How do I write a romance between two characters.
I've never had a GF and writing it hurts because I know it's wrong and it's literally my fault
How do I write a romance between two characters.
I've never had a GF and writing it hurts because I know it's wrong and it's literally my fault
Romcoms bro
Unironically watch W.I.T.C.H.
It has the best romance writing of any cartoon - though that's not hard since the rest are 99% shit.
Write them as friends because girlfriends are just friends with benefits.
kek, romcom =/= reality
Write what you know, so if you don't know something, don't write about it. Not every story needs a romantic element and if it would only be made worse by the addition of a bad one, why add it?
Of course, you could gain some indirect experience by asking close friends and family members about their romantic relationships.
are you a biased person?
Just read books on it, like The Sorrows of Werther, shit like that.
It's precisely for that reason that you can write a good romance, much how all the best #34 artists are all virgins.
you think most writers have been through all the situations their characters have been through? No, it's called fiction for a reason, use your imagination.
Nah, I didn't even know the show existed until 2 years ago so I have absolutely no nostalgia for it.
It's just that mindblowingly incredible. Completely wipes the floor with the "cartoons" I watched before or since
Here's a secret user.
GF are just friends you want to fuck, start with that and then move forward
Watch the 50 First Dates
start writing your romance story and also read/watch other stories with romances. think about what those stories are doing and maybe what makes them work, or not work. compare what you see with what you are have written and are continuing to write.
It's okay, a lot of writers have never been in a healthy relationship. They're either creeping on underage girls or have their wives leave for their mistresses.
look at comic writers. look at CN. never stopped them
Unironically, asides from people watching my friends and family in real-life and watching movies/television, I take First Corinthians 13:4-8 into account:
>Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.
>It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.
>Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.
>It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
>Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away.
And both hold what it says and the opposite of what it says as the definition of love. You can love someone so much that you'll weather anything to be with them, and you can love them so much that you are griped with jealousy or fear because you're so worried about losing them. Basically, in a way that can be comprehended through Yea Forums memes, you can think of them as a waifu, but with the added bonus of being your bro-est of bros.
Also, you need to keep in mind that love is a two way street and both parties need to put the work in. He doesn't love you if he's using you for sex and ignoring you. She doesn't love you if she only pays attention to you when you buy her things. To combat this, you must learn to communicate; that is the key to relationships. To communicate, you must be vulnerable to the one you love. There is power in vulnerability.
TLDR they have to enjoy each other in spite of each other, they have to be strong enough to show each other their weaknesses, and they have to talk with another.
At least that's how I see it. I've recently been seeing a therapist and she's had me see inter-personal relationships in a whole new light. It's amazing how much of a profound and devastating impact negative thoughts and feelings can have on your psyche. Literally changes you neural pathways.
>stranger things
>power in vulnerability
you wanna know how i know your a nigger jew kike cuck? kys soiboi
why on gaias tarnished earth would you befreind a girl in this day and age ?
Thanks you user
>how do I write a romance
Depending on OP's goal realism isn't needed, just feelgood bullshit.
maybe the problem is with women
Let me tell you boys something about women:
Something about women.
Literally make it up, you don't need any relationship experience to write romance, because let's face it, fictional romance is 1000000% different from real romance. If you had experience you'd probably end up writing NTR or drama oriented romance.
Good post
Excellent post user
could you make me a sandwich?
Fuck I need to read a bible
user, we don't need a summary of your story.
When it comes to romance, it's about interactions between characters. Their personalities, how they know each other, what they've been through, etc etc. It's about attraction. What makes them drawn to one another? How does physicalalty play into this? (Attraction is both personality and looks). What do they share in common, what are their life goals? Are they the same? Are they different? etc etc
It's all about interaction. Above all things, it should feel natural, and their relationship should progress naturally (within story circumstances ofc)
Ok thanks I now know what I to do thanks again user
That's incredibly idealistic. OP, write a romance like this if you just want people to feel good, but don't expect anybody to think it's realistic. Also this is probably the gayest thing I've ever read on this board, and considering this is Yea Forums, that's saying something.
I hope your mind actually explodes so you never post here again.
What's a realistic romance?
Is it good or a meme
>develop the characters first individually
>make them interesting individually
>what do they like? what do they hate? what do people like about them? what are their flaws?
>then find what they have in common
>elaborate on those similarities between them
>experiment with those flaws and see how each would support each other
Thats all I got