Does a hotter body exist in comics? Just put aside all of the Mary Sue bullshit and the fact that she fucked Cyclops...

Does a hotter body exist in comics? Just put aside all of the Mary Sue bullshit and the fact that she fucked Cyclops. Focus only on the figure and tell me she isn't #1.

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I think theres still room for improvement...

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I can’t believe she walks around in a school dressed like that.

I think Bleez has a better ass

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Power Girl

Also she use her power to make everyone thi k she is hotter than she really is.

I dunno. I'm not big into muscle chicks.
Maybe, but we're talking about the total package. Harley is usually drawn as a chadette too.

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>I dunno. I'm not big into muscle chicks
how can you not be into them

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She looks like 99% of all comic book superheroines and/or villainesses ever drawn.

Need to go to a better school

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what's emma best outfit?

She got what she paid for, if I’m fact she did pay the plastic surgeon and didn’t just mind whammy him into giving her free surgery.


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Woah, what the fuck happened to Barda? I don't know if the perspective is just bad or not but she looks fucking huge.

your just small

So ITT we pretend body models are somehow unique and consistent? (They're not, at all)

I gotcha covered.

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Different people, different taste. Her boobs are to big. Also, there is so much to select from.

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What the fuck is wrong with fucking Cyclops?

Hes great. Not his fault you have terrible taste

Isn't it canonical that she isn't that attractive, she just telepathically projects an image of 10 status?

Maybe it doesn't matter, if your brain perceives her as a 10 then its a 10. But just knowing you couldnt trust your perceptions around her would leave a lingering doubt. Hell, for all you know you *think* you're banging her every night but she is just dropping a fake memory into your brain.

Mystique is the clear winner. Every actress and supermodel you've ever fancied, in their prime.

The only thing that comes close to second place is a multiplier, like Triplicate Girl or Dupli-Kate. Chuck Taine chose wisely.

>we are getting to the point most people have no idea Harley used to look like that

How does that make you feel?

>Isn't it canonical that she isn't that attractive, she just telepathically projects an image of 10 status?

Pretty sure that isn't true, or at least is one of those canon things that people immediately try to ignore (like X-23 being a teen whore) . I mean, she has been knocked unconscious plenty of times, and her appareance didn't change.

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These threads are a bit silly because ultimately it is less about the characters and more of a competent artist drwing her hot.

I mean, look at the attached pic, do you still think she is the #1 there?

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sorry, Lady Death is canonically the sexiest comicbook character

>Does a hotter body exist in comics?

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every comic book character in his history had some bad artists to draw.

Like comics are dead


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98% of female superheroes have the same body type, so what's the point? If anything what defines how hot a character is is who is drawing it, not which character it is

based & beachbum pilled


It happened in Old Man Logan where she must have been old as hell, but was projecting her young sexy self to people.

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Jean btfo


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Goblin Queen's got the better bod and kinkier costume.

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I mean just look - how the fuck do they stay in there?

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Make way, peasants.

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that's Rachel.
I absolutely love this scene, shows that Emma's confidence and love for Scott isn't surface level like some people think.

Just Millar being an idiot like normal. Chip Zdarsky did it better cause he's a far better writer. in 2 in 1 they found an older Emma married to The Silver Surfer and she just looked like a very sexy MILF.

post evidence. You'd still be wrong anyway

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Imagine a live-action or animated fight between them, while they struggle to stay in their costumes

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unironicall best art of Emma
she should look like an old cougar who's not as hot as she thinks
27, my ass

well your implied premise is automatically disproved on it's face, since white hair is sexier than shit-tier black hair