>the year is 2050
>Comic writers desperately try to come up with a way to make magnetos nazi holocaust focused backstory still make sense despite him having to be 120 years old by the present day
What do you do?
>the year is 2050
>Comic writers desperately try to come up with a way to make magnetos nazi holocaust focused backstory still make sense despite him having to be 120 years old by the present day
What do you do?
Make it set during 2019, and the concentration camps are jails on the Mexican border.
Orange Man bad.
Unironically this.
Just a make a retcon that Super-Nazis used im and some other jews as guinea pigs to make knock off Infinity Formula, and now he's an unaging Jew.
Or just keep deaging him.
It's not like anyone will forget the Holocaust any time soon.
Make him Palestinian.
The classic:
Make him old and then make a shitty event in which he becomes young.
IDk, I haven't had my 6 gorillianth Holocaust reminder today.
Seriously they have this down to a science
Would a Bosnian Magneto work in the far future? If so, how would you write it?
His mutation slows his aging because magnets.
magneto is immortal because of magnets n shit, there.
Call me kooky, but I'm not so sure Marvel turning a character into an eternal Jew would go over so well.
Are you implying jews won't still be crying muh hollow cost and "I vus in ze camps you know!" 30 years from now?
He has been deaged twice he's no older than anyone else he just has white hair
done twice to him already. Might as well rinse and repeat
Explain the """sliding timescale""" to me
the timescale slides
Jews have plenty of persecution events throughout history, so many that the "paranoia" and "neuroticism" they are stereotyped to have is considered a complex by a lot of people. These events span from the group's early history until very recently.
If you want to gussy up Magneto for the modern age, make him come from a non-european group of jews like the sephardis or the mizrahis that had issues of expulsion and persecution in middle eastern countries from the 1930s until the 1980s, or a Jew who simply remembers his history and will not let his group be marginalized again to the point of extremism.
Time from the perspective of the characters moves more slowly as to keep characters hovering next to a recognizable status quo while also staying within a modern context. For instance despite being roughly 50 years, only about 15 years have passed from the time Spider-man was bitten. It becomes more awkward when characters become tied to timelocked events and the fact that it's not consistent for most characters.
Nazi experiment sends him into the future.
It's unironically best explained in Doomsday Clock.
That explains nothing.
Look, the sliding timescale means it's logically unfeasible for a character who is X years old to have experienced a set of events (both in-universe and IRL) while at being the age they are. People like Batman have over 70 years' worth of stories involving them but they're only in their 40s at most. This is exacerbated by cape comics' refusal to let characters grow, evolve, and most importantly, age. So now we're stuck in an infinite loop of older events being either retconned away or preserved as canon despite the inconsistency. This is why writers hate child characters and either get rid of them or age up them instantaneously to avoid dealing with the problem their existence poses, because an adult being an adult for decades is either to ignore than a child doing same.
*easier to ignore, whoops.
>the year is 2050
>the Big Two are dead
Make him Bosnian or a victim of whatever future atrocity that happens in the near future from now.
He was a child prisoner at Genosha as a kid. Change the Jewish Holocaust into a Mutant Holocaust.
You're basically saying Disney will die by 2050. That's a pretty lofty claim.
And this is a good thing.
Not disagreeing, but I find it difficult to see, barring a massive antitrust fuck-up.
just make him an ethipian jew in israel
After the war, Magneto (and possibly Magda if we want to make the Maximoff twins the children of Magneto again) somehow got into a time vortex that sent them a couple of decades into the future. There.
Have him be a survivor of a muslim concentration camp, from a balkan war. They fucking hate jews but the media won't tell you that.
would you even need to say he has formula? just make being really old one of his powers.
Eventually make Magneto a legacy character, give him a long-lost identical son with the same powers.
He used his magnetic powers to transfer his consciousness into the body of a young "alt right neo-nazi" as revenge.
he got frozen in 1970 and woke up in 2033
Make magneto a persecuted holocaust denier instead of a holocost victim.
It's honestly worse, knowing something didnt exist.
>the year is 2050
>Comic writers desperately try to come up with a way to explain how Peggy Carter could have still been alive after Steve had been unfrozen despite her having to have been over 120 years old by the time that happened.
You are a Retard
Or if I was a Jewish writer, make him a palastinian death camp survivor. Or an Egyptian death camp survivor, or an Iranian death camp survivor. Or make him Mexican and be an American death camp survivor. Or make him Muslim and be a Chinese death camp survivor, or make him Chinese and be a Chinese death camp survivor.
Really there's no limit.
Have him die off of old age, and create new characters.
Have most of the other X-Men characters die off and create new characters.
Have most comic book characters die off and create new characters.
Create a whole new universe with subtle nods here and there, but otherwise completely independent.
Create new super heroes with new powers, and deviate from the norm.
Write stories that aren't entirely cape-based.
Make death permanent.
Hell, even if it means losing my boy Frank Castle.
Create new, original characters.
If fucking Japs can do it, why can't we?
Jewisney wont
>Blaming Disney on the Jews
Come on man, the Chinks are behind this one.
Just make it an anti-mutant concentration camp
>Alt universe where Magneto was a survivor of the Rape of Nanking
>"My country" was taken over by "a brutal regime" and "my people" were persecuted.
Just keep it vague.
This, or just ignore that he's Jewish since the holocaust is a boax.
kek, this is good. he'd do it too.
>Changing the ethnicity of the Jewish character.
Oy vey, goyim. Why are you trying to erase the history of God's chosen people?
You aren't a holocaust denier, are you?
You established that there was a nazi resurgence in the 2010+ and Magneto is a survivor from those times. Everyone interested will make search and probably find news articles about it confirming the story.
This is piss easy:
Magneto is used at a young age as a Nazi experiment to fuel a super bomb and was basically Zemo’s trump card against the allies. He’s basically inside a giant dynamo pumped full of chemicals.
Cap intervenes and the plane falls in the Ocean waters splitting in several pieces. Cap stayed in the cock pit while the cargo bay drifted separately.
Magneto is found decades before Cap and starts his thing so he matures into his 40/50s.
Cap awakens in present day.
>Magneto dies of old age
>Slightly younger magneto jumps out from behind a tree
>"He was an imposter all along! I am the REAL Magneto."
>The real magneto's backstory isn't explored for several more decades, offloading the problem onto future writers
Whoever drew that batwank is a retard glove only works in one universe
I swear to god if they do this and he isn't just shotabait for Mystique
>Hydra cryogenically froze him to try to make him do missions for them years later
>One of his mutant powers is longevity
>What do you do?
Use his powers to gain agelessness. Problem solved.
Slow aging is his secondary mutation.
It's not like the world is fresh out of genocides for him to have grown up in if marvel wanted to update him. He could easily be Bosnian or Rwandan.
Everything in the characters' story happened, but instead of happening in a specific year, it happened x years ago. Is something is anchored to a real world event, at some point it'll be anchored to a more recent real world event (Vietnam war -> Iraq war).
Aren't mutants naturally longer lived then humans any way?
Before he was paralyzed, Charles was shown to be naturally more athletic and healthier then most humans.
It explains how it looks from the outside
>The year is 2098
>Comic writers desperately try to come up with a way to explain how current marvel timeline turns into Marvel 2099 timeline in a year.
you're not ready yet
go back
>The year is 2020
>Dan Slott gets to explain how Iron Man 2020 make sense anymore
magneto is literally muntant version of Hitler
funny how Hitler was also a jew
Look at the X-Men. The first team was formed in the 60s. They were teens back then. Now, 50+ years later they should be closing to 70 years old. They're still in their... 30s?
Yet when O5 are brought from the past they come from the 60s.
The time is moving, dates are going forward but the age of superheroes are staying in place. Unless the plot demands it.
Or sometimes it's retconned, like Tony Stark building his first armor originally in Vietnam was later changed to Afghanistan.
Sometimes it leads to silly stuff, like New 52 Batman when he was Batman for 5 years, but he already had 4 Robins, Dick became Nightwing, Jason got killed and resurrected, Damian being like 10 years old or whatever....
I thought New 52 Batman was a little more seasoned than that.
>the holocaust is a boax
>implying it's easy to get away with denying the Holocaust if Jews are out of the equation
>what are the Polish and Roma folk who fled/persecuted out of the Nazis getting their "Lebensraum"
Are you that faggot that was posting thread after thread on /pol/?
Back to your tranny discord.
Everything happened within the past x years.
So cap was frozen for 74 years and not like 20 years if marvel rebooted captain America
not really. they've placed a ton of high stakes bets and it's an open question whether it'll pay off. they've gobbled up these well established ips because they don't have to widely market them, because people are waiting on the edge of their seats for new content from them. that got everyone in the theater door for force awakens for example, but after seeing what they've done to sw, most people didn't come back for tlj and it flopped in comparison.
to think that they couldn't accomplish the same with a couple of shitty, sjw pandering capeshit movies is just ignorant.
the polish dislike the jews to the point of self harm user and shitting on gypsies is perfectly acceptable virtually anywhere you go
No one cares that some conniving faggot gypsies died.
There are countless genocide throughout history. Just make magneto a survivor of the bosnian genocide
Well ya because it's a religion that tries to integrate into a country but refuses to adopt their culture
Jews will always be persecuted until the finally stop following their outdated religion
OK there is a good page in Doomsday Clock- fine I admit it.
The basic idea behind it still sucks though and I hate it.
Shut up retard/
Have sex
He's already had his body deaged and rebuilt " in his prime" twice in canon
Once during that weird time he got turned into a baby in The Defenders and later The High Evolutionary did it. He's not supposed to be old anymore, he just has white hair
instead make magneto a neckbearded incel that reeeeees about jews all day on Laotian shadow puppet forums
Cheer up, Bosnian mutie.
Naw. They'll just hire a Jewish writer and he'll say that having a border and locking up criminals who break the law to cross it is akin to Hitler goind around rounding up citizens and locking up Jews in their own country. It will be heralded as a reminder of the Holocaust and how we need to learn to open our borders or we are literally Hitler. You know, all while Israel continues to expand its borders, put up walls, create long lines in fenced off detention centers, and lock up people in in their own homeland.
How dare you critisize the policy of the state of Israel. Are you some kind of Trump loving alt right Nazi?!
Remember when he had long hair and call3d himself Joeseph? Holy shit 90s comics were a fucking mess. Oh yeah. Then he went by the name of Xorn but then Xorn turned out to be a Chinese mutant who was... Ugh. Fuck comics.
remember that your publisher stopped existing around the time society disbanded into skirmishing factions desperately fighting for control of the last remaining sources of drinkable water and maggot farms?
The funny thing is that originally Magneto was just a Polish mutant Who survived the Nazi Regime and at best he was only vaguely hinted to be Jewish. He only got the full kosher rework in the mid to late 90s. This is also why Jews rub Poles the wrong way, Poland was just as much a victim but Jews have made it look like they were the only person affected by the Nazis/Death Camps with their 6 million preaching. Honestly I believe Jews died but the hyperbole of how many were killed is why people start denying it. Probably Half a mil at best because 6 million Jews dying is literally the average population of all of Israel. The Nazis may have had some good tech but they weren’t that efficient nor do I think that there were that many Jews within Nazi controlled areas.
No need, a proud gay woman of colour would be a new Magneto