Would South Park be a successful today?

Would South Park be successful if it was launched today vs. 20 years ago? If not, why?

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Would it still start with the original seasons or jump right to the satire era?

Depends on what TV today would be like in a timeline where SP never existed.

Would it be covering modern topics on the same manner as season 1, or would it just be the original season 1 but aired in our time?

I don't think it would be. I mean, just look at it today. The ratings are lower than they've ever been since the beginning. The show is a pile of shit. The only reason people still watch is because it's South Park. If it aired today, it would be just another uninteresting adult cartoon unless it was somehow exactly like it was in the early seasons.

>The ratings are lower than they've ever been since the beginning
Thats just cuz TV in general is dying.

This is the only simpson like show that’s still worth a damn, too bad sjw don’t seethe at it i don’t why

>still worth a damn
Unfortunately, no, it's not. It's hot garbage.
SJWs don't seethe at it anymore because Matt and Trey are sellouts and literal Marxists.

Fuck no. Did you even watch the episode where Peter killed that red headed fuckboy's parents into meat? Liberals would shit that shit up for breakfast if it was on today

Not with the first seasons, Trey and Matt are legit good satirists, they ll need to bring their A games right in the begining for it to work

No, it would not or at the very least you picked the wrong episode to make your point.You're letting your strawman perception of a liberal cloud your common sense

It should be noted that South Park debuted under a much, much different situation as far as the state of Comedy Central.

When South Park debuted, Comedy Central was one huge fucking joke of a network. No one, NO ONE took it serious and it was just a dumping ground for old Saturday Night Live, Kids In the Hall, and Soap reruns and an endless run of stand-up comedy specials. It's two most popular shows were the super fringey Mystery Science Theater 3000 (a hold-over from another Comedy Channel that merged with Comedy Central and only survived the merger because it filled two hours of time per episode) and Politically Incorrect, which ran before people started getting their news straight from partisan commedians.

Shortly before South Park debuted, Comedy Central changed leadership and the new boss killed MST3K because they didn't understand it and as such, hated it. They also lost Politically Incorrect to ABC, though this didn't matter because the new boss created The Daily Show and hired Craig Kilborn to host it. And even that was a short term fix; because (and granted, this is coming from John Stewart apologists who constantly shit on Kilborn to prop up Stewart) Kilborn was "already out the door when he signed to do the Daily Show, looking for a bigger, more high profile gig".

South Park came to the network, DESPERATE for a hit with a huge pedigree of celebrities vouching for Parker and Stone after the Spirit of Christmas short was made and sent out to powerful folks in Hollywood. You were starting to also see a second wave of more "edgier" cartoons inspired by the Simpsons also come out and Comedy Central not only signed South Park but also whored the hell out of it. Because they were DESPERATE for a hit to lure people to the network and willing to deal with the PR nightmare of such an X-Rated cartoon because it got huge ratings and sold a TON of merchandise.

Nowadays, Comedy Central is considered one if not THE crowned jewels of the Viacom TV empire. They don't really NEED South Park like they currently do, since they have multiple flagship shows and a huge number of up and coming talents who would die to have a series on the network.

As far as I remember old south park, comedy central would show another TV-MA warning disclaimer ahead of the black screen disclaimer south park usually does. Last time comedy central showed two disclaimers was in 2002, than they dropped it to one.

>When South Park debuted, Comedy Central was one huge fucking joke of a network. No one, NO ONE took it serious and it was just a dumping ground for old Saturday Night Live, Kids In the Hall, and Soap reruns and an endless run of stand-up comedy specials.
But...that's the exact same as it is now...

The only reason why South Park managed to slave itself from complete death like Family Guy was because it gathered a big fujo following and because they made successful games. It might still be successful but not if it started with season 1 which was complete random comedy.

Rick & Morty is the South Park of zoomer generation, and it became a massive hit, but of course they have big differences.

Probably not because centre-right stance just isn't cool anymore. It used to be seen as the voice of reason and rationality in my generation, but now "understanding both sides but never conforming to anything" is seen as a sign of cowardice. You're either a Nazi or you're not, you're either SJW cuck or you're not. People used to be able to laugh at themselves but now you see more and more people who get pissed off when South Park mocks their stance, whether it's left or right.

I'm pretty sure that after people start getting tired of this woke culture and alt-right bullshit, there will be another South Park. Or maybe it's still just South Park.

If South Park didn’t appear back in ‘97, this show might’ve become more popular and adult animation would be more than gross-out comedies and swearing.

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There would still be shows like Beavis & Butt-Head. South Park didn't start that kind of comedy, it just mixed it with cutesy characters.

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>Did you even watch the episode where Peter killed that red headed fuckboy's parents into meat?
>where Peter killed that red headed fuckboy's parents into meat?
>killed that redheaded fuckboy's parents into meat
>killed into meat

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>"understanding both sides but never conforming to anything" is seen as a sign of cowardice. You're either a Nazi or you're not, you're either SJW cuck or you're not.

What are you a feminist communist? You need to be hanged

South Park hasn't been center-right in years.

Even Parker and Stone could understand they got things wrong.See the recent episodes about ManBearPig

Not as

South Park deserves to be cancelled after it got Drawn Together cancelled. Trey Parker hated the creators and wanted to make sure their show failed and ratted them out all the time.


If South Park would make fun of SJWs and alt-right bullshit at the same time, it would be popular. There aren't any shows that stick to showing the truth, regardless of political stance.

They lost the inherent irreverence that made them funny.

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