ITT: Sexy costumes that you prefer to the more modest ones of the same character.
I always felt like Jesse Quick looked best with bare legs (and I would like to see it on male speedsters as well)
ITT: Sexy costumes that you prefer to the more modest ones of the same character.
I always felt like Jesse Quick looked best with bare legs (and I would like to see it on male speedsters as well)
For Starfire I tend to like her costumes when they're either extremely revealing or not sexy at all. If the version is using the backstory element that Tamaran has no nudity taboo, then I feel like her wearing the absolute bare minimum is a good way of showing a different set of values, if that isn't an element of the backstory then I prefer her dressed more sensibly (like I prefer most female heroes).
It annoys me when her designs are in the middle, and just normal comic book sexy, since it's still impractical, and doesn't properly sell the cultural difference.
Has she ever had a "not sexy at all" costume? Even for her cartoon design the character designer said he specifically designed her to be the fapbait of the group.
I don't really count her Teen Titans animated series costume as sexy since she's clearly drawn to look very young there, so even though it's fairly revealing it doesn't register to me as 'sexy'.
They're fucking up something fierce with Psylocke.
Jesus you have shit taste
Her Liberty Belle outfit is clearly her best look
>bare legs (and I would like to see it on male speedsters as well)
user, you sound like a faggot
what would a speedster gf be like?
Sometimes full body, skintight suits can be sexier than revealing ones. A good example of this is Sue Storm, who frankly is sexier in her normal F4 suit than that weird one she had in the 90s trying to get Reed's attention
Spider-Woman's old suit was one of the sexiest suit in all of Marvel
same goes for Harley Quinn. nothing is hotter than her classic TAS costume
always a fan of the bare midriff
This is my favorite Wonder Woman look.
Sexy outfits look good on both genders
oh no his dick is showing
Now thats a Princess of Power
Always found High Cut leotards sexist thing ever. On the right girls of course. But yeah, two pieces great too but give me girl in a high cut.
Looks like a wonder woman recolor
>Always found High Cut leotards sexist thing ever
I always found them dull, personally. But, then again by the time I was old enough to start liking girls, low cut short-shorts was what was in at the time and high cut leotards had fallen out of style years before then.