MCU caps powers are way more interesting than 616 comic caps powers
>dude, I lead the avengers even though I’m just “peak human” and could be killed by a dude in a car or a gangbanger with a pistol
MCU caps powers are way more interesting than 616 comic caps powers
>dude, I lead the avengers even though I’m just “peak human” and could be killed by a dude in a car or a gangbanger with a pistol
MCU Steve is actually weaker than 616 Steve by pretty much every metric. Being classed as "peak human" has been discussed to death, 616 Steve has been superhuman for a while despite Marvel's bullshit.
>MCU caps powers
>Leadership skills are measured in power
Is this the absolute state of MCU fans? They make up shit because they cant read?
Marvelfags have always linked power levels to quality of writing. Just see how many of them believe that Doctor Doom is the best written character in fiction just because he destroys omnipotent beings every tuesday.
The MCU heroes are less powerful than their comicbook counterparts. I guess the only one that’s the same is Thor.
616 Thor shits all over MCU Thor.
>The MCU heroes are less powerful than their comicbook counterparts.
MCU powers levels are based on the Ultimate Universe's power levels where Cap was beyond peak strength and Hawkeye was Bullseye level
>MCU powers levels are based on the Ultimate Universe's power levels where Cap was beyond peak strength and Hawkeye was Bullseye level
They're still less impressive than their comic counterparts.
t. never touched a comic
Goddamn MCUcks are so braindead. 616 Captain America is more powerful than his MCUck counterpart.
616 Cap is superhuman by any reasonable metric, with the feats to back it up. "Peak Human" is a nonsense term that has been so overused it now means nothing.