I am...forgotten.

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It was shit anyway.

i dont remember this nor would i enjoy watching it
the fucking wink is a sign that its gonna be shit

>Acurate comic depicting the average British slag

you don't understand

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It was a web comic ;3

i do now
fat fetish

damn right

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Still have it bookmarked in hopes there will be an update someday.

>I am...forgotten.
Why do people keep repeating this meme? I don't get the appeal at all.

i dated a lass with a cute tummy once but its not a trait id look for
care to explain why this makes you "tick"

Why do every webcomic is some fetish inspired shitshow? why the fuck couldn´t people try to tell a story without using fapbait? why?

I never owned a bean bag chair as a kid and I lament my lost youth.


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why is she so sad, bros?

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>be fat
>get depressed
>be woman and fat
>get depressed and comfort eat
>get fatter
get sadder

Cuz she's fat

The ones that played with the medium were the best.

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But she's french.

It's usually done by idiots who wanna talk about a dead media yet they're too stupid to create an actual subject.

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>implying a british tart could afford a burger of that size

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This kind of shit always end up looking pretentious, especially with this small amount of effort

I'll never forget that belly.

Where is it?

>fat fetish furfaggotry
it deserves to be forgotten

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this is gross but i like it

Is this loss?

Not enough fat bait desu

No, it's gain.

yeah, WEIGHT gain!

>fat shit

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Shut up

I thought she was Belgian.

Cuz she needs to eat more

Middle panel Rosita is trapped in a fucking time-loop! We gotta save her, bros!

You're correct.

Feed her until the panel border breaks?

I could never forget that fat ass.

I was always confused, because she's presented like you're supposed to find her disgusting, but at the same time it feels like you're supposed to want to fuck her. Lots of horny energy went into this strip, I can tell.

She is disgusting. The rosy spots on her cheeks are canonically acne.

she's a gross fat english bunnygirl who's kind of hot in a curvy way if you drink a little

*fart fetish furfaggotry

not fat enough imo

uhhhh can you post the fart comics IMMEDIATELY

good. let's keep it that way.

Literally a webcomic about meg griffin

I want to fuck Rosianna, though.

Name a cartoon character you don’t want to fuck user

Meg Griffin

Meg Griffin.

>Dempsey cultivates a following
>drops the comic the millisecond he gets a job from it
>his last pic of Rosianna is commission art for fucking murrlogic
I hope Alex doesn't accidentally get his hand slammed in a car door multiple times

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>Dempsey cultivates a following
>drops the comic the millisecond he gets a job from it
>his last pic of Rosianna is commission art for fucking murrlogic
Fat fetish fags got dropped the second he found something better, and it's permanently tied in with autism. We ARE living in the best timeline.

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I want to enter a loving and consensual relationship with Rosianna where I convince her that despite her flaws, she's still good inside and she just needs someone to support her. Then she belches in my face and I feed her several days worth of junk food throughout the evening and we fall asleep in a sweaty ball on her couch while I massage her fat gut and she buries my head in her musky underarm.

What is he working on now?

Janny hates that stuff

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thanks for stating how the joke works

Did you know rabbits are consummate coprophages?
Their food isn't fully digested the first time it goes through, so they have to send it through twice.
That's probably also why rabbit shit resembles coco-pops; they evolved to drop small easily consumed pooplets instead of great stinky mega-logs.
For ease of reconsumption.

No one is going to take this fact into account when making bunny girls.

Unless it's their fetish.


This shouldn't give me a boner...
but it does.


does anyone have the comic where harry finally scores

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Not happening. He only shows up to bitch at stuff he himself posted, which would've happened by now.

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What's wrong with Meg? I think she's kinda cute.

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These kind of strips are the best

She's a catch.

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>That's probably also why rabbit shit resembles coco-pops; they evolved to drop small easily consumed pooplets instead of great stinky mega-logs.
Why not just... evolve so that they only have to digest things once?
Nature kinda fucking sucks.

I love this version

this kind of shit is the best

That dude should have just drawn furry porn like any normal self-respecting person. Characters were cute but the comic was ass.

her imperfections makes her so perfect... I love her personality I wish female toons where more like her, she could be my waifur

this comic was funny and had great gags. Yea Forums has shit taste and doesn't know a good thing until it's waving goodbye


what kind of fucking bitch rats out the people she's illegally immigrating to a country with

it's okay, she's white

I remember posting this shit on here when the page only had like 300 likes. If I had know that he would turn rosiana into a fat fetish I would have never done it.

>he didn't recognize it was gonna be fat fetish from the start

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Dammit, finding the dick took me way longer than it should have.

More like Toot braunstein, seeing how both tend to die a lot

I want Rosiana to come back, and the first strip to be her as a blob since she spent all the time between strips laying around and eating.

Why is the artist's Twitter locked?

Is Endtown still going?
Is it as good as it used to be?
Is it still not allowed on Yea Forums?

Because we kept ragging him about abandoning the thing that made his reputation. Awww, poor baby didn't want to play any more.

He probably either got tired of getting asked if Rosianna ever comes back, or more likely he locked it because he was getting harrassed over the Hitler strip.

The former

Well then, heh...

Fuck Jannies, that is all.

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why would she shunt a guy who is infatuated with her shitty personality and fat physique?

holy fuck

this joke doesn't work because gassing was used because it was specifically more efficient and less expensive than bullets

I mean, he did have it coming.
The last update he did he specifically stated he will be counting the strip when he found the time.
He could've just said "Consider the strip done until further notice" and left it at that.
But he pulled the classic webcomic artist and left everyone in the dust.

It's an ancient joke, and it works perfectly fine unless you're an aspie.

I like how she got bought by a rich Arab guy who promised a life of happiness and wealth and genuine affection and appreciation of her.... and then Brian and Stewie blow the guy's brains out and destroy her only chance at happiness in the whole world.
She's the embodiment of bad luck and just life saying "fuck you" to one person specifically.

probably because the author abruptly ended it at the height of its popularity

Nature doesn't go with what makes the most sense, just with what works. The shit-eating rabbits flourished before something better could.

She's a loser who thinks she's allowed to have standards.

Evolution is a blind, dumb, eldritch god beyond the ken of mortal minds; news at 11.

>She's a loser who thinks she's allowed to have standards.
She is allowed, but she has to accept the very low probability of a guy she actually finds attractive also having a fat fetish. It's possible, but if she's looking for some immediate pipe, she should take what she can get.

She's not meant to be a good person

A lot of the bad things that happen to her is because she either deserves it, unfortunate luck, or simply because no one likes her
She's the type of character who isn't suppose to win to often

Wish buddy, I think you gotta have a permit to be that based

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>but if she's looking for some immediate pipe, she should take what she can get.
Pretty sure she actually did bang him at one point.

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He's not wrong tho.

Based Harry

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Lol fucking Harry

Why didn't we get more of the sexy adventures of Louisiana Lupin and less of that gross bitch Rosiana Rabbit?

That gross bitch makes my dick a lot harder.

this joke doesn't work because it didnt happen

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She's fat. Of course she's a scumbag.

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Is Harry an artist insert?

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woah momma

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Who cares they were disgusting sand cavemen.

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Harry is a man of culture

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That murenase manga kinda did.

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I think what I hate most about the webcomic absence is that the creator says he can't maintain it and his career demands

And then posts this showreel with absolute garbage

Bruh if you wanted to quit just be honest.

that's pretty good

All signs point to yes.

Ow the edge

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is the one of the two on his tumblr that NSFW
not to say that website wasnt garbage before but since they removed nudity it basically has no redeeming qualities

Post the loss version.

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Does the artist have a fat fetish? Honest question.

I don't know what you would expect after not updating for 2 years, dumbass

You look at this fat ass and tell me he doesn't have one

i remember when the tumblr stop updating before the apocalypse

Yes. When the joke isn't that she's disgusting, lots of emphasis is placed on her belly and ass for seemingly no reason. And even when she's disgusting, she's sexulized in some way. It comes across like a guy meekly laughing at fat girls with his bros while trying to conceal the boner he got thinking about them.

such a shame she will never return...

Wasn't this the strip that killed the comic

Why does this make my pee pee hard.

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whoops, didn't mean to quote.

a funny one

>Cheek hearts are really acne/pimples/warts

Do all these strips have hidden dicks?