Favorite Hero

Why is your favorite hero your favorite?
Great villains?
Amazing runs?
A great personality?

for me it's Hal, I love how he never thinks things through and lives in the moment

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For me it’s also gotta be Hal. A fun dumbass who’s stubborn enough to take on cosmic beings and win.
Definitely got a lot of love for the Lantern Corps in general, and the Emotional Spectrum.


For me, its superman. Best personality and cool villains.
>fights brainiac
>goes on crazy adventures
>tells kids to eat their vegetables
>bangs lois likes theres no tomorrow

I like the fact that Hal is basically a Shounen anime protagonist

My two favorites are Stark and Hal. The former because I can identify with the problems of the core character, the latter because he's the type of person I wish I was more like. Both act as crutches when I get down, in a way. Past that, I like the settings of both series. One's more grounded, dealing with tech and corporate/espionage themes, which I like across all media. And Green Lantern is a great sci-fi IP. They encompass the two kinds of fiction I enjoy the most, more or less. Both have good supporting casts and villains, but have enough blindspots that I can come up with HCs and ways to fix them, be they an underutilized villain or some plot point.

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For me its Starman (Jack Knight).
1 Incredibly solid run.
Great Villains, story really expanded the characters and world around him.
Evolves as a character and a fantastic end.

Hal & Thor

Willpower to overcome anything and to live a worthy life. A mighty swagger also helps.

Love their rogue galleries too

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Mine is Wally West, by far. He is one of the most overpowered beings in the universe, while still being really normal and down to earth as a person. Even if his life turns to shit, he always picks himself back up and stays optimistic (not counting Heroes in Crisis). He is what I strive to be.

Also has some great villains in both the Rogues and Zoom (plus kino fight against Eobard in Return of Barry Allen) and two really good runs to flesh him out

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Hulk Smash, baby

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>One's more grounded, dealing with tech and corporate/espionage themes, which I like across all media. And Green Lantern is a great sci-fi IP.
It would be sweet to have both as an amalgam in which Tony and Hal are combined into a new age Howard Hughes, Billionaire playboy owns a tech company wanting to get into space voyages like Tesla or Virgin. Comes into contact with an ancient alien race who give him a super weapon to defender the galaxy with.

Immortal Hulk is a great series to that needs to be added to this list.

sadly most of the lists are extremely dated

We really should get on that.

bring back re/co/mmended reading pics?
I would love that

If only I knew how to make them. And we should. It’s gonna be 2020.

well making them is easy, just get a pic of a character and write some text
the hard part is deciding which comics should go on the list

For me it’s Vic Sage. His O’neil run and Veidt mini made him my favorite.

The character is just so damn versatile that he can work with any ideology inserted to him.

The only one behind that is Jack Knight, to bad the guy only have 1 run.

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>King autism
>Retards in Crisis
Yikes. What the fuck happened to King? His portrayal of Hal in Omega Men was great.

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Is Jack the only DC character that have a definitive start and end? We used to have Wally as well but DC ruined that already.

Hal wasn't in Omega Men, I think you're thinking of Darkseid War

For me it's good ole Spidey. Yeah, yeah, i know. It's generic and not some classy "underrated" obscure hero but this a guy i can relate to.
The only family he has left is his Aunt(who's not even blood related and just goes to show how much she cares about him) and as a guy who was raised by a single mother i always related with how he struggled for money, getting into college/uni, girlfriends, work and all that shit. What inspires me the most about him is how fucking shitty his life is and how in one moment he's a praised hero and in another he's a public menace hated by everyone and life just keeps throwing shit at him but he just keeps pushing and pushing and no matter what pulls himself together!
>great villains
Ain't nobody in Marvel has a more iconic Rogues galery than Spidey
>great runs
For me it's Marvel Knights and yearly Ultimate as well as Spider-Man Blue
>great personality
He was an incel. Was.

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Top 3 have always been
Green Arrow

Je was referring to King writing Omega Men, brainlet

Well, there was The Spectre and Animal Man.

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>It would be sweet to have both as an amalgam in which Tony and Hal are combined into a new age Howard Hughes, Billionaire playboy owns a tech company wanting to get into space voyages like Tesla or Virgin. Comes into contact with an ancient alien race who give him a super weapon to defender the galaxy with.
Hey, don't tell me that. I've been a fan of the a hypothetical Hal/Stark Bromance, and of Iron Lantern, for a long time, but faggots here can only think in "hurdur Batman un Iron Man r da same hurdur" pattens.

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Right? Tony doesn’t work as a dark vigilante in the night, he’s a guy in a fucking robot suit, he works with the guy who’s a giant green flashlight

Spidey kinda gets less special when you find out He never learns or matures for long, and like the current movies shows he has to remain a child to remain unique to his own concept of hard knocks hero, because as a man, he should not be written having that many personal problems at all sonce the Spidey I knew in 616 once was one of the most mature and adult heroes in the marvel medium.

And he was funnier than deadpool.

Hey, I know that. I also know how close their personalities are that they'd get along well together. But since Yea Forumsmblr doesn't read comics, or thave a brain, for that matter, you'll only get "Stark would totes be a Batfag" and "he should hang out with Steel, yo". How in the name of God would Stark get into Batman, in-universe where DC is fictional and vice versa? Batman's got a noir and pulpy streak with horror elements. Stark runs around in a Goddamn Robot Suit punching Commies and Chinks, then beating up Space-Dragons. He's an old-school scientist adventurer wth the added bonus of having a social life. Young Stark would definitely be a GLfag, since it's far-reaching sci-fi. I legitimately don't understand how people think IronBat could ever function.

For Marvel it’s Hulk. I love how he’s a character that doesn’t really fit into the traditional superhero mold, and that means you can do stuff with him you can’t with others. PAD, Jenkins, and now Ewing are my favorite Hulk writers. Hulk has a decent Rogues Gallery but it’s not great, although Ewing looks set to change that.

My favorite DC character is Superman. I like the mix of pulp sci-fi and folk tales that define the character. He has a pretty great Rogues Gallery but I wish more writers would use old villains rather than trying to push OCs, that’s not a Bendis specific problem, a lot of writers have committed that sin. My favorite Superman runs this decade were Morrison’s New 52 Action Comics, Adventures of Superman, Tomasi Superman Rebirth, and Bendis Action Comics.

They just look at the exterior of rich billionaire.

>Bendis AC

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Are you one of those retards who think Jurgens AC was good?

>Bendis bad
You should really try to actually articulate a reason why it’s bad beyond just being a memeing retard user. Or just go back to plebbit, that works too.

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Jurgens was as boring


I didn’t know we were discussing the Rebirth Superman books, because “hope” hasn’t come up once in Bendis Action. But why don’t you go sperg out over MUH JON elsewhere and stop ruining the thread you faggot?

Pretty much, yeah. Or you have the Tumblrwhales who headcanon him as some "sadboi cinnamon roll" or whatever by focusing n the low points and pretending that that's his entire character, and so they want to pair him with the other unstable orphan for maximum "muh perfectly broken boytoy" points.

Yeah, I like Vic too user.
Also, Hub City is fucking terrible.
Honestly made me realize why some people are still willing to live in Gotham.
What is the best Zatanna story?

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He doesn't give a shit about lore or world building in comics. We get shit like Teen Lantern because of him.

Batman. I know cliche, but i love the lore, his city and his villains. Though i defintely agree that DC pushes and wanks him too much

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>What is the best Zatanna story
I love the seven soldiers of victory mini
The zatanna run by Paul Dini is good
I like the episode of BTAS she's in
I think she's appeared in Hellblazer a few times but my memory is foggy