Has there ever been a more "Fuck You, I Liked it" movie than this?

Has there ever been a more "Fuck You, I Liked it" movie than this?

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Because nobody liked it, fuck off

It was godawful
What was there to like?

the most common defense i get for it is "you have to be high" which is probably the worst defense for anything ever

the worst part of sausage party was that it could've actually been good if it didn't have the DUDE WEED LMAO aspect

That and the whole underpaid animators thing. That sucked too.

What did I think of it?

I disagree. It's entire premise is a failed allegory because it's supposed to be a criticism of religion but instead of being congruent to the actual state of relgion, there's an actual visible "god" that can be seen, therefore any point they have about religion is moot and they push this aspect HARD to the point where you can view it in a vacuum

If you wanna get all analytic, what we got is fallible plebs who have a religion; once they go to the promised land the religion starts to collapse and they have (what they hope is) a benevolent dictatorship, and then they see their compatriots mercilessly slaughtered and eaten and they realize they're in a nightmarish reflection of the Modern American Oligarchy, where voracious billionaire overlords will tell ANY lie to the Working Class Sausages until the time comes for them to be devoured.

What was there to like? It was a feature length Robot Chicken skit.
And not even a very good one.

Space Jam probably.

I can't tell if you're trolling

space jam has actual good points though
the only reason anyone would like sausage party is to be a contrain

Gum was the only good character.

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>actual good points
I mean I enjoy space jam mostly out of nostalgia and cheesiness but looking from the outside in, it's not funny at all and the acting is piss poor.

Mai was cute.

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I know they probably told you opinions can't be wrong...
but you are.

I loved every scene with the native american. Some things here and there were funny but the movie is pretty mediocre.

It's technically a sound reading of the film

>another edgy comedy from le jewish stoner guy

Maybe if you're deluded and for some reason thought you were watching a completely different film where any of those things apply

I liked it but I like most Seth Rogen movies

i liked michael ceras character. a delightful film. the box on the milf in that one shot is legendary.

>kinda indifferent at first
>script gets leaked
>might as well give it a read
>start flicking through it
>get the orgy scene
>decide I have to watch this just for the experience
>everything went as expected

weed isn't a magic "makes everything good" plant
I've seen shit movies stoned and not enjoyed them

I like the vore scene.

>from le jewish stoner guy
wut, a jew did this? and he made a caricature of a member gods chose people and superior race etcetc having sex with a muslim?
legit surprised here

But all of those things do apply. It’s just that the movies still shit

Food Fight > Sausage Party

Change my mind

One is hilariously bad, one is so bad its not even funny.

>One of the most popular adult animated series is South Park, that constantly shits on Jewish people was co-created by a Jew
Get out from the rock mong.

only good character

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happytime murders was pretty much that

holy shit. that's a decent marxist reading of the film. it makes more sense and a better film than the ham-fisted "dude atheism" thing they have going on, even right down to the apathetic liberal hedonism. I think I want to re-watch it now

Happytime Murders looks worth a watch

>writers team made up entirely of people who are obviously still mad their parents made them go to sunday school
this movie sucks shit.
Gotta face the facts, user.

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to be fair religion really is dumb and bad and people are strongly influenced by their childhood events

>to be fair i'm totally an intellectual for thinking god dumb and bad lel hehe XD
go back to r/atheism please and thank you

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"adult" animated comedy yet all of the humor was low-brow enough for your average 13-year-old to understand

>"Fuck You, I Liked it"
there's a high probability that op is seth rogan, the movie's only fan

>b-but it had a message about religion
>it was going to bring adult animated movies to theaters
Fuck this movie and everyone who ever supported it

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It is bad but I enjoyed it anyways. Not everything needs to be a citizen kane.

Never bothered to see it, but can someone tell me why is the art style so generic? I thought the movie was trying to do something new and different...

>sausage party is just food fight but slightly more competent

>tries making animated movie or adults
>adults are manchildren who think "adult" means toilet, sex, and drug gags

What you liked about it? I don't regret watching it but it has the worst kind of comedy from "DUDE WEED" and visually it was shit and it will probably be the reason why we won't have those kind of animated movies ever again.

>we won't have those kind of animated movies ever again
well at least it was good for something

post YFW orgy scene

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