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Do you share this view?
Hunter Rogers
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Colton Turner
No, memes don't have a place in my headspace.
Alexander King
I didnt watch a single episode of Jimmy because it looked like pure unfiltered shit
Angel Fisher
The 'soul'/'soulless' dichotomy is meaningless internet buzzwordery, a line drawn in the sand by unimaginative nerds between what feels authentic and nostalgic and everything else
You are a faggot
Kevin Perez
This, never had any desire to watch and still don't
Jose Hall
Jimmy wasn't as good as Dexter but I still enjoyed it a lot.
Aaron Taylor
Dexter is literally the most bland and soulless show
Jimmy neutron has actual world building
Landon Wood
Jimmy neutron was fucking shit, i knew it even as a child, the only redeeming quality of this burning cesspool is that the shit was so horrendous it actually has meme potential in our actual society, also if you liked it unironically please reconsider your whole life
Alexander Morales
Yeah this. It's only remember now for the memes.
Adam Ramirez
Jimmy Neutron was never laugh out loud funny or as clever in the writing as Dexter's Lab, but it had enough effort put into it to be called a decent show.
Joshua Smith
Season 3 and 4 of Dexters Lab is an entirely different show. Also Jimmy Neutron ran for too long.
Isaiah Johnson
>Dexter is literally the most bland and soulless show
You couldnt sound like more of a faggot if you tried.
Aiden Phillips
Do you share this view?
Joseph Gonzalez
Jimmy Neutron was the worst character in his own show
Gabriel Reed
Dexter's Lab was better (at least the first 2 seasons), but Jimmy Neutron was still a fun series in its own right (and was on average better than the later seasons of Dexter's Lab)
Jose Price
Extremely low IQ posts.
Lucas Cooper
Jimmy Neutron had more Soul. tfw you sit on a banana
Levi Reed
Jimmy had Hugh Neutron so you're wrong
Carter Evans
the pizza is agressive
Dylan Gray
Julian Morgan
Jimmy neutron was really hard to look at. Dexter's lab was better looking, but had less likable characters and the "segment" format was kind of shit.
Brayden Sanchez
Jaxon Allen
All the early CN shows before PPG had that segment format, they Always had a second segment that had shit to do with the original show due to executives like Dial M for Monkey, Jungle Boy and I am Weasel
Gavin Ward
Shut your mouth, zoomer.
Brandon Howard
Anyone who uses the terms "soul/souless" should be taken out into the streets and curbstomped like the fucking faggots they are.
Christopher Taylor
What is with you and people who are younger than you?
Agreed. This meme has become way too overexposed, now it's time to put it to rest.
Jose Watson
Zachary Ward
No Neutron had a lot of soul
James Taylor
soulless posting should be grounds for a permaban
Ethan Hughes
It's a fad.
Andrew Morgan
>jimmy neutron: sodium chloride
>dexter: sodium chloridless
Kayden Cook
Chase Evans
Adam Phillips
I'm so glad I'm not the only one who can see the truth. I love most classics, but Dexter and Courage were both shit
Juan Reyes
the concept for Jimmy Neutron was made back in the 1980's and had some test screens around the early 90's
Dexter is baby shit compared to Neutron
Elijah Taylor
>dad that looks exactly like father from KND
Lincoln Lewis
>implying Yea Forums has ever been some bastion of civility and worthwhile discussion
Oliver Gutierrez
Mason Parker
They're both based on similar stereotypes.
John Nguyen
I watched both of these along with Johnny Test growing up and loved all of them.
John Murphy
Even in concept it was already shit, why didn’t they just aborted it
Anthony Gonzalez
Yeah, because still frames are better than choreographed animation
Jacob Foster
More like clever vs stupid. Not that stupid cartoons can't work.
Blake Evans
Jason Harris
Chad Jimmy VS Virgin Dexter
Jimmy had developin characters, plotlines, and rewarded people who watched everything.
Jimmy never had season rot like Dexter, where all the revival episodes of Dexter were horse shit
Jimmy had 3 crossovers with FOP and was an amazing at bridging the two universes with funny, timeless jokes
Dexter wasn't even the best part of his own show, that would be Justice Friends
Michael Murphy
Both shows were great
Dexter's lab was funnier though
Charles Hughes
Closest I could find.
Colton Stewart
Both Dexter and Jimmy had soul, and you’re a retard for comparing them.
David Powell
How to identify a zoomer 101
>muh plot
>muh development
Luis King
Dexter was more consistent and had better animation but Jimmy Neutron had a lot of moments that were pure gold, especially anything involving Hugh.
Gabriel Kelly
Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius the movie should've gotten a sequel and then leave it like that. The show ruined Jimmy, Cindy, and Sheen from being likable at all.
Dexter's Lab should've kept the original art style and writers post reboot. At least Spongebob was decent a little after post-movie. Dexter lost it's own soul immediately after season 2.
Ryder Collins
Proof that people only remember JN for the memes
Charles Anderson
Jimmy needs an eventful continuing story instead of random episodes to work. World building was good, but there was no endgame which made the last season feel incomplete. Of all the reboots I'd ask for, I'd take this and MLAATR for nicktoons revival.
Carter Russell
I read your post like it was an ad.
Jonathan Bennett
3DCJ is always better.
Lucas Russell
>I only like it for the memes
Why are you two still alive?
Brody Powell
Dexter seasons 1-2 > Adventures of JN > JN movie > Dexter seasons 3-4
Dexter has higher highs and low as fuck lows but JN was overall consistent. I love both equally but only one can say their dad has always been the muffin king.
The mom looks like Bo Peep
Asher Hall
Both shows are so different (despite the same initial premise) that its hard to argue about the whole 'soul vs souless' thing beyond simple "i liked A more than B" talk.
You should have done og dexter (soul) vs. the later seasons with the art style change (souless)
Levi James
Jimmy Neutron is the definition of soul.
Jaxon Wright
I agree.
Thomas Lopez
The two are very different shows.
The very basics is the Dexter is hiding his laboratory from his parents, but Jimmy does not do this at all, he only does this shit so his inventions can't be stolen or tampered with. Dexter's friends only pop up in some episodes while it's hard to even remember if there's an episode of Jimmy Neutron that didn't have Carl or Sheen for a second since they're at least in 99% of the episodes.
Dexter is somewhat close to Phineas and Ferb except he's actively hiding his shit from his parents, while Jimmy is more about not giving a shit about family unless he's doing some shady ass experiments on them or doing something like running away.
Lucas Rogers
>Love Live