Could any of the headlining Avengers beat Maui?

Could any of the headlining Avengers beat Maui?

Attached: Moana_Trailer_Maui2.jpg (1920x800, 962K)

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That sun feat makes him pretty strong

Maui's a jobber, his song was just boasts

I mean, the mythology was accurate. Granted it's still mythology, but in a fictional world it's very possible he achieved at least SOME of those feats.

Get his hook and he really is just a big guy. Hulk and Thor could take him.

>demi god
>a god

Attached: ThorRagnarok5994db7ddfb8c.1508387559.jpg (1200x800, 80K)

>an entire team vs a demigod with an easy detachable hook that turns him into animals
he's not thanos level of powerful so of course

Uh, didn't Maui tow the fucking sun?

And even when he had his hook, he lost to an overly large crab in a fight.

he only moved it closer to the herizon, lassoing the sun as a weapon wouldn't end well

Man. I wonder what Vs. Wiki tier that crab is.

>he only MOVED the sun

Attached: 55.jpg (408x439, 45K)

but what about

It's allegorical, like saying Regigigas could move continents

>closer to the herizon, lassoing the sun as a weapon wouldn't end well

confirmed demi-god back in Avenger 1 keep up

He’s strong enough to move the fucking sun, even if one inch, makes him really fucking strong

he could though, the dex says

>Hercules only HELD UP the sky and all the stars in it
>Also gets smacked around by Hulk and Thor at different times
Myths get a certain amount of leniency in terms of science.

Maui said he buried a dead eel and it sprouted into all of the world's coconut trees. I'm no botanist but I'm pretty sure that's not how it works.

Well he’s also a demigod shapeshifter which science can’t really do either

Funny you say that. Have you ever seen the mimic octopus?

Does it turn into fish and birds? Cause otherwise I don’t give a fuck

No but it can mimic those animals. Also snakes, plants, and various other things that live in its biome. It's not quite "giant Samoan guy transforms into a wasp", but still.

Then I don’t give a shit, when it becomes like Samoan Guy, give me a jingle

You're never going to be Mystique, user. I'm sorry.

I don’t wanna be Mystique, I wanna become a giant crocodile.

Not a tiger? Crocodiles are fat, lazy, and slow.

I got that death roll and powerful jaws.