[2019.07.14_03.07.49].jpg (1920x1080, 173K)

>only 140 posts left till bump limit
Well get on it anons

that would require me to care about MHA

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Attached: My Hero Academia - Two Heroes.mkv_snapshot_01.34.09_[2019.07.14_03.09.33].jpg (1920x1080, 178K)


SAO has officially ended on Toonami for the foreseeable future and we have NO idea what is taking over its slot next week because Demarco is an incompetent jackass that lost the shows


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Where's the gold?

What if I told you the villain in the movie uses an actual gun in addition to his quirk in the movie?

Attached: My Hero Academia - Two Heroes.mkv_snapshot_01.11.54_[2019.07.14_03.10.23].jpg (1920x1080, 184K)


Attached: IMG_20190613_200450.jpg (926x1310, 135K)

As much as I want Mob S2 I don't think we're getting it, man. Or the OVA they actually planned to air before Megalo.

Nice dubs
and tits

It was a good week spent most of it with the gf. This week I'm trying to find another book to read

Probably be Demon slayer and cute Sister.

Attached: My Hero Academia - Two Heroes.mkv_snapshot_01.34.11_[2019.07.14_03.09.48].jpg (1920x1080, 183K)

Are a lovely thing.

Attached: a5367f59e6f4d3bc236b59354ef9cee0d7dec038.jpg (600x626, 143K)

What kind of attitude is that? It's lasted this long, after all.

Attached: 1561159927518.png (306x500, 104K)

what if I told you I rather watch Bort

Attached: d44614e61e1dec21d905d1b9146c6040.jpg (1054x785, 118K)


Attached: 1561417040324.jpg (771x1200, 101K)

They most certainly are

Attached: Ora.jpg (850x850, 85K)

I'd actually be concern for your well being

Attached: My Hero Academia - Two Heroes.mkv_snapshot_01.34.13_[2019.07.14_03.09.52].jpg (1920x1080, 182K)

What's the average budget of a season of a normal cartoon/anime? I would figure much less than that, but I don't actually have any ballparks.

Think I'm just gonna post shots of Melissa now

Attached: My Hero Academia - Two Heroes.mkv_snapshot_01.13.14_[2019.07.14_03.14.41].jpg (1920x1080, 186K)

this would never not be hot as fuck

This, Netflix or some other steaming service can probably afford to pay more for the dub distribution rights. TV is dead, Toonami is dead (for real this time), press F to pay respects

Attached: 1520739239005.png (813x870, 465K)

user, I think you need professional help.

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Attached: 1442728772079.jpg (1262x1920, 213K)

Pretty much the best lewd pitou pic

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Attached: beach.jpg (600x425, 305K)

Attached: My Hero Academia - Two Heroes.mkv_snapshot_01.12.24_[2019.07.14_03.15.19].jpg (1920x1080, 193K)

Wew lad, that's pretty lewd

Boo. We all know Tatsumaki doesn't wear panties.

Attached: 0d3f51df4746f66a4a74546d13ac6ead.png (900x1084, 963K)

Attached: something for everyone.webm (900x506, 2.88M)

Not him but the re-introduction of western animation into the block really opened my eyes that this block, this station, all of cable, is in danger to the point where i beat the fuck out of my comma key like it owes me money.

Anime which HAD a problem getting on Cable for DECADES now sees it as a "why even" tier view of cable.

And because of that train of thought and anime dub providors going to streaming services I can finally see that Toonami's death is coming soon

I started learning Japanese again! I've found that I seem to be picking up the kanji much faster this time. I should get back to wear I was before in roughly two months at my current speed.

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Attached: My Hero Academia - Two Heroes.mkv_snapshot_01.04.45_[2019.07.14_03.17.02].jpg (1920x1080, 194K)

Attached: no accomplishments.jpg (850x1212, 232K)

I fucking love big anime tiddies

Attached: IMG_20190213_193952.jpg (1100x1278, 137K)

TV is dying in every form. Streaming has been the future for like a decade now.

How does Deku always get all the hotties stalking or falling on him?

Attraction quirk

Erza pls

We all do

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Attached: 180126.jpg (717x1200, 71K)

His Heroic nature

Attached: My Hero Academia - Two Heroes.mkv_snapshot_00.13.41_[2019.07.14_03.19.55].jpg (1920x1080, 213K)


Attached: Subaru.jpg (1024x576, 56K)

Sleep snug, smug
Good luck, little duck
Sleep tight, Popper
Unless it jumps till after the war. She's an infant when she escapes during the battle of Solomon.
Not much. I got to get some new work boots. Might go see Spider-man this afternoon.
Goodnight Toonami General
Set Sail
Stay Gold.

Had I nice vacation. Spent the week at my parents.
The town I went to school was having it's 175 anniversary. So the school had a big reunion with everybody that graduated. Got to talk to some people I haven't seen in years. And was probably the first time I'd been in the school in at least 15 years. Seemed smaller than I remember.

Attached: 1410848393653.gif (200x200, 2.09M)

Attached: 1557157074437.jpg (988x1341, 139K)

The Dish guide says 7/20 has the following lineup:
>Dragon Ball Super
>My Hero Academia
>Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
>Black Clover
>Hunter X Hunter
>Attack on Titan

Most likely wrong given the return of Jojo, AoT being at the end, et cetera. But that's what it says.

Check your math, it's only 4 years.

Thought you were dead

I'm more enraptured by that booty and thighs

Attached: Ochako daisy dukes.png (900x1563, 1.28M)

Attached: 1530151595012.gif (170x128, 499K)

Guns are truly the strongest superpower.

I'm not saying it can't happen, but at the very least we should stay positive. 7 years is nothing to sneeze at, after all.

I LOVE YOU STONE COLD! I'm glad you're alive!

Attached: 8c6b86f8cfb9e42b2fc07df7b04c9134.png (1106x1500, 878K)

Stay gold stone cold.

Attached: felicia_by_neoanimegirl-d35vorh.png (663x428, 519K)


Attached: 54597383_p0_master1200.jpg (480x853, 72K)

why does my dish guide always suck ass, it fucking stops tomorrow at 3:30

She's got some big feet.

Attached: 31700260_p1.jpg (540x763, 159K)

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where the trash thread for the porn dump

Attached: 092552.jpg (616x928, 45K)

Your unit may need to download the guide, it does that periodically.
Though, personally I'm using the guide on

I want to fuck her so badly.

She's a big girl

Attached: My Hero Academia - Two Heroes.mkv_snapshot_00.37.25_[2019.07.14_03.23.58].jpg (1920x1080, 166K)

Hey Toonami General, when was it when you realized you got old?

When I noticed my body was producing clear, white hairs was my wakeup call.

>sitting in my chair naked post block, post fap
>arms resting in their respectives armrests
>suddenly realize that something is ever so slightly tickling me
>think nothing of it until an hour of strait tickling
>a single strange of barely visible hair is coming out of the side of my chest
>no mole
>no skintag
>no fucking nothing
>just a white, hard, long, almost see through hair coming out of the side of my chest
>literal pinpoint it
>yank hard
>as is described
>its back
>find a hair of the same type on my forehead, between my eyebrow and receding hairline a same white clear hair
>yank it for the same results

Now that we understand cable is dying, where do we go from here?

Attached: 1542995135538.jpg (867x873, 311K)

I like the boobs in this one a lot. Especially the sloper.

Attached: CC booty.jpg (942x1000, 110K)

Attached: sample_d28f8e745793886c2ebc690b4dce14f1.jpg (850x1511, 228K)

Part of me really just wanted to post this shot of All Might holding a champagne glass earlier.
I don't know why but I love it

Attached: My Hero Academia - Two Heroes.mkv_snapshot_00.37.56_[2019.07.14_03.24.29].jpg (1920x1080, 337K)

My cable box says the same. I thought it must be because it doesn't have a listing but it has This garbage and Tigtone afterwards.

Attached: 1561270619411.png (900x900, 733K)

Last week sucked, and I plan for this week to suck too.

Probably when I started noticing there were porn stars younger than me.

Attached: 1543645174920.png (965x1428, 802K)

I've said it before and I'll say it again, regardless of what happens to Toonami, Toonami General doesn't get to die until I do. I'll stream 6 hours of new dubbed anime every week myself if I have to.

Attached: IMG_20190524_053835.jpg (966x1228, 215K)

For a movie production those background characters look rough.

They can even stop All Might

Attached: My Hero Academia - Two Heroes.mkv_snapshot_00.39.59_[2019.07.14_03.26.01].jpg (1920x1080, 306K)

>Probably when I started noticing there were porn stars younger than me
Yeah thats weird to think about now


Attached: naomi.jpg (800x1700, 108K)

Bort was second once right? Was it the same time that SAO repeated? Must be an old listing.

Attached: IMG_20190212_112842.jpg (1200x932, 172K)

>champagne glass
It looks more like a wine glass. And the liquid looks like eggnog or some shit, a really opaque off-white.

Fuck off, old man. I'm 19-years-old.

I felt old back when I was graduating high school so I can't really give a clear indication. I know I still ain't shit when it comes to physical age but that doesn't stop the feeling of the world going on without you. I think of it as a game now.

Attached: 4dae37591518b28857c8b32ef2a631de.png (2480x3508, 2.09M)


fuck off kid im 20

One side of my hair is going grey pretty noticeably. That and I just don't have the energy I used to have. And I don't understand trends anymore. And I'm grumpy.

Attached: 1393822171470.png (265x256, 22K)

I was honestly stunned by how cruddy the movie looked.

I hate to join in the post-block lull but does anyone else think that Mike Tyson sounds so tired of this shit in the new season?

I mean holy shit it almost sounds as if he literally phoned in the voice as he was laying on his back on his couch watching game of thrones on his tv for the dialog in the newseason to the point where Pigeon and gayghost gets x10 more lines than him

Attached: Sheska browsing.jpg (963x977, 375K)

someone make an edit

Attached: 1539396133332.png (316x332, 150K)

Eggnog season isn't for another 4 or 5 months.

They saved the entire budget for the last fight.

Attached: 10653047_p0.jpg (800x1200, 318K)

I'm not old, I'm just 20, but I think I'm already losing hair in the center. I dunno why or what I can do for it.

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Attached: d6d17a6e12286c4d80adfb0ac95eb6d6.jpg (850x1275, 171K)

i dont see where fagit and tom can fit in

Attached: My Hero Academia - Two Heroes.mkv_snapshot_00.37.46_[2019.07.14_03.30.59].jpg (1920x1080, 293K)

>make a thing
>get really excited about it
>people love it
>oh boy that's great how awesome
>make more of the thing
>people still love it
>alright, time to switch it up now
>no wait, people still want more of the thing
>alright, I guess. gotta give the people what they want, and all that
>hardly enjoys it anymore and is just fulfilling an obligation
Is my expectation.


Have you never watched the show? Mike's terrible delivery is at least a third of the comedy.

Attached: ebcb460b93f68dfe6dbb96f1e6e4012b.jpg (636x900, 731K)

A little something to remember those we lost.

Attached: 1450318828586.gif (650x349, 1.52M)

That bee girl is cute.

Isn't that just the style? I know that's a cheap excuse but I watch the anime, the lines are kind of unstable.

think the girl on the left would be mad if i screamed YOUMU during climax?

Attached: IMG_20190520_085440.jpg (756x1051, 133K)

Attached: 65997672_p0.jpg (400x400, 123K)

Two heroes had some nice designs for non japanese heroes

Attached: My Hero Academia - Two Heroes.mkv_snapshot_00.18.26_[2019.07.14_03.32.43].jpg (1920x1080, 286K)

The boys died so boobs can live.

I guess we're doing this now, then.

Attached: D_Q1SAjUwAAZhCW.jpg:large.jpg (2048x1151, 248K)

Kind of reminds of Kat for some reason.

Attached: Kat ass.png (734x839, 542K)

Attached: dead heat meat beat.gif (400x225, 2.84M)

Pitou and I on our wedding night

Attached: 72558952_p2.png (582x900, 525K)

for 10~ images yes


Attached: IMG_20190708_172749.jpg (1000x1249, 146K)

>mfw this artist

Attached: 1418165277805.png (313x380, 226K)

Attached: D-9NielWwAU9h-z.jpg:large.jpg (445x691, 108K)

My first thought when I opened the image was that she was wearing a purple toilet seat over her shoulders.

Alright, I'm gonna go pass out.

Attached: felicia0391jf.jpg (428x600, 94K)

Attached: 39603681_p0.jpg (1024x1365, 263K)

Is she lactating banana juice?

Cowabunga it is

Attached: b185d9f24505fcb96f527fcd7042d817.jpg (800x1131, 130K)

Its the skin tone and light hair

Attached: My Hero Academia - Two Heroes.mkv_snapshot_01.05.35_[2019.07.14_03.35.13].jpg (1920x1080, 188K)

Night guys

Attached: 1396090047767.jpg (650x1224, 411K)

Yeah, but you expect a movie to have a higher production value.

Shit, the post timer fucked me.

Where the hell is the gold?

Geez, and I had so many new Robins I wanted to post. I guess there was no point in trying. Good night to you all.

Nice one.

Damn, just missed it.

for years i thought with my dick
and now Ami had a sad backlstory
and now she had a happy "ending"
now i must ask. is Ami an important part of the rest of lupin and is she more happy? because i need to know now if she is worth protecting, or worth lewding

>image limit
>a sexdoll with a wig.jaypeg

A perfect close

I actually tried to post early to give it to someone else and got it anyway, well better luck next time Robin poster.

I'm glad you got it, goodnight Ryuko and everyone else.

See you fags Tuesday or Wednesday if the ratings user remembers

Dead, along with your gold streak.

Does he ever not?

The second part of that is definitely bullshit.

I guess I was just expecting a casual post-Toonami burn with mild discussion instead of all the images. At least that means there were lots of people tonight, which makes me happy.

not ganna post about not ganna lie, i would fuck post-breakdown Gaz and grabbing her fatfolds as I drive my tiny dick into her drunk almost passed out body as I would Meg from FG.

I mean really, if it is just Lust I cannot see you doing anything different


He dead, nigga.

Long gone.

It really is just the style or other artist trying to emulate Hori's style with Background characters, making them look "Akward" or "rough"

Yeah I want expecting this thread blow up like it did, guess MHA has some pretty good retention.

Can't speak for everyone, but the only reason I don't watch Toonami every week is because I'm almost always working on Saturday nights. Sitting in these threads and watching it is like what really powers me through when I get a night off.

>toonami gets sold to crunchy roll as [as] moves to their "1990's open mic night for cable" roots
would.. you still watch?

I mean I only have a vauge understanding of how streaming works but if they released new episodes at X times every week, would you still come back?

Fuck, I'm late again.

Sleep smug, snug.
Sleep tight, Popper!
Based Yuukanon.
This man is a true peacemaker. Listen to him.
Suffering through a bad cold and one of the hottest days of the year in my city. Hopefully this week I can get back to drawing and being creative after I recover a little more... If I don't bake to death first.
Sounds like you had a nice, nostalgic time. Good on you, glad to have you back.
I've always felt like an old guy in a young guy's body, as cliche and childish as that sounds. Honestly it's probably the decreased stamina, increased reminiscing and slow horror that things that mean the world to me are completely unknown to people born in the past 20 years, let alone in my own age group. You know, the usual.
I'm upset, but I can respect a fellow Ryukofag taking the last image.

Goodnight to you all! Once again we've made it through another week and defeated the Final Boss of SAO, only to have a Secret Boss in store for next week! Let us arm ourselves with as many cheats as possible so that come next Saturday, we can traverse that glitchy doorway and meet disappointment head on!

May we meet again! Glory to Anons! Glory to Toonami!

I probably wouldn't be watching toonami if it wasnt for these threads, something about them just makes it worth it.

Nostalgia and being able to be in a group while laughing about dumb anime tropes is fun.

Yea I only watch for these threads too, not that user btw.

Has the thread ever not blown up every time it aired? People shit talk it all the time but load of people here seem to be watching it. Less now, but I blame Demarco for that.

It's just good fun. Watching the shows with this thread and a RL buddy is the best.

I salute you, my suffering comrade. I hope the combination of heat and illness doesn't do you in. Be sure to drink that soup.

Thanks zechs

Do you think helpy would give you a handjob so you can go back to 'venturing?

>but if they released new episodes at X times every week, would you still come back?
Yes, but I'd prefer if one guy livestreamed his stream so our views could be synchronized.

its the waifu/lewd posting MHA has, no other show has the same amount being posted in a thread,

Nah. If I wanted to actually watch a show, I would do it on my own time and probably more quickly than waiting for legal methods.

Attached: Lucy's ass colored.png (870x860, 266K)

Oh shit

Attached: 1416596102160.jpg (750x1000, 529K)

Someone squealed!

Attached: 1560735200949.jpg (1920x1080, 293K)

Gettin' it innnn

Attached: dd385baedb93aaabbbc8f10b761a7c02.gif (800x421, 2.23M)

It only took jannies like a month to finally get the pitou poster?

Attached: Hedyeh's booty.jpg (1917x2678, 221K)

I guess it's time to see who gets secondary final image.

Kinda' wonder why they sacked the posts and didn't just move the entire thing to trash to die quietly.

Nice trip dubs

What decent person would tell on someone dropping lewds? I guess they finally stuck their heads in here.

Someone else can have it

Attached: 1417292633638.png (1005x1482, 675K)

I consider you the winner of tonight since you were originally last.
But I may as well post an image or two for fun.
Officially though, I've retired as an undefeated champion.

Attached: Tayuya Waterbottle Prank.png (2010x3000, 2.05M)

I tried.

Attached: 1532317777257.png (914x1410, 1.03M)

Nice, a Ryuko/Robin ending.


Feels kind of nice, even if it is just a consolation prize. It's not gonna stick, though.

They had HxH on for the longest time, what are you on about?

Nice user.

You succeeded.

RIP Dr. Fuji.

>It's not gonna stick, though.
Maybe we can go for a Ryuko/Robin/Fujiko ending? The holy trio.

Who even are they? I forget.

sleep snug, smug.
Sleep tight, Popper

Only the best boys.

I'm somewhat flattered to be considered a holy anything, even if just by proxy.

Pitou lewds will be back

can't keep the pitou poster down eh?

Attached: [email protected] (500x375, 724K)

I only started seeing boost mobile ads in the past year or two, when was this episode made?

Goddamn you Vicious.

They didn't even ban me

>one was deleted but the other is still up
I see through you.

over a decade ago

Attached: 1293483276185.jpg (674x754, 128K)

Oh hey, I got it.

>oh shit, more images-
>and the limit's hit already again
This is what I get for leaving the thread.

Jannies are awake tonight I see

Nah, they're just really spotty tonight. Looks like they got me and left the Pitou guy alive. Someone must've woken up.

Looks like you got to post some of those robin pics after all.

Nothing new, though. That was just spur of the moment luck.

>boost mobile
>clam phones
not age well

Well that's it, time to go to bed I guess.

reminder to at least drink 15oz of water before sleep so you dont wake up with afternoon leg cramps

Eh, they're fine if you just want to make calls and don't care about all of the stuff most phones can do. Of course, that's usually a preference of much older folk

I'm glad I love drinking water
Goodnight everybody!

I might after I finish my Sprite. Besides I'm extra thirsty because I just did it after Toonami ended and then again just now.

Great, good night user.

Brendon freezing was hilarious.

He posted the exact same shit weekly. That’s asking for someone to get fed up and turn you in

Where you at dawg?

Not to rain on your parade, but so does everyone else.

This. If you don’t diversify your dumps, people just see you as a spammer and try to get you banned

We all seem to post the same thing, it's just how it is. It's like.. routine.

Not anywhere near the level of the Pitoufag. They are even in the same fucking order each week. I didn’t report him, but I still say good riddance. If you are gonna take the risk with lewds, at least spice it up with some new content

>coach starts pretending to be brendon
fuck think lazzo will suck smalls dick to get this show a contination after they all age like 20 years

I think reporting him was a bit much, if that's even what happened. I'm very much agreed to the fact that he seriously needed to switch it up, though. There has to be more than just the 15 images.

getting the last image is a cutthroat deal

>survived home movies
I feel that I can safely say that I am out and even if all I get is a single nod the next afternoon by random strangers with a thought "what a fag", that will be enough for me.

doctors managed to get the burger king taco splinters out of my throat before the 8bit national anthem mix

what did i miss?

>burger king taco splinters out of my throat

Holy shit, you okay?

Here's what you missed:
>A bunch of cool gimmicks being wasted in a single episode of Super,
>Your real life is in another castle
>1337 haxx0rz
>Can't beat the cook
>Attempted cheating at Fantasy Sports
>The Gemini Man
>Part 2 of ANOTHER fucking rehash of the Chuunin Exams
>Military Adventures in Babysitting
>Coming Attractions

Why would the animators put so much budget into this one scene?

Why not?

Remember to always love your waifu and cherish her with all your heart.