There are some people who don't think Jade Chan was the best girl character in cartoons. Those people are wrong

There are some people who don't think Jade Chan was the best girl character in cartoons. Those people are wrong.

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You just know

Never saw this show. Is it cunnykino? Don't want to bother if this girl doesn't have a lot of screentime.

big mistake

>girl doesn't have a lot of screentime
Bruh she's in like every episode.

I always preffered Viper. Also, wasn't Jade aged up in one episode?

Jade a cute!

Attached: Jade Chan.jpg (1000x1154, 617K)

Cute I say!

Attached: Jade Sundress.png (1300x1500, 1.44M)

Nice, might pick this up then.

I haven't watched this since I was a kid but I remember having a crush on her. Time for a rewatch.

Attached: Jade Chan Water.png (917x1427, 1.62M)

Fair warning, Fanart aside she is actually the worst part of this show by a large margin.


Dude, he clear doesn't care about that. "Cunny" is Yea Forums slang for underaged girl they wanna fuck.

Strongly disagree.

rewatching the show
she was bad, but that little Mexican kid was way worst
El Toro should've just broke his back

>That episode where Jade swapped bodies with an evil dragon
>You will never have jade stroke your cock
It hurts bros..

Attached: evil jade.png (640x480, 310K)

>decide to give this a whirl after hearing a lot

>episode 1
>jade is introduced, okay
>spunky and cool, gets the talisman, okay okay

>at the restaurant
>gulping down the soup with the talisman in it, oh boy
>the talisman is now in her stomach

>gets kidnapped when evil guys learn about it
>try to cut her open to take it out

>she can use levitation power by thrusting her hips back and forth to use it
>loli hip thrust rodeo commences

>end of the episode
>walks in with a bunch of doctors
>"stomach pumped, we got the talisman"
>makes a queasy look

this can't be
they knew exactly what they were doing didn't they
it's like fetish fuel dunked into a fetish fire pit

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Haha know what?

>There are some people who think Jade Chan was the best girl character in cartoons. Those people are wrong.

>little Mexican kid was way worst
His second appearance was okay. I think he walks straight up to Jade and kisses her. Buuut, and I don't know what happened in the writing room they decided to make him a pussy. I think in the Oni mask episode he sulks around the whole episode because he can't scare anyone until he get's the wolverine looking mask.

Arguably true, there are a few more eps where fetish shit happens. Off the top of my head, possession, cloning, giantess, animal transformation, and muscle growth. It isn't Totally Spies tier but you can't deny weird shit going down

>That shadowkhan feet episode

i agree, several problems in the episodes it was her fault.

He's not around even half as often as Jade.