The Bat that Laughs

is he the greatest comic character created this decade?

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Not really.

Obvious bait. Nobody's taste is that bad.

youre an idiot if you think this mate
theres edgy losers out there they just dont wear eyeliner and listen to my chemical romance anymore

I think you guys can't get past the edge and see the amazing character he truly is

Snyder gave up on Harper and Duke ever sticking around so he pulled a hail mary with the dumbest, edgiest, and unimaginative creation he could possibly think of. Thing is though, it's the kind of stupid shit that's likely to stick around for a while unfortunately. Damn shame too, because nearly EVERY evil Batman was better than this shit.

Man, why couldn't The Merciless be pushed? That was actually a funny jab at "Batgod"

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who the fuck is merciless

He's one of the other Evil Batmen from Metal, specifically the Wonder Woman stand-in. He comes from a universe where Bruce goes nuts after thinking Ares kills Diana, whom he was romantically involved with. Bruce kills Ares, becomes the new God of War, and kills the rest of Olympus. Basically Bat-Kratos

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He's a terrible mistake.

That’s not Jarro

The past success of the Bat will, unironically, be the end of the DC franchise.
If true fans do not take a stand against this garbage, it WILL be the end of DC.

Dc survived through the shit that was Geoff John's GL run. We can survive through this

The line "A Batman who laughs is a Batman who always wins" will never stop making me angry. What the fuck does that MEAN, SCOTT?

Honestly, this Batman and the other Dark Knights proved me why Batman shouldn't even exist. The horrors Batman would be capable to commit take away any right for him to even exist.

Scott Snyder is the JJ abrams of DC and that's not a compliment.

This, literal, BatShit has run amok.
Seriously, it can't be sustained.
Whether you are a comic enthusiast, or a Marvel fag or DC fag,
Losing DC will be a big hit for the industry.
Stop buying this shit, and hope DC corrects course.

Haven’t read the comic but sounds to me like if Batman would kill he would never lose? That’s written absolutely terribly, is Scott Snyder retarded?

It's not even the same thing. Batman who LMAOs is a creative dead end while Johns GL at least brought new life to the green lanterns.

Here's what needs to happen:
Get rid of all the upcoming Joaker shit.
Take Batfag down to one monthly.
Superfag down to one monthly.
Bat loses everything, money, gadgets.
Superfag gets gangbanged in the ass by five aliens.
The good citizens hate both of them, for whatever reason.
They are disgusting.
Superfag, in his disgrace and fleeing, recognizes Bruce Wayne on the streets, prostituting himself for a hot dog.
Saves him and stealthily flies them both away to a place of rest of rest and restoration.
Unfortunately, Soup has blowback from the rape, and on accident, and perchance, rapes Bruce.
They work through it and start to rebuild.
Redemption to come.

DC dying, Bump.

Does this have to do with that time batman realized there were 3 jokers?

Rebirth started out so well... of course, this was bound to happen.

I like the edgy design but his origin is dumb, the whole Crow/Bar gimmick is cringe and I am so sick of villains who are just variations of Batman/Bruce

hey its Batman laughing without becoming a gigaedgelord. Based.

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No but is comic is selling ridiculously well.

For me it's the Drowned. Because it'd be nice to have a female evil Batman that also happens to have very nice tits.

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