Why is western media so pussified?

Baitish title, I know, but I'm being serious here.

Why the hell is western cartoons so utterly neutered compared to what's done in eastern media?
Like, you have people nowadays bitching because cartoons are getting too "Dark" because they include violence and death, but that's been considered normal kids show stuff for pretty much EVER over in the east.

Compare most little girls shows in the east and the west for example: Sailor moon has people get killed terribly, characters get choked to death, and lots of physical conflict (Kicks, punches, ect.) without being excessive-- Yet anything besides energy blasts is considered HORRIBLE in the west, and even energy blasts are seen as excessive.
Likewise boys media has only recently started having deaths and wounds put in instead of just laser blasts at each other. And even THEN its generally outliers.

Why is the west so utterly different from the east in including violence or death in their media compared to the east? 100%, I think this is the reason that the west has lost, wholely and completely, the battle for children's media and western media is inundated with Anime now: Because Japan isn't such a bunch of pussies in how they make their media.

Attached: eastvswest.jpg (244x207, 14K)

yadda yadda yadda cherrypicking
yadda yadda yadda east vs west threads go back to Yea Forums
yadda yadda 500 replies

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And yet, the cartoon characters would easily beat the anime characters

I'm not an anime fanboy, I just am flummoxed by it; having read a post recently about someone being "Shocked" by catra being choked in She-ra as being too dark, I just can't understand it.

That seems tame and that kind of stuff is found in anime all the time, so why does it seem shocking when western cartoons start doing it?

>Why is the west so different from the east

There. You answered your own question.

Decades of censorship and overprotective parents in the west.

Dedede would. Everyone else would be murdered.

y7 cartoon with mild fantasy violence vs weebshit that has violence all the time, not hard to understand

have a good day and thank you for wasting a thread

Billy and Ed along with Dee Dee are unstoppable

Whiny parents thats why
Courage the Cowardly Dog still beats most of anime

vidya characters would defeat both without problem

that's not how you spell mandy
The "weebshit" is their normal y7 stuff mate.
The west used to be okay with this stuff, look at old comics, like how the FF would burn people alive with the human torch, or batman and superman would kill people.

>Why don't western cartoons have death and violence and stuff
>Uses a show with literally death as a cartoon character
>Uses a show where they just about die or end in disasters every episode
>Uses a show with extreme violence where the characters get raped
Yea Forumsnon fucking lmao

Even Mandy is afraid of Billy when he gets destructive

I'm not reading all of that stupid shit, but
>comparing cartoons aimed primarily at children to anime aimed primarily at adults and teens

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>Courage the Cowardly Dog still beats most of anime
*all of anime

>that's not how you spell mandy
no, he's right. billy, ed and dee dee are natural forces of destruction capable of destroying everything only with their sheer force of stupidity

>The "weebshit" is their normal y7 stuff mate.

Dude, those animes are aimed at kids in japan. What americans view as "Adult" anime is shonen in japan.

>thinking violence matters when you're already desensitized to it
Literally the point of it is to shock people, but it never works when you do it so often.

Anyway, seeing blood will never be as shocking as seeing eddy wake up as an old man and realize his life was wasted

user those are unironically girl anime.

And? Like I pointed out as weird, in the west its considered "Shocking" if girls cartoons have so much as a slight bit of physical contact.

Why is that?

why do people keep saying shonen is aimed at children? its demographic is teens and young adults. Children's anime is shit like PreCure.

Because shounen reads like the target audience is children and retards.

I don't know honestly, in the west animation is almost solely for comedy or little kids for some reason. There are a few cartoons that feature emotionally deep subject matter but ultimately you never see adult-oriented drama in cartoons. The only ""mature"" cartoons are edgy dark comedy bullshit.

>The "weebshit" is their normal y7 stuff mate.
Beyblade is their Y7.
Yu-Gi-Oh is their Y7.
Pretty Cure is their Y7.
Fullmetal Alchemist and Inuyasha is not Y7.

Here's a better question, OP: why do you want to have shows about characters getting choked and killed terribly in media meant for children? Or rather, why do you praise that higher than whimsical, lighthearted fun like the three examples you gave? You sound like an edgelord.

Yugioh has more fucked up shit happen than FMA or Inuyasha

I think the best TMNT have been the 2003 and 2012 version (and the comics), and I think that the new Voltron drastically improved over the old one.

I also think that when you can't have fights with any real gravity or umph to them, they lack substance or a feeling of stakes.

tbf an uncensored version of yugioh would absolutely not by Y7

>you have people nowadays bitching because cartoons are getting too "Dark" because they include violence and death

Fuck-up shit happens in every Japanese show. Maybe if White Americans got bombed the fuck out more, they wouldn't be such pansies.

I feel like I’m back in 2002 dealing with underage weebs. Yu-Gi-Oh! It’s a children’s anime, really really cheesy. The manga is more serious and more shit happens.


>posts grim adventures
Thats like one of the most mean spirited cartoons with an actual kid audience to ever air. It reveled in it’s own stupidity and mistreatment of it’s cast. Even characters like Mandy whos supposed to be the token abuser would fall under cross hairs.

So, anime is better because blood and hits? Wow, this is far the most retarded shit I've ever read on a EvsW thread.

Congrats, user, you are the supreme retard

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Faggot, you are comparing action shows with comedy shows. Do you really expect a good "fight" scene in motherfucking EEnE?

not blood, but because fights can actually be *fights*, and there can be actual results/gravity to them (Character death is a legitimate risk)

Wasn't it because Western cartoons are toyetic and as such aimed at children and by default since you want parents buying the merchandise you cannot include offensive elements like violence and sexy females or swearing.

Whatever glad videogames avoided that For Kids bullshit (though videogames are drowning in SJW garbage...well Western ones).

Anime is better for many reasons but because you posted Steven Universe art style is something anime generally gets right with only a few exceptions. Western Cartoons are mostly ugly to look at. Doesn't help that Westerners hire people who blatantly do NOT know how to draw quite often.

I mean that's a preference. I personally hate the general "anime" style. I can get past it if I really want too but I've only seen a handful of anime because I think their characters look retarded.


If you want action shows, watch action shows made by american or french animation studios a better comparison would be symbionic titan or DC cartoons. Honestly I must say I prefer action scenes made by people like Gendy instead some generic shounen because hits feels like actually hits. That's the main reason I prefer S1 wakfu over S2 because in season one you could actually see the impact of the punches,in S2 they only do flashy crap thar resembles fucking DBZ and looks awful.

That's a matter of preferences, tho I won't deny there are toons of shows with really bad character design. I don't like overdetailed eyes with lack of other facial features, but I'm talking about my preferences.

Honestly jap styles are not really diverse.