I love euro comic and I need more I found an archive of them on 4 Chan THE ART IS AMAZING but I got 0 sources for them I read all of blacksad and loved every second spent looking at the art and reading it can you guys gimme the goods?
Other urls found in this thread:
oblg Requiem Vampire Knight
what kind of genres/art styles are you most interested in?
not all of it is great but some of it fucking amazing
im super into Last Man a frech comic and Blacksad so i could say im into the action adventure but dont hold back it just has to have good art
I’m into action adventure Last Man was a good French comic for me and so was blacksad BUT DONT HOLD BACK I also want amazing art
Is this supposed to be good art
Requiem is excellent art
Forgive me, but isn't that Prison School?
he didn't say it was euro comic you silly little neko
>Leads with a Japanese comic
I remember reading some weird French or German comic about a high school girl molesting her little brother that had some genuinely beautiful art.
Wish I could remember what it was, but in general I guess I just prefer most of the art in Euro comics to what we usually get here in the US.
I you want great art, there's the Dwarves series. The story's good, too.
Anything by Gimenez is amazing
its was a nice picture so i wanted to start with it i like prison school as much as i like euro comics
my high school cartooning teacher was showing me that hes a cool teacher and that art looks cool
Rrad les blondes
Obligatory Fuck You Ledroit post. Unless he starts getting his shit together, Mills is going to die of old age before he's done painting the last 2 tomes.
That thread is closed.
Anything by Kerascoët, or adaptations based off of Stefan Wul.
What's the name of the comic where the dude goes to sleep and loses and entire day and has to figure out what is going on when it keeps reoccurring?
I’ve been through that thread but I didn’t get any sources I want names of artists or names of their books I’m excited to see what’s brought I feel like I peaked art wise with Lobo Unbound with art by Alex Horley I’m ready to see more stuff that can top that and I’m already seeing some that do
I like all comics. Just discovered how entertaining Manhua can be.
Sometimes i think it is too saturated, it makes it a little hard to read.
I used to read the shit out of Lanfeust of Troy when I was a youngin.
Bisley is better, and for peak Bisley get Slaine The Horned God.
Omnibus Collection: WHEN?????
i think i have all his work thats in english and available in America
Humanoids needs to put out more of his stuff
(same with Moebius..who ever has the rights now...need more of his work made accessible to American audiences...its not like he's some obscure artist that no one knows about)
any good cosmic Euro comic?
He's not european but he always works with european artists so I think he qualifies, Jodorworsky. read The Incal, the Metabarons and The Technopreists.
>Universal War One and Two
Best comic
Man why is TV Lastman so much better than comics Lastman?
It's like comparing Moore Supreme to Liefeld Supreme
Ugh... Did Sasuke and Vampirella's rape baby just puked on my screen?
does anyone know where i can find the first volume of this
pretty sure it's even on RCO
or if you mean to buy? right from the Heavy Metal website.
comics last man art isnt perfect but its not completely terrible as you are making it out to be you have to remember that one of the people who worked on it is an animator so its not gonna be completely perfect it almost looks like a finished story board
well i mean the physical version i like feeling the pages and physical copies make it feel more like its mine Heavy Metal is selling the PDF file i think didn't check the other two
it's on their website
then why wouldn't you post an example instead of pic related?
why dont you stop getting your nipples in a twist over the image and give me some euro comics
The Keepers of the Maser by Massimiliano Frezzato is a fun science-fantasy series.
I like how the parts with the Talion bankers and the military industrial complex jewish dwarf that has two hot whitehaired female elf assassin bodyguards is literally just French African colonial history with bearded scottish midgets.
Also, modern bridges.
Most yuros here seem to be oldfags who only read western shit and have no clue about moden yuro indies, especially manga influenced crossover ones. They always recommend old shit or mega popular ones. Yea Forums is for either oldfags or Sjw Tumblrinas. They are also like capefags. You cant get any good answers.
Shitbait/10, go read some of Bouchers tumblrpandering trash while you dilate.
you're not completely wrong but on each and every board you're always bound to find a diamond in the rust im just trying to find some here and i've definitely found a couple
Speaking of, ready for the 2nd season?
i can hardly wait :)
Anyone got a mega of that french giant comic with the same artist as Lastman? Was it PETIT or something like that?
Holy shit this thread is bad and OP you need to be over 18 to use this website.
(make sure you watch the Lastman cartoon, it's a prequel to the comic series)
Go read One Night In Rome instead of Bouchers shit. He's been shoehorning >muh representation into his shit for a while now.
This, on both accounts.
I have a problem with Euro comics, it is the characterization. A lot oftimes I find the characters kind of stiff, like there is not really deepness or development.
who is Boucher he sounds terrible
>i find the characters kind of stiff
i cant relate they feel alive and genuine to me what exactly was stiff?
>>Universal War One and Two
Wish UW2 stop getting delay so damn much. Tome 4 when?
Please come back to us and translate tome 19 of Wake, Ouash!
I need to grab the next two tomes of Orbital, really liked the first 4. Feels like a larger Star Trek universe
Get in line. Nombrils has prio.
why don't you just ask for examples of decent euro comics instead of posting a claim that is blatantly disingenuous and false and that you have no evidence to support?
yes my burger mate
I guess it depends on the author, there are a lot of good stories down here, like Dwarves and Miss Don't Touch me.
but the Troy series for example, I never could find any of its character interesting. It grabs some common tropes, it makes fun of them, and that is it, I feel like the situations are more important than characters.
Manara, for example, has an excellent art but none of his characters are memorable in my opinion.
Most of french comedy is just a bunch of pricks being pricks with each other. Then they have maybe a dramatic, romantic, something moment each volume, but I am okay with that because it is comedy, it is just I don't care if something good or bad happens to them.
Pic related is the best example I can remember right now, because the art and the setting are beautiful but the characters are boring, except for the knight.
Mardi-gras is kind of the same, the idea and the setting was great but the characters were just there.
ya well his solo stuff is mostly situational comedy. Read his stuff with Hugo Pratt. Hell, just read anything Hugo Pratt
Thank you user
Arleston is more or less considered the french equivalent of a Shonen writer. If you expect DEEP characters from him, you're likely to be dissapointed.
His solostuff is 90% porn. You're not going to get memorable characters out of porn.
You could give Sillage/Wake a shot, Navis gets quite a lot of character development over the series (minor spoiler) though I'm not really a fan of Morvan steering her closer and closer to becoming a feminazi as the series progresses
What i WANT is what you think is decent give me your comics what do YOU like this thread is about you and everyone else enriching me on Euro comics stop being a dumbass
Not how it works, you entitled faggot. List genres that interest you if you want recommendations.
Nobody wants to sift through their folders to make a list, just to find out that you hate 80% of it since it's not genres that interes you.
im purposely being open to anything and everything you fucking autist how am i supposed to know i hate it if i dont try it dumb fuck I PROMISE YOU that i will at the very least TRY what youre recommending why dont you try me instead of assuming the worst all the time I get that this is 4 chan and youre supposed to assume the worst but can you at the very least make an attempt to see if i like it or not? no ones forcing you to participate anyway
That one sucks.
Giselle & Beatrice
One Night In Rome 1 + 2
A Little Temptation
Miss Don't Touch Me
Beautiful Darkness
Have fun getting depressed.
thanks for playing :)
If you start acting like you're actually old enough to be here, I might even throw in some titles that aren't depression porn.
i dont really care what you give me I just want more to read keep throwing titles i like your taste :)
I'm not giving you anything, as long as you keep acting like an illiterate underage faggot.
absolutely no one is keeping you here dummy move along :)
He is exactly where he wants to be. You are exactly where you're not wanted.
Is there a euro equivalent of readcomicsonline?
If only.
That would be so nice.
in terms of arts i think the best on french scene right now is florent maudoux and his freaks squeele franchise is art is elder god tier and the story isn't bad
In what volume they are right now?
>dude goes to sleep and loses and entire day and has to figure out what is going on
does he have an alter ego/split personality that is more active/less lazy than he is who gradually gains more days, builds a business and tries to keep the original "ego" "asleep"? I recall such a story either on a recent eurocomic thread or while diving in old desu threads.
De capes et de crocs. It is difficult to explain, talking animals, pirates, it may seem common but both the art and writing are great, everyone speaks in Alexandrin and follows the tropes of theater. It really makes it an uncommon read.
We just had it in the other imageboard: You Americans really don't know Yoko Tsuno? I couldn't find even one video on Youtube in English about it. For me it's a while that I read it, it very spectacular SciFi with a neat female lead. Some books are about time travel the other ones about adventures around a subteran species with blue skin. No it's not a manga, it's Belgian and was also popular in Germany and in France I guess. Or maybe only the people I know liked it a lot. I plan to get into it again, as soon as I have time. Thanks for all the other tips.
Someone has already storytimed here.
She's a mary sue and the comics community in youtube is minuscule.
damn that opening sequence is the tightest shit
Agreed. I just marathoned all the books in this series.
I want an animated adaptation even more!