Ant-Man & the Wasp: Journey Into the Quantum Realm
Ant-Man & the Wasp: Journey Into the Quantum Realm
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Ant-Man Films are the most mid-tier Films of the MCU, I am hyped for this after Avengers: Endgame though so I'll see if it'll deliver.
Paul Rudd said there may not even be an AM3
>I don’t know if it'll happen. You need to make a call to the top brass and start a campaign to make it happen.
Probably because they don't as perform as well as the other MCU films
is this real
Pretty sure this is a ""leak""
i thought it would be called ant-man the wasp and stature
idk i think its fake man
They'll probably have Cassie with Scott, Hope, Hank, Janet the entire Film but only towards the end of the Film she finally becomes Stinger or Stature or whatever they want to call her.
its lit how u find out about this
Just call it Journey Into Mystery
come on now stop fake ass shit get this bullshit up out of here
Whatever happened to Ghost in the end?
heard there is going to be some announcement tomorrow
serious, theres so muc we could explore with the weird place of the small universe around us.
but nope need to make another boring movie about ''its a heist''
Wouldn't a better movie be Scott and Hope vs Eric O'Grady? Like for example The Black Ant keeps pulling off a bunch of heists, Scott is the main suspect, and so on?
They’re good movies, it’s weird how much they underperform. Hell I’d say just make it for sub 100 million if the effects weren’t so vital to the film
He was probably joking with the last part because actors don't know the plans for the MCU. Douglas said that he has heard abour plans for third film though
summer friends....
MCUck films are all mid tier
Ant-man climbs up Wasp's bussi and fucking dies.
u think this is real?
comic con next weekend
I don't know if OP is real but I always thought that if they make a third Ant-Man film, they would obviously show the Quantum Realm to its full potential. It was pretty obvious that they were holding back in AMTW and they didn't do what they really wanted, because there was a lot of planing with the Quantum Realm and its creatures almost as if they wanted to make the film there as the main setting.
stop screwing with ant-man fans
photoshop bullshit yall
>believing anything from Quesada
How new are you? He is just a Marvel pitchman.
she will be back for the thunderbolts movie
go suck a fart out of a old mans butt
Agreed with the second one but the first is honestly one of the better ones. One of the better origin stories.
Let's just use the thread to talk about anything ants