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Attack on Titan Season 3 Eyecatches (Part 2)

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Other urls found in this thread:

Best girl(s)

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Anko is best ninja

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Good night everybody.

best girl

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Best girl

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fuck recap episodes

Nice choice, OP.

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until she got fat

Best girl

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Next up is one I think you guys will like, it's Tactile Sensation, featuring the spectacularly-named Planet Booty.
This is either like late 80s hip-hop or good N*SYNC kind of funk. It's got a really popping kind of groove that's really fun, and a shout out to that BOO-TAAY that would make Dandy proud. If you listen to any of these tonight, let it be this one at least. Come on and get your groove on!

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I miss Part 1

sorry i was peeing and got distracted. thank you OP for making a thread.

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Naruto was way better before Sauske turned evil. Who else agrees? We could have seen him organically grow as a character and become friends with Naruto.

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Attached: Watch Naruto Shippuuden (Dub) Episode 257 - Meeting Online Free 9anime.webm (1280x720, 288K)

Best girl
>Stop being the hero
That's funny.

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I just can't fucking believe that the filler is a flashback to something that has been flashbacked to several times already. Why.

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Next week is karaage, japanese fried chicken. It's marinating right now in ponzu, apples, onions, garlic powder, seven spice, honey, ginger, star anise, and rice vinegar

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>I got to get away from her!

And then he did for 12 years.

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The hardest part of the night
>MHA this week is the pre-movie filler
Gold is never easy is it?

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Who is this episode for? If you started watching Naruto at this exact part?

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There's basically zero results if you search up OL Robin. I'll try to go through my folder but it's not looking too good.

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Attached: tongue.gif (311x231, 541K)

>Naruto: "Sasuke, you a bitch nigga."
>Orochimaru: "He's right, you know."


Wait, when did Sakura get there?
Was she there the whole time?

Waifu posting time

Here's another Isane I had commissioned a couple weeks ago
Thanks to that user for the artist rec

I thought it was iffy at first but when I set the raw as my screensaver I really started to appreciate it

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>tfw my Gundam waifu lived

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Attached: Watch Naruto Shippuuden (Dub) Episode 257 - Meeting Online Free 9anime (2).webm (168x308, 75K)

fuck man this shit was KINO. OG nardo was the shit


Delete this

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I hate this shit.

What if I post some movie Webms to lighten the mood?
Also that's a cute shield plush and I want it

Attached: Melissa and All Might.webm (950x540, 2.32M)

Itachi came in and fucked everything. Funny enough, Itachi was the one who was the introduction to all the problems that would soon plague the series.

Imagine getting head from Orochimaru.


wtf happened to naruto bros??

This shit is so fuckin kino WHAT HAPPENED?

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>lets recap part 1's notable moments for the characters
>except the animation and action's worse all around

Nice user

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>He's right, you know.

Attached: Just Melissa.webm (950x540, 1.06M)

>and lets skip the fight with Zabuza


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Everything about him turning evil pisses me off. It's fucking retarded that he would join up with a guy who he and everyone else knew only wanted him to steal his body. It's fucking retarded that he gave in to his brother's "you need more hate" philosophy. Sasuke is the single worst part of Naruto and basically ruined the fucking show.

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Another Food Wars dish, souffle omelet. This one's pretty simple but work intensive. Separate egg whites and yolks, whip the whites until you get stiff peaks

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It has been like 6 fucking years.

And my KLK folder is still the biggest Toonami folder and it keeps growing every week by a few NEW images a week.

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Couldn't we have got a flashback of the other Jinchuuriki instead of recaps of arcs from Part 1 we've already seen before?

Just to clear things from the last thread, I'll it a shot. I've head good things, and I should really finish IBO one of these days

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Moon rabbit is cute,would you sex her knowing it would plunge the world into endless chaos?

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But what's done is done, so now we have either deal with it, or stick with fanfics.
Or both.

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I I didn't hate Sasuke's heel turn but I felt like it lasted way too long. Thought to be honest I stopped reading Naruto right at the start of the Great War due to the American Shonen Jump going out of print
May your search not be in vain

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I'll skip over Disco Volante since there's not much to it and instead revisit Starlight Brigade.
The audio version has a longer sax interlude in the middle but the video has such amazing animation it deserves to be brought back up again here. I posted it last week but reactions ranged from "okay" to "Meh". My friend felt the same way, so maybe it's just me, but I still can't find it in myself to agree. Especially as I watch the video, the sense of adventure and POWER OF FRIENDSHIP that you get from it is awesome. I can't get over how this is the sort of music video we deserve to be getting on Toonami instead of confusing Enya nonsense and polarizing rap.

Anyway, the primary complaints I've heard have been about the vocals and I don't know, I like it. I've also listened to it over and over again so maybe it's grown on me. As for the tempo, again, maybe it's the video that makes it seem like it fits just fine. But I still really like it. Just saying.

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It seemed like originally he just went to Orochimaru because he wanted to exploit Orochimaru for easy power before he got bodyjacked and was basically still the same Sasuke he'd been up to that point.

But then he went full retard.

>The guy from the same arc that shaped Naruto's character.

Yeah, glad they skipped that!

>webtoon commercial
>all women

at least they know their fujoshit audience

I miss my rainbow waifu,lads.

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Fold 2 scrambled yolks into 3 whipped whites, put in buttered pan on medium low heat. Cover and keep an eye on it, that bitch will overcook and collapse in a heartbeat

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>Korean webtoons are growing large enough to get adtime on tv

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Attached: Boku no Hero Academia the Movie- Futari no Hero English Subbed.webm (852x480, 2.17M)

>should really finish IBO one of these days
S1 of IBO is good, S2 is a slog with characters just acting retarded for no reason.

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It's weird seeing webtoon commercials honestly
is Dice still going on?
or Yumi's Cells?

I miss her subordinate

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I'd like some, thank you.

>Also that's a cute shield plush and I want it
Preaching the choir

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>Naruto was way better before Sauske turned evil.
I thought that was basic fact.

Attached: 9Anime - Watch Naruto Shippuden English Subbed in HD on (1280x720, 237K)

Did we ever get off the Hell Train?

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Remember when Kabuto almost stabbed Sasuke in the hospital?

He went full retard when Tobi told him the truth about Itachi. His character went from "Let me kill this guy who ruined my life!" to "Everyone needs to die for my brother's misery!".

Nah, part of it was wanting to exploit Orochimaru, part of it was jealousy that Naruto was much stronger than him thanks to the summoning contract and the Rasengan destroying the water tower where Sasuke only managed to penetrate one. He was basically raging that Itachi was more interested in Naruto of all people and even being surpassed by him, and took a hasty action he tried to play to his own gain.

Does Kabuto still use his Ninja Info Cards?

>short hair Sakura
Uhh a little too early for that, isn’t it?

Attached: 9Anime - Watch Naruto Shippuden English Subbed in HD on (2).webm (1280x720, 406K)

Next one's pretty cute I think, here's The Perfect Product, featuring JP Incorporated.
I get a real Redesign Your Logo vibe from this. It's just this really slick dude hyping up a robot on this vague telemarkety bullshit, but the customer just gets so caught up in it, it's adorable. It's like a robocall in reverse or something. Also it's got a nice beat and it's kinda groovy. But the music itself absolutely sounds like it belongs in a VHS training video.

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Oh yeah, Kabuto used to be a leaf Ninja.

kabuto got away with everything

I'll post the fights during the movie, especially the climax

Attached: Ochako Floats Deku and melissa.webm (950x540, 1.48M)

here's a better choice

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Are these weirdos really worth remembering?

5 minutes on one side, flip, a few minutes on the other. Fold over again on the plate. It will deflate a little bit, but as long as it doesn't completely collapse it's fine. If you've overcooked it and fucked up you'll know. Soma puts tomato sauce on his, and it's pretty good

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I'll keep that in mind. I just hope it doesn't get bad enough for me to drop it again.

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I think this took place after everyone recovered

I don't remember these guys wearing all black. Am I just being forgetful?

>It's ANOTHER Part 1 recap episode

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Man, old Naruto was something else. Hella different from what Shippuden became

breasts > ass

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Oh, you're right.

she cut it during the Sound Ninja fight

Hello what's this

No this is correct. She cut her hair to escape the Sound Genin, and that's already happened.

I'll do my best.

I didn't know All Might was a dad.

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>No KLK Graduation OVA on Toonami EVER
>No Roberta's Blood Trail on Toonami EVER
Fucking hell

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Naruto would have been better as a ninja themed military drama

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Why isn't the village hidden in the sound entirely populated by these guys?

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Did Sasuke walk around after getting the curse mark but before it activating? Because if not, then this is obviously afterwards.

The music was better, too. I barely remember any of the ones in Shippuden.

>Sakura has cut hair
Doesn’t that not happen till later?

Retcon Itachi also doesn't make sense since he pushes Sasuke to kill Naruto for MS sharingan and that he lacks hatred to kill him.

Maybe he was hoping Sasuke would take it as reverse psychology and become a friend loving Leaf hero.

It's the daughter of one of his friends from USA.
Though he basically is like a second dad to her

You're going pretty hard, user. Are you going to have enough recipes to last through all the Food Wars episodes?

Itachi in general becomes retarded the instant they tried to rationalize him into a good guy.

The actual guys didn't, but they had a thing that made black wearing fakes.

it doesn't matter and it was before they met up with Kabuto

sadly, their only members who actually committed to sound based ninjutsu were bullied and then killed off

I still cannot agree to these terms

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best grill

>just gets up and bodies all of them with almost no chakra

What a trio of jobbers.

Nope, that happened almost immediately after the fight with Orochimaru.

Only a true pleb pledges his allegiance to one.

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Attached: 9Anime - Watch Naruto Shippuden English Subbed in HD on (3).webm (1280x720, 300K)

It happens in the forest of death when Both Naruto and Sasuke are out of commission and being attacked by Sound ninja until Rock Lee comes to help

>the dramatic choir music that played whenever the akatsuki showed up
Yeah it wasn't amazing

Back before when he at least tried to make them ninjas before giving up and going back to his original idea of making them wizards and shit
Even if you can't find one I'll be down with whatever Robin you pull out
I still haven't watched that OVA

Attached: Noin.png (700x988, 400K)

No, when they meet up with Kabuto, that was after they were ambushed by those Sound ninja and rescued by Lee and InoShikaCho, where she cut her hair.

Interesting choice of image.... I am watching Outlaw Star ON BLU-RAY right now.

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>he doesn't know

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god I can't believe they still get together

sasuke: the first avenger

i'm more amused by the hair physics than the skirt somehow

Where was Sasuke in Endgame?

Ugh, you just had to remind me...

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>I am an avenger

wtf where was sasuke in endgame?

>I'm an Avenger

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I fapped to that

Future husband and wife, people. Already into the domestic abuse.

Attached: Ikuno Slap.webm (1920x1080, 801K)

He's probably getting FUCKED IN THE ASS

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I love how nosy Lee is in this scene

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not to mention his slick villain exit, that's back when he was cool

We got it sasuke you're gay

Man I can't lie, I actually really enjoy classic Naruto. Good shit.

Surprise surprise Melissa is also voiced by Erica Mendez in the dub

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I'll redo a few, but I'm skipping a lot of dishes because they have ingredients that I can't get. I'll dig through seasons 2 and 3 in a few weeks to see if there is anything in there I can do

Yes, Nardo and Sauce really do merit that "bow-chicka-bow-wow" music.

Attached: Haihane.jpg (1280x720, 99K)

Fucking hell, so much for unseeing that. Last one.

Attached: 9Anime - Watch Naruto Shippuden English Subbed in HD on (4).webm (1280x720, 427K)

>Fold 2 scrambled yolks
Do you mean beaten? Scrambling them seems like it'd make them stiff enough to not "fold in" well and to then put them in a pan to cook it more seems odd.

AAAAAAND I'll skip the last few because I never really listened to them as much and frankly just didn't connect with them as much as this last one. Here's Feels Pretty Good, and yes it does.
This is a great one to end the album and tonight on. Dig that dreamy ocean sound, and that playful beachy guitar, baby. That's a damn funky lick, and those dreamlike synths, accompanied by that sexy sexy saxophone. It's like you're standing on the beach at twilight, swaying with your partner to a classy island disco band or something. It's such a nice intimate jam, and even though it's almost 5 minutes long it still feels too short. But it's a damn swell song to listen to when you wanna relax, so let it ease you on into the rest of the night, yeah? Just, don't go to sleep yet, the night's still not over!

Us, though, we're out for another week. We'll be back again next week with more music for your listening pleasure, just probably not this much of it. Anyway, see you guys next week! Deep Space Radio, signing off!

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>I'm an avenger
Sike you thought.

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to be fair, they'd been using their chakra the whole time for the clones and genjutsu but, unlike Naruto, they don't have infinite

Could Saskue beat Thanos?

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i'm actually enjoying this filler, its very nostalgic

What's the point of a filler episode that's literally just showing cuts of old episodes again?


Since it's the last thread of the night most likely I'll just post some pictures.

these ruto shows need more ino

I've gotta' be up for like 6 more hours, what's a decent anime that I can probably find online worth getting into? Major points if the MC is gay.

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The only time that theme was decent was the version used for Obito and Madara.

I still don't get why he had to wear this weird black outfit.



Attached: Mieko.jpg (850x1200, 222K)

Huh. Thats right.
Why is Kakashi's sobriquet "The Copy Ninja" if anyone with a Sharingan can scan shit like he can?

this guy gets it

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kakashi created a monster

Kishi said drawings Sasukes Black outfit was TOO HARD

Black outfit Sasuke was his best look. And nobody can tell me otherwise

I miss this music. Why did shipoopoo ditch it?

I'll start now.

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it's probably literally just sasuke trying to show off, since it never appears ever again

just killing time for the manga to progress

Yeah beaten

Sometimes it's for nostalgia, other times they fill in plotholes.

>its my jutsu
Isn't it just Minato's jutsu with added chakra nature?

he copied the sharingan

They all look hard


Attached: Bulma booty.jpg (640x480, 104K)

Dub Sasuke could say Naruto's name over 9000 times and i'll still twitch every time he fucking rolls the R

Might have been before going digital and used a lot of ink

Saotome Senshu.
A manga about a fit boxing girl getting trained by her childhood friend trainer and there's some romance also.

Attached: Saotome Yae.jpg (7138x4558, 3.93M)

Rate this episode of naruto.

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How? It looks less designed than his normal outfit.

How did he put it on?
In what way?

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I won't, but I will post this.
Just for funsies

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Gon beats both.

Attached: dd1dc3j-fullview.jpg (1920x2606, 435K)

I'd spark this stiff idiot in under 2 rounds

Welp, time for a shit break

Because Sasuke was too young to have a title and all the Uchiha outside Itachi were dead.



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how much longer do we have to endure this?


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Why don't they put a seizure warning for this sped up ED, jesus christ it's worse than usual DBS.

Attached: bulmayama.jpg (850x478, 86K)

neat I'll check it out
also does anyone remember a ninja war was about to start

It alright eggshell white.

suya suya suya suya

Toonami General I want to make a stupid drunken post Lupin post, but a pre-MHA post.

A few pieces of Cardboard and some Scrap Paper has changed my life and I feel stupid as fuck for admitting it

>got tired of my homes layout
>my mom and dad over 16 years ago helped me set up furniture
>some pieces got worn out and needed replacing
>but pieces didnt fit
>move around whole living room
>but new couches were over vents
>summer hit
>shit sucked
>suddenly inspiration
>drive 30 minutes to nearest walmart at 1am
>grab some small cardboard boxes that were meant for display for canned food
>rip out a section for air control
>feel like a genius
>cardboard starts hovering around like an airhockey table and a puck
>feel dumb
>find old calendar(s)
>place on top of cardboard
>airflow perfected
>enjoy new funged living room
>apply to bedroom, spare room and bathroom (kinda)
>forgot about gundam

Attached: 1493537249524.jpg (814x888, 269K)

At the time, I don't think anybody was aware that the Sharingan was exclusive to the Uchidhas.

Gundam time

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Is it just egg and sauce? I thought the whole part of making a folded omelette is to put fillings and stuff in it.
Why not just serve it as a disc or in slices like a quiche?

>I am Sasuke the Uchiha!

Sharingan Red.

I was worried I was the only one who preferred this look.

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I wanna fuck sayla

MTM is great even after 4 seasons.

Yeah boi

Attached: 4ze.jpg (500x344, 28K)

at the time, all the Uchiha were dead, and even before, it wasn't widely known what kind of powers they had outside the village
and since Kakashi isn't an Uchiha, it makes it special that he's capable of copying shit, even if it's through Uchiha eye magic

I wish Sasuke kept that outfit.

fuck me I almost forgot about the summoning contract. The summoning contract Naruto used to save Sasuke. That in turn made Sasuke so jealous he betrayed the friend who saved his sorry ass and his future wife. I hate Naruto so fucking much.

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Mmph. That's a smooth one to go out on. Thank you so much for trying to make the BoruNaru Hour a little bearable.

>getting kissed on the lips by a loli at

FBI, please arrest me. I just popped a boner.

I always switch to it whenever given the chance in any game. I just wish it was in Shinobi Striker as well

I streamed Roberta's Blood Trail for anons on Toonami at some point in the past few months, to replace one of like two or three weekends in a row that were just rerun marathons.
It was pretty good.

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Do I watch Gundam or don't I? I wasn't not entertained last week

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I don't quite get the joke, but I still laugh at it, because it sounds funny.
So was that a reference to something, or just a joke about how stupid he looked in that frame?

all the random belts and black makes him look like a Final Fantasy character

red, and not a high red either

11:00 Dragon Ball Super 118 (of 131)
11:30 Attack On Titan 8 (of 10)
12:00 Sword Art Online: Alicization 23 (of --)
12:30 Lupin the Third Part 5 5 (of 24)
1:00 Food Wars! 2 (of 37)
1:30 Black Clover 78 (of --)
2:00 Boruto 40 (of -)
2:30 Naruto Shitpuden 258 (of 500)(Finaly Halfway)
3:00 Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin: Advent of the Red Comet 2 (of 11)
3:30 My Hero Academia 58 (of 64)
Week 372 of Toonami

>Ratings for 7/6

11:00 DB:Super: 529,000
11:30 Attack on Titan: 266,000
12:00 Sword Art Online: 248,000
12:30 Lupin the Third: Part 5: 165,000
1:00 Food Wars: 155,000
1:30 Black Clover: 186,000
2:00 Boruto: 197,000
2:30 Naruto: 162,000
3:00 Gundum: 154,000
3:30 MHA 201,000

If it was a normal omelette, sure. But the whole point of the souffle omelette is the texture of the egg so you don't want anything on top of it because it'll collapse and ruin the texture

This thread came too early

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Give it three episodes at least, thems the rules

He was going through an edgy phase.

You should do that again once we have another marathon weekend

Origin is ok no real action till a few more eps in, I'd say give it another episode or two.

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Sorry user but she does the fucking

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Pitou is a good girl

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>118 (of 131)
13 weeks left?!


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This show is so goofy, i fucking love it. Rewatching since the first Toonami run, the unedited fanservice is appreciated ,Aisha is best girl, Dub is hit or miss but I still prefer it to the Sub version..

Attached: (960x675, 118K)

>Sasuke can't fight a transformed one-tail Gaara
>Naruto comes in and saves the day with a giant toad that they dual-transformation into the Nine-Tails
>Sasuke is somehow the only witness to this and I guess gets the credit for stopping Gaara (but I think that was fanon, it's been a long time)

We were at image limit for like 5 minutes in the last one

>that fucking dip after Super
>Actually came back up just a smidgen after Gundam

Inking, maybe?

Giren busy playing internet Gungi

>You're out on patrol with your Zeon squad mates when one of them shouts "It's the Gundam!"
Post YFW

Attached: Char Are You Shitting Me.jpg (720x480, 41K)

Bless oda and his love for giant breasts

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How can you tell when you've beaten egg yolks enough? Whites whip and whole eggs become homogenous, but I'm not sure what happens to yolks.

>this is mineva zabi's aunt

Oh, look, Space Hitler!

That's Kycilia.

Man those streams were good times. Thanks again muscle girl bro

Attached: doughnut.jpg (850x1200, 135K)

>that sounds like threatening an officer of the law, you dirty criminal scum

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how did ryukos voice get a job before she was ryukos voice is what shocks me the most i mean wasnt she like 10 when this got dubbed fuck man why did asiaha fuckj ryuko

>"He's not a child"
We already skipped pasted the /ss/?

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Fits, considering how big Kingdom Hearts 2 around the same time.

Attached: ertyu.jpg (180x281, 10K)

This preserved old artstyle being made in a modern anime really sticks out doesnt it

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Do other ninja even know Kakashi has a sharingan, or do they just think it's some weird Kakashi power?

Who that old witch?

>Gihren playing online othello like the southern nigga he is

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You don't need to whip yolks, not that you can anyway. You just have to make sure they're broken up and liquid instead of still intact

>found this series by accident
hope it continues to be translated

Damn, spent half of Bort and all of Nardo looking for a specific picture... and still didn't find it...
I need to organize these folders sometime..

Ah well... Love this one because the expression just reads to me as, "I love you, you big goof..."

Attached: 27448749_big_p1.jpg (800x1000, 114K)

>this gundam episode
was kill la kill a prequill to gundam? because whyu is satsuki old in this episode

this is my only satsuki pic because her sister is better

Attached: __kiryuuin_satsuki_kill_la_kill__258978c6eb1ab5939e4f928e037f1e1b.jpg (1400x1300, 456K)

Not that Space Hitler.

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I want to marry Kycilia


Attached: 20180330_202415.jpg (3264x1836, 1.78M)

Yes, you idiot. That's how he got his reputation as the Copy Ninja Kakashi.

open wide, copper

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Me too man

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you mean that one?

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Attached: Brook_Scream.png (413x720, 509K)

Ramba's dad is redpilled.

No, the one who showed up in this episode of this show that's airing right now.

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That Sasuke makes me think of the design of one of the 3D Sonic games.

Just an old man and his guns

Attached: Sailor-Solomon.jpg (582x1000, 92K)

That your first build user?

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I'm thankful for it too.

Attached: robin23.jpg (1000x1248, 461K)

My men

Man, Ramba Ral is not nearly as loyal to the Zeon government as he's portrayed in the original series.

Attached: Ye Olde Gundam 4.jpg (685x600, 108K)

>Give colonies basically independence and all you ask for in return is taxes and rare metals
>They LARP as feudal lords and literally destroy Australia while trying to kill everyone on Earth
Fuck the Spacenoids. Ungrateful little shits who don't want a single government human galaxy.

I want to say Zabuza knew about his eye being the way he copies things, though nobody connects it to the Uchiha clan, since they are all dead, so it's just a weird Kakashi power

>this is my only satsuki pic because her sister is better
I don't know how it's even possible to have such shit taste.

I hate little girl dub voices.

Space booty

Attached: IMG_20190708_141045.jpg (700x394, 58K)

Happy to help out.
I should really set up a Raspberry Pi or something that can host direct links to the video files for the next time I do it. Trying to upload that shit to Volafile or whatever so that Cytube could see it was a serious hassle.

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>all this talk of cumming

Attached: 1492923653499.jpg (1280x720, 99K)

>Two episodes without Gundams

You do plan to have Gundams in your Gundam show.. yes? Hello? knock knock. Yes?

I remeber my first build, an HG Rx-78-2. Still never got great at removing the nubs to be honest.

Attached: 2d3f42459a12ceb642e7deabf3047c7.jpg (850x638, 82K)

First and only Master Grade
Have another one that needs actual screws so I never finished it
Have a couple High Grades, too

Attached: __kiryuuin_satsuki_kill_la_kill_drawn_by_ryuuama__sample-9c8575fa1e18015bb012089a1ad6535c.jpg (850x1700, 391K)

The moon isn't a star!
Ah, I see.

>100 months
Holy fuck, she's going to miss the girl's whole childhood.

You're making me not want to be a lazy shit and finish reading Foundations even though it kinda doesn't make sense.

Attached: You mean...Like Spider-Man.gif (512x512, 681K)

[X]Slap Sayla

I was told there would be Gundams. Why does everyone want to go back to Earth?

she's going to miss her whole life

image limit isn't going to last the last two at this rate

>the moon waxes and wanes 100 times
That's about eight years, isn't it?

Since I'm here, might as well give it a watch

Really was one of the most underappreciated anime of its era no matter how you slice it
>Aisha is best girl
You know it

Please don't confuse FF with KH. Nomura's character design only suits what fashion he's seen at the moment.

Attached: ddd61789f0a20248dcdd3dcf9d85a533709.jpg (1356x1904, 243K)

>I hate the morning.
Good girl, Artesia.

Attached: I killed her five episodes ago.png (1920x1080, 568K)

The Gundam hasn't been invented yet.

Seriously. Though what in the fuck was Zeon's problem? The Federation literally left the guys to run their own shit and the only people causing trouble were Char's dad and the Zabi's

9 years worth



Waifu in uniform.

How many years is 100 months?
I don't doubt that, but if she kept her promise I would like to know how long it would be.

if the show is all before the one year war, there will never be any Gundams. I think the very first Gundam was only built a few weeks after the war started

>Artesia is Anne Frank

It's about space drama not giant robots.

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This hasn't been updated since January... It dead?

Don't fucking trust her!

Attached: Haman and Audrey in Build Fighters.png (854x480, 572K)

Apparently the only people willing to live in space are a bunch of weird larpers.

tumblr is dead, nobody uses that shit anymore

>Little malfunction and the colony could go boom
Man fuck space colonies.

Yes. I counted the months by 12

Superiority complexes and a literal space hitler capitalizing on people's irrational feelings to take control.

Oh fuck for some reason I thought Gundam was the last show of the night
Yeah we're boned

Attached: RX-75-4.JPG.jpg (366x529, 198K)

Yea they came here.

Attached: 6bf0a4f2e5d87c4ab4cb74cf2a26b3c9.jpg (600x800, 325K)

I mean, that thing that just rolled up was basically a proto gundam
You're gonna be waiting a while though

... Wasn't the guntank on white-base supposed to be a prototype?

Doesn't the feddie scum having a guntank before the war fuck up the timeline?

I havent built one in a long time so I'd probably suck at removing nubs nicely.

I prefer HGs over MGs since it doesnt take nearly as long to build.

I guess who even ran that blog knew there was no point in sticking around if there was no porn

Attached: 1543311057023.png (850x853, 856K)

Well, 12 months is a year, so I'd say at least 8 or 9 years.

"What if we had a tank but it was 3 stories tall"

Attached: Sayla ass.jpg (634x920, 68K)

Folks I dont know about you but when Lupin goes off the air I feel both watching the block and the thread posting take a huge decline in attention.

Boruto is kinda interesting
Naruto was never interesting
Gundam is always boring outside of mecha fights
And im too drunk/exhausted from fapping to remember MHA in its new slot.

And with western shit coming to Toonami I just dont fucking know anymore.

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wait, is Char's mom the lady married to Rumble Roller, who show up in Mobile Suit Gundam to style on Amuro in the desert?

>The Sun is your enemy

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Why the hell are we so active this late tonight?

No the blondie's Hamon Crowley, not Haman Karn.

That's the opposite of Kira's thought process.

I want to impregnate Pitou and take responsibility!

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Attached: Screenshot_20181007-165055_YouTube.jpg (2220x1080, 859K)

Most went to Twitter,some newgrounds,and the rest are on Reddit.

So true it hurts.

>purges all and anything related to porn/adult/not-apple-approved
thats pretty much it

No that a different lady, she shows up later in this show actually

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I'm pretty sure that was online go. I want a setup like that.

Also, playing while checking a book is generally considered bad sportsmanship/cheating.

This is the Origin timeline, it's pretty much a reboot. In this timeline, they made the Guntank first since it's the simplest. You'll see the development of the Zaku, Guncannon, and Guntank over the course of the series.

This is Char's story.

it's not a Guntank unless it has traces of Gundanium aka plot armor, that magically makes it stronger

/tg/ fell for the gundam meme and into demarco's trap, we'll have a lot of people watching gen lock too even though everyone is saying they wont

I miss Parasyte. It was such a ride.

MHAfags are dedicated if nothing else

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Western shit?

Well as long as the thread is around I'll be here, will probably end up not watching a good chunk of the block though.

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Herofags are forced to stay up

8 years and 4 months

Well considering who he is, what did you expect?

Whoever it is, they probably hurt this beautiful snowflake! FFFFFFUCK ZEON!

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they just look similar because the author wanted to bang the Space Railways chick?

What happened to that show about the kids getting farmed at the orphanage?

Just kind of melancholy. Last post is telling people to "stay gold." It's like they knew.

I'm here for Gundam then I'm out.


God bless their souls

Attached: maga.jpg (1200x675, 149K)

yup, gen:lock is coming next week to toonami.

It ended a couple weeks ago in terms of the first season.

Demarco in all his wisdom is bringing a Rooster Teeth show to Toonami

i'd say %40 came here though. you've noticed how shit the board has been

So does it end with him laughing at us?

Attached: 60408.jpg (2457x1847, 610K)

Harvest season.

This is a very unsubtle escape

Guess I've just lost all track of time.

Blogs has been slowly inactive since the rule changes. The porn ban was the biggest of them all, and it even affected SFW blogs too that relied on interactions.

Titties are coming.

Attached: PSX_20190714_031351.jpg (1929x1080, 332K)

What was your reaction with lucifer the cat.

>Just driving a tank like vehicle through the street

>they're just steamrolling over innocent people in the street
What the fuck?

for a second I thought she was the mom and confused why she was here

You get the Zabis whipping up a combination of spacenoid nationalism and twisting Daikun's ideas about Newtypes into being ""proof"" that spacenoids are the master race.

Push that enough and you get people to become true believers. It didn't help that Gihren's a master orator and very charismatic.

Then post war you get a Backstab Narrative within certain groups of the population leading them to either refuse to throw down arms, support remnants or become their own splinter terrorist groups.

get em wet shaggy

>Attempted rape
>Attempted murder
>Stop that and go back to driving the vehicle please

>censored waifu titties

>blurring tits


Attached: 1519543811911.gif (300x200, 43K)

They actually kept in the titties in the tv cut

>commander on Feddie bridge
>not slapping and punching everyone in range
this is how Zeon rose to power

>Sunlight over tits
Well fuck you too.

based ramba

At least proofread...

>missed tits

They were always here,but you can't beg for money or post for clot here.

>this censor

Attached: 1509932649348.jpg (691x625, 236K)

I switched from taking full shots to half shots,

Lookd terrible

Welcome to Mister Ral's A-team plans.

Consider Food Wars is on the block, it could happen, even if slim

If this ever actually happened I would post a picture of my penis in sheer disbelief.

So does the Federation stationed on the colony not have authority anymore or something?

>Kycilia sleeps nude

Somebody describe the tit scene to me pls.

Kill all earthlings

Why do we have robot tanks if we already have normal tanks?

That's it goy, keep them rating up while everyone sleeps.

Guys, I'm confused. Char is in a mobile suit, but it's not painted red. How is he supposed to move three times faster now?

Attached: Char Zaku Dance.jpg (564x564, 35K)

I want to chalk it up to sameface but I think we don't see Char's mom ever prior to the Origin

Attached: heavy lifting.jpg (540x756, 52K)

Demarco is now tempted.

Was this really the best way to get offplanet?

Why do people hate this show again

>Everyone just expecting bare tits on screen

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thanks for the glimmer of hope but the all is lost moment has come with the genlock announcement and I have been giving kurt cobain tounge jobs to my fathers shotgun he left me when he died thinking that while Toonami was a nice thing to latch onto to stave off suicidal thoughts i fooled myself by saying that it would last forever. I loved my time with you all from Kai until last week but I think its time


oh yea downblouse

Casval's showing that even at a young age that he's a stone cold killer.

>baby char talking about the enemy
It's like AoT never ended

Attached: eren attack on titan.png (250x253, 34K)

Sayla develops ptsd

>immediately panic in the face of the enemy.
Jesus, no wonder the feddies were caught with their pants down in the one years war...

Kycilia sleeping naked and getting up

Why have weapons AND gas control in both the top and bottom of the tank? Why have two fully-functional cockpits?

>Be a military officer
>Be trained to operate specialized weapons of war
>Somehow a 13 year old boy kills you all
Fucking Gundam



They're brainlets.

Becuase it's kind of a slog, it's another series where they chopped up an OVA, and we don't get to the Gundam

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>Char was a great pilot as a boy
Does he become Darth Vader?

Attached: mfw_char_is_amuro.webm (720x480, 265K)


Why is the loli dressed like a witch?

They didn't expect one of their own tanks to start firing. And really these guys probably hadn't fired many shots in training.

These aren't the Feddies. Feddies wear green. These are Zion fuckers.

Attached: 1559379489668.jpg (1377x1877, 310K)

Requesting a screenshot of those tits please.

to be fair the kid was royally pissed off

She even has a black cat

Because an 8 year old just operated a tank with sufficient skill to kill several trained adults.

>Those Pumpkin panties with that outfit


because you dont know that we know that our past selves dont know that its mostly about the super fighting robot fights. while the delivery girl kiki buildup and human polictics is neat and all i guess i dunno..

i just want the fucking robot fights so i can pretend that I am 5 years old again banging my gundam robot toys together again.

Zekes wear green.
The feddies wear brown and drive those knock-off mammoth tanks and guntanks.

Can we just admit just how much an absolute madlad Ramba Ral is?

Loads of dialogue=Boring around here
And then we get nothing but shonen

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so one can focus on the runnin and one can focus on the gunnin and if shit goes bad and one pilot bites it, the survivor can fight on or retreat

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I realize this also applies to Victory Gundam

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>They're fucking mailing them to earth

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I'm loving all these women in uniform.

Does Zone still do stuff or has he retired?

Attached: 191050.jpg (1500x1800, 202K)

this is the early years, and those 4 first responders definitely were not expecting to get shot at.

Dreams do come true.

Attached: PSX_20190714_032207.jpg (1024x576, 87K)

His reincarnation in Gundam Build Fighters was based also.

God I want Kycilia to just fucking annihilate me


are you tired yet

It's gotta be the mustache!

I seriously cannot follow the political situation in this show, i really should have actually watched it properly instead of splitting my attention on the tv and the computer..
Are those kids in danger of assassination and thats why they're fucking off the planet?

>i just want the fucking robot fights

Then why did you watch Gundam?

Attached: smug muscle cop.png (524x285, 48K)

>in space you don't weigh anything
Um, actually...

Last I checked, he has a job doing art and animations for some company

At least get the date right.

He's working on a Lord Dominator animation right now, apparently. His last proper animation was the Ghostbusters one in late 2016 or 2017, I believe. He's done a few short animated loops since then.
Working slow, but still working evidently.


I hope the next season of Build Fighters is okay at least.

Attached: best girls.jpg (566x800, 134K)

No just being held captive for the res of there lives.

Last I recall Zone does animations for Skullgirls and Lab Zero.

I'm only half paying attention, but I think they're being used as political pawns because they are Zeon royalty, so they are trying to escape to a neutral party


He's been working on some kind of lord dominator animation according to his website.

Dammit this cute

stop that girl from talking

Yeah, the Dabis want them out of the way. I've not watched all or even most of Gundam, but this seems like a spacenoid internal conflict.

Yes they're in danger of assassination. The Zabis want to eliminate anyone tied to the Daikuns to eliminate any rivals.

The last thing they want is some survivors of the Daikun family going on a revenge tour or organizing an uprising against them as the "Legitimate" rules of Side 3.

From what I gather, the kids were supposed to be promised to red hair chick for some reason and yellow hair chick, I guess, wants them to be free? Or under her people's control?
Away from red hair chick, at least.

What's the point of having your space colony be like down the road from Earth

As a first responder if the tank doesn't yield to signs/request to stop you are able to railroad it to get it to stop or open fire especially if it already cause damage to the public.

Webm'd the titty scene from OVA

I only watched the first season I couldn't get into Tri

Why can't Kycilia be real and marry me

This a chain smoker singing?

>missed Kycilia tits
Anyone have a picture?

he streams on twitch

Is DeMarco really going to keep MHA at the back of the block until it's over?

did they sneak some nipple in that ed?

So why the witch outfit?

Oh wow it's an updated version of this song
>Yes my sweet, yes my sweetest

Attached: fcaa91661fe26b9f376c43f5889ddb7.jpg (850x1202, 119K)

Build fighters was great.
Try was bad.
Divers was Ok.

fuckin spaceys always causing trouble and fighting all the time

sprite ads getting worse


wow its literally nothing

Attached: 1356240797040.jpg (137x130, 11K)


>Western hentai artist now has legit job as an animator
Sometimes life is alright

Attached: 1531051056784.png (872x632, 117K)


I dont.

Haven't they only just begun making colonies possible? Probably too much time to go further from the earth.

>Was confused, trying to figure out what show was left in the block
>Forgot My Hero Academia got moved to the end

Attached: Gonna need more laughing girls for this.gif (1262x1239, 2.99M)


Attached: 1492188761549.jpg (940x800, 611K)

Yeah I know, just go along with it.

You made the right choice Try was ass. Divers was okay,

Attached: a98aa79aef43de4aff07b197ca698d57.jpg (800x900, 499K)

That might be hot if she didn't look like the biggest dyke.

that sucks though


Kycilia kind of has a man face
no wonder she starts wearing that mask to hide her face

Tonight is a special episode!
It takes place before the event of the My Hero Academia Movie: Two Heroes
It takes place before the training camp arc!
Be sure to watch it afterwards for the full experience!

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Boku no Hero Academia - 58 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_00.02_[2019.07.14_02.26.35].jpg (1920x1080, 256K)

i dont normally save Mako images because the object of her repressed affection is so much better, but dot dot dot

13 year old boy is a newtype.

It's time

Attached: 1547454591814.jpg (800x916, 79K)

That was actually kind of sweet. So far not much going for it, but it's a bit relaxing. 30 minutes left, you guys ready to end it with heroes?

Attached: 1551605164896.jpg (1200x675, 89K)

One more thing to webm. But not right now.

Says you

The theme of today's episode is love


Do not underestimate his pettiness.

It's only got like half a dozen eps left anyway right?

>Your favorite superhero has their series moved to the last show of the block
Do they have enough popularity to survive?

Attached: Moon Knight 6.jpg (2048x1152, 1.98M)

>Be a military officer
>Train all for years to get good at piloting/using a heavy weapon of war
>Some 13-15 year old accidentally hops in and starts killing all your comrades
>Now he has a hot princess girlfriend or some idol princess girlfriend or a harem of girls
>Said 13-15 year old is now the face of your government/military and promoting peace
How are military officers especially older ones not seething in the Gundam universe?


Time for heroes, I guess, I didn't even watch this filler when it came out

Attached: bless me bagpipes.png (680x368, 440K)

But why

>airing an ad for a movie that is never going to air on TV

Attached: 1427011295389.jpg (242x277, 21K)

Kinda useless besides keeping myself alive

Hwat the fuck?

>Probably too much time to go further from the earth
For the colony itself, not really. It only takes like 6 months to get out to Mars orbit.
More likely they built it in Earth's orbit to facilitate shipping of stuff. There's not really a reason NOT to have it close to Earth, if the main objective is just having more space. Space is really empty.

Honestly seems like it could be from the show.

Attached: Alpha Legion.jpg (467x488, 43K)

Chadsta>Virgin Deku

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Wait that old witch was his wife, not the sexy blonde milf? I hope the wikia is mistaken.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-14-03-30-38-1.png (342x781, 122K)

Wish we has gotten the OVA with the guy who can make zombies.


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This episode is part of the whole package for this season, so they have to air it or else they burn money the payed.

>All Might with white eyes

Newtypes nigga, newtypes

MHA has the best filler.

I don't think any of them actually trained very much to pilot the mechs yet
mechs were mostly used for space mining and shit and only recently started getting retrofitted for war. So the tactics of war haven't completely shifted to a focus on mecha fights just yet

Space station, not planet. But yeah that's the gist. Their dad was a demagogue / revolutionary political leader for a colonial government in the space station, but a powerful political dynasty called the Zabi family found him inconvenient because he wielded so much personal power and influence outside the institutions they controlled. So they had him assassinated. Because of the religious way Zeon's followers revere Deikun, his children would also be a threat to Zabi supremacy, so they were planning to isolate them and eventually murder them, probably in a way that either looked natural (the way they poisoned Deikun) or could be blamed on the Federation or other enemies they could whip up the mob against.

Basically the Zabi family are planning on setting themselves up as the undisputed rulers of Zeon and the kids are a roadblock that has to be removed for it to happen.

Attached: 1451686682374.jpg (400x353, 20K)

>I seriously cannot follow the political situation in this show, i really should have actually watched it properly instead of splitting my attention
Don't worry, I've been paying full attention and have about as much understanding. This show just skipped its first six episodes or something.

funny that the Zabis win in the end, according to Unicorn

you are a good person, just keep on living your best dream desu. ashiteru

It's a prequel so it sort of assumes you're familiar with the basic politics of gundam and doesn't bother to explain it. You can roughly figure out what's going on just by watching though.

Please don't kill yourself.

Tayuya smells bad


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