I have just finished watching 3Below, it seems a lot shorter than trollhunters was, i enjoyed it, however, and since the ending, i have hopes in a good trilogy ending
He is a Wizard, Isn't he?
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The character literally wouldn't have a point if it wasn't setting up Wizards.
I'm on episode 11
Rip momma
I think so too. I mean it's pretty obvious if you think about it.
Makes sense, he's one of the few non-recolored models. You don't create a unique model for nothing.
Speaking of 3Below this romance would've made way more sense if there was actual build up for it, ditch the Gwen of Gorbon episode plot for Aja on a date and wanting everything to be exciting space stuff and Krel connecting with Mary over mundane earth stuff.
and the image right this time
His "cameo" in this is so awkwardly placed
It was intentional.
>Asks Aja if she wants him to to make a prediction by reading her palm.
>Aja is too busy chasing after Luug.
>Next scene is Krel telling Aja that he can't predict where Luug is going to teleport next with his science.
They are mocking us.
>Turns out his New Age store is next to hers.
Sorry for doubting you all I guess she will have a bigger role in Wizards
Steve's show
Steve is seriously the black horse of this franchise. Such great character development.
In terms of the core cast, how is Wizards going to work? Will it start with Trollhunters, Aliens & Wizards teaming up in episode 1 or perhaps Season 1 is first going to focus primarily on a new set of characters? Then Season 2 could bring back Hunters & Aliens.
Pretty sure it will be the latter. Season 2 will be intro's, and probably monster of the week episodes, with an overall maguffin gathering plot.
I think they were holding hands in one scene.
They were at the end. The only romance hints were them holding hands and her staring longingly at Krel during the home movie both in the final episode.
From jerkass bully to jerkass rival to jerkass teammate with a soft side and background drama.
Sucks they split Aja and Steve at the end. Long distance relationship never work
I don’t think they set him up well enough. Aja and Krel had a whole episode focusing on them in Trollhunters. This Wizard guy just makes random cameos.
Who would’ve guessed the cliche bully character would get to have all this character growth and focus? I’m more interested in what’s going to happen with Steve in Wizards than the supposed main character. Maybe he’ll get a weapons upgrade, and maybe even learn a magic spell or two.
They could’ve definitely fleshed that relationship more. Mary couldn’t even get Krel’s name right in the previous episode.
So... ar they gonna fuck?
Can we talk about how awesome it was that Jake KO'ed Steve in Trollhunters?
A kid standing up to a bully is one thing, but you almost never see a bully get punched out by their victim.
like hulk and black widow in that one webm
Really? I feel like it happens fairly often...when the one being bullied is the main character
He's kinda cute
eh I dont buy it
am I the only who tought they would kiss in alot of scenes?
you can tell this was suposed to be 2 seasons
unless you have a literal teleporter
They got kinda close
I have to assume Marry was just being sympathetical cuz her and Krell have built up for this
What is this talk about a trilogy? There's 3 CGI cartoon shows which share the same world?
You think they can make a small one say that can put a hand or something else.
that would be a really akward request Steve would to make to Krell
We'll probably find out if its an actual relationship during Wizards.
I'm honestly hoping we also get Krel as an unpaid intern at the military base doing superscience now that the guy is probably in charge.
Yep, its called Tales of Arcadia. Trollhunters was the first one and ran for three seasons. 3below just came out and ran for two. Wizards is third and final season coming out later this year.
yeap. Trollhunters, 3below and Wizards all take place in te same universe, even sharing the same characters and locations
I dont see him and Mary working, but then again Steve and Aja. I would like to see how they would work it out but I doubt they would focus ib Krell relationship in wizards
wizards will be only 1 season?
not gonna lie, thats hot
I would like to see the conversation after they found out they wouldnt die
What episode was this? When I speed ran this, I got kinda drunk in the middle and I don't remember this.
Definitely not focus but assumedly we are gonna be back in school next season and can just get bits like Darci and Toby get to confirm it.
>You know, I've never had sex before either
Meteor episode, neither wanted to doe kissless.
Yeah, but I'd love to see that conversation especially with Steve being awkward and everything flying over Krel's head.
episode 7, around the 14 minutes mark
Thanks. It was definitely around that time I started to drift asleep. I finished it next day.
I hope these concepts become comics one day
ops, third one was supposed to be
Literally goth Haruto
I dont think I'll like magic guy, his personality is like a lightly stoned.
I wish Jim was in this season, they could even had helped with his troll transformation, also stone dick
they set him up pretty well for him being a character in the third series. granted it was kind of obvious he would be relevant somehow in trollhunters.
What cha talking about, he was in this season, fighting a scary dude
that was sneak peak into the next season, I meant being part of the plot or just joining the final fight. I forgot, do their undeground flintsones cars still work?
Arcadia is literally the kirlian frequency right now
good comparison considering the town and the direction it's taking with all this weird stuff.
Season 1 will probably be like Season 1 of 3Below, with it being a "here's what they were doing in the middle of the past two shows"
a shame these series arent more popular
>be wizard
>have magic powers
>proceeds to hit troll with a chair
I wanna see they explain that one
This bit made me ship them.
Eli better come back to Arcadia with a hot alien gf or bf
Really like how they kept that gag going. Even him calling it "Tokyo drift"
I love how at the end Steve wasn't even questioning talking cat preaching some new "the end of the world is at hand" shit, just straight up annoyed that it was happening, again, right after they just got done dealing with the last batch of bullshit and him losing his best bro and girlfriend in the same day.
I know some people were shipping him with Krel but that was probably a "pair the spares" type of situation after Steve got some alien poontang.
How come we never saw Jim have sex with his mom?
We all know they did it. It's obvious after watching them talk for 5 minutes, seeing just how much sexual tension there is between them.
since we talking shipping, I was shipping Eli with Mary, thou I never believed it would happen, side note, Eli is officially the most shippable character
That's actually really cool. I wish more shows did it like this.
cuz she cant handle the stone dong, RIP Claire
That part was funny when Toby called Eli to talk to Steve. Eli response was that they were both creep slayers and not boyfriends.
What are you talking about. She's getting plenty of stone dicking from Strickler
>Knock out hazmat guard
>Try stuffing him in a locker out of habit
I love this boy
is he made of stone? he looks kinda soft
To be fair until Steve hooked up with Aja I assumed that's the route they were heading towards.
So is Eli going to bang thicc mommy alien or what?
she was way better this season, too bad she never got an human form. I feel like they should had at least 3 seasons
The real tragedy of this season was no human form Zadra.
Personally I think he's either going to be geeking out so hard he doesn't care or he's going to end up doing Captian Kirk, Commander Shepard, and Zapp Brannigan proud.
dubs speak true
I was legit expecting one too. I guess there's always wizards...
I was really worried they were going to do a Stuart/Zadra thing after the season 1 finale. Boy am I relieved they didn't, Zadra deserves better.
Maybe he doesn't have magic powers for one reason or another. Like how merlin lost some of his power maybe Duxce lost all of his.
Yeah Zadra is for Izita
Are those things that Jim was fighting the new final boss for the wizards show?
So is there any explanation what the Gaylord final boss?? They said he was from Earth after all
No idea it possible, maybe Wizards will be the various MC's slowly getting together with each battling minions of the big bads
Really? Looks woody to me.
There's a snake in my boot!
I feel bad for pink hair chick, shell probably have to deal with this guy
Probably his old cock sleeve. I'm assuming they're going to be 1,000 year old bullshit age.
nah, if she was that old Merlin wouldn care for her. He was drooling over Claire but was indifferent to Jims mom
Didn't Merlin get trap underground by an apprentice he was trying to bang in that Arthur stories?
Maybe she has something to do with it.
>yfw "I gather this would make a good bedtime story one day"
Pretty sure that Apprentice was Morgana, if not inthe original then a retelling.
>Why does everything end at the bridge?!? There's no production value, we're reusing the same location
Will Steve get all this focus in Wizards?
I don't think so right
Im more worried the wizard girl will fall in love with Steve, I mean just look at him
>breaking up the creepslayerz duo
They're the only reason I watch 3below. Wizards won't be as fun now.
As cool as it is that this series is a trilogy, I can’t help but feel this is a cheap tactic to reuse as many character assets and location as they can to save money.
That was pretty odd, especially since Krel is staying on Earth and considered Eli one of his best friends.
But I’m hoping this means Steve will manage to get more focus, and at least become more useful in a fight. I don’t feel the “main” characters they’re trying to set up for Wizards are as fleshed out. And at this point, Steve’s adventure throughout all of this has become more enthralling (who would’ve guessed?).
Im not feeling wizard guy but we got alost nothing of pink haired girl, maybe shes good, they may also tweak wizard guy personality is the series like they did with Aja and Krell
reminder that Merlin did nothing wrong, Jim was some weak as fuck Trollhunter, and he needed a power up.
what he needed were UV lights and Merlin did him dirty
>the amulet chose you because you are human, now stop being human
but is the writers blame realy
I watched it to see Steve waifuing the alien princess.
Still annoyed that the BROTHER stayed but the qt alien girl didn't, goddammit what the hell
How does the "monarchy" arms thing works? They say several times the fact that the four arms are a signal of being a member of the royal family, Are both parents of blue blood? The fact that they both died to destroy blue bad boy indicates that is a clear difference between a normal Akiridian and a Royal Akiridian, how does that work?
I don't know why everybody was being so dramatic, it seemed like it was really easy to open a wormhole.
>Eli had a chance to get some alien ass and he ran with it.
Steve is his bro, he understands. Still a bummer mind you.
the King and Queen were siblings just like Aja and Krell, thats how they preserve the royal four armed blood line
Felt bad for Tronos. He had the coolest design and powers and even helps the heroes in the end only to die like a dog and the heroes never find out about it.
This, what the fuck? The fact that they didn't even acknowledge his death or mention him even by the end made me mad. Why do they have to kill off all the cool characters
If it was that easy Wizards would just end up being about the aliens showing up to kick everyone else's ass in their spaceships, so clearly there is some limit.
>wizards will be only 1 season?
All Netflix shows used to start with a two-season deal. Its contract was drawn way back when so at minimum, two.
Yeah it's a great idea, I only wish it would be done to for a different franchise / world.... like Harry Potter or Pokemon.