I am unironically so fucking hype for this movie.
I've watched the trailer, and trailer analysis, so many fucking times. I can't wait for Joker to tell me how capitalism make society bad.
I am unironically so fucking hype for this movie
Other urls found in this thread:
Just read the script lamo
>just ruin the movie for yourself so you can't enjoy it LOL
So i am. Fuck capitalism, fuck society, fuck the justice system, fuck western women, fuck this world.
Long live violence, anarchy, video games, KMFDM, gamers, comic books and mayhen and destruction.
It's not about capitalism. It's about the darkness in man's hearts ruining good men.
If you look at the signs the honklers are carrying in the trailer, it's all very anti-capitalism/anti-1%.
thats what the society wants you to believe
What will the movie be about?
its about living in a society
its about bottom text
How many attempted theater shootings across the country will there be Yea Forums?
Why are zoomers so stupid?
it's actually about a guy manipulating anti-capitalist faggots for his own agenda so get pwnd cuckface
I’m honestly excited just to see the Joker’s backstory, and how Joaquin Phoenix does on this roll.
Years ago that is how used to imagine Yea Forums was before i had the guts to come here.
Now i'm stuck in here.
Who cares? Marvelfags are seething anyway.
If he doesn't say we live in a society, this movie is a waste of time.
More like crapitalism
THis is the face of imageboard in 2019.Time have changed