>Show is full of cringe inducing relationship drama
Show is full of cringe inducing relationship drama
God, I wanna fuck Marco until he cums all over my chest so bad
And people can't get over this show because it has humans and they want animation to be as shit as anime
most cartoons have this these days
seems like cal arts losers are projecting or something because their attempts at it are terrible
jsut a theory
Are you kissing him during? does he cover both you and himself?
>Sure, why not
>Everyone loves season 2 which is like 75% shipping drama
>Everyone hates seasons 3 and 4 for being a bunch of shipping drama
only Starco vs Jarco
Starco vs Tomstar vs Kellco vs monster racism
>harem was the only way to go
Regular Show is the worst offender of this. Especially when the writers started shitting on Mordecai hard for the shit they forced and pulled with him.
don't worry, it ends with the Magicaust and Star becoming Magical Girl Hitler.
If only Star seemed more ruthless in her examination she would be based.
Season 2's shipping drama didn't feel forced for the sake of drama/delaying the main pairing. Jarco was actually something story and character wise. Season 3 and 4's drama was entirely forced and lived solely because of bad writing ignoring past episodes, alongside both having no importance plot wise and intruded on more interesting concepts(Is Another Mystery).
That's literally fucking three of you. Nobody fucking cares about this show anymore. Just you. Shut the fuck up. It fucking sucks.
Let it be dead. Just please stop the fucking bitching for fucking once. This really is the last time I ask this.
gonna cry
It started out great but ended with a whimper.
Does anyone have any art of star walking through quicksand
I wish you'd cry.
And fucked off and died.
>hey rigby there's a place filled with people who act just like me.
Choke on every mewman nigger's dick.
FPBP. Someone should edit the shadow of a dick in OP's pic.
The only redeeming thing about the show is the unspeakable acts that everyone wants to do to Marco.
I like to imagine Eclipsa being forced to eat her own daughter after Meteora has been cooked alive. I'm not into vore, but in a thematic sense the suffering on her part would be absolutely exquisite.
Her daughter's dead, she ate her and you can never take that back, and now she can't call herself a vegetarian anymore
What to do about Globgor? Unfortunately, it's a bit repetitive, but I like to imagine Eclipsa being forced down his throat alive. Either he's in small mode and he chokes and dies, or he's huge and, like Eclipsa, must live with the fact that he ate his wife and, indirectly, his daughter. It would hurt him so terribly to see what his vore fetish ultimately wrought on the lives of himself and his family. Whoever survives in this scenario, Globgor or Eclipsa, I can only imagine they would suicide shortly thereafter.
It's really quite a beautiful picture.
Marco x Janna was the only way to save the series
people thought that too about Jackie, Hekapoo, Kelly, and look where all that went.
I accepted this: unless a girl has an excuse to be with Marco ALL of his appearances in the show's plot, it's not worth getting invested in their relationship endgoal.
I mean, we could've had a "Marco grow so much from his experience with Jackie! I love him!" moment when he ended the break up buddies with Kelly but Noooo, the show still need him to look like a jerk even when he'll return to Earth so he can't string her along.
Off-screen Breakup!
I binged watched the entire series over the past 2 weeks. I thought it was sweet.
>Never watched anime
Don't blame your lack of knowledge on everyone else, moron. Now go back to your TTG.
>season 1 is the literal only good season
You faggots watched this ship bullshit it’s your fault
It's a comfy series.
Why do women like relationship drama in fiction so much?
Don't people want to see happy relationships.
>Marco, my boy
Well done son
it was made by women user, that's all they know.
the dubs of truth
The ultimate and final redpill is realizing they shouldve had Marco end up with Sabrina (the clumsy girl) just to troll the 4chin fans like based Alex Manlet did.
is it true this movie is just a bunch of episodes strung together, nothing new or xtra?
You really didn't get that was the point of my comment before replying did you
And then JANNA!
>J: You doubt my skills..?
>M: Yeah, actually I d-
>J: *snap* Chicken butt
She saved this show in the last season!
anime is 50% forced human relationships that feel inhuman
You're not my dad
Janna! Stop blowing Marco.
Quads speak
Get to work user
I want more porn in her style.
Why do the older characters have the best relationships?
Isn’t relationship drama cringe only because it hits so close to home?
We all understand what it’s like to spill spaghetti and mess things up, but watching it happen on TV can be infuriating.
When shows do have romance, I prefer it to be fairly direct and not overbearing in drama.
If you binge it all the way through it's better, cos you won't get any wild delusions about which ship it's heading towards.
Yeah I've never watched this show before, so I just downloaded every season then sat back and watched it in batches. I enjoyed the whole thing.
Fucking based
Tell me more.
literally every girl was better than star for a relationship
Why do western cartoons push the "quirky" and by that i mean "obnoxious cringy i scream HAAAAA ISN'T IT FUNNY? SO RANDOM girl"
also known as the funny random that's literally me XD girl
That would be more difficult to write without it ending up boring and predictable.
Not to mention she did something arguably worse than every cartoon villain in recent memory and got away with it with zero consequences and only positive things for her (re: Marco).
Wrong Palate
worse of all, this shit is overrated.
Catching up with this, been liking it so far.
Midway through Season 3, kinda weird they finished the Toffy arc around this time, or maybe they are setting up for something else.
They really don't set anything up until the last episode