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Attached: Toonami 8.jpg (1000x1000, 185K)

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post YFW Shit Art Online is gone for GOOD

Attached: 11.png (384x353, 56K)

It's finally over. We no longer have to suffer, at least until part 2 comes out. But for now, we can rejoice. POST YOUR REACTION TO SURVIVING SHIT ART ONLINE SEASON 3 PART 1!


Attached: CELEBRATE.gif (200x150, 423K)

Best girl

Attached: 1433269497550.jpg (733x909, 238K)

Best girl. Time for zany thief shenanigans!

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I think we all know SAO will be back

Attached: 1560116232675.jpg (687x849, 124K)

Now when do we get our new 30 minute break?....

Attached: 1422535095499.png (355x355, 136K)

breasts > ass

Attached: 32451.jpg (564x740, 58K)

Post thieves

Attached: 1469096383542.jpg (1207x661, 71K)

It's not. There will be another season, and that certainly will air on Toonami. We're only halfway done with Alicization.

Attached: 1535866744842.png (540x734, 244K)

>Put your soul into a computer, but the power goes out

Attached: __kiryuuin_satsuki_kill_la_kill_drawn_by_afrobull__c61d50bee24fb11e6d61bf2146b848a3.png (836x1000, 391K)

best girl

Attached: single bun takizawa.jpg (850x1187, 175K)


Attached: __arsene_lupin_iii_ishikawa_goemon_xiii_jigen_daisuke_mine_fujiko_and_zenigata_kouichi_lupin_iii_dra (1000x1000, 175K)

Oh you sweet summer child.

>Sword Art Online has better ratings than MHA

All he wanted was a crumb of pussy.


Time for Lupin!

Oops, there goes most of the audience...

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Attached: Scusi.jpg (512x384, 27K)

Time for Lupin the Third!

Attached: lupin 3 laugh.gif (320x240, 147K)

>We no longer have to suffer, at least until part 2 comes out.
Just fucking end it oh my god

Attached: why do we suffer.png (1027x577, 910K)

Time for Lupin.

Attached: bb17b7046e4cc1c3d3dd2147a68d8a75.png (540x540, 74K)

if you wanna kill time until Food Wars the final battle in Ender's Game just started on AMC

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Attached: JoJo King Crimson Enters the Fray.png (570x309, 358K)

>part 1
you mean there's more

Attached: 1420388684193.jpg (425x440, 16K)

Oh yeah, he got shot in the head.

Oh shit the ICE raids are starting!

Time for Lupin again. Oh yea I forgot he died.

Attached: fuji.jpg (459x323, 40K)

So what would you do with a sex robot that had the "soul" of the person you loved?

Attached: IMG_20190713_232026.jpg (1919x1358, 145K)

isn't Underworld in an Accel World time difference? Kirito talking directly to the outside should either be impossible, or their words should be so incredibly slow it takes him years to finish the conversation

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Attached: D9NFMO8XkAgemBU.jpg (903x1280, 243K)

I want that ass on my face


Fluctlights are supposed to be souls, right? I mean, it's dumb that they quantified the existence of souls in the first place, but they did, so that's where we are now.
But how is Kirito's soul hooked up to that machine in such a way that a power surge would "damage" it? Why even give the machine that capability? Why not build surge protection into the machine itself?

Is Kittytoe going to have brain damage AND soul damage now?

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but seriously guys what's replacing sao

There's always more.

Attached: catchonfire.jpg (258x390, 28K)


Attached: 1444243962650.jpg (1416x1003, 836K)

>at least until part 2 comes out

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Best girl and all that jazz

Thank god. The nightmare is over for now

Attached: dddd49b7c0a624178e2c5540270e3fa458b.jpg (1752x1752, 1.18M)

24 more episodes user coming in October. Prepare yourself.

Alicization was an okay story. Minus the real life shit and Kirito, Eugeo was a pretty alright protagonist.

He went and learned to stop being a literal NPC. Its a alright 7/10, don't be fags tg.

Have they not advertised what replaces SAO?

Lupin's dead. I can't believe it. Where does the show go from here?

Attached: Locke_III.jpg (580x1000, 94K)

>part 1

wait theres more

Attached: internal screaming kamala.png (889x872, 1.49M)

>I'm going to do...something only I can do...

how do you respond?

Attached: Ami 2.jpg (225x350, 16K)

Attention citizens of Toonami General!
My name is Inspector Zenigata, and I am hot on the trail of infamous criminal Lupin III.
If you have scene any sign of him or his gang, please, let me know. It is very important that I can capture him.
He's after our dubs.

Attached: Inspector Zenigata 1.png (295x672, 119K)

thanks DJ

>Part 1

Attached: 1413095658513.jpg (1280x720, 71K)

so I missed the thread last week, but I hope everyone agrees Lupin faked his death to collect the money since he was the one who bet on that date, right?

Damn, poor selka and tiese, they never scored, despite them being fluctlights.

Attached: tumblr_nw3d9wn21q1rcb09yo1_1280.jpg (567x425, 23K)

What with clowns and their insatiable need to rape?

Attached: 8ddd19c5692de8257061ac43aecfa4b81408931698_full.jpg (214x236, 23K)

Something about this squeezebox rendition of the Lupin theme just never gets old.

Attached: 75594050_p2.png (740x1242, 487K)


Clown rape. Twitch SWAT.

The only reason I even care about SAO anymore is because best girl, who got demoted to a fucking single scene in the first season, did finally return in the light novels after never appearing once post-Aincrad besides a reference or two of ambiguity.

Attached: yEjrQPd.jpg (1443x2048, 442K)

Id leave teeth marks on those cheeks

Have sex and try to move forward

Attached: bunny suit rinko.jpg (734x1350, 384K)

I guess red really does mean dead

Attached: Lupin red.jpg (1920x1080, 218K)


Attached: it never ends.jpg (855x746, 81K)

sex what else do you do with a sexbot? and robots can't have souls.
what are you a fucking idiot?

Attached: 1449382597877.jpg (374x347, 39K)

You mean I'm going to be a daddy?

There's a part two?

Attached: 0f9.jpg (500x895, 136K)


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Anyone else hype for The First?

"Do you want to have sex with me user?"

Ask for my goddamn hairstyle back.

Attached: Al and Flora at practice.png (500x500, 296K)

>Do something only I can do
Hey! That's my line!

Attached: Gridman Baby dan dan in the distance.jpg (1920x2154, 1.95M)

unzip my dick

It's the ultimate prank.

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>Part 1

Attached: Luigi screams for help.jpg (480x480, 147K)

I really love the dub for Lupin, how are the english dubs for all the older Lupin shows/movies

At least post the gif version.

Attached: fukiko.gif (500x209, 1.12M)

god i hate lucifer's Ayy design in smt4. thankfully they improved it in 4A but i want 5 to go back to the classic horned blue demon so bad

>Looks like my wife's interested in another man
Real cuck hours

>dabs on all other animated movies

Attached: lupin.png (904x442, 670K)




Maybe when they link up the time difference switches off?
I mean, does the hyperbolic time chamber do it's thing while the door is open, or does it wait until it's closed?


>clown rape

Attached: tangelo_fruit_health_benefits-min.jpg (713x601, 59K)

>Knuckles aren't hairy.

That's a really good rub down.

Thanks, didn't know there was one.

Attached: wink.jpg (973x544, 86K)

>Fujiko getting nice and oiled up.

what do you think those thighs felt like? all lubed up with that warm oil? you think she was freshly shaved?

Attached: Dennis_Nedry.png (450x429, 398K)

This from a game?

Truly Lupin is dead, how can we live with this revelation?
Still nah

Attached: ddder325456.png (374x373, 141K)

honk honk

Attached: hisoka.gif (245x245, 519K)

1.) its just the first part, next part is this fall or early next year
2.) remember whats taking its place, genlock

I honestly think DeMarco is doing this shit to make it look better by comparison

Attached: Untitled.jpg (680x506, 77K)

>48 episodes of Alicization
what the actual fuck

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Attached: 1409194385348.png (332x350, 103K)

>Zenigatta's whole career was based of catching one guy who he never caught

Kind of sad really.

>Zenigata transferred to narcotics
How fucked are the world's drug dealers?

Attached: Inspector Zenigata 2.jpg (350x224, 14K)

>my wife fucks dogs

Attached: 11-bacon-tremors.jpg (550x400, 60K)

thtas soon to be a boomer reference

>System Admin tells clown to "Have sex, incel"
>Clown rapes System Admin
>Incel wins

Not exaggerating this is what actually happened.

Didn't you hear? Clown posse makeup doesn't detect on face cams, they could literally be any fucking where

She's talking to Kirito?

It's Japan's revenge for WW2

How advanced of a sex-bot? I mean, if she's fully autonomous, then life together can go on I suppose...

I mean, I want kids, but that's unlikely regardless.

Attached: 65bbbe71ef1bb0018b2712f9e4660721.jpg (867x845, 163K)

>Work for an international police organization that has more powers in the manga/anime world than the real world.
>His house is a LITERAL dumpster fire

>looks like my wife's interested in another man
>its a dog

Attached: confused and disgusted pepe.png (239x211, 10K)

Upcoming CGI movie.

Attached: 5491d9d55fe69ffb032dca31b08bf865aef99189d4fa715aa8962e89bd4a71ca.gif (325x171, 2.99M)

At least post a WebM version.

I haven't gotten purposeful dubs in years.

>Goemon just knows where Zenigata lives.

your oranges have no power here

Attached: CVG's.jpg (720x405, 31K)

>24 episodes
Wait seriously? When did we begin Alicization?

>Lupin was brain-damaged, his gang finds the Ocean Turtle and forces them to hook up Lupin to it, making him go through the Underworld Alicization arc

thats soon to be a boomer reference

Nice bikini girls over there on that screen.

Attached: topless6.jpg (749x564, 37K)

To be fair since he's always chasing Lupin he's never home.

Drawing like Monkey Punch seems fun. Look at those smiles!

I think I might like Lupin, now. Where do I start?


Is this tie-in to SAO?

They're not just fucked. They're ADVANCED fucked.

um... ok

>lupin starts
>thread dies

like clockwork

How does Goemon not get shit everywhere he goes for the way he dresses?

Was that a fucking Juggalo?

I want to kill my fucking friends and fuck this sex slave!

Attached: dagda_close.jpg (537x400, 87K)

Buy a few skeletons user. Clowns are afraid of skeletons.

Attached: 15877453_1661709777455030_7627604941212745728_n.jpg (725x380, 92K)

Second series, Red Jacket.

Zenigata's house is fucking shit. What in the fuck? We know this faggot doesn't spend money on his own.

What happens to fluctlights after the world erases?

>Marco Polo

Attached: Nothon Droke.jpg (400x436, 24K)

>SAO is always all about technology and cyber-space
>Lupin III this season is all about cyber-space
Lupin in SAO when?

Attached: Lupin A Fallen Thief.jpg (571x320, 77K)

Pretty fucking fucked. Zenigata is a top tier detective. The problem was he was up against Lupin

Make sure to remember that light brown-haired guy with the green jacket who appeared in that news story.

Cute fluffy redhead

Fuck off tangelo con man.

was 2 too many or not enough?

Attached: time to get shitfaced and flyng headbutt people.jpg (477x720, 52K)

everyones watching
only shit shows get constant chatter

Already getting strapped in? This is moving fast.

Attached: spinning gun.gif (400x300, 248K)

I miss Soul Eater

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>killing your golden goose
these guys are idiots

He's always wearing the facial expression of someone you don't want to fuck with.

Brand new 3d animated movie is coming out in a few months actually, called Lupin the First. Trailer looks solid.

Attached: cgi lupin.jpg (2095x1113, 222K)

11:00 Dragon Ball Super 118 (of 131)
11:30 Attack On Titan 8 (of 10)
12:00 Sword Art Online: Alicization 23 (of --)
12:30 Lupin the Third Part 5 5 (of 24)
1:00 Food Wars! 2 (of 37)
1:30 Black Clover 78 (of --)
2:00 Boruto 40 (of -)
2:30 Naruto Shitpuden 258 (of 500)(Finaly Halfway)
3:00 Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin: Advent of the Red Comet 2 (of 11)
3:30 My Hero Academia 58 (of 64)
Week 372 of Toonami

>Ratings for 7/6

11:00 DB:Super: 529,000
11:30 Attack on Titan: 266,000
12:00 Sword Art Online: 248,000
12:30 Lupin the Third: Part 5: 165,000
1:00 Food Wars: 155,000
1:30 Black Clover: 186,000
2:00 Boruto: 197,000
2:30 Naruto: 162,000
3:00 Gundum: 154,000
3:30 MHA 201,000

Lupin would steal the show

Yeah, I'm sure it wouldn't take several months to set all this up or anything

He would have raped system-admin and the other girls before the 4th episode.

Not enough, SAO should be considered an act against all man-kind

>Zenigata busts all of the Mexican cartels in one night
He's a real hero.

Attached: Inspector Zenigata Is Obsessed.jpg (1200x675, 73K)

I read this in pioneer Pops's voice.

"When I first touched a computer...I came."

But what if the clown has a skeleton inside them?

Attached: ol motorcycle.jpg (1200x1200, 416K)

Redheads are the best

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Fucking Juggalo

It's been long enough, I wouldn't mind a rerun.

Just as long as he doesn't give it back.

And suddenly ICP man.

Rejoice? Why, knowing what will come later?

Attached: ZT09_Skullgreymon2.jpg (640x480, 32K)

Checked. Boi am I getting old.
No way. This is SAO but still.
But there's a skelly in me right now. Doesn't that count?
You hate me because I tell the truth.

Attached: tangelo.jpg (640x574, 70K)

God I hope SAO at least does well for the block. There has to be SOMETHING good about it

I guess my dry streak continues.

Attached: This Is Dildos.jpg (210x240, 14K)

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She's not actually in the room, is she?
She just hacking the feed.


Attached: 10.gif (400x274, 494K)

>called Lupin the First
I get it.

virgin python programmer vs the chad assembly master


I agree with the villain about the emotional crap.

Ami stop talking and save yourself!

They better put some hair on his knuckles in post.

>12:00 Sword Art Online: Alicization 23
It's been on for half a year?

>Lupin the First
Pic related?

Attached: arsene0.gif (380x389, 63K)

Attached: Liz scared.gif (400x225, 1.88M)



>ever returning things
He ain't Carmen Sandiego.

Attached: Carmen Sandiego.jpg (427x600, 70K)

>Happy Death Day
I love that movie.

Attached: Happy Death Day Killer 2.jpg (1200x800, 54K)

lol is he a fucking juggalo?


Attached: all the crazy.jpg (1280x720, 85K)

On the one hand, everyone on that show is stupid so I feel like it wouldn't be a great challenge, then again most of the people he tricks are also pretty stupid so it's not like that stops them.

how bad is it bros?

Attached: Lupin-III-2014.jpg (1200x1699, 277K)

SAO is based and successful and you reddit youtuber cum drinkers are literal fucking sheep with hivemind opinions.
Guess it is to be expected from you Toonami cucks

Would be pretty cool if they could do a story with his grandpa. Or does the author's family still cling to the rights?

You just want to sell your meme fruit.

How'd she do it


Attached: Clownish_Grim.gif (250x189, 63K)

Folks are about to be murdered, thank you.

Oh hey Lupin

"Bold of you to assume that I can't breathe underwater."


Attached: 1445102598882.gif (500x270, 987K)

>We will never get a buddy-cop series with Lupin and Kirito where the former is constantly taking the piss out of the latter
Feels bad man.

Attached: Lupin III Only Thing Left to Take.png (1280x720, 501K)






He's alive, what a surprise.

Attached: mine_fujiko 2.jpg (730x566, 48K)

>You look like you've seen a ghost

Holy shit! Lupus is ALIVE?!



No, how'd HE do it.

Wow, Lupin is alive. Who ever could have seen this coming

Attached: 9928D3AF-7C5E-4C8D-8256-AFE4E203C87D.gif (589x288, 524K)

>already two steps ahead of the people who aim to kill her
Ami has truly learned from the best.

Attached: ddd688oh.png (470x602, 177K)

No, let her drown!

Attached: Lucy and Al cuddle.png (1200x900, 1.26M)

>That makes no sense
Of course you wouldn't understand.

Hey fren, I'm watching Lupin with you.

Attached: bingo.png (512x384, 222K)

I actually forgot about this

Attached: 1286abeafb7cc8cfdab1457af2ff9b32.jpg (850x1202, 127K)

asspulls, like every lupin story ever

Attached: 1424719692456.jpg (900x900, 84K)

It's good for you, and it help you kill clowns thus ending clown world.

Attached: Also kills honkniggers.jpg (500x700, 62K)

Post the worst possible line up

Attached: 1463464404849.jpg (637x900, 102K)

I don't believe it, it must be Fujiko in a disguise

>He actually thought Lupin was dead

Attached: Chuckling cunts.png (449x401, 490K)

Shouldn't he be in public domain now or are the laws different in France/EU?

Attached: idk.jpg (480x360, 19K)

punished lupin

Attached: brutal.jpg (512x320, 42K)


Attached: are you perturbed.jpg (400x240, 54K)

I wish you T&A fags could get along and embrace the entire hourglass.

Attached: 50612173_p0_master1200.jpg (480x393, 21K)

Can't be as bad as the AoT movies, or the FMA one from last year.


Carl, what a surprise.

Attached: 1542923617252.png (323x291, 105K)

I want to have sex with Underworld.

its like watching Perry mason you know he's gonna win the case the real question is how,

I would have never guessed that Lupin wasn't actually gruesomely murdered on episode 4

Attached: Lupin wink.jpg (1920x1080, 186K)

>Lupins still alive
>anime will never shift focus on Goemon and Jigen coping with his actual death and their adventures afterwards

Attached: 1410383684611.png (680x665, 395K)

Attached: 849fed376ca88ab1e5ade2ca6ce35b8a.jpg (1500x1500, 221K)

It doesn't kill clowns. Just stab a clown with a knife.

I really hate these fucking talking head iPhone commercials.

Fucking pounds of pussy and ass

Attached: yes.gif (500x273, 1011K)

We hate you because you're shilling GMO fruit.

This is the part where we post some kind of reaction to what we just saw

Attached: [email protected] (500x375, 724K)

I'll just save that for later user

Attached: 1534708551860.gif (400x264, 408K)

>Cursed Commercials

>he thinks clowns are vulnerable to knives

>*hacks into your computer*

wat do

Attached: Ami.jpg (210x240, 19K)

>tfw no qt hacker gf

To be fair, 4 is known is Japan as a symbol of death. Like 13 in the west.

Attached: Horror Mash-Up Japan.jpg (686x968, 207K)

Just shoot them

>Bond Villain wannabe.

Attached: 1344978969122.gif (500x280, 237K)

>Not fiddle
One Job Lupin.


>AR can do literally anything
Talking about tech like this really irritates me.

>AR exploits

Attached: troll vulture.png (280x289, 112K)

Thanks Fuji. Wish I had a screenshot of that smile.

They're all pretty bad right now.

Attached: peak.jpg (1440x1080, 103K)


Imagine getting played like violin.

What kind of series do you think this is, user?

The family argued about that shit over 30 years ago when TMS tried to make an OVA called Lupin VIII, which led to them lending their talents for Inspector Gadget.

sailor moon would actually save the block though

Wtf is that a dungeon master


Oh I thought they just hit Lupin with a bullet that explodes with red dye.

>lol its all CGI
I guess is lupinesc


Attached: Demon Snake 1.jpg (1000x563, 72K)

>AR water
What did he even think, she was breathing underwater?

The insane clown posse ain't nothin' to fuck with.

Start jerking off in front of the webcam


That librarian sounded familiar.

turn it off.


Attached: pop-team-epic the fun never ends.png (3000x2000, 983K)

Arsene Lupin became public domain back in 2012

Attached: 1536463636029.jpg (852x1200, 314K)

Nobody noticed the blood was just CGI? This is dumb.

no pls not my memes and porn

/biz/ and their trannies btfo

Spank her

>he's using a desert eagle

Attached: 1553897263345.jpg (430x534, 56K)

Isn't Emmy's voice also Cardinal's voice?

he's a dumbass

Gata bitched slap the hacker.

Was Lupin going to kill him?

>Zenigata knew all along
Good old inspector gadget.

Zeni is used to his tricks.

Yeah, I was kind of hoping practical effects were involved too.

His sword is thirsty

Attached: Goemon blue.jpg (1920x1080, 237K)

>scrawny ass kid holding a deagle brand deagle with one hand

>part 1

Attached: 430.jpg (680x737, 64K)


Oh shit, Ami miring Zenigata

>I'll have to take you in for murder as well
Didn't Lupin kill two guys with the grenade shot two episodes ago or so?

Attached: Lupin and Jiegen on the Run.jpg (1024x576, 60K)

>Lupiin counting down to killing you.

Buu saga encore
Dragon ball super
shield hero
slime isekai
Blue Dragon
Aldonoah Zero

Thought I'd join you. I'm usually free saturday nights, figured I'd try it. It's... entertaining. Animu is weird.

Attached: I'm black now.jpg (480x360, 13K)

See if she wants sex

it was seen through a shitty drone camera over the internet
I don't think the quality was very good to begin with


Attached: IMG_20190712_012454.jpg (1280x537, 76K)

>not america

>pointing your gun at a guy's head
>have previously called hitman to kill the guy
>Just let him monologue how he survived instead of blasting him

The guy just sells drugs on the internet, this is so lame.

Now I want both to whisper to my dick before they blow me.

Attached: DwhAwe7WkAE13hn.jpg orig.jpg (1280x720, 55K)

I have no porn I’m good

She wants your dick zenigata

Did Ami fuck Gata during their time together?

>ami still has the bandages
how long has it been since the thing?

also why is zenigata letting lu-
>after all, i just got transfered to narcotics!

>asks the guy if his gun is a toy
>Lupin's gun was a toy the whole time

First day on the job and Zenigata makes the big bust

Why does he wear those fuckboy shorts?

What is he doing with his watch?

>Zenigata and bad guy are going to do drugs on their way to prison

He just doesn't even care about capturing Lupin at this point does he?

Yeah but those people were all killed in a country without laws so it doesn't count.

Jigen looks off, but it is tough making 2D work in 3D

Attached: Jigen cool.jpg (350x346, 38K)

Based Zenny

People would have said it was photoshop day one.

Probably why it was so easy to call his bluff

So, if Zenigata got transferred to narcotics, which division covered hunting Lupin? Thievery, or is there an entire wing of INTERPOL dedicated to hunting him?

Attached: Inspector Zenigata 4.jpg (850x762, 378K)

No way Gata is saving himself for marriage.

Its not his job at the moment.

Um Lupin? You're still married

Lupin is already married though

Right, very true

Attached: Mista black.jpg (2048x1340, 551K)

He wasn't going to catch him and keep the drug dealer

Why does time spped up when watching anime

Lupin has been growing on me as I watch it on the block (only having seen what's aired on Toonami)
This part has been especially good. Seeing Lupin get serious at times is terrifyingly awesome and Ami is very cute.

Did you not see when Lupin won a point blank gun duel with his tricks a couple episodes ago? Everyone in universe knows that if they're that close to Lupin, they're fucked and trying to kill him will just piss him off.

He looks better with his hat.
His hat could look better. It's kind of big and droopy, more like "ragged bum hat" than "cool assassin hat." Still looks pretty cool, though.

Sex with Ami.

Which is why he'll die a virgin.

>just gives her the money
Does Lupin love Fujiko?

Attached: Dragon_Quest_VIII_Puff_Puff_GIF.gif (500x350, 997K)

Not really. Lupin uncovers conspiracies and shit in the criminal underworld. Gata doing clean up duty nets him big criminal catches.

Gata's career as an international police officer is distinguished.

No weirder than Ed, Edd, and Eddy.

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He stole a bunch of drugs from the internet. That's why that butthead was after him.

>Ami in a school cardigan

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>Ami’s gone
Good, the best arc can begin now.

is this the last episode?

No they're both professionals who respect the hustle.

>is there an entire wing of INTERPOL dedicated to hunting him?
It's called Zenigata

Lupin doesn't really care that much about money. He can always steal more if he needs it, or just steal whatever he'd spend the money on.

Wait Ami doesn’t stick with the crew? Dropped

That's not the line in the promo

Good luck Ami.

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I agree. I wasn't a big fan of the first few episodes of Part 4, but it started picking up, and Part Five's been pretty good.

I want to marry and raise a family with Ami.

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Isn't it obvious?

He can look pretty good without it, but like I said, a lot of 2D styles are hard to make look good in 3D. Though Lupin looks pretty good.

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>a boarding school for women.

>Hey Lupin remember when I asked you if you wanted to have sex with me?

>you will never be a NEET zoomer hacker putting hits on famous thieves with the help of your tranny juggalo and MILF librarian internet friends

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Is it hard to make fondue

user, aside from Fujiko, none of the girls ever stick around.

Is Ami leaving? I thought she would stay with us the whole season.

They're the same kind of crazy. She validates him, and has huge sex appeal. But love is overstating it.

>Ami left
Why couldn't she live with Zennigata?

She appears later in the season, she's not totally gone. Now it's time for some capers of the week.

I don't remember any flaming clowns raping amputees in Ed, Edd and Eddy, but I may have missed an episode or two.

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>Lupin basically being a good dad
I love this wholesome shit.

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Show is over, Ami is gone so there is nothing left for this season. Two shows off the blocks, what is next?

So what's gonna happen next? Is Johann Van Beethoven gonna come back to life and create a symphony of terror.

I worry for the children

Status quo: restored

>Ami going to boarding school
She'll be back. They always come back.

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What it's over?

No it's only the end of the first arc

Ed time

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I haven't really payed attention to lupin before but where is lupin and jigen from?

He Loves the chase and the couple of times he's caught her for a day or so.

>This comfy outro
I love this so much.

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Do you remember when they were stuck in the wall?

>We're going to the mirror world


You think he has time to babysit a kid when he has a job like that?

>Sexy ED time

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Goddamn, the ass is fat!

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Time for porn!

>Food war coming up next
>Still cooking my meal for it
I may need to start cooking once toonami start instead of during SAO

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They don't need an entire wing, they have their best detective after him.
The problem is that Lupin is just that much more slippery than Zenigata.

the 70s

>There's a IRL timeline where France is a Japanese territory without "diversity" BS

>Her smile and optimism: restored

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how does Lupin pull off the full OP and ED? is this their way of making up for Part IV having the shitty Italian soundtrack?

It doesn't, time speeds up when you're drunk.

oh hey shark, hows the 3rd season of ozmo coming along, oh wait you're dead

It’s a lot more subtle than that. A mystery whose details you have to pay attention to.

The good shit

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Oh shit, time for food!

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Time for fried rice

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You get 5 unrestrained minutes with Fukiko.

wat do

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Time for foodgasms and exploding clothes


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>Episode 1
That was a long episode

Predict the sex fetish of tonight's Food Wars episode.


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>foodgasm kino is next

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>symphony of terror.
>not Symphony of Destruction
One job user

What the fuck is all this about juggalos?
That guy's a blend of Marlyn Manson and KISS

Its Food Wars time! Post chefs

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she'd better. that's the worst fucking fate for a girl like that. what is with normie-ass writers thinking school is great rather than terrible? plus she's already proven she knows everything books can teach, AND she's got marketable skills. what is the fucking point of school?
it'd be different if she was going to go backpacking and see the real world or something, that's a valid enough message. but the school environment has been proven to be the worst possible environment for learning or just people in general.

I'm still waiting for her to come back with huge boobs

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It would give him a reason to fix his ghetto house up, go home sometimes, and have a woman waiting for him with a smile on her face.

Do you think she'll be able to fit in at boarding school?

True. If you want more raping clowns just read the Akame Ga Kill manga. You missed the opportunity to watch this general "enjoy" which wasn't as edgy as the manga.

How long would he last and Food Wars academy?

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You just need to plan better, mang.

>There's a timeline where the good guys won the great war


you got gifs of those, buddy?


I dunno what else.

Why bother? It's probably not a fetish of mine.

make it 2 minutes restrained and you got a deal

I like how on rewatching this part you see how all the future villains have minor cameos

Yeah, if there are multiple timelines/world, there is probably one in which the good guys won WW2.

Was her name Emmy, Ami, or Emi?

>you will never eat anime food

Attached: Pain2.png (616x1067, 757K)

IOh no no no no no ahhahahahahahaha

Still need to watch old Lupin, yet again I didn't get around to it this week. I also will keep my word tonight, if I can't get to bed after Academia you won't have to worry about me snagging last image at least.

Interested in what the new story is since the Ami thing got resolved.

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Has he ever made someone's clothes explode from eating his dishes? That's a minimum requirement just to get in.

Missionary position.

Not long. Too many tiddys.

Time for Food Wars!

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How would Tonio do in the Food Wars universe?

Goemon: 100% Full Blood Japaness
Lupin: French-Japanese (Probably)
Jigen. Either American or Japanese. Nobody really knows. He was an American criminal at one point.

Does Ami come back later with a mohawk, covered in tattoos, bragging about being pansexual?


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In honor of food wars, I want you to tell me the last thing you cooked and enjoyed.


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It's melted cheese, I don't see how you could fuck it up.

Japan. Lupin it's understandable not to know, but Jigen's full name is literally Daisuke Jigen, which is an uber Japanese name.

This thing looks so terrible, I want to scream at everyone

Talk to her, I guess. That's not enough time for much.

No, refresh my memory. My favorite was when they realized that their world runs on cartoon rules, and Eddy ripped off Sarah's mouth. Stupid bitch lol

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That's 4 more minutes than I need.

Ami, pronounced Emmy.

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I've honestly been planning this since last week but your right still.
Maybe I should start around 7

Time for food porn!

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I think so? In last week thread someone posted that since it aired in Italy first they had to license that one instead of the Japanese one.

Time for a trip to Flavortown!

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>Post your waifus reaction to eating food in Food Wars.

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Time for the food porn

>Last thing you cooked and enjoyed
Fluffy pancakes

Japan doesn't have as much issue with that.

Oh boy, time for foodgasms!

Request for Lupin's whereabouts

She left the chans and joined Twitter to become a verified THOT who writes articles about hings that are "a good thing"

As you wish

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Time for Food Wars, let's cook something good tonight.

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Time for the ratings to plummet further!

>hows the 3rd season of ozmo coming along
you shut your filthy whore mouth

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Anime might not exist. Hell everyone existing today, especially those who died years ago wouldn't exist.



>A massive landmass surrounded by other nations on the other side of the entire globe

What in gods name would make japan want France specifically as a territory.

That pizza is worth going to war over for crimes against humanity.

Time for food!

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Or at least a huge ass

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This is reminding me of Danganronpa 3's dub Junko.


Erina having this type of voice is just so absurd from listening to the sub to this. But I honestly kinda love it.

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>wasting food
I don't like this.

And a gorilla out of fucking nowhere.



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Oh no,
Her voice is godawful!

Well, as they say, if things were different, things would be different.

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>valley girl
yes my dick is loving this

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Lemon Key Face

>Valley Girl


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I want to violate and pollute her ass with my tongue


Valley girl is such a bad miscast for her. God damn

Whatever became of the runaway girl?

Time for breasts.

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Are real culinary schools this pretentious?

Shrimp fajitas

It will never happen!

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This is a disaster. You can plainly tell how her voice doesn’t suit her musical theme.

I'm sure you can do it in parts, and have time for final assembly in 30min. You might have to tweak the recipe.

>Toonami suddenly airs the Gorilla Channel

>There is no need to be upset.

Who are the villains of this show?

This school goes beyond pretentious

Weird cut of the OP, but I guess it's okay.

Reminder that Food Wars jumped the shark in the end

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so in the japanese version, does she have that Osaka accent, so they dubbed her with that retarded accent, or did the dub just fuck with her character's voice for no reason?

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I kind of feel like having your palate this refined just brings you suffering more than anything else.

Shokugeki is unironically complete trash demarco is trying to kill this block

For me it was probably chicken fajitas.

When was Yuixs last on screen appearance? Nice seeing Asuna.

Maybe she's Jolyne's mom?

She should really be British instead of a valley girl

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Aside from the cinnamon cookie that seems like it could all go together
One square centimeter of that food would be 3000 calories but i think its coherent

She doesn't have an accent, she just has a really posh way of talking, like an upper class brit basically.

Jamaican beef patties with cheese

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Chef Boyardee

Is Soma cute?

When does the Gyaru show up

Cajun chicken alfredo.

chicken flavored rice with boneless chicken chunks

>SAO gets its best OP skipped
>Viewer Killer Souma gets its full OP played

It gonna be like that for about every episode user, get ready

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She's practically nobility, she should talk like an upper class snob, not a bratty valley girl.

>Soma never rematches his dad even in the end

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She speaks with uptight, haughty language.
>the dub just fuck with her character's voice for no reason

Imagine Erina tasting your cumshot and determining whether or not it's worth swallowing.

Ramsay was know to cry during his training.

You either die a hero or live long enough to become a villain.

But he would never give us a show with this level of fanservice!

why is he so fat

>In american
>His customer's a fat ass

>white guy being ghetto as shit
>stops being ghetto after eating

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I don't remember her cupping her tit.

>May we cum again?

Tacos and quesadillas, was some good shit.

Maple smoke dry rub wings with a chipotle bbq ranch sauce and a wedge salad.

Yeah should have just gotten Satsuki's VA to do her voice.

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What are the drinking rules for Food Wars? I remember drink every time there's a foodgasm, but what are the other rules?

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This show is fucking wild

Eggs in the hole with mexican cheese and pepper. Simple, but I love that shit to death.

Soon, she's the first student he goes against



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>Oh god
>Ohhh yes

I don’t think I like this show, watching old people cum

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Ears: no, put it back
Boner: Fully Engaged

I'm glad dubs are starting to take more creative liberties.

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Man I wish my cooking was that good, holy fuck.

This show is insane.

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It makes me wonder if Bel-Air / Santa Monica cali girls sound different from cali girls from poorer places

Where did this come from?
I don’t know these days
Recently you forgot this habit of love
It’s been a while, huh
(Everybody come on)

Life for us is, five minute self-reflections
If you take off that ultra-aggressive jewel
It looks good alone

Hey, mama mia, baby!

Each lost sight of
The far distant fireworks
Every time I see a dream
It hurts my heart somehow
(Everybody come on)

Don’t have any worries?
From now take Mon Amour
Don’t ever go back, hit the accelerator
You’re not a child

Once in a while, you don’t need to stop the rampaging tears
Watch the stars flow, it’s simple, you’re still the same person

Viva Namida (tears)*, it’s not good if you stop yourself
It’s not a waste
Don’t stop, I like you now
Namida, namida, that’s right
These tears, don’t you trust me?
Seven fall, eight happened
Together let’s go! Let’s be the best
Namida, namida, goodbye!

However conveinient, civilization is risky
So let’s go jump off an electric train
I’m always worried about children in miniskirts
So let’s go meet without a phone

The moment I found sleep always brings me to tears
With no one next to me, it was lonely, I always cried
At that time, I just talked more, fumbling in my need to approach
I can’t go back, I just want a hug
I want my heart to pound

Once in a while, you don’t need to stop the rampaging tears
Watch the stars flow, it’s simple, you’re still the same person

Viva namida, it’s not good if you stop yourself
It’s not a waste
Don’t stop, I like you now
Namida, namida, that’s right
These tears, don’t you trust me?
Seven fall, eight happened
Together let’s go! Let’s be the best
Namida, namida, goodbye!

However convenient, the stars are unknown
So let’s go jump off an electric train
I’m always worried about children in miniskirts
So let’s go meet without a phone

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Fried chicken seasoned with seasoned salt. black pepper, garlic, celery seed, rosemary and sage


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The author.

This was made by a porn artist

He's friends with the Black Clover author

Nothing says rich and snobby like california

Is there any Engrish in the JP version?

>>SAO gets its best OP skipped
Because toonami aired the last bit of AoT preview end credits.

It's even better knowing that Demarco got fucked over and was forced into this thinking it wasn't going to be so bad because it was a Jump title.

>your in the middle of fasting
when or why was.. is this still a thing?
like even my doctor stopped warning me to fast before blood tests.

What does a monk need to do with fasting?

Do they say umami in the dub? That should be one


Needs more aids and needles all over the place with Typhus.

>a woman
A double edged sword.


I'm scared to hear how the gyaru sounds
those tanned titties are the only reason I'm giving this shitshow another chance

Soma is best Castlvania boy

el padre and el hermano

religion, many people still do it

culinary schools are a meme

everything is a meme

muh dick

Worst possible voice for Erina, what the fuck were they thinking!

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Just some beef patties

Fasting is a thing in like every religion

>Right woman

Wow, Soma's dad is pretty cool

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He's still a better father than most of the ones that have been on Toonam

Cornish hen and rice

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Damn, those are a lovely shade of green...

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Cute bowtie boy. I love red white and blue color schemes. Such a good look.

Oh fuck.
Now I'm scared too.

We DRRR! again?

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Oh fuck, really?


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is that Meruem?

US NOBLES in a food show

Haven't had much time for cooking since getting an actual job. Other family members cook now.
I did make a banana cobbler relatively recently, though. It's one of my favorite desserts that I've made.



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I wouldn’t call it snobby. There’s formality in her speech too. Or at least, there should be.


When does Meat show up

She sounds normal
Out of the cast, only erina has a weird accent

>nobles before Black Clover
Wtf bros?

Plebeians not even once

new htread nigger

Post recipes.

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Us nobles, right?

>Just straight up bullies not taking shit

Is black Clover on already?

Oh God, I have to listen to "Muh Commoner Muh Commoner Muh Commoner Muh Commoner Muh Commoner Muh Commoner" shit in this show too?!

- every foodgasm
- every time Soma runs out of ingredients
- every time Erina puts someone down
- every time there's a new rivalry with Soma
- every time someone mentions "Yukihara's diner"

>actually roughs up the asshole

>Owner of a nationwide restaurant chain
Why does he need to learn to cook? He would only be able to serve at food at one branch of his business.

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I would've expected them to get Toriko before Food Wars

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MOST mangaka have done porn


This voice acting performance is weak

Erina has nice tits too.



I cringed at that name pronunciation

That's what I'm talking about, animators.

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Not a monk, but I fast twice a week to help with acid reflux.

Don't be shit talkin diners

oh shit it's on now

Her voice makes my ears bleeeed.


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t. plebian

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God we're all just slaves to Erina's goddess perfection.

We all live to lick Erina's toes. We are dirt. Nothing.

This is a world where food and food related activities are everything.

Oh shit! I love eggs! Use them for my breakfast every day.

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How would Chef Ramsay fair on this show?

Cooking isn't anything special and neither is food. Humans have been doing it for literal millions of years.

Like what the fuck. Niggas just make deviled eggs with bacon bits on top.

Holy shit, the actor read the line verbatim.

>god tongue

>God tongue
I want to give her my God tongue
In her asshole

No surprise there

The writer doesn’t do porn, the artist did.

>oh god this lacks flavor

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Best girl

Yeah well you smell anyway

>Started talking at 3 months just to tell her own mother that her breast milk lacked flavor

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>The God Tongue
>First words came from telling her mom her titty milk didn’t taste good

I do actually

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Yuri time.

>talking shit on titty milk
Fuck this bitch.

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Yeah....taste yer "food"

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This is a JUMP heroine

What was Japan THINKING?

They can slow it down to normal speeds.

>Suddenly lesbians
Is there anything this show can't do?

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What's fancy food wars mac and cheese like?

Is that kari walsh?