What kinda bullshit quantum physics reason do you think jimmy gave cindy for never using a condom

What kinda bullshit quantum physics reason do you think jimmy gave cindy for never using a condom

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>Jimmy, do you have a rubber?
>You mean a Isobutylene/isoprene copolymer?

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If she got pregnant future Jimmy would just make a time machine and go back in time to stop them. If he doesn't show up that means she doesn't get pregnant.

>Jimmy you blockhead, I'm pregnant!

fucking hell I heard it in his voice

gotta blast

>Don't you mean a multicellular diploid eukaryotic organism in early stages of development?

Don't need to Skeet

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Condoms? Humans have evolved past the need for such things? I believe it is called a “pull out” technique.

I don't know, Carl was loudly singing about space or some shit while he was explaining


Reminder these two switched bodies, and couldn't switch back. So Jimmy just brainwashed himself into believing he was Cindy and Cindy into believing she was him and they never actually resolved that plot.



Technically that’s not accurate

>The condom is aggressive

abortions without Cindy even knowing it

I rewatched the series recently and damn, Jimmy's mom was really hot. She needs more art.

Don't you have a llama thread on /an/ to stalk, Carl?

What episode

Potayto, potahto. Most people's conceptions of persistence of identity aren't built to handle situations like that, so people tend to disagree about nominal claims without disagreeing about the underlying mechanics.

Don't you mean Good morning to you! Good morning to you! We're all in our places! With sun-shiny O-faces

10 years in the future, Cindy gets pregnant, but Jimmy doesn't want to have children, he wants to focus on his inventions, but Cindy refuses abortion. He ends up shrink himself and his buddies and sneak inside Cindy's womb to kill a baby. He finds out even though the fetus is very small, he is already self aware and a genious, Fetus is excited to see his dad, thinks that he came over to visit him. They encounter an evil virus trying to take over Cindy's body, so together they fight against it and Fetus ends up sacrificing himself to save his mom and his dad. After Jimmy gets out of her body, he realises how much he loved his unborn child and convinces Cindy to have a baby.

Season 1, episode 7B, "Trading Faces"

Started out sounding like a Rick and Morty episode, ended up pretty wholesome.

>Cindy, just picture it.
>Kids with your looks and your brains and my brains.
>I can't NOT knock you up. It just wouldn't be right.

Oh no, Cindy is pregnant. Goddard! Options!

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Option 1: Prepare the Milk Trucks.

I forgot what a chad dog Goddard was.

Inability to think ahead of consequences.

Pretty much every problem he causes is because of that.

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That mole on her cheek really does it for me.


He'd just engineer some sperm eating micro-organism to keep in her vagina.
But then something would go wrong and the organisms would grow too hungry for cum and grow too powerful, until it started to influence Cindy's body, and her behavior. She'd develop an increasing craving for cum herself and start pursuing it where ever she could get it, with more and more ferocity, and Jimmy and his friends would have to try and capture her while she's out of control so Jimmy can fix this. They try to use Carl as bait but it doesn't work because no one would ever want Carl's cum.

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fucking kek

This was a pretty solid show.Cant think of much to be critical about.

But what about the girl, your making her feel good than shock her like that.

fucking lost it

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fucking hell

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>she holds you by wrapping her legs up to you

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>Don't worry about it Cindy, after all the experiments of mine you've been exposed to over the years, your eggs are more scrambled than Sheen's brain or Carl's libido.


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Realistically, what's the difference between Jimmy's body given Cindy's memories brainwashed to have Jimmy's memories, and Jimmy? They perfectly moved Cindy's memories and put them into Jimmy's brain after all, and it's not like they physically moved anything. It'd be no different than loading all of the shit on your computer onto a bigass thumbdrive, moving it to a different computer, and then moving it back.

>implying any woman can hold me
>implying any woman would ever want to hold me

wasn't there also an episode about giant lima beans trying to kill carl, and also one about an evil pizza? I swear to god this entire show was just a fever dream to me.

that's why doggy is best
no dirty tricks

Cindy looks like the type to want to get knocked up. I know she'd probably want to pursue some business career but she'd be begging to get nutted inside.

Time to blow sum benzoylmethylecgonine, skeet!

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>FBI, CIA, and Nation Guard forces, as well as local SWAT teams surround the Neutron residence. The gas the interior and break through windows, break down the doors, and proceed into the basement
>many are cut down by the automated defenses recently installed in the lab, but they push forward
>they finally manage to force themselves into the main control room
>Jimmy Neutron stands in front of the blast doors leading to the warhead storage
>"hold up there guys, you wouldn't want me to push this button, wouldja? One little press, and ballistic missile carrying the nuclear MIRV launches, and 10 minutes later, Guangdong gets reduced to a flaming, radioactive crater
>all of the men present knew exactly the situation
>as one of the officers tries to negotiate with Jimmy, he begins spouting off about his nihilistic philosophy, refers to life as "the worst accident in the history of creation" and refers to himself as god multiple times, before pressing the button, beginning the thermonuclear war that would wipe out all life on earth

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>Cant think of much to be critical about.

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Jimmy explained how this works, don't make me spoonfeed you

>Jimmy explained how this works
yeah, in your headcanon

fucking retard

fuck off Carl


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That's why I have my Counter-Attack set to Headbutt.
Just in case.


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I read it in his voice lmao

And the answer is animating their heads into helmets.

Also Jimmy's hair flaps in the space wind

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>Don't need one Cindy, I memorized your menstrual cycle in my head.

pretty sure their eventual sex life must be utterly amazing
he actually cares enough about her to set his mind to optimizing sex
and sure occasionally something will go wrong but the times it goes right, dear god is it going to go right

I dunno about that man, Jimmy is the definition of an absentminded genius. He's too focused on minutia, can't see the big picture, and can neglect people's feelings. That's not a good recipe for sex, it's a recipe for obliviousness and a disappointed partner. He'd probably use statistics to insist hat Cindy had to have climaxed rather than actually please her.

I’m sad we never got that Cindy endgame season. This show was way better than it had any right to be.

My fucking sides!


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>This isn't how sex works, Nerdtron...
>Nonsense! I've done extensive research-
>Hentai does not count as research!

Don’t need to SNEED

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Oh fuck.

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Put me in the screencap.

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smug jimmy rustles my Jimmys

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this thread has been a rollercoaster so far


Both of those happened, I can’t remember what supernatural powers the pizza possessed but the lima bean episode was treated like a horror movie.


>He'd probably use statistics to insist hat Cindy had to have climaxed rather than actually please her.
Nah, you're on the right track but I think it's more like he is going to just electrocute random parts of her hoohah to maximise the pleasure signal while not actually being good sex.

Or just pump her with drugs.
Or put her in a VR simulator of Perfect Jimmy(TM) because he needs a distraction while he tries to win a local science fair and doesn't understand why she cares about him actually being a part of it.

The pizzas were a result of a sleepover machine Jimmy made that told horror stories and could make endless pizza. Carl broke it and made the pizzas scary.

>I read it in their voices

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>that episode with the evil AU where everyone was acting malicious and spiteful towards each other and that represents being happy or normal
What the fuck even was this show at times.

le epic mass (you)s are cancer but god fucking damn it you earned this one

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Didn't that whole thing turn out to be a dream within a dream and the dreamer was the pizza all along or something? I remember it having a weird ending.


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Were all here shitposting and laughing but the sad reality was that Jimmy and Cindy's relationship was too OP that there was an episode where they tore them apart because of it

>That episode where Jimmy and Cindy's fetishes were most likely switched because their friends didn't know who it belonged too

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You don't say.

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>we will never get the darker, more mature season 4

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isnt this getting a sequel movie

The question is, will modern day improvements to CGI quality make it better, or worse?

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You mean this:

Depends on how they go about the character animation. In Jimmy Neutron the animation is actually pretty nice for tv, and doesn't look like a horrific nightmare like Butt Ugly Martians because they put more care into the movement rather than realistic rendering


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what the fuck i read it in his voice

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>Its a gender wars episode designed to take advantage of child sexuality to make boys think they're equal to women

holy shit the voice

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>Depends on how they go about the character animation. In Jimmy Neutron the animation is actually pretty nice for tv, and doesn't look like a horrific nightmare like Butt Ugly Martians because they put more care into the movement rather than realistic rendering


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Extremely based


Yeah but it’s still Jimmy’s brain inside Jimmy’s body.

In fact, you could say that the switch itself was the same shit as the solution.

Realistic rendering would send it to uncanny valley real quick

I’m in an argument with some friends about the never ending Jimmy and Skeet debate. You was the victim in the situation.

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Then I give in and fill her up completely because that's my favorite thing in the world.